Пример #1
class TinyDBImageFileManifest(ImageManifest):
    Implementation for ImageManifest interface, it's implements database behavior with select, update, insert,...
    for file storage, based on JSON format.
    def __init__(self,

        self.__table_name = str(timestamp)
        path = "{0}/{1}".format(manifest_path, self.__table_name)

            "Creating or opening image manifest database {0}. It's uses tinydb project "
            "(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tinydb) and has json format. Just copy-past content of this file "
            "to online web service, that can represent it in more user-friendly format, for example, "
            "http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ http://www.jsoneditoronline.org/ http://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer"

        self.__db = None
        self.__table = None
        self.__storage = None
        self.__use_dr = use_dr
            # CachingMiddleware: Improves speed by reducing disk I/O. It caches all read operations and writes data
            # to disk every CachingMiddleware.WRITE_CACHE_SIZE write operations.
            CachingMiddleware.WRITE_CACHE_SIZE = db_write_cache_size

            self.__storage = CachingMiddleware(JSONStorage)
            self.__db = TinyDB(path, storage=self.__storage)
            # Creating new table for chunks
            self.__table = self.__db.table(self.__table_name)
        except Exception as e:
                "!!!ERROR: Failed to create or open image manifest database: {0}"

        self.__manifest_path = manifest_path
        self.__db_write_cache_size = db_write_cache_size
        self.__lock = lock

        super(TinyDBImageFileManifest, self).__init__()

    def create(manifest_path, table_name, lock, db_write_cache_size, use_dr):
        return TinyDBImageFileManifest(
            "{0}.cloudscraper-manifest-tables".format(table_name), lock,
            db_write_cache_size, use_dr)

    def open(manifest_path, table_name, lock, db_write_cache_size, use_dr):
        return TinyDBImageFileManifest(manifest_path, table_name, lock,
                                       db_write_cache_size, use_dr)

    def flush(self):

    def insert_db_meta(self, res):
        Writes database meta data with given res (dictionary) value. Default meta data table name is "_default"
        and can be found in manifest file.

        :param res: dictionary with meta data
        :type res: dict

        with self.__lock:

    def update(self, etag, offset, rec):
        Update record in database. Pair (etag, offset) has table unique key semantics,
        so in given table there are no records with same hash and offset.

        :param etag: etag to search
        :type etag: string

        :param offset: data chunk offset
        :type offset: int

        :param rec: dictionary with new values for given record
        :type rec: dict

        with self.__lock:
            key = Query()

            return self.__table.update(
                rec, key.etag == str(etag) and key.offset == str(offset))

    def select(self, etag=None, part_name=None):
        Search records by given etag or (and) part name

        :param etag: etag to search
        :type etag: string

        :param part_name: part name to search
        :type part_name: string

        :return: list of records or empty []

        key = Query()

        if etag and part_name:
            key = (key.etag == str(etag)) & (key.part_name == str(part_name))
        elif etag:
            key = key.etag == str(etag)
        elif part_name:
            key = key.part_name == str(part_name)

        return self.__table.search(key)

    def insert(self, etag, local_hash, part_name, offset, size, status):
        Insert record in database. Pair (etag, offset) has table unique key semantics,
        so in given table there are no records with same hash and offset

        :param etag: etag (hash of remote storage data chunk)
        :type etag: string

        :param local_hash: (hash of local storage data chunk)
        :type local_hash: string

        :param part_name: name for uploaded part
        :type part_name: string

        :param offset: offset of data chunk in whole file
        :type offset: int

        :param size: size of data chunk
        :type size: int

        :param status: dictionary with new values for given record
        :type status: string

        res = {
            "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "etag": str(etag),
            "local_hash": str(local_hash),
            "part_name": str(part_name),
            "offset": str(offset),
            "size": str(size),
            "status": str(status)

        # # We can't insert record with same etag and offset (has unique key semantic)
        rec_list = self.select(res["etag"])
        if any(d['offset'] == str(offset) for d in rec_list) is False:
            with self.__lock:

    def all(self):
        Returns all records from current (latest by timestamp)

        :return: list of all records
        with self.__lock:
            return self.__table.all()

    def get_name(self):
        Returns name of backup, in this case it's means manifest file name.

        :return: table (file) name
        return self.__table_name

    def get_path(self):
        if self.__use_dr:
            return "{0}/{1}".format(self.__manifest_path, self.__table_name)