Пример #1
def _setup_source(params, pm, graph):
    from tofu.preprocess import create_flat_correct_pipeline
    from tofu.util import set_node_props, setup_read_task
    if params.dry_run:
        source = pm.get_task('dummy-data')
        source.props.number = params.number
        source.props.width = params.width
        source.props.height = params.height
    elif params.darks and params.flats:
        source = create_flat_correct_pipeline(params, graph)
        source = pm.get_task('read')
        set_node_props(source, params)
        setup_read_task(source, params.projections, params)

    return source
Пример #2
def tomo(params):
    # Create reader and writer
    if params.projections and params.sinograms:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify both --projections and --sinograms.")

    if params.projections is None and params.sinograms is None:
        reader, width, height = get_dummy_reader(params)
        if params.projections:
            reader, width, height = get_projection_reader(params)
            reader, width, height = get_sinogram_reader(params)

    axis = params.axis or width / 2.0

    if params.projections and params.resize:
        width /= params.resize
        height /= params.resize
        axis /= params.resize

    LOG.debug("Input dimensions: {}x{} pixels".format(width, height))

    writer = get_writer(pm, params)

    # Setup graph depending on the chosen method and input data
    g = Ufo.TaskGraph()

    if params.projections is not None:
        if params.number:
            count = len(range(params.start, params.start + params.number, params.step))
            count = len(get_filenames(params.projections))

        LOG.debug("Number of projections: {}".format(count))
        sino_output = get_task('transpose-projections', number=count)

        if params.darks and params.flats:
            g.connect_nodes(create_flat_correct_pipeline(params, g), sino_output)
            g.connect_nodes(reader, sino_output)

        if height:
            # Sinogram height is the one needed for further padding
            height = count
        sino_output = reader

    if params.method == 'fbp':
        fft = get_task('fft', dimensions=1)
        ifft = get_task('ifft', dimensions=1)
        fltr = get_task('filter', filter=params.projection_filter)
        bp = get_task('backproject', axis_pos=axis)

        if params.angle:
            bp.props.angle_step = params.angle

        if params.offset:
            bp.props.angle_offset = params.offset

        if width and height:
            # Pad the image with its extent to prevent reconstuction ring
            pad = get_task('pad')
            crop = get_task('crop')
            setup_padding(pad, crop, width, height, params.projection_padding_mode)

            LOG.debug("Padding input to: {}x{} pixels".format(pad.props.width, pad.props.height))

            g.connect_nodes(sino_output, pad)
            g.connect_nodes(pad, fft)
            g.connect_nodes(fft, fltr)
            g.connect_nodes(fltr, ifft)
            g.connect_nodes(ifft, crop)
            g.connect_nodes(crop, bp)
            if params.crop_width:
                ifft.props.crop_width = int(params.crop_width)
                LOG.debug("Cropping to {} pixels".format(ifft.props.crop_width))

            g.connect_nodes(sino_output, fft)
            g.connect_nodes(fft, fltr)
            g.connect_nodes(fltr, ifft)
            g.connect_nodes(ifft, bp)

        g.connect_nodes(bp, writer)

    if params.method in ('sart', 'sirt', 'sbtv', 'asdpocs'):
        projector = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', 'parallel-projector')
        projector.set_properties(model='joseph', is_forward=False)

        projector.set_properties(step=params.angle if params.angle else np.pi / 180.0)

        method = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', params.method)
        method.set_properties(projector=projector, num_iterations=params.num_iterations)

        if params.method in ('sart', 'sirt'):

        if params.method == 'asdpocs':
            minimizer = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', 'sirt')

        if params.method == 'sbtv':
            # FIXME: the lambda keyword is preventing from the following
            # assignment ...
            # method.props.lambda = params.lambda

        g.connect_nodes(sino_output, method)
        g.connect_nodes(method, writer)

    if params.method == 'dfi':
        oversampling = params.oversampling or 1
        pad = get_task('zeropad', center_of_rotation=axis, oversampling=oversampling)
        fft = get_task('fft', dimensions=1, auto_zeropadding=0)
        dfi = get_task('dfi-sinc')
        ifft = get_task('ifft', dimensions=2)
        swap_forward = get_task('swap-quadrants')
        swap_backward = get_task('swap-quadrants')

        if params.angle:
            dfi.props.angle_step = params.angle

        g.connect_nodes(sino_output, pad)
        g.connect_nodes(pad, fft)
        g.connect_nodes(fft, dfi)
        g.connect_nodes(dfi, swap_forward)
        g.connect_nodes(swap_forward, ifft)
        g.connect_nodes(ifft, swap_backward)

        if width:
            crop = get_task('crop')
            crop.set_properties(from_center=True, width=width, height=width)
            g.connect_nodes(swap_backward, crop)
            g.connect_nodes(crop, writer)
            g.connect_nodes(swap_backward, writer)

    scheduler = Ufo.Scheduler()

    if hasattr(scheduler.props, 'enable_tracing'):
        LOG.debug("Use tracing: {}".format(params.enable_tracing))
        scheduler.props.enable_tracing = params.enable_tracing

    duration = scheduler.props.time
    LOG.info("Execution time: {} s".format(duration))

    return duration
Пример #3
def tomo(params):
    # Create reader and writer
    if params.projections and params.sinograms:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify both --projections and --sinograms.")

