def update_project(experiment_id): '''Saves modifications of the pipeline and module descriptions to the corresponding `.pipe` and `.handles` files. ''''save jterator project of experiment %d', experiment_id) data = json.loads( project = yaml.load(data['project']) pipeline_description = PipelineDescription( **project['pipe']['description']) handles_descriptions = dict() for h in project['handles']: logger.debug('check handles of module "%s"', h['name']) handles_descriptions[h['name']] = HandleDescriptions( **h['description']) jt = ImageAnalysisPipelineEngine( experiment_id, pipeline_description=pipeline_description, handles_descriptions=handles_descriptions, ) try: return jsonify({'success': True}) except Exception as err: raise MalformedRequestError( 'Project could not be saved: {err}'.format(err=err))
def check_project(experiment_id): '''Checks pipeline and module descriptions. ''''check description of jterator project of experiment %d', experiment_id) data = json.loads( project = yaml.load(data['project']) pipeline_description = PipelineDescription( **project['pipe']['description']) handles_descriptions = { h['name']: HandleDescriptions(**h['description']) for h in project['handles'] } try: jt = ImageAnalysisPipelineEngine( experiment_id, pipeline_description=pipeline_description, handles_descriptions=handles_descriptions, ) return jsonify(success=True) except Exception as err: raise MalformedRequestError('Pipeline check failed:\n%s' % str(err))
def run_jobs(experiment_id): '''Runs one or more jobs of the current project with pipeline and module descriptions provided by the UI. This requires the pipeline and module descriptions to be saved to *pipe* and *handles* files, respectively. ''''submit jobs for jterator project of experiment %d', experiment_id) data = json.loads( job_ids = map(int, data['job_ids']) project = yaml.load(data['project']) pipeline_description = PipelineDescription( **project['pipe']['description']) handles_descriptions = { h['name']: HandleDescriptions(**h['description']) for h in project['handles'] } jt = ImageAnalysisPipelineEngine( experiment_id, pipeline_description=pipeline_description, handles_descriptions=handles_descriptions, ) # 1. Delete figures and logs from previous submission # since they are not tracked per submission. jt.remove_previous_pipeline_output() # TODO: remove figure files of previous runs!! # 2. Build job descriptions channel_names = [ for ch in jt.project.pipe.description.input.channels ] job_descriptions = list() with tm.utils.ExperimentSession(experiment_id) as session: sites = session.query(\ order_by(\ all() for j in job_ids: site_id = sites[j].id image_file_count = session.query(\ join(tm.Channel).\ filter(\ filter(tm.ChannelImageFile.site_id == site_id).\ count() if image_file_count == 0: raise MalformedRequestError( 'No images found for job ID {j}.'.format(j=j)) job_descriptions.append({'site_id': site_id, 'plot': True}) with tm.utils.MainSession() as session: submission = tm.Submission(experiment_id=experiment_id, program='jtui', session.add(submission) session.flush() SubmitArgs = get_step_args('jterator')[1] submit_args = SubmitArgs() job_collection = jt.create_debug_run_phase( jobs = jt.create_debug_run_jobs(, batches=job_descriptions, job_collection=job_collection, verbosity=2, duration=submit_args.duration, memory=submit_args.memory, cores=submit_args.cores) # 3. Store jobs in session gc3pie.store_task(jobs) # session.remove(data['previousSubmissionId']) gc3pie.submit_task(jobs) return jsonify(submission_id=jobs.submission_id)