Пример #1
    def _add_column(self, heading, accessor):
        column_identifier = at(accessor)
        self.column_identifiers[accessor] = column_identifier
        column = NSTableColumn.alloc().initWithIdentifier(column_identifier)

        column.headerCell.stringValue = heading
Пример #2
    def create(self):
        # Create a tree view, and put it in a scroll view.
        # The scroll view is the _impl, because it's the outer container.
        self.native = NSScrollView.alloc().init()
        self.native.hasVerticalScroller = True
        self.native.hasHorizontalScroller = False
        self.native.autohidesScrollers = False
        self.native.borderType = NSBezelBorder

        # Create the Tree widget
        self.tree = TogaTree.alloc().init()
        self.tree.interface = self.interface
        self.tree._impl = self
        self.tree.columnAutoresizingStyle = NSTableViewColumnAutoresizingStyle.Uniform
        self.tree.usesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors = True
        self.tree.allowsMultipleSelection = self.interface.multiple_select

        # Create columns for the tree
        self.columns = []
        # Cocoa identifies columns by an accessor; to avoid repeated
        # conversion from ObjC string to Python String, create the
        # ObjC string once and cache it.
        self.column_identifiers = {}
        for i, (heading, accessor) in enumerate(
                zip(self.interface.headings, self.interface._accessors)):

            column_identifier = at(accessor)
            self.column_identifiers[id(column_identifier)] = accessor
            column = NSTableColumn.alloc().initWithIdentifier(
            # column.editable = False
            column.minWidth = 16
            # if self.interface.sorting:
            #     sort_descriptor = NSSortDescriptor.sortDescriptorWithKey(column_identifier, ascending=True)
            #     column.sortDescriptorPrototype = sort_descriptor

            column.headerCell.stringValue = heading

        # Put the tree arrows in the first column.
        self.tree.outlineTableColumn = self.columns[0]

        self.tree.delegate = self.tree
        self.tree.dataSource = self.tree
        self.tree.target = self.tree
        self.tree.doubleAction = SEL('onDoubleClick:')

        # Embed the tree view in the scroll view
        self.native.documentView = self.tree

        # Add the layout constraints
Пример #3
    def create(self):
        # Create a tree view, and put it in a scroll view.
        # The scroll view is the _impl, because it's the outer container.
        self.native = NSScrollView.alloc().init()
        self.native.hasVerticalScroller = True
        self.native.hasHorizontalScroller = False
        self.native.autohidesScrollers = False
        self.native.borderType = NSBezelBorder

        # Create the Tree widget
        self.tree = TogaTree.alloc().init()
        self.tree.interface = self.interface
        self.tree._impl = self
        self.tree.columnAutoresizingStyle = NSTableViewUniformColumnAutoresizingStyle

        self.tree.allowsMultipleSelection = self.interface.multiple_select

        # Create columns for the tree
        self.columns = []
        # Cocoa identifies columns by an accessor; to avoid repeated
        # conversion from ObjC string to Python String, create the
        # ObjC string once and cache it.
        self.column_identifiers = {}
        for i, (heading, accessor) in enumerate(
                zip(self.interface.headings, self.interface._accessors)):

            column_identifier = at(accessor)
            self.column_identifiers[id(column_identifier)] = accessor
            column = NSTableColumn.alloc().initWithIdentifier(

            cell = TogaIconCell.alloc().init()
            column.dataCell = cell

            column.headerCell.stringValue = heading

        # Put the tree arrows in the first column.
        self.tree.outlineTableColumn = self.columns[0]

        self.tree.delegate = self.tree
        self.tree.dataSource = self.tree

        # Embed the tree view in the scroll view
        self.native.documentView = self.tree

        # Add the layout constraints
Пример #4
    def create(self):
        # Create a List, and put it in a scroll view.
        # The scroll view is the _impl, because it's the outer container.
        self.native = RefreshableScrollView.alloc().init()
        self.native.interface = self.interface
        self.native.impl = self
        self.native.hasVerticalScroller = True
        self.native.hasHorizontalScroller = False
        self.native.autohidesScrollers = False
        self.native.borderType = NSBezelBorder

        # Create the List widget
        self.detailedlist = TogaList.alloc().init()
        self.detailedlist.interface = self.interface
        self.detailedlist.impl = self
        self.detailedlist.columnAutoresizingStyle = NSTableViewColumnAutoresizingStyle.Uniform

        # TODO: Optionally enable multiple selection
        self.detailedlist.allowsMultipleSelection = False

        self.native.detailedlist = self.detailedlist

        # Create the column for the detailed list
        column = NSTableColumn.alloc().initWithIdentifier('data')
        self.columns = [column]

        cell = TogaDetailedCell.alloc().init()
        column.dataCell = cell

        # Hide the column header.
        self.detailedlist.headerView = None

        self.detailedlist.delegate = self.detailedlist
        self.detailedlist.dataSource = self.detailedlist

        # Embed the tree view in the scroll view
        self.native.documentView = self.detailedlist

        # Add the layout constraints