Пример #1
    def pattern(self):
		Method defining a pattern design. This is where the designer places
		all elements of the design definition
        CM = CM_TO_PX
        IN = IN_TO_PX
        cd = self.cd  # client data is prefaced with cd.
        self.cfg["clientdata"] = cd
        printer = '36" wide carriage plotter'
        if printer == '36" wide carriage plotter':
            self.cfg["paper_width"] = 36 * IN
        self.cfg["border"] = 5 * CM
        BORDER = self.cfg["border"]
        BORDER = self.cfg["border"]
        metainfo = {
            "companyName": "Seamly Patterns",  # mandatory
            "designerName": "Susan Spencer",  # mandatory
            "patternName": "pants Foundation",  # mandatory
            "patternNumber": "WS010-xj1-1",  # mandatory
        self.cfg["metainfo"] = metainfo
        docattrs = {"currentscale": "0.5 : 1", "fitBoxtoViewport": "True", "preserveAspectRatio": "xMidYMid meet"}
        doc = Document(self.cfg, name="document", attributes=docattrs)
        TB = TitleBlock("notes", "titleblock", 0, 0, stylename="titleblock_text_style")
        TG = TestGrid("notes", "testgrid", self.cfg["paper_width"] / 3.0, 0, stylename="cuttingline_style")

        # All measurements are in pixels...CM=CM_TO_PX, IN=IN_TO_PX, etc.

        # Begin pants Pattern Set
        pants = Pattern("pants")

        # pants Front 'A'
        pants.add(PatternPiece("pattern", "front", letter="A", fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
        A = pants.front
        ASTART = 0.0
        AEND = FRONT_HIP_ARC + ((1 / 8.0) * IN)
        AStart = rPoint(A, "AStart", ASTART, ASTART)
        AEnd = rPoint(A, "AEnd", AEND, ASTART)
        AWaist = rPoint(A, "AWaist", ASTART, WAISTLINE)
        AHip = rPoint(A, "AHip", ASTART, HIPLINE)
        ARise = rPoint(A, "ARise", ASTART, RISELINE)

        Ap1 = rPoint(A, "Ap1", AEND, WAISTLINE)  # right side of reference grid
        Ap5 = rPoint(A, "Ap5", AEND / 2.0, WAISTLINE)  # dart midpoint
        Ap6 = rPoint(A, "Ap6", Ap5.x - (0.25 * IN), WAISTLINE)  # dart outside leg (left on pattern)
        Ap7 = rPoint(A, "Ap7", Ap5.x + (0.25 * IN), WAISTLINE)  # dart inside leg (right on pattern)
        Ap8 = rPoint(A, "Ap8", Ap5.x, Ap5.y + (2.5 * IN))  # dart point
        Ap2 = rPoint(A, "Ap2", Ap7.x + (FRONT_WAIST_ARC / 2.0), WAISTLINE)
        Ap3 = rPoint(A, "Ap3", Ap2.x, WAISTLINE - (0.25) * IN)  # center waist
        Ap4 = rPoint(A, "Ap4", Ap6.x - (FRONT_WAIST_ARC / 2.0), WAISTLINE)  # side waist
        Ap9 = rPoint(A, "Ap9", AEND, (RISELINE / 2.0))  # center front 'pivot' point from crotch curve to front fly
        Ap10 = rPoint(A, "Ap10", ASTART, HIPLINE)
        Ap11 = rPoint(A, "Ap11", AEND, HIPLINE)
        Ap12 = rPoint(A, "Ap12", ASTART, RISELINE)
        Ap13 = rPoint(A, "Ap13", AEND, RISELINE)
        Ap14 = rPointP(
            A, "Ap14", pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap13, (1.25 * IN), angleFromSlope(1.0, 1.0))
        )  # inside crotch curve point
        Ap15 = rPoint(A, "Ap15", Ap13.x + (2.0 * IN), RISELINE)  # point of crotch
        Ap16 = rPoint(A, "Ap16", Ap15.x / 2.0, RISELINE)  # creaseline point
        ACREASELINE = Ap16.x
        Ap17 = rPoint(A, "Ap17", Ap16.x, KNEELINE)
        Ap18 = rPoint(A, "Ap18", Ap16.x - (4.0 * IN), KNEELINE)  # outside knee
        Ap19 = rPoint(A, "Ap19", Ap16.x + (4.0 * IN), KNEELINE)  # inside knee
        Ap20 = rPoint(A, "Ap20", Ap16.x, HEMLINE)
        Ap21 = rPoint(A, "Ap21", Ap20.x - (3.5 * IN), HEMLINE)  # outside hem
        Ap22 = rPoint(A, "Ap22", Ap20.x + (3.5 * IN), HEMLINE)  # inside hem

        # front waist AW
        AW1 = rPointP(A, "AW1", Ap3)  #  front center seam at waist
        AW2 = rPointP(A, "AW2", pntIntersectLinesP(Ap3, Ap4, Ap8, Ap7))  # inside dart leg at waist
        # calculate dart
        DART_LEG_LENGTH = lineLengthP(Ap8, AW2)
        angle1 = angleFromSlopeP(Ap8, Ap5)  # angle of center dart line
        angle2 = angleFromSlopeP(Ap8, Ap7)  # angle of  inside dart leg
        angle3 = angle1 - angle2  # half-angle of dart
        angle4 = angle1 + angle3  # angle of outside dart leg
        angle5 = angle1 + (2 * angle3)  # angle of sewn dart fold, towards side seam
        AW4 = rPointP(A, "AW4", pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap8, DART_LEG_LENGTH, angle4))  # outside dart leg at waist
        pnt1 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap8, DART_LEG_LENGTH, angle5)  # point along sewn dart fold
        pnt2 = pntIntersectLinesP(Ap8, pnt1, Ap4, AW4)  # where sewn dart fold will cross waistline
        AW3 = rPointP(A, "AW3", pntOnLineP(Ap8, Ap5, lineLengthP(Ap8, pnt2)))  # center dart line at waist
        AW5 = rPointP(A, "AW5", Ap4)  # side waist
        # front waist control points
        distance = lineLengthP(AW4, AW5) / 3.0
        cAW5b = cPoint(A, "cAW5b", AW5.x + distance, AW5.y)
        cAW5a = cPointP(A, "cAW5a", pntOnLineP(AW4, cAW5b, distance))

        # front dart AD
        AD1 = rPointP(A, "AD1", Ap8)  # point of dart
        AD2 = rPointP(A, "AD2", pntOffLineP(AW3, Ap8, (5 / 8 * IN)))  # center dart line at cuttingline
        AD3 = rPointP(
            pntIntersectLines(AW4.x, AW4.y - (5 / 8.0) * IN, AW5.x, AW5.y - (5 / 8.0) * IN, Ap8.x, Ap8.y, AW4.x, AW4.y),
        )  # outside dart leg
        AD4 = rPointP(
            pntIntersectLines(AW1.x, AW1.y - (5 / 8.0) * IN, AW2.x, AW2.y - (5 / 8.0) * IN, Ap8.x, Ap8.y, AW2.x, AW2.y),
        )  # inside dart leg

        # front side seam AS
        AS1 = rPointP(A, "AS1", Ap10)
        AS2 = rPointP(A, "AS2", Ap12)
        AS3 = rPointP(A, "AS3", Ap18)
        AS4 = rPointP(A, "AS4", Ap21)
        # front side seam control points
        # if (FRONTNORMALTHIGH):
            cAS3b = cPointP(A, "cAS3b", pntOffLineP(AS3, AS4, (lineLengthP(AS3, AS1) / 2.0)))  # b/w AS1 & AS3
            pnts = pointList(AW5, AS1, AS3)
            c1, c2 = myGetControlPoints("FrontSideSeam", pnts)
            cAS1a = cPoint(A, "cAS1a", c1[0].x, c1[0].y)  # b/w AW5 & AS2
            cAS1b = cPoint(A, "cAS1b", AS1.x, c2[0].y)  # b/w AW5 & AS1
            cAS3a = cPoint(A, "cAS3a", AS1.x, c1[1].y)  # b/w AS1 & AW5
            cAS2a = cPoint(
                A, "cAS2a", min(AS2.x, AW5.x), AW5.y + (lineLengthP(AW5, AS2) / 3.0)
            )  # waistline slightly less than hipline (ex: 1.25") use AS2 else AW5
            cAS3b = cPointP(A, "cAS3b", pntOffLineP(AS3, AS4, (lineLengthP(AS2, AS3) / 3.0)))  # b/w AS2 & AS3
            pnts = pointList(cAS2a, AS2, cAS3b)
            c1, c2 = myGetControlPoints("BackSideSeam", pnts)
            cAS2b = cPoint(A, "cAS2b", c2[0].x, c2[0].y)  # b/w AW5 & AS2
            cAS3a = cPoint(A, "cAS3a", c1[1].x, c1[1].y)  # b/w AS2 & AS3

            # front inseam AI
        AI1 = rPointP(A, "AI1", Ap22)
        AI2 = rPointP(A, "AI2", Ap19)
        AI3 = rPointP(A, "AI3", Ap15)
        # front inseam control points
        cAI3a = cPointP(A, "cAI3a", pntOffLineP(AI2, AI1, (lineLengthP(AI2, AI3) / 2.0)))  # b/w AI2 & AI3
        cAI3b = cPointP(A, "cAI3b", pntOnLineP(AI3, cAI3a, (lineLengthP(AI2, AI3) / 3.0)))  # b/w AI2 & AI3

        # front center seam AC
        AC1 = rPointP(A, "AC1", Ap14)
        if AW1.x > Ap9.x:
            FRONTLARGERWAIST = 1
            FRONTLARGERWAIST = 0
            AC2 = rPointP(A, "AC2", Ap9)
            # straight line for upper front center seam, control points for AC1 & AC2 only, with calculated control point cAC2b to smooth into straight line
            cAC2b = cPointP(A, "cAC2b", pntOffLine(AC2.x, AC2.y, AW1.x, AW1.y, (lineLengthP(AC1, AC2) / 2.0)))
            pnts = pointList(AI3, AC1, cAC2b)
            c1, c2 = myGetControlPoints("FrontCenterSeam", pnts)
            cAC1a = cPoint(A, "cAC1a", c1[0].x, c1[0].y)  # b/w AI3 & AC1
            cAC1b = cPoint(A, "cAC1b", c2[0].x, c2[0].y)  # b/w AI3 & AC1
            cAC2a = cPoint(A, "cAC2a", c1[1].x, c1[1].y)  # b/w AC1 & AC2
            if FRONTLARGERWAIST:
                # curve through AI3,AC2, straight to AW1
                # move AC2 point towards center (x)
                AC2 = rPoint(A, "AC2", Ap9.x + (abs(AW1.x - Ap9.x) / 4.0), Ap9.y)
                cAC2b = cPointP(A, "cAC2b", pntIntersectLinesP(AC2, AW1, AS1, Ap11))  # intersection with Hipline
                # curve through AI3, AC2, then straight to AW1
                AC2 = rPointP(A, "AC2", Ap9)
                cAC2b = cPointP(A, "cAC2b", pntOffLineP(AC2, AW1, (lineLengthP(AC2, AC1) / 3.0)))
            cAC2a = cPointP(A, "cAC2a", pntOnLineP(Ap14, Ap13, (lineLengthP(Ap14, Ap13) / 4.0)))

