def openfile(): options = {} options['filetypes'] = [('BFLIM files', '.bflim')] filename = askopenfilename(parent=top, filetypes=options['filetypes']) with open(filename, "rb") as inf: inb = inf.close() global menubar global filemenu flim = FLIMData() pos = struct.unpack(">I", inb[-4:])[0] header = FLIMHeader(), pos) if header.magic != b"FLIM": messagebox.showinfo("", "Invalid BFLIM header!") else: if header.endian == 0xFEFF: bom = '>' elif header.endian == 0xFFFE: bom = '<' pos += header.size info = imagHeader(bom), pos) if info.magic != b'imag': messagebox.showinfo("", "Invalid imag header!") else: flim.width = info.width flim.height = info.height if info.format_ == 0x00: flim.format = 0x01 elif info.format_ == 0x01: flim.format = 0x01 elif info.format_ == 0x03: flim.format = 0x07 elif info.format_ == 0x05: flim.format = 0x08 elif info.format_ == 0x09: flim.format = 0x1a elif info.format_ == 0x0C: flim.format = 0x31 elif info.format_ == 0x0D: flim.format = 0x32 elif info.format_ == 0x0E: flim.format = 0x33 elif info.format_ == 0x0F: flim.format = 0x34 elif info.format_ == 0x10: flim.format = 0x34 elif info.format_ == 0x11: flim.format = 0x35 elif info.format_ == 0x12: flim.format = 0x31 elif info.format_ == 0x14: flim.format = 0x1a elif info.format_ == 0x15: flim.format = 0x31 elif info.format_ == 0x16: flim.format = 0x32 elif info.format_ == 0x17: flim.format = 0x33 else: flim.format = 0 if flim.format == 0: messagebox.showinfo("", "Unsupported format!") else: flim.imageSize = info.imageSize flim.swizzle = info.swizzle flim.swizzle = (((flim.swizzle & 0xF0) >> 4) // 2) << 8 flim.alignment = info.alignment # Calculate Pitch # Welp, does this even work? bpp = surfaceGetBitsPerPixel(flim.format) try: if (flim.format != 0x31 and flim.format != 0x32 and flim.format != 0x33): size = flim.width else: size = flim.height flim.pitch = size // bpp import math frac, whole = math.modf(flim.pitch) whole = int(whole) while (bpp * whole) < size: whole += 1 flim.pitch = (bpp * whole) except ZeroDivisionError: flim.pitch = 1 = inb[:info.imageSize] scr = Scrollbar(top, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview) canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=scr.set) scr.pack(side="right", fill="y") canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) canvas.create_window((4,4), window=frame, anchor="nw") frame.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas)) options['filetypes'] = [('DDS files', '.dds')] name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] ugh = False if os.path.isfile(name + ".dds"): pass else: head1 = bytearray.fromhex("4766783200000020000000070000000100000002000000000000000000000000424C4B7B0000002000000001000000000000000B0000009C0000000000000000") head2 = bytearray.fromhex("424C4B7B0000002000000001000000000000000C") + flim.imageSize.to_bytes(4, 'big') + bytearray.fromhex("0000000000000000") head3 = bytearray.fromhex("424C4B7B00000020000000010000000000000001000000000000000000000000") info = bytearray(0x9C) info[:4] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[4:8] = flim.width.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[8:0xC] = flim.height.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0xC:0x10] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x10:0x14] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x14:0x18] = flim.format.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x18:0x1C] = (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x1C:0x20] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x20:0x24] = flim.imageSize.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x24:0x28] = (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x28:0x2C] = (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x2C:0x30] = (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x30:0x34] = (4).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x34:0x38] = flim.swizzle.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x38:0x3C] = flim.alignment.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x3C:0x40] = flim.pitch.to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x40:0x4D] = bytearray(0xD) info[0x4D:0x78] = bytearray(0x2B) info[0x78:0x7C] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x7C:0x80] = (0).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x80:0x84] = (1).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x84:0x88] = (0x10203).to_bytes(4, 'big') info[0x88:0x9C] = bytearray(0x14) file = head1 + info + head2 + + head3 with open(name + "2.gtx", "wb") as output: output.write(file) output.close() print("") os.system('C:/Tex/TexConv2.exe -i "' + name + '2.gtx" -f GX2_SURFACE_FORMAT_TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM -o "' + name + '.gtx"') os.system('C:/Tex/gtx_extract.exe "' + name + '.gtx"') try: os.remove(name + '.gtx') except FileNotFoundError: os.system('C:/Tex/TexConv2.exe -i "' + name + '2.gtx" -o "' + name + '.dds"') if os.path.isfile(name + '.dds'): if flim.format == 0x01: format_ = 61 elif flim.format == 0x07: format_ = 49 elif flim.format == 0x08: format_ = 85 elif flim.format == 0x1a: format_ = 28 elif flim.format == 0x31: format_ = "BC1" elif flim.format == 0x32: format_ = "BC2" elif flim.format == 0x33: format_ = "BC3" elif flim.format == 0x34: format_ = "BC4U" elif flim.format == 0x35: format_ = "BC5U" hdr = writeHeader(1, flim.width, flim.height, format_, flim.format in BCn_formats) with open(name + ".dds", "rb") as output: out = bytearray( output.close() with open(name + ".dds", "wb") as output: out[:0x80] = hdr output.write(out) output.close() else: messagebox.showinfo("Whoops", "Something went wrong!") ugh = True os.remove(name + '2.gtx') if not ugh: tv = 'Replace "' + os.path.basename(name) + '"\n' + formats2[flim.format] b = Button(frame, text=tv, command=lambda flim=flim : DDStoBFLIM(flim, askopenfilename(parent=top, filetypes=options['filetypes']), filename)) b.pack(padx=1, pady=1) menubar.destroy() filemenu.destroy() messagebox.showinfo("", "Done!") else: scr.destroy()
