def __init__(self, mapper): """ create the interface """ self.mapper = mapper self.dialog = Window() self.dialog.setTitle('Mapper 1.0') # notebook tabs = ['Routine', 'Accumulate'] pages = self.dialog.addNotebook('notebook', tabs) # routine page self.routine = pages[0] today = self.dt = today.strftime('%d,%m,%Y,%B').split(',') self.routine.addEntry('title', 'Map Title', width=60) self.routine.set( 'title', '24 Hour Precipitation Ending 7 AM {0[3]} {0[0]}, {0[2]}'.format( self.dt)) self.routine.plot('title', row=0) self.routine.addEntry('outfile', 'Output Filename', width=40) self.routine.set('outfile', 'pcpn{0[1]}{0[0]}{0[2]}.png'.format(self.dt)) self.routine.plot('outfile', row=1) jobs = ['Make KMLs', 'Make Maps'] self.routine.addCheck('jobs', 'Jobs', jobs) self.routine.set('jobs', jobs[:2]) self.routine.plot('jobs', row=2) # accum pcpn page self.accum = pages[1] parms = [[2, 1, 12], [2, 1, 31], [4, 2000, 2100]] self.accum.addSpin('endDate', parms, '/', 'Ending Date', command=self.updateAccum) self.accum.set('endDate', [today.month,, today.year]) self.accum.plot('endDate', row=0) self.accum.addSpin('daysBack', [[2, 1, 45]], '', 'Days back', command=self.updateAccum) self.accum.set('daysBack', [2]) self.accum.plot('daysBack', row=1) self.accum.addEntry('title', 'Title', width=60) self.accum.plot('title', row=2) self.accum.addEntry('outfile', 'Output Filename', width=40) self.accum.plot('outfile', row=3) self.updateAccum() # dialog self.dialog.addText('messages', 70, 15, 'Messages') self.dialog.plot('messages', row=1) self.dialog.addButton('commands', space=20) self.dialog.changeWidget('commands', 0, command=self.go) self.dialog.changeWidget('commands', 1, text='Exit') self.dialog.plot('commands', row=2) self.dialog.plot('notebook', row=0) self.dialog.set('notebook', 0)
def __init__(self): """ create the GUI """ categories = ['Trees', 'Birds', 'Flowers'] self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Dynamic Widget Demo') self.gui.addRadio('category', 'Item Types', categories) self.gui.addCombo('items', 'Items', None, postcommand=self.update) self.gui.addButton('command') self.gui.set('category', 'Trees') self.gui.set('items', '...') self.gui.plot('category', row=0) self.gui.plot('items', row=1, pady=20) self.gui.plot('command', row=2)
def __init__(self): # read configuration file self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config_parameters.ini') # write gui self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Export ScanInfo to Gsheet') self.gui.addChooseDir('dir_date', 'Scan Date Folder', width=40, initialdir='') self.gui.addEntry('para_list', 'Parameters to list', width=50) self.gui.addCombo('gdir', 'Save location in google drive', None, postcommand=self.gdir_update, width=47) self.gui.set('para_list', self.config['DEFAULT']['parameters']) self.gui.addText('status', width=40, height=5, prompt='Status:') self.gui.addCheck('auto_update', '', ['Turn On Auto Update']) self.gui.addButton('commands') self.gui.changeWidget('commands', 0, text='Export', command=self.export) self.gui.plot('dir_date', row=0) self.gui.plot('para_list', row=1, pady=5) self.gui.plot('gdir', row=2, pady=5) self.gui.plot('status', row=3, pady=10) self.gui.plot('auto_update', row=4) self.gui.plot('commands', row=5, pady=10) self.exported = False self.proj = None # bella project name self.g_name = None # google drive folder name self.g_ID = None # google drive folder id self.autoupdateOn = False self.update()
def __init__(self): """ create the GUI """ counties = ['Clark','Crawford','Dubois','Floyd','Harrison','Jefferson', 'Orange','Perry','Scott','Washigton'] damage = ['EF0','EF1','EF2','EF3','EF4','EF5'] dateParms = [[2,1,12],[2,1,12],[4,1900,2100]] initDate = [1,1,1980] cols = [['Date', 100],['County', 100],['Damage', 100]] self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Tornado Path Generator') self.gui.addSpin('tdate', dateParms, '/', 'Date of Tornado') self.gui.set('tdate', initDate) self.gui.addCombo('county', 'Affected County', counties) self.gui.addRadio('level', 'Maximum EF Damage', damage) self.gui.addCollector('paths', 10, cols, ['tdate','county','level'], 'Included Tornadoes') self.gui.addButton('command') self.gui.plot('tdate', row=0, pady=5) self.gui.plot('county', row=1, pady=5) self.gui.plot('level', row=2, pady=5) self.gui.plot('paths', row=3, pady=5) self.gui.plot('command', row=4, pady=10)