            # points to create pants Waistband pattern 'C'
        AWB1 = rPointP(A, "AWB1", pntOnLineP(AW1, AC2, WAISTBAND))  # waistband below center waist
            pnt = pntOnLineP(AW5, cAS1a, WAISTBAND)
            pnt = pntOnLineP(AW5, cAS2a, WAISTBAND)
        AWB4 = rPointP(A, "AWB4", pnt)  # waistband line 1in. below side waist
        AWB2 = rPointP(A, "AWB2", pntIntersectLinesP(AWB1, AWB4, Ap8, Ap7))  # waistband line at inside dart leg
        AWB3 = rPointP(A, "AWB3", pntIntersectLinesP(AWB1, AWB4, Ap8, Ap6))  # waistband line at outside dart leg

        # front grainline AG & label location
        AG1 = rPoint(A, "AG1", Ap16.x, HIPLINE)
        AG2 = rPoint(A, "AG2", Ap16.x, Ap18.y + abs(Ap21.y - Ap18.y) / 2.0)
        (A.label_x, A.label_y) = (AG2.x, AG2.y - (2.0 * IN))

        # grid 'Agrid' path
        Agrid = path()
        #   vertical Agrid
        #   horizontal Agrid
        addToPath(Agrid, "M", AStart, "L", AEnd, "M", AWaist, "L", Ap1, "M", AHip, "L", Ap11)
        addToPath(Agrid, "M", ARise, "L", Ap15, "M", Ap18, "L", Ap19, "M", AWB1, "L", AWB2, "M", AWB3, "L", AWB4)
        #   diagonal grid
        addToPath(Agrid, "M", Ap3, "L", Ap4, "M", Ap13, "L", Ap14)
        # dart 'd' path
        d = path()
        addToPath(d, "M", AD1, "L", AD2, "M", AD3, "L", AD1, "L", AD4)

        # seamline 's' & cuttingline 'c' paths
        s = path()
        c = path()
        paths = pointList(s, c)
        for p in paths:
            # - addToPath(p, 'M', AW1,  'L', AW2, 'L', AW3, 'L', AW4, 'C', cAW5a,  cAW5b,  AW5) --> waistband from waist to 1" below waist
            # - waistband from 1" below waist to 2" below waist
            addToPath(p, "M", AW1, "L", AW2, "L", AW3, "L", AW4, "C", cAW5a, cAW5b, AW5)
            # if (FRONTNORMALTHIGH):
            if FRONT_NORMAL_WAIST:
                addToPath(p, "C", cAS1a, cAS1b, AS1)
                addToPath(p, "C", cAS2a, cAS2b, AS2)
                # else:
                # addToPath(p, 'C', cAS1a, cAS1b, AS1, 'C', cAT1a, cAT1b, AT1)
            addToPath(p, "C", cAS3a, cAS3b, AS3, "L", AS4, "L", AI1, "L", AI2, "C", cAI3a, cAI3b, AI3)
            if FRONT_NORMAL_WAIST:
                cubicCurveP(p, cAC1a, cAC1b, AC1)
            addToPath(p, "C", cAC2a, cAC2b, AC2, "L", AW1)

            # add grainline, dart, seamline & cuttingline paths to pattern
        A.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "pants Front Grainline", AG1, AG2))
        A.add(Path("reference", "grid", "pants Front Gridline", Agrid, "gridline_style"))
        A.add(Path("pattern", "dartline", "pants Front Dartline", d, "dart_style"))
        A.add(Path("pattern", "seamLine", "pants Front Seamline", s, "seamline_path_style"))
        A.add(Path("pattern", "cuttingLine", "pants Front Cuttingline", c, "cuttingline_style"))

        # pants Back 'B'

        pants.add(PatternPiece("pattern", "back", letter="B", fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
        B = pants.back

        BSTART = 0.0
        BStart = rPoint(B, "BStart", BSTART, BSTART)
        BEnd = rPoint(B, "BEnd", BEND, BStart.y)
        BWaist = rPoint(B, "BWaist", BStart.x, WAISTLINE)
        BHip = rPoint(B, "BHip", BStart.x, HIPLINE + SEAM_EASE)
        BRise = rPoint(B, "BRise", BStart.x, RISELINE + 2 * SEAM_EASE)
        BRiseInside = rPoint(B, "BRiseInside", BRise.x - BACK_CROTCH_LENGTH, BRise.y)  # crotch point
        BRiseOutside = rPoint(B, "BRiseOutside", BEnd.x, BRise.y)
        BCenterLeg = rPoint(B, "BCenterLeg", BRiseOutside.x - abs(BRiseOutside.x - BRiseInside.x) / 2.0, RISELINE)
        BKnee = rPoint(B, "BKnee", BCenterLeg.x, KNEELINE)
        BHem = rPoint(B, "BHem", BCenterLeg.x, HEMLINE)
        BKneeInside = rPoint(B, "BKneeInside", BKnee.x - BACK_KNEE_WIDTH / 2.0, KNEELINE)
        BKneeOutside = rPoint(B, "BKneeOutside", BKnee.x + BACK_KNEE_WIDTH / 2.0, KNEELINE)
        BHemInside = rPoint(B, "BHemInside", BHem.x - BACK_HEM_WIDTH / 2.0, HEMLINE)
        BHemOutside = rPoint(B, "BHemOutside", BHem.x + BACK_HEM_WIDTH / 2.0, HEMLINE)
        BGrainline1 = rPoint(B, "BGrainline1", BCenterLeg.x, HIPLINE)  # grainline end 1
        BGrainline2 = rPoint(B, "BGrainline2", BCenterLeg.x, KNEELINE + (HEMLINE - KNEELINE) / 2.0)  # grainline end 2
        (B.label_x, B.label_y) = (BGrainline1.x, BGrainline1.y + (2.0 * IN))

        pnt1 = makePnt(BEnd.x, BHip.y)
        pnt2 = pntIntersectLinesP(BKneeOutside, BRiseOutside, BHip, pnt1)
        BHipOutside = rPointP(B, "BHipOutside", midPointP(pnt1, pnt2))
        pnt = makePnt(BEnd.x, BWaist.y)
        BWaistOutside = rPointP(
            B, "BWaistOutside", midPointP(pnt, pntIntersectLinesP(BRiseOutside, BHipOutside, BWaist, pnt))
        BInflection = rPoint(B, "BInflection", BStart.x, HIPLINE - (abs(RISELINE - HIPLINE) / 2.0))

        pnt1 = rPoint(B, "NewWaistlinePnt1", BStart.x, WAISTLINE - abs(RISELINE - HIPLINE) / 2.0)
        pnt2 = rPoint(B, "NewWaistlinePnt2", BEnd.x, WAISTLINE - abs(RISELINE - HIPLINE) / 2.0)
        # pnt3=intersectLineCircleP(pnt1, pnt2, BWaistOutside, BACK_WAIST_ARC + BACK_DART_WIDTH + 2*SEAM_EASE)
        pnt3 = intersectLineCircleP(pnt1, pnt2, BHipOutside, BACK_RISE + 2 * SEAM_EASE)
        BWaistInside = rPointP(B, "BWaistInside", pnt3)
        # b + math.sqrt((y+BInflection.x)**2)
        # x1, y1, x2, y2 = intersectCircleCircleP(BInflection, BACK_RISE + SEAM_EASE, BWaistOutside, BACK_WAIST_ARC + BACK_DART_WIDTH + 2*SEAM_EASE)
        # BWaistInside=rPoint(B, 'BWaistInside', x2, y2)

        # dart
        BDartCenter = rPointP(
            B, "BDartCenter", pntOnLineP(BWaistOutside, BWaistInside, lineLengthP(BWaistOutside, BWaistInside) / 2.0)
        pnt1 = midPointP(BHip, BHipOutside)
        distance = lineLengthP(BDartCenter, pnt1) / 3.0
        pnt2 = pntOnLineP(BDartCenter, pnt1, distance)
        BDartPoint = rPointP(B, "BDartPoint", pnt2)
        BDartOutside = rPoint(B, "BDartOutside", BDartCenter.x + BACK_DART_WIDTH / 2.0, BDartCenter.y)
        distance = lineLengthP(BDartPoint, BDartOutside)
        angle1 = angleFromSlope(-(BDartOutside.y - BDartPoint.y), BDartOutside.x - BDartPoint.x)
        P1 = rPointP(B, "P1", pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BDartPoint, distance, angle1))
        angle2 = angleFromSlope(-(BDartCenter.y - BDartPoint.y), BDartCenter.x - BDartPoint.x)
        p2 = rPointP(B, "P2", pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BDartPoint, distance, angle2))
        angle3 = angle2 - angle1
        angle = angle2 + angle3
        BDartInside = rPointP(B, "BDartInside", pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BDartPoint, distance, angle))
        # dart fold
        CENTER_ANGLE = angleFromSlopeP(BDartPoint, BDartCenter)  # angle of dart center line
        INSIDE_ANGLE = angleFromSlopeP(BDartPoint, BDartInside)  # angle of dart inside leg
        HALF_DART_ANGLE = abs(CENTER_ANGLE - INSIDE_ANGLE)  # angle of half-dart
            2 * HALF_DART_ANGLE
        )  # angle of center line after dart is folded towards inside = "dart fold"
        pnt1 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(
            BDartPoint, 1 * IN, FOLD_ANGLE
        )  # arbitrary point to find line from dart point that intersects with waistline
        PNT1 = rPointP(B, "PNT1", pnt1)
        pnt2 = pntIntersectLinesP(BDartPoint, pnt1, BWaistInside, BDartInside)  # intersection on waistline
        PNT2 = rPointP(B, "PNT2", pnt2)
        distance = lineLengthP(
            BDartPoint, pnt2
        )  # use intersection point to find length of center line of dart so that fold will not be too short
        BDartFold = rPointP(B, "BDartFold", pntOnLineP(BDartPoint, BDartCenter, distance))
        # dart points at cuttingline
        pnt1 = pntIntersectLines(
            BDartOutside.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE,
            BWaistOutside.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE,
        BDartOutsideCuttingLine = rPointP(B, "BDartOutsideCuttingLine", pnt1)
        BDartFoldCuttingLine = rPointP(
            B, "BDartCenterCuttingLine", pntOffLineP(BDartFold, BDartPoint, SEAM_ALLOWANCE)
        )  # dart center at cuttingline
        pnt2 = pntIntersectLines(
            BDartInside.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE,
            BWaistInside.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE,
        BDartInsideCuttingLine = rPointP(B, "BDartInsideCuttingLine", pnt2)  # dart inside leg at cuttingline