class mainGUI(Frame, bootloader, GuiController): """ Contains the main view for the application """ def __init__(self): """ Create the initial application GUI environment (tool bars, and other static elements) """ Frame.__init__(self, self.root) self.thread_entry_field = '' # Hold both search string, and drives autoRefresh logic self.menuBar = Menu() self.fileMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.fileMenu, underline=1) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.root.destroy, underline=1) self.optionsMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=self.optionsMenu) self.optionsMenu.add_command(label="Settings", command=self.editSettings, underline=1) self.helpMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=self.helpMenu) self.helpMenu.add_command(label="Help", command=self.program_help, underline=1) self.helpMenu.add_command(label="About", command=self.program_about, underline=1) self.master.config(menu=self.menuBar) self.topFrame = Frame() self.thread_entry_box = Entry(self.topFrame) self.thread_entry_box.insert(0, self.DEFAULT_THREAD_TEXT) self.thread_entry_box.bind('<Return>', lambda event: self.add_thread_GUI()) # Bind needs to send the event to the handler self.thread_entry_box.pack(side='left', fill='x', expand='True', padx=5) self.add_thread_btn = Button(self.topFrame) self.add_thread_btn['text'] = 'Add New Thread' self.add_thread_btn['command'] = lambda: self.add_thread_GUI() self.add_thread_btn.pack(side='left', padx=0) self.topFrame.pack(fill='x') self.create_thread_frame() def create_thread_frame(self): """ Sets up the main thread frame (where the magic happens) """ # Sets up frame self.thread_list_canvas = Canvas(self.root, borderwidth=0) self.thread_list_frame = Frame(self.thread_list_canvas) # Creates scroll bar self.vsb = Scrollbar(self.root, orient="vertical", command=self.thread_list_canvas.yview) self.thread_list_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.hsb = Scrollbar(self.root, orient="horizontal", command=self.thread_list_canvas.xview) self.thread_list_canvas.configure(xscrollcommand=self.hsb.set) self.hsb.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # Packs frame self.thread_list_canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.thread_list_canvas.create_window((4, 4), window=self.thread_list_frame, anchor="nw", tags="self.frame") self.thread_list_frame.bind("<Configure>", self.OnFrameConfigure) self.create_thread_list_box() def OnFrameConfigure(self, event): """Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame""" self.thread_list_canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.thread_list_canvas.bbox("all")) # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def create_thread_list_box(self): """ Creates the message list box for the create method """ def hover_on(widget): widget['fg'] = 'dark blue' # widget['underline'] = True def hover_off(widget): widget['fg'] = 'black' # widget['underline'] = False for individual_thread in self.MESSAGE_THREADS: # Fetch Message List from model if individual_thread.is_valid_thread(): self.bg_color = 'green' else: self.bg_color = 'red' self.individual_thread_frame = Frame(self.thread_list_frame, bg=self.bg_color) # Create frame for each thread rowToInsertAt = self.MESSAGE_THREADS.index(individual_thread) self.text_color = 'black' self.threadText = Label(self.individual_thread_frame, bg=self.bg_color, fg=self.text_color) self.threadText['text'] = "[ Thread #: " + individual_thread.threadId + " ]" self.threadText.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text=self.threadText: hover_on(text)) self.threadText.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, text=self.threadText: hover_off(text)) self.threadText.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, thread_in=individual_thread: self.open_in_web_browser(thread_in)) self.threadText.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='w', padx=0) self.image_count_text = Label(self.individual_thread_frame, bg=self.bg_color) num_of_images = individual_thread.get_number_of_images() if 0 < int(num_of_images) < 10: # Format padding num_of_images = '00' + num_of_images if 10 < int(num_of_images) < 100: # Format padding num_of_images = '0' + num_of_images self.image_count_text['text'] = " [ # Images: " + num_of_images + " ]" self.image_count_text.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text=self.image_count_text: hover_on(text)) self.image_count_text.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, text=self.image_count_text: hover_off(text)) self.image_count_text.