Пример #1
def _request_token_if_needed(request, record_id, api_base):
	""" Requests a request token for record id, if needed.
	ts = TokenStore()
	cookie = request.get_cookie(_cookie_name)
	token, ex_api_base, ex_record_id = ts.tokenServerRecordForCookie(cookie)
	# we already got a token, test if it still works
	if token is not None \
		and (record_id is None or int(ex_record_id) == int(record_id)) \
		and (api_base is None or unicode(ex_api_base) == unicode(api_base)) \
		and _test_record_token(api_base, record_id, token):
		_log_debug("reusing existing token")
		return False, None
	# request a fresh token
	_log_debug("requesting token for record %s on %s" % (record_id, api_base))
	smart = _smart_client(api_base, record_id)
	if smart is None:
		return False, None
	smart.token = None
		token = smart.fetch_request_token()
	except Exception, e:
		return False, str(e)
Пример #2
def _exchange_token(req_token, verifier):
	""" Takes the request token and the verifier, obtained in our authorize callback, and exchanges it for an access
	Stores the access token and returns a tuple with the cookie key, api_base and record_id.
	ts = TokenStore()
	full_token, api_base, record_id = ts.tokenServerRecordForToken(req_token)
	if record_id is None:
		_log_error("Unknown token, cannot exchange %s" % req_token)
		return None, None, None
	# exchange the token
	_log_debug("exchange token: %s" % full_token)
	smart = _smart_client(api_base, record_id)
	if smart is None:
		return None, None, None
		acc_token = smart.exchange_token(verifier)
	except Exception, e:
		_log_error("token exchange failed: %s" % e)
		return None, api_base, None
Пример #3
def _testrecord_from_request(request):
	""" Returns a "TestRecord" instance from the cookie in the request.
	if request is None:
		return None
	# read the cookie
	cookie = request.get_cookie(_cookie_name)
	if cookie is None:
		return None
	# get the token
	ts = TokenStore()
	token, api_base, record_id = ts.tokenServerRecordForCookie(cookie)
	record = None
	if record_id is not None:
		smart_client = _smart_client(api_base, record_id)
		if smart_client is not None:
			record = TestRecord(smart_client)
	return record
Пример #4
import sys

from flask import request
from flask_api import FlaskAPI

from searchengine import SearchEngine
from tokenstore import TokenStore

app = FlaskAPI(__name__)

def index():
    return app.send_static_file('html/index.html')

@app.route("/api/search", methods=["POST"])
def search() -> list:
    curl -X POST -d  queries="hello world"
    return search_engine.search(request.data.get("queries").lower().split(","))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    store = TokenStore()
    search_engine = SearchEngine(store)

    app.run(debug=True, host="")
Пример #5
import json
import os
import signal

from tokenstore import TokenStore
from workerpool import WorkerPool

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bookkeeping = json.load(open("../WEBPAGES_RAW/bookkeeping.json", 'r'))
    store = TokenStore()
    pool = WorkerPool(TokenStore(),
                      mode=os.environ.get("INDEXER_MODE", "SERVER"))
    # capture signal.SIGINT and handle it with safe termination
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda _s, _f: pool.safe_terminate())
Пример #6
	# loop over all records and test against our rules
	if _BG:
		for record_id in smart.loop_over_records():
			record = TestRecord(smart)
			print "->  Record", record.record_id
			for rule in rules:
				print "-->  Testing against", rule.name
				if rule.match_against(record):
					print "==>  Record %s matches rule %s" % (record_id, rule.name)
					print rule.perform_actions(record)
	# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record Scoped
	smart.record_id = '665677'
	ts = TokenStore()
	known_token = ts.tokenForRecord(ep_url, smart.record_id)
	# request a token for a specific record id
	if known_token is None:
		token = smart.fetch_request_token()
		ts.storeTokenForRecord(ep_url, smart.record_id, token)
		print "->  Now visit:  %s" % smart.auth_redirect_url
		Popen(['open', smart.auth_redirect_url])
		oauth_verifier = raw_input("Enter the oauth_verifier: ")
		# exchange and store the token
		token = smart.exchange_token(oauth_verifier)
		if token and token.get('oauth_token') and token.get('oauth_token_secret'):
			ts.storeTokenForRecord(ep_url, smart.record_id, token)