Пример #1
def estimate_center_by_correlation(params):
    """Use correlation to estimate center of rotation for tomography."""
    def flat_correct(flat, radio):
        nonzero = np.where(radio != 0)
        result = np.zeros_like(radio)
        result[nonzero] = flat[nonzero] / radio[nonzero]
        # log(1) = 0
        result[result <= 0] = 1

        return np.log(result)

    first = read_image(get_filenames(params.projections)[0]).astype(np.float)
    last_index = params.start + params.number if params.number else -1
    last = read_image(get_filenames(params.projections)[last_index]).astype(np.float)

    if params.darks and params.flats:
        dark = read_image(get_filenames(params.darks)[0]).astype(np.float)
        flat = read_image(get_filenames(params.flats)[0]) - dark
        first = flat_correct(flat, first - dark)
        last = flat_correct(flat, last - dark)

    height = params.height if params.height else -1
    y_region = slice(params.y, min(params.y + height, first.shape[0]), params.y_step)
    first = first[y_region, :]
    last = last[y_region, :]

    return compute_rotation_axis(first, last)
Пример #2
def estimate_center_by_correlation(params):
    """Use correlation to estimate center of rotation for tomography."""
    def flat_correct(flat, radio):
        nonzero = np.where(radio != 0)
        result = np.zeros_like(radio)
        result[nonzero] = flat[nonzero] / radio[nonzero]
        # log(1) = 0
        result[result <= 0] = 1

        return np.log(result)

    first = read_image(get_filenames(params.projections)[0]).astype(np.float)
    last_index = params.start + params.number if params.number else -1
    last = read_image(get_filenames(params.projections)[last_index]).astype(np.float)

    if params.darks and params.flats:
        dark = read_image(get_filenames(params.darks)[0]).astype(np.float)
        flat = read_image(get_filenames(params.flats)[0]) - dark
        first = flat_correct(flat, first - dark)
        last = flat_correct(flat, last - dark)

    height = params.height if params.height else -1
    y_region = slice(params.y, min(params.y + height, first.shape[0]), params.y_step)
    first = first[y_region, :]
    last = last[y_region, :]

    return compute_rotation_axis(first, last)
Пример #3
    def find_axis_corr(self, ctset, vcrop, y, height, multipage):
        indir = self.make_inpaths(ctset[0], ctset[1])
        """Use correlation to estimate center of rotation for tomography."""
        from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

        def flat_correct(flat, radio):
            nonzero = np.where(radio != 0)
            result = np.zeros_like(radio)
            result[nonzero] = flat[nonzero] / radio[nonzero]
            # log(1) = 0
            result[result <= 0] = 1

            return np.log(result)

        if multipage:
            with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(indir[2])[0]) as tif:
                first = tif.pages[0].asarray().astype(np.float)
            with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(indir[2])[-1]) as tif:
                last = tif.pages[-1].asarray().astype(np.float)
            with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(indir[0])[-1]) as tif:
                dark = tif.pages[-1].asarray().astype(np.float)
            with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(indir[1])[0]) as tif:
                flat1 = tif.pages[-1].asarray().astype(np.float) - dark
            first = read_image(get_filenames(indir[2])[0]).astype(np.float)
            last = read_image(get_filenames(indir[2])[-1]).astype(np.float)
            dark = read_image(get_filenames(indir[0])[-1]).astype(np.float)
            flat1 = read_image(get_filenames(indir[1])[-1]) - dark

        first = flat_correct(flat1, first - dark)

        if ctset[1] == 4:
            if multipage:
                with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(indir[3])[0]) as tif:
                    flat2 = tif.pages[-1].asarray().astype(np.float) - dark
                flat2 = read_image(get_filenames(indir[3])[-1]) - dark
            last = flat_correct(flat2, last - dark)
            last = flat_correct(flat1, last - dark)

        if vcrop:
            y_region = slice(y, min(y + height, first.shape[0]), 1)
            first = first[y_region, :]
            last = last[y_region, :]

        width = first.shape[1]
        first = first - first.mean()
        last = last - last.mean()

        conv = fftconvolve(first, last[::-1, :], mode='same')
        center = np.unravel_index(conv.argmax(), conv.shape)[1]