        # back waist control points b/w BDartOutside & BBWaistOutside
        x, y = BDartOutside.x, BDartOutside.y + abs(BWaist.y - BDartOutside.y) / 2.0
        distance = lineLengthP(BDartOutside, BWaistOutside) / 3.0
        cBWOb = cPointP(B, "cBWOb", pntOnLine(BWaistOutside.x, BWaistOutside.y, x, y, distance))
        cBWOa = cPointP(B, "cBWOa", pntOnLineP(BDartOutside, cBWOb, distance))
        # Outside control points
        pnts = pointList(BWaistOutside, BHipOutside, BRiseOutside, BKneeOutside)
        c1, c2 = myGetControlPoints("OutsideSeam", pnts)
        cBHOa = cPointP(B, "cBHOa", c1[0])
        cBHOb = cPointP(B, "cBHOb", c2[0])
        cBROa = cPointP(B, "cBROa", c1[1])
        cBROb = cPointP(B, "cBROb", c2[1])
        cBKOa = cPointP(B, "cBKOa", c1[2])
        distance = lineLengthP(BKneeOutside, BRiseOutside) / 2.0
        cBKOb = cPointP(B, "cBKOb", pnt=pntOffLineP(BKneeOutside, BHemOutside, distance))
        # Inseam control points
        cBRIa = cPointP(
            B, "cBRIa", pntOffLineP(BKneeInside, BHemInside, lineLengthP(BKneeInside, BRiseInside) / 2.0)
        )  # b/w BO & BL
        cBRIb = cPointP(
            B, "cBRIb", pntOnLineP(BRiseInside, cBRIa, lineLengthP(BKneeInside, BRiseInside) / 3.0)
        )  # b/w BO & BL
        # center seam control points BRiseInside to BWaistInside
        cBIa = cPointP(
            B, "cBIa", pntOnLineP(BRiseInside, BRise, lineLengthP(BRiseInside, BInflection) / 2.0)
        )  # horizontal control line at crotch point
            # curve from BRiseInside to BInflection and BWaistInside
            cBIb = cPointP(
                B, "cBIb", BInflection.x, BInflection.y + lineLengthP(BRiseInside, BInflection) / 3.0
            )  # vertical control line
            cBWIa = cPoint(
                B, "cBWIa", BInflection.x, BInflection.y - lineLengthP(BInflection, BWaistInside) / 3.0
            )  # vertical control line
            cBWIb = cPoint(
                B, "cBWIb", BWaistInside.x, BWaistInside.y + lineLengthP(BInflection, BWaistInside) / 2.0
            )  # vertical control line, longer distance
            # curve from BRiseInside to BInflection, then straight to BWaistInside
            cBIb = cPointP(
                B, "cBIb", pntOffLineP(BInflection, BWaistInside, lineLengthP(BInflection, BRiseInside) * (0.6))
            )  # longer distance (.6)

            # back points to create pants Waistband pattern
            # back waistband, center section
        rise = -(
            BWaistInside.y - BDartInside.y
        )  # rise of dart inside leg to waist inside -- negate this b/c y increases from top to bottom of drawing
        run = BWaistInside.x - BDartInside.x  # run of dart inside leg to waist inside
        angle1 = -angleFromSlope(run, rise)  # negative inverse of rise/run --> perpendicular to waistline
        pnt1 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BWaistInside, WAISTBAND, angle1)  # top of waistband at BWaistInside
        pnt2 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BDartInside, WAISTBAND, angle1)  # top of waistband at dart inside leg
        BW1 = rPointP(B, "BW1", pnt1)
        BW2 = rPointP(B, "BW2", pnt2)

        # back waistband, side section
        rise = -(
            BDartOutside.y - BWaistOutside.y
        )  # rise of line dart outside leg to side seam at waist -- negate this b/c y increases from top to bottom of drawing
        run = BDartOutside.x - BWaistOutside.x  # run of line dart outside leg to side seam at waist
        angle1 = -angleFromSlope(run, rise)  # negative inverse of rise/run --> perpendicular
        pnt1 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BDartOutside, WAISTBAND, angle1)  # top of waistband at dart outside leg
        pnt2 = pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BWaistOutside, WAISTBAND, angle1)  # top of waistband at BE side seam at waist
        BW3 = rPointP(B, "BW3", pnt1)
        BW4 = rPointP(B, "BW4", pnt2)

        # grid 'Bgrid' path
        Bgrid = path()
        #  vertical grid
        addToPath(Bgrid, "M", BStart, "L", BRise, "M", BCenterLeg, "L", BHem, "M", BEnd, "L", BRiseOutside)
        #   horizontal grid
        #  diagonal grid
        addToPath(Bgrid, "M", BDartInsideCuttingLine, "L", BDartFoldCuttingLine, "L", BDartOutsideCuttingLine)
        # addToPath('M', BWaistInside, 'L', BWaistOutside, 'L', BDartInside)

        # dart 'd' path
        d = path()
        addToPath(d, "M", BDartInsideCuttingLine, "L", BDartPoint, "L", BDartOutsideCuttingLine)

        # seamline 's' & cuttingline 'c' paths
        s = path()
        c = path()
        paths = pointList(s, c)
        for p in paths:
            )  # waistline (BH to BE)
            if BACK_WAIST_ARC > BACK_HIP_ARC:
                addToPath(p, "C", cBIa, cBIb, BInflection, "C", cBWIa, cBWIb, BWaistInside)
                addToPath(p, "C", cBIa, cBIb, BInflection, "L", BWaistInside)

                # add grid, dart, grainline, seamline & cuttingline paths to pattern
        B.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "pants Back Grainline", BGrainline1, BGrainline2))
        B.add(Path("reference", "Bgrid", "Trousers Back Gridline", Bgrid, "gridline_style"))
        B.add(Path("pattern", "dartline", "pants Back Dartline", d, "dart_style"))
        B.add(Path("pattern", "seamLine", "pants Back Seamline", s, "seamline_path_style"))
        B.add(Path("pattern", "cuttingLine", "pants Back Cuttingline", c, "cuttingline_style"))

        # call draw once for the entire pattern
Пример #2
	def pattern(self):
		Method defining a pattern design. This is where the designer places
		all elements of the design definition
		#The following attributes are set before calling this method:
		#self.cd - Client Data, which has been loaded from the client data file
		#self.styledefs - the style difinition dictionary, loaded from the styles file
		#self.markerdefs - the marker definition dictionary
		#self.cfg - configuration settings from the main app framework
		#TODO - find a way to get this administrative cruft out of this pattern method
		cd=self.cd	#client data is prefaced with cd.
		#TODO - also extract these from this file to somewhere else
		printer='36" wide carriage plotter'
		if (printer=='36" wide carriage plotter'):
		    self.cfg['paper_width']=(36 * IN)
		self.cfg['border']=(5*CM)#document borders
		#self.cfg['verbose']=('')#debug statements
		# 1:  womens=W, mens=M, teensgirls=TG, teenboys=TB, girls=G, boys=B, toddlers=T, babies=B, crafts=C
		# 2:  streetwearable=S, period=P, fantasy=F
		# 3:  3digit year: 1870:870, 880, 890,900,910,920,930,940,950,960,970,980,990,000,010
		# 4:    none=x, Gaming=g, Futuristic=f, Cosplay=c, GothLolita=g, Military=m, BasicCostumes=c
		# 5: dress=d, pants=p, jeans=j, shirt/blouse=s, tshirt=t, jacket=j, coat=c, vest=v, hat=h, pjs=p, lingerie=l, swimsuits=s,
		#  ....maternity=m, accessories=a
		# 6: casual=1, elegant=2, day&evening=3, grunge&skate=4, sports=5
		# 7: followed by Absolute Number of patterns generated
		#TODO - abstract these into configuration file(s)
		metainfo={'companyName':'Seamly Patterns',  #mandatory
					'designerName':'Susan Spencer',#mandatory
					'patternName':'Jeans Foundation',#mandatory
					'patternNumber':'WS010-xj1-1' #mandatory
		#attributes for the entire svg document
		docattrs={'currentscale' : "0.5 : 1",
					'fitBoxtoViewport' : "True",
					'preserveAspectRatio' : "xMidYMid meet",
		doc=Document(self.cfg, name='document', attributes=docattrs)
		#Set up the Title Block and Test Grid for the top of the document
		TB=TitleBlock('notes', 'titleblock', 0, 0, stylename='titleblock_text_style')
		TG=TestGrid('notes', 'testgrid', self.cfg['paper_width']/3.0, 0, stylename='cuttingline_style')

		# All measurements are in pixels...CM=CM_TO_PX, IN=IN_TO_PX, etc.
		#client & pattern measurements

		WAISTLINE=(1.0*IN) # Jeans waist is 1" lower than actual waist
		RISELINE=WAISTLINE + max(cd.front_rise, cd.side_rise, cd.back_rise)
		HEMLINE=RISELINE + cd.inside_leg

		BACK_WAIST_ARC=(cd.waist_circumference - (2*FRONT_WAIST_ARC))/2.0
		BACK_HIP_ARC=(cd.hip_circumference - (2*FRONT_HIP_ARC))/2.0

		WAISTBAND=(1.0*IN) # Height of Waistband


		if ((BACK_HIP_ARC-BACK_WAIST_ARC)>= (2.0*IN)):

		#Begin Jeans Pattern Set

		# Jeans Front 'A'
		jeans.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'front', letter='A', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
		AStart=rPoint(A, 'AStart', ASTART, ASTART)
		AEnd=rPoint(A, 'AEnd', AEND, ASTART)
		AWaist=rPoint(A, 'AWaist', ASTART, WAISTLINE)
		AHip=rPoint(A, 'AHip', ASTART, HIPLINE)
		ARise=rPoint(A, 'ARise', ASTART, RISELINE)

		Ap1=rPoint(A, 'Ap1', AEND, WAISTLINE) # right side of reference grid
		Ap5=rPoint(A, 'Ap5', AEND/2.0, WAISTLINE) # dart midpoint
		Ap6=rPoint(A, 'Ap6', Ap5.x-(.25*IN), WAISTLINE) #dart outside leg (left on pattern)
		Ap7=rPoint(A, 'Ap7', Ap5.x+(.25*IN), WAISTLINE) # dart inside leg (right on pattern)
		Ap8=rPoint(A, 'Ap8', Ap5.x, Ap5.y+(2.5*IN)) # dart point
		Ap2=rPoint(A, 'Ap2', Ap7.x+(FRONT_WAIST_ARC/2.0), WAISTLINE)
		Ap3=rPoint(A, 'Ap3', Ap2.x, WAISTLINE-(0.25)*IN) # center waist
		Ap4=rPoint(A, 'Ap4', Ap6.x-(FRONT_WAIST_ARC/2.0), WAISTLINE) # side waist
		Ap9=rPoint(A, 'Ap9', AEND, (RISELINE/2.0)) # center front 'pivot' point from crotch curve to front fly
		Ap10=rPoint(A, 'Ap10', ASTART, HIPLINE)
		Ap11=rPoint(A, 'Ap11', AEND, HIPLINE)
		Ap12=rPoint(A, 'Ap12', ASTART, RISELINE)
		Ap13=rPoint(A, 'Ap13', AEND, RISELINE)
		Ap14=rPointP(A, 'Ap14', pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap13, (1.25*IN), angleFromSlope(1.0, 1.0))) # inside crotch curve point
		Ap15=rPoint(A, 'Ap15', Ap13.x+(2.0*IN), RISELINE) # point of crotch
		Ap16=rPoint(A, 'Ap16', Ap15.x/2.0, RISELINE) # creaseline point
		Ap17=rPoint(A, 'Ap17', Ap16.x, KNEELINE)
		Ap18=rPoint(A, 'Ap18', Ap16.x-(4.0*IN), KNEELINE) # outside knee
		Ap19=rPoint(A, 'Ap19', Ap16.x+(4.0*IN), KNEELINE) # inside knee
		Ap20=rPoint(A, 'Ap20', Ap16.x, HEMLINE)
		Ap21=rPoint(A, 'Ap21', Ap20.x-(3.5*IN), HEMLINE) # outside hem
		Ap22=rPoint(A, 'Ap22', Ap20.x+(3.5*IN), HEMLINE) # inside hem