class Gui(object): """ Gui for stopwatch """ def __init__(self, stopwatch): """ init stopwatch gui stopwatch:Stopwatch -> """ = Window() # make window an attribute self.stopw = stopwatch # make stopwatch an attribute self.makeGui() # create gui def makeGui(self): """ create the Gui """'Stopwatch v1.0') 'r.TLabel', foreground='red', # create the styles font=('Helvetica', '30'))'g.TLabel', foreground='green', font=('Helvetica', '30'))'elapsed', 'Elapsed Time', style='r.TLabel') buttons = [('Start', self.startstop), ('Reset', self.reset), ('Exit',] # label and assign buttons'buttons', cmd=buttons) # create buttons'elapsed', row=0)'buttons', row=1, pady=10) self.update() # update display def startstop(self): """ start or stop the stopwatch """ if self.stopw.running: self.stopw.stop()'buttons', 0, text='Start') # relabel button'elapsed', style='r.TLabel') # color display'buttons', 1, ['!disabled']) # enable Reset else: self.stopw.start()'buttons', 0, text='Stop') # relabel button'elapsed', style='g.TLabel') # color display'buttons', 1, ['disabled']) # disable Reset def reset(self): """ reset stopwatch """ self.stopw.reset() # reset it def update(self): """ update display """ etime = self.stopw.check() # get elapsed time template = '{:02}:{:02}:{:02}.{:02}' # 2 digits leading zero stime = template.format(*etime) # format as'elapsed', stime) # update display, self.update) # call again after .01 sec
from tkintertoy import Window def update(gui): # callback function """ set the alist attribute by what is in the radio button box """ lookup = { 'Trees': ['Oak', 'Maple', 'Beech'], 'Birds': ['Cardinal', 'Robin', 'Sparrow'], 'Flowers': ['Rose', 'Petunia', 'Daylily'] } select = gui.get('category') gui.set('items', lookup[select], allValues=True) categories = ['Trees', 'Birds', 'Flowers'] gui = Window() gui.setTitle('Dynamic Widget Demo') gui.addRadio('category', 'Item Types', categories) gui.addCombo('items', 'Items', None, postcommand=(lambda: update(gui))) gui.addButton('command') gui.set('category', 'Trees') gui.set('items', '...') gui.plot('category', row=0) gui.plot('items', row=1, pady=20) gui.plot('command', row=2) gui.waitforUser() if gui.content: selected_cat = gui.get('category') item = gui.get('items') # more code would go here... gui.cancel()
def __init__(self): self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Tkintertoy Gallery') self.makeGui()
class Gui(object): def __init__(self): self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Tkintertoy Gallery') self.makeGui() def makeGui(self): # a simple menu mymenu = self.gui.addMenu('ttmainmenu', self.gui.master) # create a main menu fmenu = [ ['command', { 'label': 'Open...', 'command': self.popOpen }], # create a file menu ['command', { 'label': 'Save As...', 'command': self.popSaveAs }], [ 'command', { 'label': 'Choose Directory...', 'command': self.popChooseDir } ], ['command', { 'label': 'Exit', 'command': self.gui.cancel }] ] mmenu = [ ['command', { 'label': 'About', 'command': self.popAbout }], # create a misc menu ['command', { 'label': 'ChooseColor', 'command': self.popColor }] ] self.gui.addMenu('ttfmenu', mymenu, fmenu) # create sub menus self.gui.addMenu('ttmmenu', mymenu, mmenu) mymenu.add('cascade', label='File', menu=self.gui.get('ttfmenu')) # add them to the main menu mymenu.add('cascade', label='Misc', menu=self.gui.get('ttmmenu')) self.gui.master['menu'] = mymenu # connect the main menu to the window # Notebook tabs = ['Simple', 'Dialog', 'Multi', 'Other'] # label the tabs self.pages = self.gui.addNotebook('ttnotebook', tabs) # create the notebook # Text Box self.gui.addText('ttext', 60, 10, 'Text Box') # create text area