Пример #1
def add_timfile_entry(toas, cmdline, comments, conflict_handler, existdb=None):
    """Insert a timfile entry in the DB, and associate
        TOAs with it.

            toas: A list of row objects each representing a TOA.
            cmdline: the command line used when running the program.
            comments: User comments describing the timfile.
            conflict_handler: A handler function to use.
            existdb: A (optional) existing database connection object.
                (Default: Establish a db connection)

            timfile_id: The resulting ID of the timfile entry.
    # Check for / handle conflicts
    toas = conflict_handler(toas)
    if not toas:
        raise errors.ToasterError("No TOAs match criteria provided!") 
    # Connect to DB, if not using an already-established connection
    db = existdb or database.Database()

    # Insert timfile entry
    ins = db.timfiles.insert()
    values = {'user_id': cache.get_userid(),
              'version_id': version.get_version_id(db),
              'comments': comments,
              'pulsar_id': toas[0]['pulsar_id'],
              'input_args': cmdline}
    result = db.execute(ins, values)
    timfile_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]
    # Associate the TOAs
    ins = db.toa_tim.insert()
    values = []
    for toa in toas:
        values.append({'timfile_id': timfile_id,
                       'toa_id': toa['toa_id']})
    db.execute(ins, values)

    if not existdb:

    return timfile_id
Пример #2
def pipeline_core(manip, rawfile_id, parfile_id, template_id,
    """Run a prepared manipulator function on the raw file with 
        ID 'rawfile_id'. Then generate TOAs and load them into the DB.

            manip: A manipulator instance.
            rawfile_id: The ID number of the raw data file to generate TOAs from.
            parfile_id: The ID number of the parfile to install into the
                raw file. If this is None, then no new parfile will be installed.
            template_id: The ID number of the template to use.
            existdb: An existing database connection object.
                (Default: establish a new DB connection)

    # Initialise these so the 'finally' clause doesn't throw an exception of
    # it's own if an error is caught before these filenames are determined
    manipfn = ''
    adjustfn = ''

    #Start pipeline
    print "###################################################"
    print "Starting to toast data"
    print "Start time: %s" % utils.give_utc_now()
    print "###################################################"
    db = existdb or database.Database()

        trans = db.begin()  # Open a transaction

        # Get version ID
        version_id = version.get_version_id(db)
        # Get raw data from rawfile_id and verify MD5SUM
        rawfile = rawfiles_general.get_rawfile_from_id(rawfile_id,
                                                       db, verify_md5=True)
        # Manipulate the raw file
        notify.print_info("Manipulating file", 1)
        # Create a temporary file for the adjusted results
        tmpfile, adjustfn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='toaster_tmp',
        shutil.copy(rawfile, adjustfn)
        if parfile_id is not None:
            # Re-install ephemeris
            # Get ephemeris from parfile_id and verify MD5SUM
            parfile = parfiles_general.get_parfile_from_id(parfile_id,
                                                           db, verify_md5=True)
            cmd = ["pam", "-m", "-E", parfile, "--update_dm", adjustfn]
        # Create a temporary file for the manipulated results
        tmpfile, manipfn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='toaster_tmp',
        # Run the manipulator
        manip.run([adjustfn], manipfn, tmpdir=config.cfg.base_tmp_dir)
        # Get template from template_id and verify MD5SUM
        template = templates_general.get_template_from_id(template_id,
                                                          db, verify_md5=True)
        # Create a temporary file for the toa diagnostic plots
        tmpfile, toadiagfn = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='toaster_tmp',
        # Generate TOAs with pat
        notify.print_info("Computing TOAs", 0)
        cmd = ["pat", "-f", "tempo2", "-A", config.cfg.toa_fitting_method,
               "-s", template, "-C",  "gof length bw nbin nchan nsubint",
               "-t", "-K", "%s/PNG" % toadiagfn, manipfn]
        patout, paterr = utils.execute(cmd)

        # Check version ID is still the same. Just in case.
        new_version_id = version.get_version_id(db)
        if version_id != new_version_id:
            raise errors.ToasterError("Weird... Version ID at the start "
                                      "of processing (%s) is different "
                                      "from at the end (%d)!" %
                                      (version_id, new_version_id))
        # Read some header values from the manipulated archive
        hdr = datafile.get_header_vals(manipfn, ['nchan', 'nsub', 'name',
                                                 'intmjd', 'fracmjd'])
        hdr['secs'] = int(hdr['fracmjd']*24*3600+0.5)  # Add 0.5 so result is
                                                       # rounded to nearest int
        # Fill pipeline table
        cmdline = " ".join(sys.argv)
        process_id = fill_process_table(version_id, rawfile_id, parfile_id,
                                        template_id, manip, hdr['nchan'],
                                        hdr['nsub'], db)
        # Parse pat output
        toainfo = toas_general.parse_pat_output(patout)

        rawfile_info = rawfiles_general.get_rawfile_info(rawfile_id)
        # Insert TOAs into DB
        for ti in toainfo:
            ti['process_id'] = process_id
            ti['template_id'] = template_id
            ti['rawfile_id'] = rawfile_id
            ti['pulsar_id'] = rawfile_info['pulsar_id']
            ti['obssystem_id'] = rawfile_info['obssystem_id']
        toa_ids = load_toa.load_toas(toainfo, db)
        # Create processing diagnostics
        notify.print_info("Generating processing diagnostics", 1)
        diagdir = make_proc_diagnostics_dir(manipfn, process_id)
        suffix = "_procid%d.%s" % (process_id, manip.name)
        diags = []
        for diagname in config.cfg.default_rawfile_diagnostics:
            diagcls = diagnostics.get_diagnostic_class(diagname)
            except errors.DiagnosticNotApplicable, e:
                notify.print_info("Diagnostic isn't applicable: %s. "
                                  "Skipping..." % str(e), 1)
        if diags:
            # Load processing diagnostics
                                                              diags, diagdir,
                                                              suffix, existdb=db)
        # Copy TOA diagnostic plots and register them into DB
        basefn = "%(name)s_%(intmjd)05d_%(secs)05d" % hdr

        values = [] 
        for ii, toa_id in enumerate(toa_ids):
            outfn = basefn+"_procid%d.TOA%d.png" % (process_id, ii+1)
            if ii == 0:
                fn = toadiagfn
                fn = "%s_%d" % (toadiagfn, ii+1)
            shutil.move(fn, os.path.join(diagdir, outfn))
            ins = db.toa_diagnostic_plots.insert()
            values.append({'toa_id': toa_id,
                           'filename': outfn,
                           'filepath': diagdir,
                           'plot_type': 'Prof-Temp Resids'})
        result = db.execute(ins, values)
        notify.print_info("Inserted %d TOA diagnostic plots." % len(toa_ids), 2)