def sectionScore(resume): section_tokens = tokenize.input_file_words(resume, []) currentIndex = -1 wordCount = [0, 0, 0] for x in section_tokens: x = x.lower() if (x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["work experience", "employment", "experience"] and currentIndex != 0): currentIndex = 0 elif (x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["publications", "projects", "research"] and currentIndex != 1): currentIndex = 1 elif (x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["leadership", "leadership experience"] and currentIndex != 2): currentIndex = 2 elif (x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in [ "education", "activites", "skils", "interests", "extracurricular", "honors", "references", "awards", "acheivements" ]): currentIndex = -1 else: wordCount[currentIndex] += 1 return min(((sum(wordCount) - min(wordCount))) / 450.0, 1.0) * 10
def main(resume, cats): tokens = tokenize.input_file_lines(resume, []) word_tokens = tokenize.input_file_words(resume, []) score = 0 email = "" for token in word_tokens: if "@" in token: email = token break fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\section{" + email + "}\n") fout.close() (cat, category_score) = category(resume, cats[0], cats[1], cats[2], cats[3], cats[4], cats[5]) overall_score = overall(resume) programming_score = programmingScore(resume) gpa_score = gpaScore(word_tokens) college_score = collegeScore(word_tokens) word_count_score = wordCountScore(tokens) degree_score = degreeScore(word_tokens) section_score = sectionScore(resume) print "Finished parsing." score = category_score + overall_score + programming_score + \ gpa_score + college_score + word_count_score + \ degree_score + section_score fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\textbf{Best category: } " + cat + "\\\\\n\ \\textbf{Overall Score: }" + str(score / 10.0) + " (out of 10)") fout.close() return (cat, score, email)
def main(resume, cats): # initialize variables # have the words as tokens in a list tokens = tokenize.input_file_lines(resume, []) word_tokens = tokenize.input_file_words(resume, []) score = 0 # get email email = "" for token in word_tokens: if "@" in token: email = token break fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\section{" + email + "}\n") fout.close() # category score (cat, category_score) = category(resume, cats[0], cats[1], cats[2], cats[3], cats[4], cats[5]) # overall score overall_score = overall(resume) # programming languages score programming_score = programmingScore(resume) # GPA score # gpa_score = gpaScore(word_tokens) # university score college_score = collegeScore(word_tokens) # word count score word_count_score = wordCountScore(tokens) # degree score # degree_score = degreeScore(word_tokens) # sectional score section_score = sectionScore(resume) print("Finished parsing") score = category_score + overall_score + programming_score + college_score + section_score #hiring condition if score > 60.00: ans = "Selected" else: ans = "Not Selected" fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\textbf{Best category: } " + cat + "\\\\\n\ \\textbf{Overall Score: }" + str(score / 10.0) + " (out of 10)") fout.close() return (cat, score, email, ans)
def main(resume, cats): # initialize variables # have the words as tokens in a list tokens = tokenize.input_file_lines(resume,[]) word_tokens = tokenize.input_file_words(resume,[]) score = 0 # get email email = "" for token in word_tokens: if "@" in token: email = token break fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\section{" + email +"}\n") fout.close() # category score (cat, category_score) = category(resume, cats[0],cats[1],cats[2],cats[3],cats[4],cats[5]) # overall score overall_score = overall(resume) # programming languages score programming_score = programmingScore(resume) # GPA score gpa_score = gpaScore(word_tokens) # university score college_score = collegeScore(word_tokens) # word count score word_count_score = wordCountScore(tokens) # degree score degree_score = degreeScore(word_tokens) # sectional score section_score = sectionScore(resume) print "Finished parsing." score = category_score + overall_score + programming_score + \ gpa_score + college_score + word_count_score + \ degree_score + section_score fout = open("results.tex", "a") fout.write("\\textbf{Best category: } "+cat+"\\\\\n\ \\textbf{Overall Score: }"+ str(score/ 10.0) + " (out of 10)") fout.close() return (cat, score, email)
def sectionScore(resume): section_tokens = tokenize.input_file_words(resume,[]) currentIndex = -1 wordCount = [0,0,0] for x in section_tokens: x = x.lower() if(x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["work experience", "employment", "experience"] and currentIndex != 0): currentIndex = 0 elif(x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["publications", "projects", "research"] and currentIndex != 1): currentIndex = 1 elif(x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["leadership","leadership experience"] and currentIndex != 2): currentIndex = 2 elif(x.strip("!@#$%^&*()_+|}{:?") in ["education","activites","skils", "interests", "extracurricular", "honors", "references", "awards", "acheivements"]): currentIndex = -1 else: wordCount[currentIndex] += 1 return min(((sum(wordCount) - min(wordCount))) / 450.0, 1.0) * 10