def multiple_fastq_dowloading(job, config, sample_disk): """ Convenience function for handling the downloading of multiple fastq files :param JobFunctionWrappingJob job: passed automatically by Toil :param Expando config: Dict-like object containing workflow options as attributes :param int sample_disk: Amount of disk space to allocate to download jobs :return: FileStoreIDs for all fastqs downloaded :rtype: list(str,) """ # Spawn download job per fastq file fastq_ids = [] urls = config.url.split(',') if config.paired: require( len(urls) % 2 == 0, 'Fastq pairs must have multiples of 2 URLS separated by comma') for url in urls: fastq_ids.append( job.addChildJobFn(download_url_job, url, s3_key_path=config.ssec, disk=sample_disk).rv()) return fastq_ids
def s3am_upload(fpath, s3_dir, num_cores=1, s3_key_path=None): """ Uploads a file to s3 via S3AM S3AM binary must be on the PATH to use this function For SSE-C encryption: provide a path to a 32-byte file :param str fpath: Path to file to upload :param str s3_dir: Ouptut S3 path. Format: s3://bucket/[directory] :param int num_cores: Number of cores to use for up/download with S3AM :param str s3_key_path: (OPTIONAL) Path to 32-byte key to be used for SSE-C encryption """ require(s3_dir.startswith('s3://'), 'Format of s3_dir (s3://) is incorrect: {}'.format(s3_dir)) s3_dir = os.path.join(s3_dir, os.path.basename(fpath)) _s3am_with_retry(num_cores, file_path=fpath, s3_url=s3_dir, mode='upload', s3_key_path=s3_key_path)
def run_cutadapt(job, r1_id, r2_id, fwd_3pr_adapter, rev_3pr_adapter): """ Adapter trimming for RNA-seq data :param JobFunctionWrappingJob job: passed automatically by Toil :param str r1_id: FileStoreID of fastq read 1 :param str r2_id: FileStoreID of fastq read 2 (if paired data) :param str fwd_3pr_adapter: Adapter sequence for the forward 3' adapter :param str rev_3pr_adapter: Adapter sequence for the reverse 3' adapter (second fastq pair) :return: R1 and R2 FileStoreIDs :rtype: tuple(str, str) """ # Retrieve files and define parameters job.fileStore.readGlobalFile(r1_id, os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1.fastq')) parameters = ['-a', fwd_3pr_adapter, '-m', '35'] # If R2 fastq is present... if r2_id: require(rev_3pr_adapter, "Paired end data requires a reverse 3' adapter sequence.") job.fileStore.readGlobalFile(r2_id, os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R2.fastq')) parameters.extend([ '-A', rev_3pr_adapter, '-o', '/data/R1_cutadapt.fastq', '-p', '/data/R2_cutadapt.fastq', '/data/R1.fastq', '/data/R2.fastq' ]) else: parameters.extend(['-o', '/data/R1_cutadapt.fastq', '/data/R1.fastq']) # Call: CutAdapt dockerCall(job=job, tool=cutadapt_version, workDir=job.tempDir, parameters=parameters) # Write to fileStore r1_cut_id = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1_cutadapt.fastq')) r2_cut_id = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R2_cutadapt.fastq')) if r2_id else None return r1_cut_id, r2_cut_id
def move_or_upload(config, files, enforce_ssec=False): """ Move or upload file based on configuration settings :param Expando config: Dict-like object containing workflow options as attributes :param list(str,) files: List of files to be moved or uploaded :param bool enforce_ssec: If True, enforces SSEC be set in config or else fails """ if urlparse(config.output_dir).scheme == 's3': if enforce_ssec: require( config.ssec, 'SSEC encryption required to upload sensitive read data to S3.' ) for f in files: s3am_upload(fpath=f, s3_dir=config.output_dir, s3_key_path=config.ssec) elif urlparse(config.output_dir).scheme != 's3': copy_files(file_paths=files, output_dir=config.output_dir)