        return (width / 2.0 + center) / 2.0
Пример #4
 def find_axis_std(self, ctset, tmpdir, ax_range, p_width, search_row,
     indir = self.make_inpaths(ctset[0], ctset[1])
     print indir[2]
     image = read_image(get_filenames(indir[2])[0])
     cmd =  'tofu lamino --absorptivity --fix-nan-and-inf --overall-angle 180'\
            ' --lamino-angle 90 --height 2'
     cmd += ' --darks {} --flats {} --projections {}'.\
                 format(indir[0], indir[1], enquote(indir[2]))
     cmd += ' --number {}'.format(nviews)
     cmd += ' --angle {:0.5f}'.format(np.radians(180.0 / float(nviews)))
     if ctset[1] == 4:
         cmd += ' --flats2 {}'.format(indir[3])
     out_pattern = os.path.join(tmpdir, "axis-search/sli")
     cmd += ' --output {}'.format(enquote(out_pattern))
     cmd += ' --x-region={},{},{}'.format(-p_width / 2, p_width / 2, 1)
     cmd += ' --y-region={},{},{}'.format(-p_width / 2, p_width / 2, 1)
     cmd += ' --y {} --height 2'.format(search_row)
     cmd += ' --z-parameter x-center'
     cmd += ' --region={}'.format(enquote(ax_range))
     cmd += ' --z 0'
     res = [float(num) for num in ax_range.split(',')]
     cmd += ' --axis {},{}'.format((res[0] + res[1]) / 2.,
                                   1.0)  #middle of ax search range?
     cmd += " --output-bytes-per-file 0"
     # cmd += ' --delete-slice-dir'
     print cmd
     points, maximum = evaluate_images_simp(out_pattern + '*.tif', "msag")
     return res[0] + res[2] * maximum
Пример #5
def estimate_center_by_reconstruction(params):
    if params.projections is not None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot estimate axis from projections")

    sinos = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(params.sinograms, '*.tif')))

    if not sinos:
        raise RuntimeError("No sinograms found in {}".format(params.sinograms))

    # Use a sinogram that probably has some interesting data
    filename = sinos[len(sinos) / 2]
    sinogram = read_image(filename)
    initial_width = sinogram.shape[1]
    m0 = np.mean(np.sum(sinogram, axis=1))

    center = initial_width / 2.0
    width = initial_width / 2.0
    new_center = center
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmp_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'slice-0.tif')

    params.sinograms = filename
    params.output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'slice-%i.tif')

    def heaviside(A):
        return (A >= 0.0) * 1.0

    def get_score(guess, m0):
        # Run reconstruction with new guess
        params.axis = guess

        # Analyse reconstructed slice
        result = read_image(tmp_output)
        Q_IA = float(np.sum(np.abs(result)) / m0)
        Q_IN = float(-np.sum(result * heaviside(-result)) / m0)
        LOG.info("Q_IA={}, Q_IN={}".format(Q_IA, Q_IN))
        return Q_IA

    def best_center(center, width):
        trials = [center + (width / 4.0) * x for x in range(-2, 3)]
        scores = [(guess, get_score(guess, m0)) for guess in trials]
        best = sorted(scores, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
        return best[0][0]

    for i in range(params.num_iterations):
        LOG.info("Estimate iteration: {}".format(i))
        new_center = best_center(new_center, width)
        LOG.info("Currently best center: {}".format(new_center))
        width /= 2.0

    except OSError:
        LOG.info("Could not remove {} or {}".format(tmp_output, tmp_dir))

    return new_center
Пример #6
def estimate_center_by_reconstruction(params):
    if params.projections is not None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot estimate axis from projections")

    sinos = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(params.sinograms, '*.tif')))

    if not sinos:
        raise RuntimeError("No sinograms found in {}".format(params.sinograms))

    # Use a sinogram that probably has some interesting data
    filename = sinos[len(sinos) / 2]
    sinogram = read_image(filename)
    initial_width = sinogram.shape[1]
    m0 = np.mean(np.sum(sinogram, axis=1))

    center = initial_width / 2.0
    width = initial_width / 2.0
    new_center = center
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmp_output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'slice-0.tif')

    params.sinograms = filename
    params.output = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'slice-%i.tif')

    def heaviside(A):
        return (A >= 0.0) * 1.0

    def get_score(guess, m0):
        # Run reconstruction with new guess
        params.axis = guess

        # Analyse reconstructed slice
        result = read_image(tmp_output)
        Q_IA = float(np.sum(np.abs(result)) / m0)
        Q_IN = float(-np.sum(result * heaviside(-result)) / m0)
        LOG.info("Q_IA={}, Q_IN={}".format(Q_IA, Q_IN))
        return Q_IA

    def best_center(center, width):
        trials = [center + (width / 4.0) * x for x in range(-2, 3)]
        scores = [(guess, get_score(guess, m0)) for guess in trials]
        best = sorted(scores, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]))
        return best[0][0]

    for i in range(params.num_iterations):
        LOG.info("Estimate iteration: {}".format(i))
        new_center = best_center(new_center, width)
        LOG.info("Currently best center: {}".format(new_center))
        width /= 2.0

    except OSError:
        LOG.info("Could not remove {} or {}".format(tmp_output, tmp_dir))

    return new_center
Пример #7
def get_dims(pth, args):  #must be changed if multipage tiff input!!!
    # get number of projections and projections dimensions
    if not args.bigtif_inp:
        tomos = get_filenames(pth)
        image = read_image(tomos[0])
        return len(tomos), image.shape
        return args.nviews, [args.H, args.W]
Пример #8
    def get_score(guess, m0):
        # Run reconstruction with new guess
        params.axis = guess