		# front waist AW
		AW1=rPointP(A,'AW1', Ap3) #  front center seam at waist
		AW2=rPointP(A, 'AW2', pntIntersectLinesP(Ap3, Ap4, Ap8, Ap7)) # inside dart leg at waist
		# calculate dart
		DART_LEG_LENGTH=lineLengthP(Ap8, AW2)
		angle1=angleP(Ap8, Ap5) # angle of center dart line
		angle2=angleP(Ap8, Ap7) # angle of  inside dart leg
		angle3=angle1 - angle2 # half-angle of dart
		angle4=angle1 + angle3 # angle of outside dart leg
		angle5=angle1 + (2*angle3) # angle of sewn dart fold, towards side seam
		AW4=rPointP(A, 'AW4', pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap8, DART_LEG_LENGTH, angle4)) # outside dart leg at waist
		pnt1=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(Ap8, DART_LEG_LENGTH, angle5) # point along sewn dart fold
		pnt2=pntIntersectLinesP(Ap8, pnt1, Ap4,  AW4 ) # where sewn dart fold will cross waistline
		AW3=rPointP(A, 'AW3',  pntOnLineP(Ap8, Ap5, lineLengthP(Ap8, pnt2))) # center dart line at waist
		AW5=rPointP(A, 'AW5', Ap4) # side waist
		#front waist control points
		distance=(lineLengthP(AW4, AW5)/3.0)
		cAW5b=cPoint(A, 'cAW5b', AW5.x+distance, AW5.y)
		cAW5a=cPointP(A, 'cAW5a', pntOnLineP(AW4, cAW5b, distance))

		# front dart AD
		AD1=rPointP(A, 'AD1', Ap8) # point of dart
		AD2=rPointP(A, 'AD2', pntOffLineP(AW3, Ap8, (5/8*IN))) # center dart line at cuttingline
		AD3=rPointP(A, 'AD3', pntIntersectLines(AW4.x, AW4.y-(5/8.0)*IN, AW5.x, AW5.y-(5/8.0)*IN, Ap8.x, Ap8.y, AW4.x, AW4.y)) # outside dart leg
		AD4=rPointP(A, 'AD4', pntIntersectLines(AW1.x, AW1.y-(5/8.0)*IN, AW2.x, AW2.y-(5/8.0)*IN, Ap8.x, Ap8.y, AW2.x, AW2.y)) #inside dart leg

		# front side seam AS
		AS1=rPointP(A, 'AS1', Ap10)
		AS2=rPointP(A, 'AS2', Ap12)
		AS3=rPointP(A, 'AS3', Ap18)
		AS4=rPointP(A, 'AS4', Ap21)
		# front side seam control points
			cAS3b=cPointP(A, 'cAS3b', pntOffLineP(AS3, AS4, (lineLengthP(AS3, AS1)/2.0))) # b/w AS1 & AS3
			pnts=pointList(AW5, AS1, AS3)
			c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('FrontSideSeam', pnts)
			cAS1a=cPoint(A, 'cAS1a', c1[0].x, c1[0].y) #b/w AW5 & AS2
			cAS1b=cPoint(A, 'cAS1b', AS1.x, c2[0].y) #b/w AW5 & AS1
			cAS3a=cPoint(A, 'cAS3a', AS1.x, c1[1].y) #b/w AS1 & AW5
			cAS2a=cPoint(A, 'cAS2a', min(AS2.x, AW5.x), AW5.y+(lineLengthP(AW5, AS2)/3.0)) # waistline slightly less than hipline (ex: 1.25") use AS2 else AW5
			cAS3b=cPointP(A, 'cAS3b', pntOffLineP(AS3, AS4, (lineLengthP(AS2, AS3)/3.0))) # b/w AS2 & AS3
			pnts=pointList(cAS2a, AS2, cAS3b)
			c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('BackSideSeam', pnts)
			cAS2b=cPoint(A, 'cAS2b', c2[0].x, c2[0].y) #b/w AW5 & AS2
			cAS3a=cPoint(A, 'cAS3a', c1[1].x, c1[1].y) #b/w AS2 & AS3

		# front inseam AI
		AI1=rPointP(A, 'AI1', Ap22)
		AI2=rPointP(A, 'AI2', Ap19)
		AI3=rPointP(A, 'AI3', Ap15)
		#front inseam control points
		cAI3a=cPointP(A, 'cAI3a', pntOffLineP(AI2, AI1, (lineLengthP(AI2, AI3)/2.0))) #b/w AI2 & AI3
		cAI3b=cPointP(A, 'cAI3b', pntOnLineP(AI3, cAI3a, (lineLengthP(AI2, AI3)/3.0))) #b/w AI2 & AI3

		#front center seam AC
		AC1=rPointP(A, 'AC1', Ap14)
		if (AW1.x > Ap9.x):
			AC2=rPointP(A, 'AC2', Ap9)
			# straight line for upper front center seam, control points for AC1 & AC2 only, with calculated control point cAC2b to smooth into straight line
			cAC2b=cPointP(A, 'cAC2b', pntOffLine(AC2.x, AC2.y, AW1.x, AW1.y, (lineLengthP(AC1, AC2)/2.0)))
			pnts=pointList(AI3, AC1, cAC2b)
			c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('FrontCenterSeam', pnts)
			cAC1a=cPoint(A, 'cAC1a', c1[0].x, c1[0].y) #b/w AI3 & AC1
			cAC1b=cPoint(A, 'cAC1b', c2[0].x, c2[0].y) #b/w AI3 & AC1
			cAC2a=cPoint(A, 'cAC2a', c1[1].x, c1[1].y) #b/w AC1 & AC2
				# curve through AI3,AC2, straight to AW1
				# move AC2 point towards center (x)
				AC2=rPoint(A, 'AC2', Ap9.x + (abs(AW1.x - Ap9.x)/4.0), Ap9.y)
				cAC2b=cPointP(A, 'cAC2b', pntIntersectLinesP(AC2, AW1, AS1, Ap11)) #intersection with Hipline
				# curve through AI3, AC2, then straight to AW1
				AC2=rPointP(A, 'AC2', Ap9)
				cAC2b=cPointP(A, 'cAC2b', pntOffLineP(AC2, AW1, (lineLengthP(AC2, AC1)/3.0)))
			cAC2a=cPointP(A, 'cAC2a', pntOnLineP(Ap14, Ap13, (lineLengthP(Ap14, Ap13)/4.0)))

		# points to create Jeans Waistband pattern 'C'
		AWB1=rPointP(A, 'AWB1', pntOnLineP(AW1, AC2, WAISTBAND)) # waistband below center waist
			pnt=pntOnLineP(AW5, cAS1a, WAISTBAND)
			pnt=pntOnLineP(AW5, cAS2a, WAISTBAND)
		AWB4=rPointP(A, 'AWB4', pnt) # waistband line 1in. below side waist
		AWB2=rPointP(A, 'AWB2', pntIntersectLinesP(AWB1, AWB4, Ap8, Ap7)) # waistband line at inside dart leg
		AWB3=rPointP(A, 'AWB3', pntIntersectLinesP(AWB1, AWB4, Ap8, Ap6)) # waistband line at outside dart leg

		#front grainline AG & label location
		AG1=rPoint(A, 'AG1', Ap16.x, HIPLINE)
		AG2=rPoint(A, 'AG2', Ap16.x, Ap18.y+abs(Ap21.y-Ap18.y)/2.0)
		(A.label_x, A.label_y)=(AG2.x, AG2.y-(2.0*IN))

		#grid 'Agrid' path
		#   vertical Agrid
		addToPath(Agrid, 'M', AStart, 'L', ARise, 'M', Ap5, 'L', Ap8, 'M', Ap16, 'L', Ap20, 'M', Ap3, 'L', Ap2, 'M', AEnd, 'L', Ap13)
		#   horizontal Agrid
		addToPath(Agrid, 'M', AStart, 'L', AEnd, 'M', AWaist, 'L', Ap1,'M', AHip, 'L', Ap11)
		addToPath(Agrid, 'M', ARise, 'L', Ap15, 'M', Ap18, 'L', Ap19, 'M', AWB1, 'L', AWB2, 'M', AWB3, 'L', AWB4)
		#   diagonal grid
		addToPath(Agrid, 'M', Ap3, 'L', Ap4, 'M', Ap13, 'L', Ap14)
		# dart 'd' path
		addToPath(d, 'M', AD1, 'L', AD2, 'M', AD3, 'L', AD1, 'L', AD4)

		# seamline 's' & cuttingline 'c' paths
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			# - addToPath(p, 'M', AW1,  'L', AW2, 'L', AW3, 'L', AW4, 'C', cAW5a,  cAW5b,  AW5) --> waistband from waist to 1" below waist
			# - waistband from 1" below waist to 2" below waist
			addToPath(p, 'M', AW1,  'L', AW2, 'L', AW3, 'L', AW4, 'C', cAW5a,  cAW5b,  AW5)
				addToPath(p, 'C', cAS1a, cAS1b, AS1)
				addToPath(p, 'C', cAS2a, cAS2b, AS2)
					#addToPath(p, 'C', cAS1a, cAS1b, AS1, 'C', cAT1a, cAT1b, AT1)
			addToPath(p, 'C', cAS3a, cAS3b, AS3, 'L', AS4, 'L', AI1, 'L',  AI2, 'C', cAI3a, cAI3b, AI3)
				cubicCurveP(p, cAC1a, cAC1b, AC1)
			addToPath(p, 'C', cAC2a, cAC2b, AC2, 'L',  AW1)

		# add grainline, dart, seamline & cuttingline paths to pattern
		A.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Jeans Front Grainline", AG1, AG2))
		A.add(Path('reference','grid', 'Jeans Front Gridline', Agrid, 'gridline_style'))
		A.add(Path('pattern', 'dartline', 'Jeans Front Dartline', d, 'dart_style'))
		A.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Jeans Front Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		A.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Jeans Front Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		# Jeans Back 'B'

		jeans.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'back', letter='B', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))

		BStart=rPoint(B, 'BStart', BSTART, BSTART)
		BEnd=rPoint(B, 'BEnd', BEND, BStart.y)
		BWaist=rPoint(B, 'BWaist', BStart.x, WAISTLINE)
		BHip=rPoint(B, 'BHip', BStart.x, HIPLINE)
		BRise=rPoint(B, 'BRise', BStart.x, RISELINE+ 2*SEAM_EASE)
		BSRise=rPoint(B, 'BSRise', BEnd.x, RISELINE - SIDE_RISE)

		# Waist:
		# 	dart
		BA=rPoint(B, 'BA', BEND/2.0, BStart.y) # dart midpoint
		BB=rPoint(B, 'BB', BA.x + (BACK_DART_WIDTH/2.0), BA.y) # dart outside leg
		BC=rPoint(B, 'BC', BA.x - (BACK_DART_WIDTH/2.0), BA.y) # dart inside leg
		BD=rPoint(B, 'BD', BA.x, BA.y + BACK_DART_LENGTH) # dart point
		# 	side seam at waist
		pnt.x, pnt.y = BEnd.x, BWaist.y
		P=intersectLineCircle(pnt, BWaist,  BB, (3/5.0)*BACK_WAIST_WIDTH) #P.intersections is number of intersections, P.p1 is x,y of 1st intersection, P.p2 is x,y of 2nd if it exists.
		BE=rPoint(B, 'BE', min(BEnd.x, P.p2.x), BWaist.y) # get 2nd intersection point
		# 	back waist control points b/w BB & BE
		distance=(lineLengthP(BB, BE)/3.0)
		cBEb=cPoint(B, 'cBEb', BE.x-distance, BE.y)
		cBEa=cPointP(B, 'cBEa', pntOnLineP(BB, cBEb, distance))
		# dart fold
		CENTER_ANGLE = angleP(BD, BA) # angle of dart center line
		SIDE_ANGLE = angleP(BD, BB) # angle of dart outside leg
		HALF_DART_ANGLE = CENTER_ANGLE - SIDE_ANGLE # angle of half-dart
		FOLD_ANGLE = CENTER_ANGLE + (2 * HALF_DART_ANGLE) # angle of center line after dart is folded towards side seam = "dart fold"
		pnt1=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BD, DART_LEG_LENGTH, FOLD_ANGLE)