self.gui.plot('ttext', row=1) # Progress Bar self.gui.addProgress('ttprogress', 100, 'Progress Bar') # create progrees bar self.gui.plot('ttprogress', row=2) # Command Buttons cmd = [['Collect', self.collect], ['Exit', self.gui.cancel]] # create two buttons self.gui.addButton('ttbutton', '', cmd) self.gui.plot('ttbutton', row=3) # Notebook Pages self.makeSimple() self.makeDialog() self.makeMulti() self.makeOther() self.gui.plot('ttnotebook', row=0, column=0) def makeSimple(self): self.simplePage = self.pages[0] # Label self.simplePage.addLabel('ttlabel', '', 'bold') # create a label self.simplePage.set('ttlabel', 'This is a BOLD label') # fill in the value self.simplePage.plot('ttlabel', row=0) # Line self.simplePage.addLine('ttline') # create a horizontal line self.simplePage.plot('ttline', row=1) # Message self.simplePage.addMessage('ttmessage', 'Message') # create a message self.simplePage.set('ttmessage', 'Useful for multi-line messages') self.simplePage.plot('ttmessage', row=2) # Entry self.simplePage.addStyle('g.TEntry', foreground='green') # create a green entry self.simplePage.addEntry('ttentry', 'Entry', style='g.TEntry') self.simplePage.set('ttentry', 'Default Entry') # fill in the value self.simplePage.plot('ttentry', row=3) # Option alist = ['Option1', 'Option2', 'Option3'] self.simplePage.addOption('ttoption', 'Option List', alist) # create an option list self.simplePage.set('ttoption', 'Option1') self.simplePage.plot('ttoption', row=5) # Combobox and Style acombo = ['ComboOption1', 'ComboOption2', 'ComboOption3'] self.simplePage.addCombo('ttcombo', 'Combo Box', acombo) # create combobox self.simplePage.plot('ttcombo', row=6) # Checkboxes achecks = ['CheckOption1', 'CheckOption2', 'CheckOption3'] self.simplePage.addCheck('ttchecks', 'Check Box', achecks) # create 3 checkboxes self.simplePage.plot('ttchecks', row=7) self.simplePage.changeState('ttchecks', 1, ['disabled']) # disable CheckOption2 # Radio Buttons aradio = ['RadioOption1', 'RadioOption2', 'RadioOption3'] self.simplePage.addRadio( 'ttradio', 'RadioButton Box', aradio ) # create 3 radiobuttons self.simplePage.plot('ttradio', row=8) # Scale self.simplePage.addScale('ttscale', [1, 10], 'Scale', width=2) # create a scale self.simplePage.plot('ttscale', row=9) # Spinners adate = [[2, 1, 12], [2, 1, 31], [4, 2000, 2099]] self.simplePage.addSpin('ttspin', adate, '/', 'Date Box') # create a date entry box self.simplePage.set('ttspin', [11, 17, 2017]) self.simplePage.plot('ttspin', row=10) def makeDialog(self): self.dialogPage = self.pages[1] # Open self.dialogPage.addOpen('ttopen', 'Open', width=40) # open dialog self.dialogPage.plot('ttopen', row=0) # SaveAs self.dialogPage.addSaveAs('ttsaveas', 'Save As', width=40) # save as dialog self.dialogPage.plot('ttsaveas', row=1) # ChooseDir self.dialogPage.addChooseDir('ttchoosedir', 'Choose Dir', width=40) # choose dir dialog self.dialogPage.plot('ttchoosedir', row=2) def popOpen(self): # open dialog self.gui.set('ttext', self.gui.popOpen(title='Open a File') + '\n') def popSaveAs(self): # save as dialog self.gui.set('ttext', self.gui.popSaveAs(title='Save a File') + '\n') def popChooseDir(self): # choose dir dialog self.gui.set('ttext', self.gui.popChooseDir(title='Select a Directory') + '\n') def popColor(self): # Color Chooser self.gui.set( 'ttext', str(self.gui.popColorChooser(title='Select a Color')) + '\n') def popAbout(self): # Pop Up Message Box self.gui.popMessage('Tkintertoy Gallery') def makeMulti(self): self.multiPage = self.pages[2] # List alist = ['ListOption1', 'ListOption2', 'ListOption3'] self.multiPage.addList('ttlist', 'List', alist, height=4) # create list self.multiPage.plot('ttlist', row=0) # Ledger cols = [['column1', 100], ['column2', 80], ['column3', 80]] self.multiPage.addLedger('ttledger', 4, cols, 'Ledger') # create ledger self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header1', 'item1-1', 'item1-2']]) self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header2', 'item2-1', 'item2-2']]) self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header3', 