    if params.projections is None and params.sinograms is None:
        reader, width, height = get_dummy_reader(params)
        if params.projections:
            reader, width, height = get_projection_reader(params)
            reader, width, height = get_sinogram_reader(params)

    axis = params.axis or width / 2.0

    if params.projections and params.resize:
        width /= params.resize
        height /= params.resize
        axis /= params.resize

    LOG.debug("Input dimensions: {}x{} pixels".format(width, height))

    writer = get_writer(params)

    # Setup graph depending on the chosen method and input data
    g = Ufo.TaskGraph()

    if params.projections is not None:
        if params.number:
            count = len(range(params.start, params.start + params.number, params.step))
            count = len(get_filenames(params.projections))

        LOG.debug("Number of projections: {}".format(count))
        sino_output = get_task('transpose-projections', number=count)

        if params.darks and params.flats:
            g.connect_nodes(create_flat_correct_pipeline(params, g), sino_output)
            g.connect_nodes(reader, sino_output)

        if height:
            # Sinogram height is the one needed for further padding
            height = count
        sino_output = reader

    if params.method == 'fbp':
        fft = get_task('fft', dimensions=1)
        ifft = get_task('ifft', dimensions=1)
        fltr = get_task('filter', filter=params.projection_filter)
        bp = get_task('backproject', axis_pos=axis)

        if params.angle:
            bp.props.angle_step = params.angle

        if params.offset:
            bp.props.angle_offset = params.offset

        if width and height:
            # Pad the image with its extent to prevent reconstuction ring
            pad = get_task('pad')
            crop = get_task('crop')
            setup_padding(pad, crop, width, height)

            LOG.debug("Padding input to: {}x{} pixels".format(pad.props.width, pad.props.height))

            g.connect_nodes(sino_output, pad)
            g.connect_nodes(pad, fft)
            g.connect_nodes(fft, fltr)
            g.connect_nodes(fltr, ifft)
            g.connect_nodes(ifft, crop)
            g.connect_nodes(crop, bp)
            if params.crop_width:
                ifft.props.crop_width = int(params.crop_width)
                LOG.debug("Cropping to {} pixels".format(ifft.props.crop_width))

            g.connect_nodes(sino_output, fft)
            g.connect_nodes(fft, fltr)
            g.connect_nodes(fltr, ifft)
            g.connect_nodes(ifft, bp)

        g.connect_nodes(bp, writer)

    if params.method in ('sart', 'sirt', 'sbtv', 'asdpocs'):
        projector = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', 'parallel-projector')
        projector.set_properties(model='joseph', is_forward=False)

        projector.set_properties(step=params.angle if params.angle else np.pi / 180.0)

        method = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', params.method)
        method.set_properties(projector=projector, num_iterations=params.num_iterations)

        if params.method in ('sart', 'sirt'):

        if params.method == 'asdpocs':
            minimizer = pm.get_task_from_package('ir', 'sirt')

        if params.method == 'sbtv':
            # FIXME: the lambda keyword is preventing from the following
            # assignment ...
            # method.props.lambda = params.lambda

        g.connect_nodes(sino_output, method)
        g.connect_nodes(method, writer)

    if params.method == 'dfi':
        oversampling = params.oversampling or 1
        pad = get_task('zeropad', center_of_rotation=axis, oversampling=oversampling)
        fft = get_task('fft', dimensions=1, auto_zeropadding=0)
        dfi = get_task('dfi-sinc')
        ifft = get_task('ifft', dimensions=2)
        swap_forward = get_task('swap-quadrants')
        swap_backward = get_task('swap-quadrants')

        if params.angle:
            dfi.props.angle_step = params.angle

        g.connect_nodes(sino_output, pad)
        g.connect_nodes(pad, fft)
        g.connect_nodes(fft, dfi)
        g.connect_nodes(dfi, swap_forward)
        g.connect_nodes(swap_forward, ifft)
        g.connect_nodes(ifft, swap_backward)

        if width:
            crop = get_task('crop')
            crop.set_properties(from_center=True, width=width, height=width)
            g.connect_nodes(swap_backward, crop)
            g.connect_nodes(crop, writer)
            g.connect_nodes(swap_backward, writer)

    scheduler = Ufo.Scheduler()

    if hasattr(scheduler.props, 'enable_tracing'):
        LOG.debug("Use tracing: {}".format(params.enable_tracing))
        scheduler.props.enable_tracing = params.enable_tracing

    duration = scheduler.props.time
    LOG.info("Execution time: {} s".format(duration))

    return duration