		BH=rPointP(B, 'BH', pntOffLineP(BC, BE, (2/5.0)*BACK_WAIST_WIDTH))
		BF=rPointP(B, 'BF', pntIntersectLinesP(BD, pnt1, BH, BC)) # where sewn dart fold will cross waistline
		BG=rPointP(B, 'BG', pntOnLineP(BD, BA, lineLengthP(BD, BF))) # center dart line at waist
		P=intersectLineCircle(BRise, BStart, BH, RISELINE*2/3.0)
		BI = rPoint(B, 'BI', P.p2.x, P.p2.y)
		BJ=rPoint(B, 'BJ', BEnd.x, HIPLINE)
		BK=rPoint(B, 'BK', BEnd.x, RISELINE)
		BL=rPoint(B, 'BL', BStart.x - BACK_CROTCH_LENGTH, BRise.y) #  crotch point
		BCenterLeg=rPoint(B, 'BCenterLeg', BEnd.x - abs(BEnd.x - BL.x)/2.0, BRise.y)
		BKnee=rPoint(B,'BKnee', BCenterLeg.x , BCenterLeg.y + (HEMLINE - BCenterLeg.y)/2.0 - 1.0*IN)
		BO=rPoint(B, 'BO', BKnee.x - (BACK_KNEE_WIDTH/2.0), BKnee.y)
		BP=rPoint(B, 'BP', BKnee.x + (BACK_KNEE_WIDTH/2.0), BKnee.y)
		BHem=rPoint(B, 'BHem', BCenterLeg.x,  HEMLINE)
		BQ=rPoint(B, 'BQ', BHem.x - BACK_HEM_WIDTH/2.0, HEMLINE)
		BR=rPoint(B, 'BR', BHem.x + BACK_HEM_WIDTH/2.0, HEMLINE)
		BS=rPointP(B, 'BS', pntIntersectLines(BC.x, BC.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE, BH.x, BH.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE, BD.x, BD.y, BC.x, BC.y)) # dart inside leg at cuttingline
		BT=rPointP(B, 'BT', pntOffLineP(BG, BD, SEAM_ALLOWANCE)) # dart center at cuttingline
		BU=rPointP(B, 'BU', pntIntersectLines(BB.x, BB.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE, BE.x, BE.y - SEAM_ALLOWANCE, BD.x, BD.y, BB.x, BB.y)) # dart outside leg at cuttingline
		BG1=rPoint(B, 'BG1', BCenterLeg.x, (BKnee.y - BStart.y)/2.0) # grainline end 1
		BG2=rPoint(B, 'BG2', BCenterLeg.x, BKnee.y + (HEMLINE - BKnee.y)/2.0) # grainline end 2
		#back label location
		(B.label_x, B.label_y)=(BG1.x, BG1.y + (2.0*IN))
		# test for waist > hip
		if (BH.x < BI.x):

			# case 1: normal waist -- Side Seamline from waist to hem is:  BE, BJ, BP, BR -- skipBKRise  & BN Thigh
			cBPb=cPointP(B, 'cBPb', pntOffLineP(BP, BR, (lineLengthP(BP, BJ)/2.0))) # b/w BJ Hip & BP Knee, longer distance (1/2)
			pnts=pointList(BE, BJ, BP)
			c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('BackSideSeam', pnts)
			cBJa=cPoint(B, 'cBJa', c1[0].x, c1[0].y) #b/w BE & BJ
			cBJb=cPoint(B, 'cBJb', BJ.x, c2[0].y) #b/w BE & BJ -- vertical control line above BJ -- BJ is widest point of curve
			cBPa=cPoint(B, 'cBNa', BJ.x, c1[1].y) #b/w BJ & BP -- vertical control line below BJ -- BJ is widest point of curve
			# case 2: larger waist -- Side Seamline from waist to hem: BE, BK, BP, BR -- skip BJ Hip & BN Thigh
			cBKa=cPoint(B, 'cBKa', BE.x, BE.y+(lineLengthP(BE, BK)/3.0)) # vertical control line, normal distance (1/3)
			cBPb=cPointP(B, 'cBPb', pntOffLineP(BP, BR, (lineLengthP(BP, BK)/3.0))) # b/w BK & BP, normal distance (1/3)
			pnts=pointList(cBKa, BK, cBPb) # control the curves which ease out of and into BE & BP by using their nearest control points cBKa & cBPb
			c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('BackSideSeam', pnts)
			cBKb=cPoint(B, 'cBKb', c2[0].x, c2[0].y) #b/w BE & BK
			cBPa=cPoint(B, 'cBPa', c1[1].x, c1[1].y) #b/w BK & BP

		# inseam control points
		distance=(lineLengthP(BL, BO)/3.0)
		cBLa=cPointP(B, 'cBLa', pntOffLineP(BO, BQ, distance)) #b/w BO & BL
		cBLb=cPointP(B, 'cBLb', pntOnLineP(BL, cBLa, distance)) #b/w BO & BL

		# center seam control points BL to BH
		cBIa=cPointP(B, 'cBIa', pntOnLineP(BL, BK, lineLengthP(BL, BI)/3.0)) #b/w BL & BI -- horizontal control line, normal distance (.33)
			# curve from BL to BI and BH
			cBIb=cPointP(B, 'cBIb', BI.x,  BI.y + lineLengthP(BL, BI)/3.0) # b/w BL & BI -- vertical control line, normal distance
			cBHa=cPoint(B, 'cBHa', BI.x, BI.y - lineLengthP(BI, BH)/3.0) #b/w BI & BH -- vertical control line, normal distance (.33)
			cBHb=cPoint(B, 'cBHb', BH.x, BH.y + lineLengthP(BI, BH)/2.0) #b/w BI & BH -- vertical control line, longer distance (.5)
			# curve from BL to BI, then straight to BH
			cBIb=cPointP(B, 'cBIb', pntOffLineP(BI, BH, lineLengthP(BI, BL)*(0.6))) # b/w BL & BI, longer distance (.6)

		# back points to create Jeans Waistband pattern
		# back waistband, center section
		rise=-(BH.y - BC.y)# rise of line BC dart inside leg at waist to BH center seam -- negate this b/c y increases from top to bottom of drawing
		run=(BH.x - BC.x) # trun of line BH-BC -- rise/run = slope of line BC-BH
		angle1=angleFromSlope(-run, rise) # negative inverse of rise/run --> angle of line perpendicular to BC-BH
		pnt1=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BH, WAISTBAND, angle1) # top of waistband at BH center seam
		pnt2=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BC, WAISTBAND, angle1) # top of waistband at BC dart inside leg
		#BW=rPointP(B, 'BW', pntIntersectLinesP(pnt1, pnt2, BC, BD))
		BV=rPointP(B, 'BV', pnt1)
		BW=rPointP(B, 'BW', pnt2)

		# back waistband, side section
		rise=-(BB.y - BE.y)# rise of line BB dart outside leg to BE side seam at waist -- negate this b/c y increases from top to bottom of drawing
		run=(BB.x - BE.x) # run of line BB-BE -- rise/run = slope of line BB-BE
		angle1=angleFromSlope(-run, rise) # negative inverse of rise/run --> angle of line perpendicular to BB-BE'
		pnt1=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BE, WAISTBAND, angle1) # top of waistband at BB dart outside leg
		pnt2=pntFromDistanceAndAngleP(BB, WAISTBAND, angle1) # top of waistband at BE side seam at waist
		BX=rPointP(B, 'BX', pnt2)
		BY=rPointP(B, 'BY', pnt1)

		# grid 'Bgrid' path
		#  vertical grid
		addToPath(Bgrid, 'M', BStart, 'L', BRise, 'M', BCenterLeg, 'L', BHem, 'M', BEnd, 'L', BJ)
		#   horizontal grid
		addToPath(Bgrid, 'M', BStart, 'L', BEnd, 'M', BE, 'L', BWaist, 'M', BHip, 'L', BJ, 'M', BL, 'L', BK, 'M', BO, 'L', BP, 'M', BQ, 'L', BR)
		#  diagonal grid
		addToPath(Bgrid, 'M', BH, 'L', BV, 'L', BW, 'L', BC, 'L', BD, 'L', BB, 'L', BX, 'L', BY, 'L', BE)
		addToPath(Bgrid, 'M', BS, 'L', BT, 'L', BU, 'M', BH, 'L', BE, 'L', BB)

		# dart 'd' path
		addToPath(d, 'M', BS, 'L', BD, 'L', BU)

		# seamline 's' & cuttingline 'c' paths
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			addToPath(p, 'M', BH, 'L', BC, 'L', BG, 'L', BB, 'C', cBEa, cBEb, BE) # waistline (BH to BE)
			# sideseam to hem to inseam to crotch point (BE to BL)
				addToPath(p, 'C', cBJa, cBJb, BJ) # normal waist curves from BE to BJ
				addToPath(p, 'C', cBKa, cBKb, BK) # large waist curves from BE to BK
			addToPath(p, 'C', cBPa, cBPb, BP, 'L', BR, 'L', BQ, 'L', BO,  'C',  cBLa, cBLb, BL)
				addToPath(p, 'C', cBIa, cBIb, BI, 'C', cBHa, cBHb, BH)
				addToPath(p, 'C', cBIa, cBIb, BI, 'L', BH)

		# add grid, dart, grainline, seamline & cuttingline paths to pattern
		B.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Jeans Back Grainline", BG1, BG2))
		B.add(Path('reference','Bgrid', 'Trousers Back Gridline', Bgrid, 'gridline_style'))
		B.add(Path('pattern', 'dartline', 'Jeans Back Dartline', d, 'dart_style'))
		B.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Jeans Back Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		B.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Jeans Back Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		# Jeans Waistband 'C'
		jeans.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'LeftWaistband', letter='C', fabric=2, interfacing=1, lining=0))

		CStart=rPoint(C, 'CStart', BSTART, BSTART)
		CEnd=rPoint(C, 'CEnd', BEND, BSTART)

		# Left Waistband
		# join side sections at side seam with vertical line through CX1
		CX1=rPoint(C,'CX1', AWB4.x, AWB4.y-WAISTBAND) # reference point to center the waistband
		# front waistband, side section
		connector_pnts=pointList(AWB4, CX1, AWB4, AW1) # connector0-centerpoint, connector0-connector1 --> connector0-connector1 will be rotated to align with connector0-centerpoint
		old_pnts=pointList(AWB4, AW5, AW4, AWB3)
		new_pnts=connectObjects(connector_pnts, old_pnts) # front waistband, side section new points
		C8=rPoint(C, 'C8', new_pnts[0].x, new_pnts[0].y)
		C3=rPoint(C, 'C3', new_pnts[1].x, new_pnts[1].y)
		C2=rPoint(C, 'C2', new_pnts[2].x, new_pnts[2].y)
		C9=rPoint(C, 'C9', new_pnts[3].x, new_pnts[3].y)
		# back waistband, side section
		connector_pnts=pointList(AWB4, CX1, BY, BE) # connector0-centerpoint, connector2-connector3 --> connector2-connector3 will be rotated to align with connector0-centerpoint
		old_pnts=pointList(BY, BE, BB, BX)
		new_pnts=connectObjects(connector_pnts, old_pnts) # back waistband, side section new points
		# new_pnts[0] =C8, new_pnts[1] =C3 --> duplicates from previous section
		C4=rPoint(C, 'C4', new_pnts[2].x, new_pnts[2].y)
		C7=rPoint(C, 'C7', new_pnts[3].x, new_pnts[3].y)