'tiem3-1', 'item2-3']]) self.multiPage.plot('ttledger', row=1) # Collector Frame self.subwin = self.multiPage.addFrame('ttframe', '', relief='groove') # -Combobox acombo = ['ComboOption2-1', 'ComboOption2-2', 'ComboOption2-3'] self.subwin.addCombo('ttcombo2', 'Combo Box 2', acombo) self.subwin.plot('ttcombo2', row=0) # -Radio Button aradio = ['Radio2-1', 'Radio2-2', 'Radio2-3'] self.subwin.addRadio('ttradio2', 'RadioButton Box 2', aradio) self.subwin.plot('ttradio2', row=1) # -Collector cols = [['Combo', 100], ['Radio', 100]] self.subwin.addCollector('ttcollector', 4, cols, ['ttcombo2', 'ttradio2'], 'Collector') self.subwin.plot('ttcollector', row=2) self.multiPage.plot('ttframe', row=2) def makeOther(self): self.otherPage = self.pages[3] # Canvas self.otherPage.addCanvas('ttcanvas', 300, 100, 'Canvas') # create canvas self.otherPage.get('ttcanvas').create_oval(10, 10, 290, 90, fill='green') self.otherPage.plot('ttcanvas', row=0) # Multipane paneTitles = ['Pane 1', 'Pane 2', 'Pane 3'] panes = self.otherPage.addPanes('ttpane', paneTitles, orient='horizontal') for i in range(3): # -Label tag = 'ttlabel' + str(i) panes[i].addLabel(tag) panes[i].set(tag, 'Inner label {}'.format(i + 1)) panes[i].plot(tag) self.otherPage.plot('ttpane', row=1) def collect(self): # show contents of all widgets result = 'Contents of widgets\n Simple Page:\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttlabel') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttmessage') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttentry') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttoption') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttcombo') + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttchecks')) + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttradio')) + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttscale')) + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttspin')) + '\n ' self.gui.set('ttprogress', 33) self.gui.set('ttext', result, allValues=True) self.gui.master.after(500) # wait .5 sec result = ' File Page:\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttopen') + '\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttsaveas') + '\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttchoosedir') + '\n ' self.gui.set('ttprogress', 66) self.gui.set('ttext', result) self.gui.master.after(500) # wait .5 sec result = ' Multi Page:\n ' result += str(self.multiPage.get('ttlist')) + '\n ' result += str(self.multiPage.get('ttledger')) + '\n ' result += str(self.subwin.get('ttcollector', allValues=True)) + '\n ' # Progress Bar self.gui.set('ttprogress', 100) self.gui.set('ttext', result) self.gui.master.after(1000) # wait 1 sec self.gui.set('ttprogress', 0)
from tkintertoy import Window gui = Window() gui.setTitle('My First Tkintertoy GUI!') gui.addEntry('name', 'Type in your name') gui.addLabel('welcome', 'Welcome message') gui.addButton('commands') gui.plot('name', row=0) gui.plot('welcome', row=1) gui.plot('commands', row=2, pady=10) while True: gui.waitforUser() if gui.content: gui.set('welcome', 'Welcome ' + gui.get('name')) else: break
""" Some initial comments here at the top of the screen. This just shows how we can comment multiline""" from tkintertoy import Window bob = '' bob2 = '' bob3 = '' categories = ['Car', 'Bike', 'Bus'] gui = Window() gui.setTitle('My First Tkintertoy GUI!') gui.addEntry('name', 'Type in your name') gui.addLabel('welcome', 'Welcome message *** TEST ***') gui.addEntry('Age', 'Type in your age') gui.addLabel('old', 'You are of age') gui.addButton('commands') gui.addRadio('') gui.addRadio('category', 'Item Types', categories) gui.plot('name', row=0) gui.plot('Age', row=1) gui.plot('welcome', row=2) gui.plot('old', row=3) gui.plot('category', row=4) gui.plot('commands', row=5, pady=10) while True: gui.waitforUser() if gui.content: gui.set('welcome', 'Welcome ' + gui.get('name')) bob = gui.get('name') gui.set('old', gui.get('Age')) bob2 = gui.get('Age')