        # Analyse reconstructed slice
        result = read_image(tmp_output)
        Q_IA = float(np.sum(np.abs(result)) / m0)
        Q_IN = float(-np.sum(result * heaviside(-result)) / m0)
        LOG.info("Q_IA={}, Q_IN={}".format(Q_IA, Q_IN))
        return Q_IA
Пример #9
    def get_score(guess, m0):
        # Run reconstruction with new guess
        params.axis = guess

        # Analyse reconstructed slice
        result = read_image(tmp_output)
        Q_IA = float(np.sum(np.abs(result)) / m0)
        Q_IN = float(-np.sum(result * heaviside(-result)) / m0)
        LOG.info("Q_IA={}, Q_IN={}".format(Q_IA, Q_IN))
        return Q_IA
Пример #10
def bad_vert_ROI(multipage, path2proj, y, height):
    if multipage:
        with tifffile.TiffFile(get_filenames(path2proj)[0]) as tif:
            proj = tif.pages[0].asarray().astype(np.float)
        proj = read_image(get_filenames(path2proj)[0]).astype(np.float)
    y_region = slice(y, min(y + height, proj.shape[0]), 1)
    proj = proj[y_region, :]
    if proj.shape[0] == 0:
        return True
        return False
Пример #11
def get_sinogram_reader(params):
    reader = get_file_reader(params)
    setup_read_task(reader, params.sinograms, params)
    image = read_image(get_first_filename(params.sinograms))

    if len(image.shape) > 2:
        # this is a probably a multi TIFF/raw
        width, height = image.shape[2], image.shape[1]
        # this is a directory of sinograms
        width, height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]

    return reader, width, height
Пример #12
def get_sinogram_reader(params):
    reader = get_file_reader(params)
    setup_read_task(reader, params.sinograms, params)
    image = read_image(get_first_filename(params.sinograms))

    if len(image.shape) > 2:
        # this is a probably a multi TIFF/raw
        width, height = image.shape[2], image.shape[1]
        # this is a directory of sinograms
        width, height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]

    return reader, width, height
Пример #13
def make_copy_of_flat(flatdir, flat_copy_name, dryrun):
    first_flat_file = get_first_filename(flatdir)
        shape = get_image_shape(first_flat_file)
        raise ValueError('Failed to determine size and number of flats in {}'.format(flatdir))
    cmd = ""
    if len(shape) == 2:
        last_flat_file = get_filenames(flatdir)[-1]
        cmd = "cp {} {}".format(last_flat_file, flat_copy_name)
        flat = read_image(get_filenames(flatdir)[-1])[-1]
        if dryrun:
            cmd = "echo Will save a copy of flat into \"{}\"".format(flat_copy_name)
            tifffile.imsave(flat_copy_name, flat)
    return cmd
Пример #14
def evaluate(image,
    """Evaluate *metrics_1d* which work on a flattened image and *metrics_2d* in an *image* which
    can either be a file path or an imageIf the metrics are None all the default ones are used.
    *global_min* and *global_max* are the mean extrema of the whole sequence used to cut off outlier
    values. Extrema are used only by 1d metrics. *metrics_1d_kwargs* are additional keyword
    arguments passed to the functions, they are specified in dictioinary {func_name: kwargs}.
    if metrics_1d is None:
        metrics_1d = METRICS_1D
    if metrics_2d is None:
        metrics_2d = METRICS_2D
    results = {}

    if type(image) == str:
        image = read_image(image)
    if blur_fwhm:
        from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
        image = gaussian_filter(image,
                                blur_fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))))

    if global_min is None or global_max is None:
        flattened = image.flatten()
        # Use global cutoff
        flattened = image[np.where((image >= global_min)
                                   & (image <= global_max))]

    if metrics_1d is not None:
        for metric in metrics_1d:
            kwargs = {}
            if metrics_1d_kwargs and metric in metrics_1d_kwargs:
                kwargs = metrics_1d_kwargs[metric]
            results[metric] = metrics_1d[metric](flattened, **kwargs)
    if metrics_2d is not None:
        for metric in metrics_2d:
            results[metric] = metrics_2d[metric](image)

    return results