		# connect front center section to new front side section
		connector_pnts=pointList(C9, C2, AWB2, AW2)
		old_pnts=pointList(AWB2, AW2, AW1, AWB1)
		new_pnts=connectObjects(connector_pnts, old_pnts)
		C1=rPoint(C, 'C1', new_pnts[2].x, new_pnts[2].y)
		C10=rPoint(C, 'C10', new_pnts[3].x, new_pnts[3].y)

		# connect back center section to new back side section
		connector_pnts=pointList(C7, C4, BW, BC)
		old_pnts=pointList(BW, BC, BH, BV)
		new_pnts=connectObjects(connector_pnts, old_pnts)
		C5=rPoint(C, 'C5', new_pnts[2].x, new_pnts[2].y)
		C6=rPoint(C, 'C6', new_pnts[3].x, new_pnts[3].y)

		cC3a=cPointP(C, 'cC3a', pntOffLineP(C2, C1, lineLengthP(C2, C3)/3.0)) #b/w C2 & C3
		cC4b=cPointP(C, 'cC4b', pntOffLineP(C4, C5, lineLengthP(C4, C3)/4.0)) #b/w C4 & C3
		pnts=pointList(cC3a, C3, cC4b)
		c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('LeftWaistbandTopEdge', pnts)
		cC3b=cPointP(C, 'cC3b', pntOnLineP(C3, c2[0], lineLengthP(C2, C3)/3.0)) #b/w C2 & C3
		cC4a=cPointP(C, 'cC4a', pntOnLineP(C3, c1[1], lineLengthP(C4, C3)/3.0)) #b/w C4 & C3

		cC8a=cPointP(C, 'cC8a', pntOffLineP(C7, C6, lineLengthP(C7, C8)/3.0)) #b/w C7 & C8
		cC9b=cPointP(C, 'cC9b', pntOffLineP(C9, C10, lineLengthP(C9, C8)/3.0)) #b/w C9 & C8
		pnts=pointList(cC8a, C8, cC9b)
		c1, c2=myGetControlPoints('LeftWaistbandLowerEdge', pnts)
		cC8b=cPointP(C, 'cC8b', pntOnLineP(C8, c2[0], lineLengthP(C7, C8)/3.0)) #b/w C7 & C8
		cC9a=cPointP(C, 'cC9a', pntOnLineP(C8, c1[1], lineLengthP(C9, C8)/3.0)) #b/w C8 & C9

		#grainline points & label location
		CG1=rPoint(C, 'CG1', C2.x+(1.0*IN), C2.y + (0.5*IN))
		CG2=rPoint(C, 'CG2', CG1.x + (1.5*IN), CG1.y)
		(C.label_x, C.label_y)=(CG2.x, CG2.y)

		#grid 'Cgrid' path
		addToPath(Cgrid, 'M', C2, 'L', C9, 'M',C3,'L',C8,'M', C4, 'L', C7)

		# seamline 's' & cuttingline 'c' paths
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			addToPath(p, 'M', C1, 'L', C2, 'C', cC3a, cC3b, C3, 'C', cC4a, cC4b, C4, 'L', C5)
			addToPath(p, 'L', C6, 'L', C7, 'C', cC8a, cC8b, C8, 'C', cC9a, cC9b, C9, 'L', C10, 'L', C1)

		# add grainline, seamline & cuttingline paths to pattern
		C.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Left Waistband Grainline", CG1, CG2))
		C.add(Path('reference','grid', 'Left Waistband Reference Grid', Cgrid, 'gridline_style'))
		C.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Left Waistband Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		C.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Left Waistband Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#call draw once for the entire pattern
Пример #3
	def pattern(self):
		Method defining a pattern design. This is where the designer places
		all elements of the design definition
		#The following attributes are set before calling this method:
		#self.cd - Client Data, which has been loaded from the client data file
		#self.styledefs - the style difinition dictionary, loaded from the styles file
		#self.markerdefs - the marker definition dictionary
		#self.cfg - configuration settings from the main app framework
		#TODO - find a way to get this administrative cruft out of this pattern method
		cd=self.cd	#client data is prefaced with cd.
		#TODO - also extract these from this file to somewhere else
		printer='36" wide carriage plotter'
		if (printer=='36" wide carriage plotter'):
		    self.cfg['paper_width']=(36 * IN)
		self.cfg['border']=(5*CM)#document borders
		self.cfg['verbose']=('1')#document borders
		#TODO - abstract these into configuration file(s)
		metainfo={'companyName':'Seamly Patterns',  #mandatory
					'designerName':'Susan Spencer',#mandatory
					'patternName':'Steampunk Trousers',#mandatory
					'patternNumber':'1870-M-T-1'   #mandatory
		#attributes for the entire svg document
		docattrs={'currentscale' : "0.5 : 1",
					'fitBoxtoViewport' : "True",
					'preserveAspectRatio' : "xMidYMid meet",
		doc=Document(self.cfg, name='document', attributes=docattrs)
		#Set up the Title Block and Test Grid for the top of the document
		TB=TitleBlock('notes', 'titleblock', 0, 0, stylename='titleblock_text_style')
		TG=TestGrid('notes', 'testgrid', self.cfg['paper_width']/3.0, 0, stylename='cuttingline_style')

		#Begin the pattern ...

		#pattern values
		patternRise=abs(patternOutsideLeg - patternInsideLeg)-(0.5*CM)

		#client values
		#rise=abs(cd.outside_leg - cd.inside_leg) - (0.5*CM)
		scale=cd.hip_circumference/2.0 #scale is 1/2 body circumference of reference measurement

		#client ratios
		WAISTEASE=((2.54*CM)/4.0)*waistRatio #horizontal ease is distributed across 4 patterns

		HIPEASE=((6.5*CM)/4.0)*hipRatio # horizontal ease







		#Begin Trousers
		#TODO - move next two lines into Pattern class?

		# Begin Trousers Front pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'front', 'A', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))  # trousers.front
		A=rPoint(tf, 'A', scale_1_8 + (0.5*CM*hipRatio), 8.0*CM) # start pattern 8cm down from y=0
		A1=rPoint(tf, 'A1', A.x, A.y + (2.0*CM*riseRatio) )# start front center line 10cm down from y=0
		B=rPoint(tf, 'B', A.x, A1.y + (3.8*CM*riseRatio) )# waistband width, waistline
		C=rPoint(tf, 'C', A.x, B.y + frontHipHeight-(2.0*CM*riseRatio)) # hipline
		D=rPoint(tf, 'D', A.x, B.y + rise-(2.0*CM*riseRatio)) # riseline
		E=rPoint(tf, 'E', A.x, D.y + (insideLeg/2.0)-(5.5*CM*insideLegRatio))# thigh curve ends at 5.5cm above kneeline.--> Knee
		F=rPoint(tf,'F', A.x, D.y + insideLeg - (1.0*CM*insideLegRatio))# hemline is 1cm above floor
		I=rPoint(tf, 'I', A.x, B.y + abs(C.y - B.y)/2.0) # midpoint b/w waistline and hipline
		p2=rPoint(tf, 'p2', D.x - scale_1_8 - (0.5*CM*hipRatio), D.y)
		length=(D.x - p2.x)/2.25
		x, y=pointAlongLine(D.x, D.y, (D.x - 100), (D.y - 100), length) # 100pt is arbitrary distance to create 45degree angle
		p3=rPoint(tf, 'p3', x, y)
		p7=rPoint(tf, 'p7', B.x + frontWaistWidth, B.y-(2.0*CM*riseRatio)) # sideseam waist
		p8=rPoint(tf, 'p8', p7.x, A.y) #sideseam top waistband
		p9=rPoint(tf, 'p9', I.x + frontHipWidth-(0.5*CM*(min(1, hipRatio))), I.y) #sideseam midpoint b/w hipline & riseline, hipwidth-0.5cm
		p10=rPoint(tf, 'p10', C.x + frontHipWidth, C.y)
		b=p7.y - (m*p7.x)
		p11=rPoint(tf, 'p11', p10.x - (0.5*CM*(min(1, hipRatio))), D.y)
		p16=rPoint(tf, 'p16', p2.x + (abs(p11.x - p2.x)/2.0), p2.y) # midpoint of horizontal riseline marks vertical creaseline
		p4=rPoint(tf, 'p4', p16.x - (kneeWidth/2.0), E.y)
		p5=rPoint(tf, 'p5', p16.x - (hemWidth/2.0), F.y)
		x, y=getXOnLineAtY(D.y, p4, p5)
		p6=rPoint(tf, 'p6', x, y)
		p12=rPoint(tf, 'p12', p4.x + kneeWidth, p4.y)
		p13=rPoint(tf, 'p13', p5.x + hemWidth, p5.y)
		p14=rPoint(tf, 'p14', p16.x, F.y)
		p15=rPoint(tf, 'p15', p14.x, p14.y - (2.0*CM*insideLegRatio))
		x, y=getXOnLineAtY(D.y, p12, p13)
		p30=rPoint(tf, 'p30', x, y)
		length=abs(D.y -A.y)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p16.x, p16.y, p15.x, p15.y, -length)
		G=rPoint(tf, 'G', x, y)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p5.x, p5.y, p4.x, p4.y, distance)
		K=rPoint(tf, 'K', x, y)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p13.x, p13.y, p12.x, p12.y, distance)
		L=rPoint(tf, 'L', x, y)
		M=rPoint(tf, 'M', p15.x, p15.y - HEM_ALLOWANCE)
		Knee=rPoint(tf, 'Knee', p16.x, E.y)

		#control points for waistband top
		distance=((math.sqrt(((p8.x - A1.x)**2) + ((p8.y - A1.y)**2)))/3.0)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(A1.x, A1.y, p8.x, A1.y, distance)
		c8a=cPoint(tf, 'c8a', x, y) #b/w A1 & p8
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p8.x, p8.y, c8a.x, c8a.y, distance)
		c8b=cPoint(tf, 'c8b', x, y) #b/w A1 & p8

		distance=((math.sqrt(((p7.x - B.x)**2) + ((p7.y - B.y)**2)))/3.0)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(B.x, B.y, p7.x, B.y, distance)
		c7a=cPoint(tf, 'c7a', x, y) #b/w B & p7
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p7.x, p7.y, c7a.x, c7a.y, distance)
		c7b=cPoint(tf, 'c7b', x, y) #b/w B & p7