def process_sample(job, config, input_tar=None, fastq_ids=None): """ Converts sample.tar(.gz) or collection of fastqs into a fastq pair (or single fastq if single-ended.) WARNING: Here be dragons. I may or may not ever get the time to clean this up. :param JobFunctionWrappingJob job: passed automatically by Toil :param Expando config: Dict-like object containing workflow options as attributes :param str input_tar: fileStoreID of the tarball (if applicable) :param list(str,) fastq_ids: FileStoreIDs of fastq files :return: FileStoreID from Cutadapt or from fastqs directly if workflow was run without Cutadapt option :rtype: tuple(str, str) """ job.fileStore.logToMaster('Processing sample: {}'.format(config.uuid)) delete_fastqs = True processed_r1, processed_r2 = None, None # I/O if input_tar: job.fileStore.readGlobalFile(input_tar, os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'sample.tar'), mutable=True) tar_path = os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'sample.tar') # Untar sample subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-xvf', tar_path, '-C', job.tempDir], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) os.remove(tar_path) else: ext = '.fq.gz' if config.gz else '.fq' for i, fastq_id in enumerate(fastq_ids): if i % 2 == 0: job.fileStore.readGlobalFile( fastq_id, os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'Fastq_{}_R1{}'.format(i, ext))) else: job.fileStore.readGlobalFile( fastq_id, os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'Fastq_{}_R2{}'.format(i, ext))) fastqs = [] for root, subdir, files in os.walk(job.tempDir): fastqs.extend([os.path.join(root, x) for x in files]) if config.paired: r1, r2 = [], [] # Pattern convention: Look for "R1" / "R2" in the filename, or "_1" / "_2" before the extension pattern = re.compile('(?:^|[._-])(R[12]|[12]\.f)') for fastq in sorted(fastqs): match = if not match: raise UserError( 'FASTQ file name fails to meet required convention for paired reads ' '(see documentation). ' + fastq) elif '1' in r1.append(fastq) elif '2' in r2.append(fastq) else: assert False, require( len(r1) == len(r2), 'Check fastq names, uneven number of pairs found.\nr1: {}\nr2: {}'. format(r1, r2)) # Concatenate fastqs command = 'zcat' if r1[0].endswith('.gz') and r2[0].endswith( '.gz') else 'cat' # If sample is already a single R1 / R2 fastq if command == 'cat' and len(fastqs) == 2: processed_r1 = fastq_ids[0] processed_r2 = fastq_ids[1] delete_fastqs = False else: with open(os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1.fastq'), 'w') as f1: p1 = subprocess.Popen([command] + r1, stdout=f1) with open(os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R2.fastq'), 'w') as f2: p2 = subprocess.Popen([command] + r2, stdout=f2) p1.wait() p2.wait() processed_r1 = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1.fastq')) processed_r2 = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R2.fastq')) disk = 2 * (processed_r1.size + processed_r2.size) else: command = 'zcat' if fastqs[0].endswith('.gz') else 'cat' if command == 'cat' and len(fastqs) == 1: processed_r1 = fastq_ids[0] delete_fastqs = False else: with open(os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1.fastq'), 'w') as f: subprocess.check_call([command] + fastqs, stdout=f) processed_r1 = job.fileStore.writeGlobalFile( os.path.join(job.tempDir, 'R1.fastq')) disk = 2 * processed_r1.size # Cleanup Intermediates ids_to_delete = [input_tar ] + fastq_ids if delete_fastqs and fastq_ids else [ input_tar ] job.addFollowOnJobFn(cleanup_ids, ids_to_delete) # Start cutadapt step if config.cutadapt: return job.addChildJobFn(run_cutadapt, processed_r1, processed_r2, config.fwd_3pr_adapter, config.rev_3pr_adapter, disk=disk).rv() else: return processed_r1, processed_r2