Пример #1
def removecmnds(modname):
    """ remove commands belonging to modname form cmndtable. """
    global cmndtable
    assert cmndtable
    from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
    assert cmnds
    for cmndname, c in cmnds.items():
        if c.modname == modname: del cmndtable.data[cmndname]
Пример #2
def handle_helpplug(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: <plugname> - how help on plugin/command or show basic help msg. """
    try: what = ievent.args[0]
    except (IndexError, TypeError):
        ievent.reply("available plugins: ", getpluginlist())
        ievent.reply("see !help <plugin> to get help on a plugin.")
    cmnds.reloadcheck(bot, ievent, what)
    plugin = None
    modname = ""
    perms = []
    for package in plugin_packages:
             modname = "%s.%s" % (package, what)
                 plugin = plugs.load_mod(modname)
                 if plugin: break
             except NoSuchPlugin: continue
        except(KeyError, ImportError): pass
    if not plugin:
        ievent.reply("no %s plugin loaded" % what)
    try: phelp = plugin.__doc__
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        ievent.reply('no description of %s plugin available' % what)
    cmndresult = []
    if phelp:
        counter = 1
        for i, j in cmnds.items():
            if not j: continue
            if what == j.plugname:
                    descr = j.func.__doc__
                    if not descr: descr = "no description provided"
                    try: cmndresult.append("    <b>!%s</b> - <i>%s</i> - perms: %s" % (i, descr, j.perms))
                    except KeyError: pass
                except AttributeError: pass
                counter += 1
    if cmndresult and phelp:
        res = []
        for r in cmndresult:
            if bot.type in ['web', ]: res.append("%s<br>" % r)
            elif bot.type in ['irc', ]: res.append(r.strip())
            else: res.append(r)
        what = what.upper()
        ievent.reply('<b>help on plugin %s: </b><br>%s' % (what, phelp))
        ievent.reply("commands: ", res, dot="count")
        if perms: ievent.reply('no commands available for permissions: %s' % ", ".join(perms))
        else: ievent.reply("can't find help on %s" % what)
Пример #3
def handle_commands(bot, ievent):
    """ arguments: [<plugname>] - show commands of plugin. """
    try: plugin = ievent.args[0].lower()
    except IndexError: plugin = ""
    result = []
    cmnds = getcmndtable()
    for cmnd, plugname in cmnds.items(): 
        if plugname:
            if not plugin or plugin in plugname: result.append(cmnd)
    if result:
        if not plugin: plugin = "T I M E L I N E"
        ievent.reply('%s has the following commands: ' % plugin, result)
    else: ievent.reply('no commands found for plugin %s' % plugin)
Пример #4
def saveplugins(modname=None):
    """ save a list of available plugins to db backend. """
    global plugins
    if modname: target = LazyDict(plugins.data)
    else: target = LazyDict()
    if not target.available: target.available = []
    if not target.allowed: target.allowed = []
    if not target.refused: target.refused = []
    from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
    assert cmnds
    for cmndname, c in cmnds.items():
        if modname and c.modname != modname: continue
        if c and not c.plugname: logging.info("boot - not adding %s to pluginlist" % cmndname) ; continue
        if c and c.enable: target.available.append(c.plugname)
    assert target
    logging.warn("saving plugin list")
    assert plugins
    plugins.data = target
Пример #5
def savecmndtable(modname=None, saveperms=True):
    """ save command -> plugin list to db backend. """
    global cmndtable
    if not cmndtable.data: cmndtable.data = {}
    if modname: target = LazyDict(cmndtable.data)
    else: target = LazyDict()
    global shorttable
    if not shorttable.data: shorttable.data = {}
    if modname: short = LazyDict(shorttable.data)
    else: short = LazyDict()
    global cmndperms
    from tl.lib.commands import cmnds
    assert cmnds
    for cmndname, c in cmnds.items():
        if not c: logging.error("no command available for %s" % cmndname) ; continue
        if modname and c.modname != modname or cmndname == "subs": continue
        if cmndname and c:
            target[cmndname] = c.modname  
            cmndperms[cmndname] = c.perms
                 s = cmndname.split("-")[1]
                 if s not in target:
                     if s not in short: short[s] = [cmndname, ]
                     if cmndname not in short[s]: short[s].append(cmndname)
            except (ValueError, IndexError): pass
    logging.warn("saving command table")
    assert cmndtable
    assert target
    cmndtable.data = target
    logging.warn("saving short table")
    assert shorttable
    assert short
    shorttable.data = short
    logging.warn("saving RE table")
    for command in cmnds.regex: retable.data[command.regex] = command.modname
    assert retable
    if saveperms:
        logging.warn("saving command perms")