		#control points for side seam
		distance = ((math.sqrt(((p12.x - p10.x)**2) + ((p12.y - p10.y)**2))) / 2.0)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p12.x, p12.y, p13.x, p13.y, -distance)
		c12b=cPoint(tf, 'c12b', x, y) #b/w p10 & p12
		pointlist=pointList(p7, p9, p10, p12, p13)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('SideSeam', pointlist)
		c9a=cPoint(tf, 'c9a', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y) #b/w p7 & p9
		c9b=cPoint(tf, 'c9b', scp[0].x, scp[0].y) #b/w  p7 & p9
		c10a=cPoint(tf, 'c10a', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y) #b/w p9 & p10
		c10b=cPoint(tf, 'c10b', scp[1].x, scp[1].y) #b/w p9 & p10
		c12a=cPoint(tf, 'c12a', fcp[2].x, fcp[2].y) #b/w p10 & p12
		#control points for hemallowance
		pointlist=pointList(L, M, K)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('HemAllowance', pointlist)
		c5=cPoint(tf, 'c5', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y) #b/w L & M
		c6=cPoint(tf, 'c6', scp[0].x, scp[0].y) #b/w  L & M
		c7=cPoint(tf, 'c7', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y) #b/w M & K
		c8=cPoint(tf, 'c8', scp[1].x, scp[1].y) #b/w M & K
		#control points for inseam curve
		distance= ((math.sqrt(((p4.x - p2.x)**2) + ((p4.y - p2.y)**2))) / 2.0)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p4.x, p4.y, p5.x, p5.y, -distance)
		c9=cPoint(tf, 'c9', x, y) # b/w p4 & p2
		pointlist=pointList(p4, c9, p2)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('Inseam', pointlist)
		c10=cPoint(tf, 'c10', scp[1].x,  scp[1].y) # b/w p4 & p2
		#control points at front fly curve
		Ca=cPoint(tf, 'Ca', C.x, C.y-(5.0*CM*riseRatio))
		dx = abs(Ca.x - p3.x)
		dy = abs(Ca.y - p3.y)
		Cb = cPoint(tf, 'Cb', C.x - dx, C.y - dy)
		pointlist=pointList(p2, p3, Ca, Cb)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('Inseam', pointlist)
		c11a=cPoint(tf, 'c11a', fcp[0].x,  fcp[0].y) # b/w p2 & p3
		c11b=cPoint(tf, 'c11b', scp[0].x,  scp[0].y) # b/w p2 & p3
		c11c=cPoint(tf, 'c11c', fcp[1].x,  fcp[1].y) # b/w p3 & Ca
		c11d=cPoint(tf, 'c11d', scp[1].x, scp[1].y) #b/w p3 & Ca
		#TODO - improve intersectionOfLines function to accept vertical lines
		#control points for hemline
		pointlist=pointList(p13, p15, p5)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('HemLine', pointlist)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('HemLine', pointlist)
		c13=cPoint(tf, 'c13', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y) #b/w 13 & 15
		c14=cPoint(tf, 'c14', scp[0].x, scp[0].y) #b/w  13 & 15
		c15=cPoint(tf, 'c15', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y) #b/w 15 & 5
		c16=cPoint(tf, 'c16', scp[1].x, scp[1].y) #b/w 15 & 5
		#fly stitch line
		f1=rPoint(tf, 'f1', C.x + (5.0*CM*hipRatio), C.y-(2.54*CM*riseRatio))
		f2=rPoint(tf, 'f2', f1.x, A1.y)
		c17=cPoint(tf, 'c17', p3.x+ (abs(f1.x-p3.x) / 2.0), p3.y) #b/w p3 & f1
		c18=cPoint(tf, 'c18', f1.x, f1.y + (abs(f1.y-p3.y) / 2.0))#b/w p3 & f1

		# Trousers Front Grid lines
		#vertical grid
		moveP(g, A)
		lineP(g, F)
		moveP(g, p6)
		lineP(g, p5)
		moveP(g, p30)
		lineP(g, p13)
		moveP(g, G)
		lineP(g, p14)
		#horizontal grid
		moveP(g, A)
		lineP(g, p8)
		moveP(g, I)
		lineP(g, p9)
		moveP(g, C)
		lineP(g, p10)
		moveP(g, p2)
		lineP(g, p11)
		moveP(g, p4)
		lineP(g, p12)
		moveP(g, p5)
		lineP(g, p13)
		#diagonal grid
		moveP(g, D)
		lineP(g, p3)
		# Trousers Front Gridline path
		tf.add(Path('reference','grid', 'Trousers Front Gridline', g, 'gridline_style'))

		#trousers front waist line
		moveP(wl, B)
		cubicCurveP(wl, c7a, c7b, p7)
		#trousers front waist line path
		tf.add(Path('pattern', 'waistLine', 'Trousers Front Waist line', wl, 'dart_style'))

		#trousers front fly line
		moveP(fl, p3)
		cubicCurveP(fl, c17,  c18, f1)
		lineP(fl, f2)
		#trousers front fly line path
		tf.add(Path('pattern', 'flyLine', 'Trousers Front Fly line', fl, 'dart_style'))

		#Trousers Front Grainline & Label Location
		g1=rPoint(tf, 'g1', p16.x, C.y)
		g2=rPoint(tf, 'g2', p16.x, (p4.y + (abs(p14.y - p4.y) / 2.0)))

		# Trousers Front Cuttingline & Seamline
		paths=pointList(c, s)
		for p in paths:
			# print p.get_d
			# Trousers Front Waistband
			moveP(p, A1)
			cubicCurveP(p, c8a, c8b, p8)
			lineP(p, p7)
			#Trousers Front Sideseam
			cubicCurveP(p, c9a, c9b, p9)
			cubicCurveP(p, c10a, c10b, p10)
			cubicCurveP(p, c12a, c12b, p12)
			lineP(p, p13)
			#Trousers Front Hemline
			cubicCurveP(p, c13, c14, p15)
			cubicCurveP(p, c15, c16, p5)
			#Trousers Front Inseam
			lineP(p, p4)
			cubicCurveP(p, c9, c10, p2)
			#Trousers Front Centerseam
			cubicCurveP(p, c11a, c11b, p3)
			cubicCurveP(p, c11c, c11d, Ca)
			lineP(p, A1)
		# Trousers Front Seamline & Cuttingline paths
		(tf.label_x, tf.label_y)=( p16.x + (2.0*CM*hipRatio), p16.y)
		tf.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Front Grainline", g1, g2))
		tf.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Front Seamline', s,  'seamline_path_style'))
		tf.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Trousers Front Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trousers Front Waistband Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'FrontWaistBand', 'B', fabric=1, interfacing=1, lining=0))  # trousers.frontwaistband
		#Trousers Front Waistband Grainline & Label
		g1=rPoint(tfwb, 'g1', B.x + (12*CM*waistRatio), B.y - (1.0*CM*riseRatio))
		x, y=pointFromDistanceAndAngle(g1.x, g1.y, distance, 45.0)
		g2=rPoint(tfwb, 'g2', x, y)
		# Front Waistband Seamline & Cuttingline
		paths=pointList(c, s)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, A1)
			cubicCurveP(p, c8a, c8b, p8)
			lineP(p, p7)
			cubicCurveP(p, c7b, c7a, B)
			lineP(p, A1)
		# create paths & label location
		(tfwb.label_x,  tfwb.label_y)=(A1.x + (3.0*CM*waistRatio), A1.y + (0.5*CM*riseRatio))
		tfwb.add(grainLinePath('grainLine',  "Trousers Front Waistband Grainline", g1, g2))
		tfwb.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Front Waistband Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tfwb.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Trousers Front Waistband Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trousers Front Fly Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'frontFly', letter='C', fabric=3, interfacing=2, lining=0))
		#Trousers Front Fly Grainline & Label Location
		g1=rPoint(tff, 'g1', A1.x + (2.5*CM*waistRatio), A1.y + (10.0*CM*riseRatio))
		g2=rPoint(tff, 'g2', g1.x, g1.y + (10.0*CM*riseRatio))
		# Trousers Front Fly Seamline & Cuttingline
		s = path()
		c = path()
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, A1)
			lineP(p, Ca)
			cubicCurveP(p, c11d, c11c, p3)
			cubicCurveP(p, c17, c18, f1)
			lineP(p, f2)
			lineP(p, A1)
		# create paths & label location
		(tff.label_x,  tff.label_y)=(A1.x + (1.0*CM*waistRatio), A1.y + (3.0*CM*riseRatio))
		tff.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Front Fly Grainline", g1, g2))
		tff.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Front Fly Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tff.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Trousers Front Fly Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trousers Front Hemlining Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'frontHemLining', letter='D', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
		tfh = trousers.frontHemLining
		#Trousers Front Hemlining Grainline & Label Location
		g1=rPoint(tfh, 'g1', p15.x, p15.y  - (1.0*CM*insideLegRatio))
		x, y=pointFromDistanceAndAngle(g1.x, g1.y, distance, 45.0)
		g2=rPoint(tfh, 'g2', x, y)
		#Trousers Front Hemlining Seamline & Grainline
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, p5)
			lineP(p, K)
			cubicCurveP(p, c8, c7, M)
			cubicCurveP(p, c6, c5, L)
			lineP(p, p13)
			cubicCurveP(p, c13, c14, p15)
			cubicCurveP(p, c15, c16, p5)
		# create paths & label location
		(tfh.label_x,  tfh.label_y)=(K.x + (2.0*CM*hipRatio), K.y + (1.0*CM*insideLegRatio))
		tfh.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Front Hemlining Grainline", g1, g2))
		tfh.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Front Hemlining Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tfh.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Trousers Front Hemlining Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trousers Back Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'back', letter='E', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
		#back center points
		p17=rPoint(tb, 'p17', p2.x - (3.0*CM*hipRatio), p2.y)# extends back crotch measurement by 3cm
		x, y=intersectionOfLines(p17.x, p17.y, p2.x, p2.y, p5.x, p5.y, p4.x, p4.y)
		p18=rPoint(tb, 'p18', x, y)
		p19=rPoint(tb, 'p19', A.x +(5.0*CM*waistRatio), A.y)
		#back waist points
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p19.x, p19.y, C.x, C.y, -distance) # extend center back seam up by 2cm to find waistline
		p20=rPoint(tb, 'p20', x, y)# waistline at back center seam
		r=(backWaistWidth) + (2.0*CM*waistRatio)
		x1, y1, y=p20.x, p20.y, B.y-(2.0*CM*riseRatio)
		x=abs(math.sqrt(r**2 - (y - y1)**2) + x1)
		p21=rPoint(tb, 'p21', x, y)# waistline at side seamside seam -->backwaistwidth + 2cm away from p20
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p20.x, p20.y, p19.x, p19.y, distance) #waistband center back
		W=rPoint(tb, 'W', x, y)
		distance=(backWaistWidth) + (2.0*CM*waistRatio)
		x1=W.x + (p21.x - p20.x)#find x of a point through W at same slope as waistline p20p21
		y1=W.y + (p21.y - p20.y) #find y of point through W at same slope as waistline p20p21
		x, y=pointAlongLine(W.x, W.y, x1, y1, distance)#adds line from W parallel to p20p21 to find p22
		p22=rPoint(tb, 'p22', x, y)# top of waistband at side seam (4cm from waistline)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p20.x, p20.y, p19.x, p19.y, distance)
		p23=rPoint(tb, 'p23', x, y)# top of waistband at center back seam (5cm from waistline)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p23.x, p23.y, p22.x, p22.y, distance)
		p24=rPoint(tb, 'p24', x, y)# back button
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p24.x, p24.y, p23.x, p23.y, distance, 90)
		p25=rPoint(tb, 'p25', x, y) #back waistband highpoint
		#back waist dart
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p22.x, p22.y, p23.x, p23.y, distance)
		H=rPoint(tb, 'H', x, y)# back dart center near top of waistband
		x, y=pointAlongLine(H.x, H.y, p22.x, p22.y, distance, 90)
		P=rPoint(tb, 'P', x, y)# back dart point
		x, y=pointAlongLine(H.x, H.y, p22.x, p22.y, distance)
		Q=rPoint(tb, 'Q', x, y)# inside dart point near top of waistband
		x, y=pointAlongLine(H.x, H.y, p22.x, p22.y, -distance)
		R=rPoint(tb, 'R', x, y)#outside dart point near top of waistband
		x, y=intersectionOfLines(H.x, H.y, P.x, P.y, p20.x, p20.y, p21.x, p21.y)
		S=rPoint(tb, 'S', x, y)# back dart center at waistline
		x, y=pointAlongLine(S.x, S.y, p21.x, p21.y, distance)
		T=rPoint(tb, 'T', x, y)# inside dart point at waistline
		x, y=pointAlongLine(S.x, S.y, p21.x, p21.y, -distance)
		U=rPoint(tb, 'U', x, y)# outside dart point at waistline
		#side seam points
		p26=rPoint(tb, 'p26', p9.x + (4.5*CM*hipRatio), p9.y)# add to abdomenline at side seam
		p27=rPoint(tb, 'p27', p10.x + (3.0*CM*hipRatio), p10.y)# add to hipline at side seam
		p28=rPoint(tb, 'p28', p11.x + (2.0*CM*hipRatio), p11.y)# add to riseline at side seam
		x, y=intersectionOfLines(p12.x, p12.y, p13.x, p13.y, p28.x, p28.y, Knee.x, Knee.y)#intersection of lines p12p13 and p28Knee
		#back hem allowance
		p29=rPoint(tb, 'p29', p14.x, p14.y + (1.3*CM*insideLegRatio))# lowered back trouser hem
		O=rPoint(tb, 'O', p29.x, p29.y - HEM_ALLOWANCE)# lowered back trouser hemallowance
		#control points for back center curve
		x, y=pointAlongLine(C.x, C.y, p19.x, p19.y, -distance)
		cCb=cPoint(tb, 'cCb', x, y)#b/w p18 & C
		pointlist=pointList(p17, p18, cCb)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('BackCenterSeam', pointlist)
		c18a=cPoint(tb, 'c18a', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y) #b/w p17 & p18
		c18b=cPoint(tb, 'c18b', scp[0].x, scp[0].y) #b/w p17 & p18
		x, y=pointAlongLine(fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y, p18.x, p18.y,  distance)
		cCa=cPoint(tb, 'cCa', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y) #b/w p18 & C
		#control points waistband
		distance=lineLengthP(p25, p22)/3.0
		x, y=pointAlongLine( p22.x, p22.y, W.x, W.y, distance)
		c22b=cPoint(tb, 'c22b', x, y)# b/w p25 & p22
		x, y=pointAlongLine( p25.x, p25.y, c22b.x, c22b.y, distance)
		c22a=cPoint(tb, 'c22a', x, y)# b/w p25 & p22
		#control points waistline
		distance=lineLengthP(p20, p21)/3.0
		x, y=pointAlongLine( p21.x, p21.y, p19.x, p19.y, distance)
		c21b=cPoint(tb, 'c21b', x, y) # b/w p20 & p21
		x, y=pointAlongLine( p20.x, p20.y, c21b.x, c21b.y, distance)
		c21a=cPoint(tb, 'c21a', x, y) # b/w p20 & p21
		#control points for back side seam
		#distance = (math.sqrt(((p12.x -p28.x)**2) + ((p12.y - p28.y)**2)) / 2.5)
		distance = (math.sqrt(((p12.x -p27.x)**2) + ((p12.y - p27.y)**2)) / 2.5)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p12.x, p12.y, p13.x, p13.y, -distance)
		c25b=cPoint(tb, 'c25b', x, y) #b/w p27 & p12
		pointlist=pointList(p21, p26, p27, p12)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('BackSideSeam', pointlist)
		c23a=cPoint(tb, 'c23a', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y) #b/w p21 & p26
		c23b=cPoint(tb, 'c23b', scp[0].x, scp[0].y) #b/w  p21 & p26
		c24a=cPoint(tb, 'c24a', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y) #b/w p26 & p27
		c24b=cPoint(tb, 'c24b', scp[1].x, scp[1].y) #b/w p26 & p27
		c25a=cPoint(tb, 'c25a', fcp[2].x, fcp[2].y) #b/w p27 & p12
		#control points hem line
		pointlist=pointList(p13, p29, p5)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('HemLine', pointlist)
		c27=cPoint(tb, 'c27', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y)#b/w p13 & p29
		c28=cPoint(tb, 'c28', scp[0].x, scp[0].y)#b/w p13 & p29
		c29=cPoint(tb, 'c29', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y)#b/w p29 & p5
		c30=cPoint(tb, 'c30', scp[1].x, scp[1].y)#b/w p29 & p5
		#control points hem allowance
		pointlist=pointList(L, O, K)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('HemAllowance', pointlist)
		c31=cPoint(tb, 'c31', fcp[0].x, fcp[0].y)#b/w L & O
		c32=cPoint(tb, 'c32', scp[0].x, scp[0].y)#b/w L & O
		c33=cPoint(tb, 'c33', fcp[1].x, fcp[1].y)#b/w O & K
		c34=cPoint(tb, 'c34', scp[1].x, scp[1].y)#b/w O & K
		#control points inseam
		distance=(math.sqrt(((p4.x - p17.x)**2) + ((p4.y - p17.y)**2)) / 2.0)
		x, y=pointAlongLine(p4.x, p4.y, p5.x, p5.y, -distance)
		c35a=cPoint(tb, 'c35a', x, y) #b/w p4 & p17
		pointlist=pointList(p4, c35a, p17)
		fcp, scp=myGetControlPoints('BackInseam', pointlist)
		c35b=cPoint(tb, 'c35b', scp[1].x, scp[1].y)#b/w p4 & p17