class Gui(object): """ the GUI for the script """ def __init__(self, mapper): """ create the interface """ self.mapper = mapper self.dialog = Window() self.dialog.setTitle('Mapper 1.0') # notebook tabs = ['Routine', 'Accumulate'] pages = self.dialog.addNotebook('notebook', tabs) # routine page self.routine = pages[0] today = self.dt = today.strftime('%d,%m,%Y,%B').split(',') self.routine.addEntry('title', 'Map Title', width=60) self.routine.set( 'title', '24 Hour Precipitation Ending 7 AM {0[3]} {0[0]}, {0[2]}'.format( self.dt)) self.routine.plot('title', row=0) self.routine.addEntry('outfile', 'Output Filename', width=40) self.routine.set('outfile', 'pcpn{0[1]}{0[0]}{0[2]}.png'.format(self.dt)) self.routine.plot('outfile', row=1) jobs = ['Make KMLs', 'Make Maps'] self.routine.addCheck('jobs', 'Jobs', jobs) self.routine.set('jobs', jobs[:2]) self.routine.plot('jobs', row=2) # accum pcpn page self.accum = pages[1] parms = [[2, 1, 12], [2, 1, 31], [4, 2000, 2100]] self.accum.addSpin('endDate', parms, '/', 'Ending Date', command=self.updateAccum) self.accum.set('endDate', [today.month,, today.year]) self.accum.plot('endDate', row=0) self.accum.addSpin('daysBack', [[2, 1, 45]], '', 'Days back', command=self.updateAccum) self.accum.set('daysBack', [2]) self.accum.plot('daysBack', row=1) self.accum.addEntry('title', 'Title', width=60) self.accum.plot('title', row=2) self.accum.addEntry('outfile', 'Output Filename', width=40) self.accum.plot('outfile', row=3) self.updateAccum() # dialog self.dialog.addText('messages', 70, 15, 'Messages') self.dialog.plot('messages', row=1) self.dialog.addButton('commands', space=20) self.dialog.changeWidget('commands', 0, command=self.go) self.dialog.changeWidget('commands', 1, text='Exit') self.dialog.plot('commands', row=2) self.dialog.plot('notebook', row=0) self.dialog.set('notebook', 0) def updateAccum(self): """ update widgets on accum page """ end = self.accum.get('endDate') endDate =[2], end[0], end[1]) endDateFmt = endDate.strftime('%d,%m,%Y,%B').split(',') daysBack = self.accum.get('daysBack')[0] self.accum.set( 'title', '{0} Day Precipitation Total Ending {1[3]} {1[0]}, {1[2]}'.format( int(daysBack), endDateFmt)) begDate = endDate - datetime.timedelta( int(self.accum.get('daysBack')[0]) - 1) begDateFmt = begDate.strftime('%d,%m').split(',') self.accum.set( 'outfile', 'accum{0[1]}{0[0]}-{1[1]}{1[0]}{1[2]}.png'.format( begDateFmt, endDateFmt)) def go(self): """ get current selected page and make map """ run = self.dialog.get('notebook') # get selected tab mapper = self.mapper(self) # create a Mapper instance using the Gui # instance which is self try: if run == 0: mapper.runRoutine() elif run == 1: mapper.runAccum() except: self.dialog.set('messages', self.dialog.catchExcept())
import pygsheets from tkintertoy import Window import smtplib import email #Connect to server server = smtplib.SMTP('') server.starttls() #Set up GUI gui = Window() gui.setTitle('Pick two ports for your NP class!') gui.addEntry('stu_no', 'Type in your student number',width=35) gui.addEntry('pass', 'Type in your student account\'s password',width=35, show="*") gui.addEntry('port_1', 'Pick port 1',width=35) gui.addEntry('port_2', 'Pick port 2',width=35) gui.addLabel('message', '',width=35, effects='bold', padding=5, foreground='red') gui.addButton('commands') gui.plot('stu_no', row=0, pady=10) gui.plot('pass', row=1, pady=10) gui.plot('port_1', row=2, pady=10) gui.plot('port_2', row=3, pady=10) gui.plot('message', row=4, pady=10) gui.plot('commands', row=5, pady=10) #spreadsheet information SPREADSHEET_ID = "1mn93Hl0zT7Cb2YaPryj523IQEzelVa1HWLrR3ZxrJRU" # <Your spreadsheet ID> RANGE_NAME = "data" # <Your worksheet name> #setup google spreadsheet gc = pygsheets.authorize(service_file='creds.json')