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, thread_in=individual_thread: self.open_in_file_browser(thread_in)) self.image_count_text.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='e', padx=0) self.deleteButton = Button(self.individual_thread_frame) self.deleteButton['text'] = 'Delete' self.deleteButton['command'] = lambda thread_in=individual_thread: self.delete_thread_GUI(thread_in) self.deleteButton.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky='e', padx=0) self.individual_thread_frame.grid(row=rowToInsertAt, sticky='w', pady=2) @staticmethod def open_in_file_browser(individual_thread): logging.debug(os.getcwd() + os.sep + individual_thread.threadId) if == "nt": subprocess.Popen('explorer "' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + individual_thread.threadId + '"') @staticmethod def open_in_web_browser(individual_thread): url="" + individual_thread.board + "/thread/" + individual_thread.threadId, new=2) def add_thread_GUI(self): entry_box_text = str(self.thread_entry_box.get()) if entry_box_text not in self.MESSAGE_THREADS and entry_box_text != self.DEFAULT_THREAD_TEXT \ and entry_box_text.isnumeric(): try: self.add_thread(entry_box_text.strip(' ')) except ThreadNotFound: messagebox.showwarning(message="Thread Not Found") else: messagebox.showwarning(message="Please enter a valid new thread ID") self.thread_entry_box.select_range(start=0, end=99) # Selects the contents so the user can just type the next message self.refresh_GUI() def delete_thread_GUI(self, thread_in): self.delete_thread(thread_in) self.refresh_GUI() def refresh_GUI(self): """ Refreshes the message list AND GUI window (used by auto refresh)""" self.refresh_thread_list() self.refresh_GUI_Window() def refresh_GUI_Window(self): """ Refreshes just the GUI window""" self.thread_list_canvas.destroy() self.vsb.destroy() self.hsb.destroy() self.create_thread_frame() @staticmethod def program_about(): message = settings.__desc__ + '\n' + settings.__version__ messagebox.showinfo(title='About', message=message) @staticmethod def program_help(): message = 'See' messagebox.showinfo(title='About', message=message)
class CanvasPicture(Frame): def __init__(self, root, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): self.root = root self.fun_dict = { "sin x": np.sin, "cos x": np.cos, "tg x":, "ctg x": self.ctg, "x^2": self.x2, "x^3": self.x3 } self.view = Canvas(self.root, width=800, height=800, bg="white", scrollregion=(0, 0, 800, 800)) self.a = float() self.b = float() self.var = StringVar() self.vbar = Scrollbar() self.hbar = Scrollbar() EPS = 0.1 def x2(self, x): return list(map(lambda t: t * t, x)) def x3(self, x): return list(map(lambda t: t * t * t, x)) def ctg(self, arr): def t(x): h = np.math.sin(x) if abs(h) > self.EPS: return np.math.cos(x) / h else: return float("nan") return list(map(lambda a: t(a), arr)) def tg(self, arr): def t(x): h = np.math.cos(x) if abs(h) > self.EPS: return np.math.sin(x) / h else: return float("nan") return list(map(lambda a: t(a), arr)) def create_picture(self): self.view.delete("all") self.vbar.destroy() self.hbar.destroy() path = askopenfilename() if path != "": try: self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( if self.image.height() > 800 or self.image.width() > 800: self.hbar = Scrollbar(self.root, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) self.hbar.config(command=self.view.xview) self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.root, orient=VERTICAL) self.vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.vbar.config(command=self.view.yview) self.view.config(xscrollcommand=self.hbar.set, yscrollcommand=self.vbar.set) self.view.create_image(0, 0, image=self.image, anchor=NW) self.view.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=True, fill=BOTH) else: self.view.create_image(0, 0, image=self.image, anchor=NW) self.view.pack() except IOError: print("Incorrect file format or name") def print_plot(self): self.view.delete("all") self.choose_plot() def choose_plot(self): self.view.delete("all") self.c = Tk() self.c.title("Test") self.c.option_add("*Font", "arial 18") self.c.geometry("800x200") self.c.grid() self.c.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.c.destroy) funcs = ["sin x", "cos x", "tg x", "ctg x", "x^2", "x^3"] self.var.set(funcs[0]) opt = OptionMenu(self.c, self.var, *funcs) opt.pack(side=TOP) self.e1 = Entry(self.c) self.e1.pack(side=RIGHT) self.e2 = Entry(self.c) self.e2.pack(side=RIGHT) b = Button(self.c, text="OK", command=self.extract_data) b.pack(side=BOTTOM) def extract_data(self): self.a = float(self.e2.get()) self.b = float(self.e1.get()) print(self.b) self.create_plot(self.var.get(), self.a, self.b) self.c.destroy() def create_plot(self, func, a, b): x = np.linspace(a, b, 100) y = self.fun_dict[func](x) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y, color="black", label="график функции") ax = plt.gca() ax.autoscale() ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.savefig('foo.png') img ='foo.png') img.thumbnail((800, 800)) self.imgObj = self.view.create_image(0, 0) self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.view.create_image(0, 0, image=self.image, anchor=NW) self.view.pack()