Пример #1
 def pack(self, **kw):
     raise tk.TclError('Cannot use pack with the widget ' + self.__class__.__name__)
Пример #2
 def pack(self, *a, **kw):
     raise tk.TclError("Cannot use pack with this widget.")
Пример #3
 def place(self, *a, **kw):
     raise tk.TclError("Cannot use place with this widget.")
Пример #4
    def _add_widget(self, widget, **kw):
        """Add the specified (existing) widget to the grid.

        This is an internal method to handle the behind-the-scenes
        aspects of styling, placement, and interaction with other
        widgets. Your application should use the public add_widget()
        method to create new widgets, which has a simpler interface
        and ensures they are created with the correct master.

        This method accepts keyword arguments for Tk's grid() method
        to configure the widget's placement in the grid.

        Returns the new widget.

        # Widgets spanning multiple rows are not currently supported.
        # Normally add_widget() will catch this before the widget is
        # created, but this is here as a failsafe in case some naughty
        # application is using our internal methods directly.
        if "rowspan" in kw:
            raise tk.TclError('the "rowspan" keyword '
                              'is not currently supported')

        # Whether to colorize the widget
        if ("bg" in kw
            or "background" in kw
            or "fg" in kw
            or "foreground" in kw):
            # Don't colorize the widget if the user specified colors
            do_colorize = False

            # Assume we need to colorize the widget
            do_colorize = True

        # Separate keywords for grid()
        grid_kw = {}
        for key in self._GRID_KEYS:
            if key in kw:
                grid_kw[key] = kw[key]

        # Default to 1px horizontal padding
        if not "ipadx" in grid_kw:
            grid_kw["ipadx"] = 1

        # Default to making all corners sticky
        if not "sticky" in grid_kw:
            grid_kw["sticky"] = "nsew"

        # Add the widget to the grid
        widget.grid(row=self._row, column=self._col, **grid_kw)

        # Store a reference to the widget

        # Pad self._cells if the widget spans multiple columns
        if "columnspan" in grid_kw:
            for _ in range(1, kw["columnspan"]):

        # Bind the up and down arrow keys
        if self._enable_arrow_keys and self._row >= 1:
                # Identify the widget above this one
                upper = self._cells[self._row - 1][self._col]

                if upper:
                    # Up arrow navigates from widget to upper
                                lambda event, upper=upper, lower=widget:
                                self._navigate_up(upper, lower, event))

                    # Down arrow navigates from upper to widget
                               lambda event, upper=upper, lower=widget:
                               self._navigate_down(upper, lower, event))

            except (IndexError, tk.TclError):
                # Couldn't bind the arrow keys

        # Bind the left and right arrow keys
        if self._enable_arrow_keys and self._col >= 1:
                # Identify the widget left of this one
                left = self._cells[self._row][self._col - 1]

                if left:
                    # Left arrow navigates from widget to left
                                lambda event, left=left, right=widget:
                                self._navigate_left(left, right, event))

                    # Right arrow navigates from left to widget
                              lambda event, left=left, right=widget:
                              self._navigate_right(left, right, event))

            except (IndexError, tk.TclError):
                # Couldn't bind the arrow keys

        # Increment the grid column
        if "columnspan" in grid_kw:
            self._col += grid_kw["columnspan"]
            self._col += 1

        # Check if this is the longest row we've added, and if it is,
        # store its length for later reference
        if self._col > self._row_max:
            self._row_max = self._col

        # Set the default foreground/background colors
        if do_colorize:

        # Return the new widget
        return widget
Пример #5
 def grid(self, **kw):
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use grid with this widget")
Пример #6
 def pack(**kw):
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use pack with this widget")
Пример #7
 def place(**kw):
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use place with this widget")
Пример #8
 def pack(self, **kw):
     raise tkinter.TclError("cannot use pack with this widget")
Пример #9
 def place(self, **kw):
     raise tkinter.TclError("cannot use place with this widget")
 def place(self, **_kw):
     """ I don't know what this does. """
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use place with this widget")
    def get_image_tk(cls, image_file):
        if not(cls.is_image_file_valid(image_file)):
            raise tk.TclError("Error: Invalid image file")

        return ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(image_file))
 def place(self, **kwargs):
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use place with this widget")
 def pack(self, **kwargs):
     raise tk.TclError("cannot use pack with this widget")
Пример #14
 def place(self, **kw):
     raise tk.TclError("Cannot use place with the widget " +