class Gui(object): """ A simple gui class """ def __init__(self): """ create the GUI """ categories = ['Trees', 'Birds', 'Flowers'] self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Dynamic Widget Demo') self.gui.addRadio('category', 'Item Types', categories) self.gui.addCombo('items', 'Items', None, postcommand=self.update) self.gui.addButton('command') self.gui.set('category', 'Trees') self.gui.set('items', '...') self.gui.plot('category', row=0) self.gui.plot('items', row=1, pady=20) self.gui.plot('command', row=2) def update(self): # callback function """ set the combobox values by what is in the radio button box """ lookup = { 'Trees': ['Oak', 'Maple', 'Beech'], 'Birds': ['Cardinal', 'Robin', 'Sparrow'], 'Flowers': ['Rose', 'Petunia', 'Daylily'] } select = self.gui.get('category') self.gui.set('items', lookup[select], allValues=True)
class Gui(object): def __init__(self): self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Tkintertoy Gallery') self.makeGui() def makeGui(self): # a simple menu self.gui.addMenu('ttmainmenu', self.gui.master) menu = [['command', {'label':'About', 'command':self.popAbout}], ['command', {'label':'ChooseColor', 'command':self.popColor}]] self.gui.addMenu('ttmenu', self.gui.get('ttmainmenu'), menu) self.gui.get('ttmainmenu').add('cascade', label='Menu', menu=self.gui.get('ttmenu')) self.gui.master['menu'] = self.gui.get('ttmainmenu') # Notebook tabs = ['Simple','Dialog','Multi','Other'] self.pages = self.gui.addNotebook('ttnotebook', tabs) # Text Box self.gui.addText('ttext', 60, 10, 'Text Box') self.gui.plot('ttext', row=1) # Progress Bar self.gui.addProgress('ttprogress', 100, 'Progress Bar') self.gui.plot('ttprogress', row=2) # Command Buttons cmd = [['Collect',self.collect],['Exit', self.gui.cancel]] self.gui.addButton('ttbutton', cmd) self.gui.plot('ttbutton', row=3) # Notebook Pages self.makeSimple() self.makeDialog() self.makeMulti() self.makeOther() self.gui.plot('ttnotebook', row=0) def makeSimple(self): self.simplePage = self.pages[0] # Label self.simplePage.addLabel('ttlabel','','bold', text='This is a BOLD label') self.simplePage.plot('ttlabel', row=0) # Line self.simplePage.addLine('ttline') self.simplePage.plot('ttline', row=1) # Message self.simplePage.addMessage('ttmessage', 'Message Box') self.simplePage.set('ttmessage', 'Useful for multi-line messages') self.simplePage.plot('ttmessage', row=2) # Entry self.simplePage.addEntry('ttentry', 'Entry Box') self.simplePage.set('ttentry', 'Default Entry') self.simplePage.plot('ttentry', row=3) # Option alist = ['Option1','Option2','Option3'] self.simplePage.addOption('ttoption', alist, 'Option Box') self.simplePage.set('ttoption', 'Option1') self.simplePage.plot('ttoption', row=5) # Combobox and Style acombo = ['ComboOption1','ComboOption2','ComboOption3'] self.simplePage.addStyle('new.TCombobox', foreground='red') self.simplePage.addCombo('ttcombo', acombo, 'Combo Box', style='new.TCombobox') self.simplePage.plot('ttcombo', row=6) # Checkboxes achecks = ['CheckOption1','CheckOption2','CheckOption3'] self.simplePage.addCheck('ttchecks', achecks, 'Check Box') self.simplePage.plot('ttchecks', row=7) # Radio Buttons aradio = ['RadioOption1','RadioOption2','RadioOption3'] self.simplePage.addRadio('ttradio', aradio, 'RadioButton Box') self.simplePage.plot('ttradio', row=8) # Scale self.simplePage.addScale('ttscale', 2, [1,10], 'Scale Box') self.simplePage.plot('ttscale', row=9) adate = [[2,1,12],[2,1,31],[4,2000,2099]] # Spinners self.simplePage.addSpin('ttspin', adate, '/', 'Date Box') self.simplePage.set('ttspin', [11,17,2017]) self.simplePage.plot('ttspin', row=10) def makeDialog(self): self.dialogPage = self.pages[1] # Open self.dialogPage.addOpen('ttopen', 40, 'Open Box') self.dialogPage.plot('ttopen', row=0) # SaveAs self.dialogPage.addSaveAs('ttsaveas', 40, 'Save As Box') self.dialogPage.plot('ttsaveas', row=1) # ChooseDir self.dialogPage.addChooseDir('ttchoosedir', 40, 'Choose Dir Box') self.dialogPage.plot('ttchoosedir', row=2) def popColor(self): # Color Chooser self.gui.set('ttext', str(self.gui.popColorChooser(title='Select a Color'))) def popAbout(self): # Pop Up Message Box self.gui.popMessage('Tkintertoy Gallery') def makeMulti(self): self.multiPage = self.pages[2] # List alist = ['ListOption1','ListOption2','ListOption3'] self.multiPage.addList('ttlist', 