		#Trousers Back Grid
		#vertical grid
		moveP(gr, C)
		lineP(gr, A)
		moveP(gr, p5)
		lineP(gr, p6)
		moveP(gr, p30)
		lineP(gr, p13)
		moveP(gr, p14)
		lineP(gr, G)
		#horizontal grid
		moveP(gr, A)
		lineP(gr, p22)
		moveP(gr, B)
		lineP(gr, p21)
		moveP(gr, I)
		lineP(gr, p26)
		moveP(gr, C)
		lineP(gr, p27)
		moveP(gr, p17)
		lineP(gr, p28)
		moveP(gr, p4)
		lineP(gr, p12)
		moveP(gr, p5)
		lineP(gr, p13)
		#diagonal grid
		moveP(gr, W)
		lineP(gr, p22)
		moveP(gr, p17)
		lineP(gr, Knee)
		lineP(gr, p28)
		moveP(gr, p23)
		lineP(gr, p22)
		moveP(gr, p25)
		lineP(gr, p24)
		tb.add(Path('reference','grid', 'Trousers Back Gridline', gr, 'gridline_style'))

		#Trousers Back Waistline marking line
		moveP(wl, p20)
		cubicCurveP(wl, c21a, c21b, p21)
		tb.add(Path('pattern', 'waistLine', 'Trousers Back Waistline', wl, 'dart_style'))

		#Trousers Back Dart marking lines
		moveP(d, H)
		lineP(d, P)
		moveP(d, Q)
		lineP(d, T)
		lineP(d, P)
		moveP(d, R)
		lineP(d, U)
		lineP(d, P)
		tb.add(Path('pattern', 'dart', 'Trousers Back Dart', d, 'dart_style'))
		#Trousers Back Grainline & Label Location
		g1=rPoint(tb, 'g1',  p16.x, C.y)
		g2=rPoint(tb, 'g2', p16.x, p4.y + (abs(p14.y - p4.y)*(0.5)))

		#Trousers Back Seamline & Cuttingline
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, p17)
			cubicCurveP(p, c18a, c18b, p18)
			cubicCurveP(p, cCa, cCb, C)
			lineP(p, p23)
			lineP(p, p25)
			cubicCurveP(p, c22a, c22b, p22)
			lineP(p, p21)
			cubicCurveP(p, c23a, c23b, p26)
			cubicCurveP(p, c24a, c24b, p27)
			cubicCurveP(p, c25a, c25b, p12)
			lineP(p, p13)
			cubicCurveP(p, c27, c28, p29)
			cubicCurveP(p, c29, c30, p5)
			lineP(p, p4)
			cubicCurveP(p, c35a, c35b, p17)
		# create paths & label location
		tb.label_x, tb.label_y=p16.x + (3.0*CM*hipRatio), p16.y
		tb.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Back Grainline", g1, g2))
		tb.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Back Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tb.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'Trousers Back Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trousers Back  Waistlining Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'backWaistLining', letter='F', fabric=1, interfacing=1, lining=0))
		tbwl = trousers.backWaistLining
		#Trousers Back Waistlining Dart
		moveP(d, H)
		lineP(d, S)
		moveP(d, Q)
		lineP(d, T)
		moveP(d, R)
		lineP(d, U)
		tbwl.add(Path('pattern', 'dart', 'Trousers Back Waistlining Dart', d, 'dart_style'))

		#Trousers Back Waistlining Grainline & Label location
		rise=(p23.y - p20.y)
		run=(p23.x - p20.x)
		angle=angleFromSlope(rise, run)-45.0
		g1=rPoint(tbwl, 'g1', p23.x + (4.0*CM*waistRatio), p23.y+(1.0*CM*riseRatio))
		x, y=pointFromDistanceAndAngle(g1.x, g1.y, distance, angle)
		g2=rPoint(tbwl, 'g2', x, y)

		#Trousers Back Waistlining Seamline & Cuttingline
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, p23)
			lineP(p, p25)
			cubicCurveP(p, c22a, c22b, p22)
			lineP(p, p21)
			lineP(p, p19)
			lineP(p, p23)
		# create paths & label location
		(tbwl.label_x,  tbwl.label_y)=(p25.x, p25.y + (3.0*CM*riseRatio))
		tbwl.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Back Waistband Grainline", g1, g2))
		tbwl.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'Trousers Back Waistlining Seamline', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tbwl.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttinLine', 'Trousers Back Waistlining Cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#Trouser Back Hemlining Pattern
		trousers.add(PatternPiece('pattern', 'backHemLining', letter='G', fabric=2, interfacing=0, lining=0))
		tbhl = trousers.backHemLining
		# Trouser Back Hem Lining Grainline & Label Location
		g1=rPoint(tbhl, 'g1', O.x, p29.y  - (1.0*CM*insideLegRatio))
		x, y=pointFromDistanceAndAngle(g1.x, g1.y, distance, 45.0)
		g2=rPoint(tbhl, 'g2', x, y)

		# Trouser Back Hem Lining Seamline & CuttingLine
		paths=pointList(s, c)
		for p in paths:
			moveP(p, K)
			cubicCurveP(p, c34, c33, O)
			cubicCurveP(p, c32, c31, L)
			lineP(p, p13)
			cubicCurveP(p, c27, c28, p29)
			cubicCurveP(p, c29, c30, p5)
			lineP(p, K)
		# create paths & label location
		(tbhl.label_x,  tbhl.label_y)=(K.x + (2.0*CM*hipRatio), K.y + (2.0*CM*insideLegRatio))
		tbhl.add(grainLinePath("grainLine", "Trousers Back Hemlining Grainline", g1, g2))
		tbhl.add(Path('pattern', 'seamLine', 'seamLine', s, 'seamline_path_style'))
		tbhl.add(Path('pattern', 'cuttingLine', 'cuttingline', c, 'cuttingline_style'))

		#call draw once for the entire pattern