def alert(bot,job): try: cryptocompare = Commands.cryptocomparemsg() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('stagingchannel'),text=cryptocompare,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def register(bot,update): #checks if usn exists. try: with closing(pymysql.connect(SQL.sqlinfo('host'),SQL.sqlinfo('usn'),SQL.sqlinfo('pw'),SQL.sqlinfo('db'),charset='utf8')) as conn: conn.autocommit(True) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: uid = cur.execute("""SELECT telegram_id FROM mew WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) #if telegram ID does not exist, begin register process if cur.rowcount == 0: message = "Hi! Lets get started by registering you with Hermes \n" message += "Can I have your name, please?\n" message += "To abort this process , please type /cancel" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #returns USERNAME, defined in states in hermes. return USERNAME #else, TG username exist, update wallet ID? else: message = "You are registered with Hermes.\n" message = "Would you like to update your wallet ID?\n" message += "Please reply with a yes or no (case-insensitive)" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #returns UPDATE, defined in states in hermes. return UPDATE except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def gem(bot,update): try: message = Commands.geminimsg() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def removekb (bot,update): try: username = if (channels.admin(username) == "admin"): message = "Removing all Inline Keyboards" update.message.reply_text(message,reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(),parse_mode='HTML') else: message = "I'm not the droid you're looking for, please contact an administrator to perform this command." update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def newwallet(bot,update): try: with closing(pymysql.connect(SQL.sqlinfo('host'),SQL.sqlinfo('usn'),SQL.sqlinfo('pw'),SQL.sqlinfo('db'),charset='utf8')) as conn: conn.autocommit(True) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: #if user has a uid registered, and wants to update their wallet addresses, message = "Please enter your new wallet address" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #goes back to wallet. return WALLET except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def portfolio(bot,update): try: with closing(pymysql.connect(SQL.sqlinfo('host'),SQL.sqlinfo('usn'),SQL.sqlinfo('pw'),SQL.sqlinfo('db'),charset='utf8')) as conn: conn.autocommit(True) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: uid = cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM mew WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) if cur.rowcount > 0: data = cur.fetchone() try: address = data[3] except: msg = "You do not have an address registered! Use /register to get registered" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg,parse_mode='HTML') else: username = data[1] address = data[3] waitingmsg = "This will take approx 20-30seconds, please wait :)\n" waitingmsg += "Here's a baby seal to pass the time ◕ᴥ◕\n" waitingmsg += "While you are waiting, these are the steps that I'm using to calculate your portfolio\n" waitingmsg += "Firstly, I have a cronjob scraping MEW's github every 30min for token addresses\n" waitingmsg += "I then query your wallet address against Ethplorer's API to get a list of tokens\n" waitingmsg += "For accuracy's sake, I then use that list of tokens and match it against my database\n" waitingmsg += "I then use the token address retrieved from my database in etherscan's API to get the balance\n" waitingmsg += "The token symbol is then compared against CryptoCompare to get the latest value\n" waitingmsg += "Finally, CEB rates are used to convert USD -> SGD\n" waitingmsg += "That wasn't so hard, was it? Give this seal a hug! ◕ᴥ◕\n" waitingmsg += "If you have issues with the output contact @fatalityx to report bugs!" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=waitingmsg,parse_mode='HTML') bot.send_chat_action(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, action=ChatAction.TYPING) ethplorerscan = Calculations().getalltokens(address) print(ethplorerscan) msg = Pmessage().pmsg(address,username,ethplorerscan) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg,parse_mode='HTML') else: msg = "You are currently not registered! Please register with /register" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def wallet(bot,update): try: with closing(pymysql.connect(SQL.sqlinfo('host'),SQL.sqlinfo('usn'),SQL.sqlinfo('pw'),SQL.sqlinfo('db'),charset='utf8')) as conn: conn.autocommit(True) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: #gets wallet address wallet = update.message.text #retrieve user ID from telegram uid = #runs check module (return True or False) check = web3check().web3check(wallet) #if invalid, if check is False: message = wallet message += " is not a valid Ethereum address!\n" message += "Please enter your wallet address again\n" message += "Your address should look something like this:\n" message += "0xCe9F2Bf18150f57512C2380231401dAF44A614e4\n" message += "<b>Be sure send me your address, not your private key!</b>" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #re-runs this process. return WALLET #else, insert db else: cur.execute("""UPDATE mew SET mew_address = %s WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(wallet,uid,)) cur.execute("""SELECT user_name FROM mew WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) if cur.rowcount > 0: data = cur.fetchone() name = data[0] else: name = "-" message = "Sucessfully binded "+wallet+" to "+name message += "\n" message += "You may now use /portfolio to generate a report." update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #ends conversation state. return ConversationHandler.END except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def name (bot,update): #Enter name. try: with closing(pymysql.connect(SQL.sqlinfo('host'),SQL.sqlinfo('usn'),SQL.sqlinfo('pw'),SQL.sqlinfo('db'),charset='utf8')) as conn: conn.autocommit(True) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: name = update.message.text uid = #check if name > 50 (DB Column set at 50 varchar.) if len(name) > 50: message="Please send me a name that is under 50 characters" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') #returns username state again. return USERNAME #if name entered < 50, Insert DB, continue. else: cur.execute("""INSERT INTO mew VALUES(NULL,%s,%s,NULL)""",(name,uid,)) message = "Can I have the address of your wallet?