'List Box', alist, height=4) self.multiPage.plot('ttlist', row=0) # Ledger cols = [['column1',100],['column2',80],['column3',80]] self.multiPage.addLedger('ttledger', 4, cols, 'Ledger Box') self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header1','item1-1','item1-2']]) self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header2','item2-1','item2-2']]) self.multiPage.set('ttledger', [['header3','tiem3-1','item2-3']]) self.multiPage.plot('ttledger', row=1) # Collector Frame self.subwin = self.multiPage.addFrame('ttframe', '', relief='groove') # -Combobox acombo = ['ComboOption2-1','ComboOption2-2','ComboOption2-3'] self.subwin.addCombo('ttcombo2', acombo, 'Combo Box 2') self.subwin.plot('ttcombo2', row=0) # -Radio Button aradio = ['Radio2-1','Radio2-2','Radio2-3'] self.subwin.addRadio('ttradio2',aradio, 'RadioButton Box 2') self.subwin.plot('ttradio2', row=1) # -Collector cols = [['Combo',100],['Radio', 100]] self.subwin.addCollector('ttcollector', 4, cols, ['ttcombo2','ttradio2'], 'Collector Box') self.subwin.plot('ttcollector', row=2) self.multiPage.plot('ttframe', row=2) def makeOther(self): self.otherPage = self.pages[3] # Canvas self.otherPage.addCanvas('ttcanvas', 300, 100, 'Canvas Box') self.otherPage.get('ttcanvas').create_oval(10 ,10 ,290 ,90 ,fill='green') self.otherPage.plot('ttcanvas', row=0) # Multipane paneTitles = ['Pane 1','Pane 2','Pane 3'] panes = self.otherPage.addPanes('ttpane', paneTitles, orient='horizontal') for i in range(3): # -Label tag = 'ttlabel' + str(i) panes[i].addLabel(tag) panes[i].set(tag, 'Inner label {}'.format(i+1)) panes[i].plot(tag) self.otherPage.plot('ttpane', row=1) def collect(self): # show contents of all widgets result = 'Contents of widgets\n Simple Page:\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttlabel') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttmessage') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttentry') + '\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttcombo') + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttchecks')) + '\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttradio')) +'\n ' result += self.simplePage.get('ttoption') + '\n\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttscale')) + '\n\n ' result += str(self.simplePage.get('ttspin')) + '\n\n ' result += str(self.multiPage.get('ttlist')) + '\n ' self.gui.set('ttprogress', 33) self.gui.set('ttext', result, setValues=True) time.sleep(.5) result = ' File Page:\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttopen') + '\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttsaveas') + '\n ' result += self.dialogPage.get('ttchoosedir') + '\n ' self.gui.set('ttprogress', 66) self.gui.set('ttext', result) time.sleep(.5) result = ' Multi Page:\n ' result += str(self.multiPage.get('ttlist', True)) + '\n ' result += str(self.multiPage.get('ttledger', True)) + '\n ' result += str(self.subwin.get('ttcollector',True)) + '\n ' # Progress Bar self.gui.set('ttprogress', 100) self.gui.set('ttext', result) time.sleep(1.0) self.gui.set('ttprogress', 0)
def __init__(self, stopwatch): """ init stopwatch gui stopwatch:Stopwatch -> """ = Window() # make window an attribute self.stopw = stopwatch # make stopwatch an attribute self.makeGui() # create gui
from tkintertoy import Window gui = Window() gui.setTitle('Create a Map') csv = [('CSV files', ('*.csv'))] gui.addOpen('input', 'Input CSV filename', width=40, filetypes=csv) png = [('PNG files', ('*.png'))] gui.addSaveAs('output', 'Output PNG filename', width=40, filetypes=png) gui.addEntry('title', 'Map Title', width=40) gui.addText('status', width=40, height=5, prompt='Status:') gui.addButton('commands') gui.plot('input', row=0, pady=10) gui.plot('output', row=1, pady=10) gui.plot('title', row=2, pady=10) gui.plot('status', row=3, pady=10) gui.plot('commands', row=4, pady=20) gui.waitforUser() if gui.content: message = 'Converting {} into {}...\n'.format(gui.get('input'), gui.get('output')) gui.set('status', message) gui.master.after(5000) # magic map making code goes here... gui.cancel()
class Gui(object): def __init__(self): # read configuration file self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config_parameters.ini') # write gui self.gui = Window() self.gui.setTitle('Export ScanInfo to Gsheet') self.gui.addChooseDir('dir_date', 'Scan Date Folder', width=40, initialdir='') self.gui.addEntry('para_list', 'Parameters to list', width=50) self.gui.addCombo('gdir', 'Save location in google drive', None, postcommand=self.gdir_update, width=47) self.gui.set('para_list', self.config['DEFAULT']['parameters']) self.gui.addText('status', width=40, height=5, prompt='Status:') self.gui.addCheck('auto_update', '', ['Turn On Auto Update']) self.gui.addButton('commands') self.gui.changeWidget('commands', 0, text='Export', command=self.export) self.gui.plot('dir_date', row=0) self.gui.plot('para_list', row=1, pady=5) self.gui.plot('gdir', row=2, pady=5) self.gui.plot('status', row=3, pady=10) self.gui.plot('auto_update', row=4) self.gui.plot('commands', row=5, pady=10) self.exported = False self.proj = None # bella project name self.g_name = None # google drive folder name self.g_ID = None # google drive folder id self.autoupdateOn = False self.update() def get_dirname_id(proj): '''Get the name and ID of google drive save locaion from google_dir.ini proj:''' config_g = configparser.ConfigParser()'google_dir') name = [ config_g[i]['name'] for i in config_g.sections() if config_g[i]['proj'] == proj ] ID = [ config_g[i]['id'] for i in config_g.sections() if config_g[i]['proj'] == proj ] return name, ID def gdir_update(self): '''Update a saving location option on GUI, depending on your project''' # get BELLA project name dir_date = self.gui.get('dir_date', allValues=True) self.proj = get_proj_name(dir_date) # get google drive folder name and ID from .ini file cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()'config_gdrive.ini') self.g_name = [ cfg[i]['name'] for i in cfg.sections() if cfg[i]['proj'] == self.proj ] self.g_ID = [ cfg[i]['id'] for i in cfg.sections() if cfg[i]['proj'] == self.proj ] # update save folder options in GUI self.gui.set('gdir', self.g_name, allValues=True) def export(self): '''When Export button is pressed, scan info is written into a google sheet''' # Get settings from GUI dir_date = self.gui.get('dir_date', allValues=True) # directory of scandata para_list = self.gui.get('para_list', allValues=True) # parameters to save gdrive_name = self.gui.get('gdir') # name of the google drive if not dir_date or not gdrive_name: self.gui.set('status', 'Please fill in all sections\n') else: gdrive_id = self.g_ID[self.g_name.index( gdrive_name)] # google drive ID sheet_title = self.proj + ' ' + os.path.basename( dir_date) + ' ScanSummary' # write self.scaninfo = scaninfo2gsheet(dir_date, para_list) sheet = self.scaninfo.write(gdrive_id, sheet_title) self.exported = True # add text to status window message = 'Gsheet \'' + sheet.title + '\' saved\nURL: ' + sheet.url self.gui.set('status', message) # update the config file self.write_config(para_list, dir_date) def update(self): '''Update google sheet every minute.''' if bool(self.gui.get('auto_update')) and self.exported: # if autoupdate is turned on, message appears on status window if not self.autoupdateOn: self.gui.set('status', '\nAuto update On...') self.autoupdateOn = True nscan_new = self.scaninfo.update() # if there is a new scan, add text to the status window if nscan_new: message = '\nScan ' + str(nscan_new) + ' updated' self.gui.set('status', message) else: # if autoupdate is turned off, message appears on status window if self.autoupdateOn: self.gui.set('status', '\nAuto update Off') self.autoupdateOn = False self.gui.master.after(30 * 1000, self.update) # wait for 30 seconds def write_config(self, para_list, dir_date): '''Save updated parameter list in config.ini file''' self.config['DEFAULT']['parameters'] = para_list with open('config_parameters.ini', 'w') as configfile: self.config.write(configfile)