\n" message += "<b>Please send me your address, not your private key!</b>" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') return WALLET #return wallet state, check hermes file. except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def calculatekyber(bot,update): try: kyber = (update.message.text)[11:] if not kyber.strip(): message = "The format for this command is /calckyber [float]KNC or /calckyber $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: if (str(kyber[-3:])).lower() == "knc": try: float(kyber[:-3]) except: message = "Please enter a numerical value !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calckyber [float]KNC or /calckyber $[float]" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: kyber = float(kyber[:-3]) knclist = [] knclist = knclist + (Liqui().knceth()) knc = "<b>"+str(kyber)+" kyber tokens is worth ... </b>\n" knc += "<b>Based on 🚀Liqui, </b>" for each in knclist: if "kncbuysgd" in each: knc += "🇸🇬💸SGD Buy: $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["kncbuysgd"]),2)) knc += "\n" elif "kncsellsgd" in each: knc += "🇸🇬💰SGD Sell: $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["kncsellsgd"]),2)) knc += "\n" elif "kncbuyusd" in each: knc += "🇺🇸💸USD Buy: $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["kncbuyusd"]),2)) knc += "\n" elif "kncsellusd" in each: knc += "🇺🇸💰USD Sell: $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["kncsellusd"]),2)) knc += "\n" cryptocomparelist = [] cryptocomparelist = cryptocomparelist + (Cryptocompare().geturl('KNC')) knc += "<b>Based on 💱CryptoCompare, </b>" for each in cryptocomparelist: if "sgd" in each: knc += "🇸🇬SGD Buy: $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["sgd"]),2)) knc += "\n" elif "usd" in each: knc += "🇺🇸💸USD : $" knc += str(round((kyber * each["usd"]),2)) knc += "\n" knc += "<i>** All values are rounded to 2 decimals</i>" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=knc,parse_mode='HTML') else: #for fiat to knc, we're going to use the sell value. #this is because we're asumming that you're going to buy at their selling price. if kyber[:1] != "$": message = "Please enter a recognised input !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calckyber [float]KNC or /calckyber $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: try: float(kyber[1:]) print(kyber[1:]) except: message = "Please enter a numerical value !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calckyber [float]KNC or /calckyber $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: fiat = float(kyber[1:]) knclist = [] knclist = knclist + (Liqui().knceth()) knc = "<b>Based on 🚀Liqui, $"+str(fiat)+" can buy... </b>\n" for each in knclist: if "kncsellsgd" in each: knc += "🇸🇬$" knc += str(fiat) knc += " can buy " knc += str(round(((1/each["kncsellsgd"])*fiat),2)) knc += " kyber tokens\n" elif "kncsellusd" in each: knc += "🇺🇸$" knc += str(fiat) knc += " can buy " knc += str(round(((1/each["kncsellusd"])*fiat),2)) knc += " kyber tokens\n" knc += "<i>** All values are rounded to 2 decimals</i>" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=knc,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')
def calculateeth(bot,update): try: ether = (update.message.text)[9:] if not ether.strip(): message = "The format for this command is /calceth [float]ETH or /calceth $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: if (str(ether[-3:])).lower() == "eth": try: float(ether[:-3]) except: message = "Please enter a numerical value !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calceth [float]ETH or /calceth $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: #for eth -> fiat, we're only going to use buy value #this is because we're asumming you'll sell at the buy price. ethereum = float(ether[:-3]) eth = "<b>Based on 👛Cryptocompare, "+str(ethereum)+" ETH is worth ... </b>\n" ethlist = [] ethlist = ethlist + (Cryptocompare().geturl('ETH')) for each in ethlist: if "sgd" in each: eth += "🇸🇬SGD** $" eth += str(round((ethereum * float(each["sgd"])),2)) eth += "\n" elif "usd" in each: eth += "🇺🇸USD $" eth += str(round((ethereum * float(each["usd"])),2)) eth += "\n" eth += "<i>* All values are rounded to 2 decimals</i>\n <i>**Calculated using CEB rates</i>" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=eth,parse_mode='HTML') else: #for fiat -> eth, we're only going to use sell value #this is because we're asumming you'll buy at the sell price. if ether[:1] != "$": message = "Please enter a recognised input !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calceth [float]ETH or /calceth $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: try: float(ether[1:]) except: message = "Please enter a numerical value !\n" message += "The bot accepts the following: /calceth [float]ETH or /calceth $[float] where float is a numerical value" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=message,parse_mode='HTML') else: fiat = float(ether[1:]) eth = "<b>Based on 👛Cryptocompare, $"+str(fiat)+" can buy ... </b>\n" ethlist = [] ethlist = ethlist + (Cryptocompare().geturl('ETH')) for each in ethlist: if "sgd" in each: eth += "🇸🇬SGD** $" eth += str(fiat) eth += " can buy " eth += str(round(((1/float(each["sgd"]))*fiat),2)) eth += " ETH\n" elif "usd" in each: eth += "🇺🇸USD $" eth += str(fiat) eth += " can buy " eth += str(round(((1/float(each["usd"]))*fiat),2)) eth += " ETH\n" eth += "<i>** All values are rounded to 2 decimals</i>\n <i>**Calculated using CEB rates</i>" bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=eth,parse_mode='HTML') except: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=channels.channellist('errorchannel'), text=str(catcherror),parse_mode='HTML')