def test_create(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): Range(1.2, 5) with self.assertRaises(Exception): Range(8, 12.25) with self.assertRaises(Exception): Range(30, 25)
def simple_reshape_no_pf(): print('----- test_simple_reshape_no_pf -----') line_str = '{<C-Major: I> iE:4 E E E E E E E <:IV> qE ie e <:V> qe ie e <:VI> qE E iE E E E}' score = create_score(line_str, 'violin', (3, 4, 'sww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(sinasoidal, Position(0), Position(3)) time_range = Range(0, 3) # The first note should have one of 3 values, C:4, E:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[9]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'G:4')), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, False) results = treshape.apply() mc_filter = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(mc_filter.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(mc_filter.scored_results))): result = mc_filter.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1]))
def __init__(self, start_index, end_index): """ Constructor Args: start_index: integer start chromatic pitch index end_index: integer end chromatic pitch index Exceptions: is start, end out of range of absolute chromatic range, plus those from Range. """ Range.__init__(self, start_index, end_index) if start_index < ChromaticScale.chromatic_start_index(): raise Exception( "Start index {0} lower than chromatic start {1}".format( start_index, ChromaticScale.chromatic_start_index())) if end_index > ChromaticScale.chromatic_end_index(): raise Exception( "end index {0} higher than chromatic end {1}".format( end_index, ChromaticScale.chromatic_end_index()))
def test_attributes(self): ranger = Range(10, 20) self.assertTrue(ranger.size() == 11) self.assertTrue(ranger.start_index == 10) self.assertTrue(ranger.end_index == 20) ranger = Range(10, 10) self.assertTrue(ranger.size() == 1) self.assertTrue(ranger.start_index == 10) self.assertTrue(ranger.end_index == 10) self.assertTrue(ranger.is_inbounds(10))
def test_simple_reshape(self): print('----- test_hct_simple_shift -----') s_notes = [ ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'h'), ('E:4', 'h'), ('E:4', 'q'), ('E:4', 'q'), ('E:4', 'q'), ('E:4', 'q'), ] chords = [('tI', 1), ('tIV', (1, 2)), ('tV', (1, 2)), ('tVI', 1)] score = TestTReshape.create_score(s_notes, ModalityType.Major, 'C', chords, 'violin', (3, 4, 'sww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(TestTReshape.sinasoidal, Position(0), Position(3)) time_range = Range(0, 3) # The first note should have one of 3 values, C:4, E:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'G:4')), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, False) results = treshape.apply() assert results is not None assert len(results) == 3 for result in results: print('-----') print(result.line) first_pitch_set = {str(result.line.get_all_notes()[0].diatonic_pitch) for result in results} assert {'E:4', 'C:4', 'G:4'} == first_pitch_set assert abs(TestTReshape.sinasoidal(Fraction(1, 8)) - DiatonicPitch.parse('D:5').chromatic_distance) < 1
def test_inbounds(self): ranger = Range(12, 40) for i in range(12, 41): self.assertTrue(ranger.is_inbounds(i), '{0} is not in {1}'.format(i, ranger)) self.assertFalse(ranger.is_inbounds(11)) self.assertFalse(ranger.is_inbounds(41)) self.assertTrue(ranger.is_inbounds(20.56)) self.assertFalse(ranger.is_inbounds(11.999999))
def simple_reshape_cpf(): print('----- test_simple_reshape_cpf (Fgure 17.21) -----') line_str = '{<C-Major: I> iE:4 E E E E E E E <:IV> qE ie e <:V> qe ie e <:VI> qE E iE E E E}' score = create_score(line_str, 'violin', (3, 4, 'sww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() # 11 scalar notes to C:4 (0) to G:5 (1) with pitch unit 1/19 interpreter = ChromaticRangeInterpreter(DiatonicPitch.parse('C:4'), 0, Fraction(1, 19)) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(three_sin, Position(0), Position(3), interp=interpreter) # The first note should have one of 3 values, C:4, E:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[8]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[11]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[14]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'E:4')), } # motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') motif = Motif([all_notes[0], all_notes[8], all_notes[11], all_notes[14]], constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) t_reshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, Range(0, 3), melodic_form, True) results = t_reshape.apply() filters = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(filters.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(filters.scored_results))): result = filters.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1])) print('Chords: {0}'.format(','.join([str(c) for c in score.hct.hc_list()])))
def reshape_to_scale(): print('----- test_reshape_to_scale (Fgure 17.24) -----') line_str = '{<C-Major: I> iE:4 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E wE}' score = create_score(line_str, 'violin', (4, 4, 'swww')) tonality = score.hct.get_hc_by_position(0).tonality all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() plf = PiecewiseLinearFunction([(0, 0), (1, 8), (Fraction(3, 2), 4), (2, 8), (3, 0)]) for i in range(0, 17): x = Fraction(1, 8) * i y = plf(x) print('({0}, {1})'.format(x, y)) time_range = Range(0, 3) interpreter = ScalarRangeInterpreter(tonality, DiatonicPitch.parse('C:4'), 0, 1) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(plf, Position(0), Position(3), False, interpreter) constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'G:4')), } motif = Motif([all_notes[0]], constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) t_reshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, False) results = t_reshape.apply() filters = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(filters.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(filters.scored_results))): result = filters.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1]))
def motif_example(): print('----- motif_example (Fgure 17.25) -----') line_str = '{<C-Major: I> iC:4 D E D E E E E C D E D E E E E C D E D E E E E wE}' score = create_score(line_str, 'piano', (4, 4, 'swww')) tonality = score.hct.get_hc_by_position(0).tonality all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() constraints = { StepSequenceConstraint( [all_notes[0], all_notes[1], all_notes[2], all_notes[3]], [1, 1, -1]) } motif = Motif([all_notes[0], all_notes[1], all_notes[2], all_notes[3]], constraints) motif1 = motif.copy_to(all_notes[8]) motif2 = motif.copy_to(all_notes[16]) form = MelodicForm([motif, motif1, motif2]) # 11 scalar notes to C:4 (0) to G:5 (11) with pitch unit 1/11 interpreter = ScalarRangeInterpreter(tonality, DiatonicPitch.parse('C:4'), 0, Fraction(1, 11)) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(three_sin, Position(0), Position(3), False, interpreter) t_reshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, Range(0, 3), form, True) results = t_reshape.apply() filters = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(filters.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(filters.scored_results))): result = filters.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1]))
def test_piecewise_linear_reshape(self): """ This is a very interesting test case. Although it uses a piecewise linear based reshape function, more importantly, the line's harmonic context track is in the key Bb-major, but the pitch function interprets pitches in E-major! The rule is to always use what the pitch function returns over the hct, except when the computed pitch has an enharmonic equivalent - in this case, the only case is Eb == D#, and Eb is preferred. :return: """ print('----- test_piecewise_linear_reshape -----') s_notes = [ ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ] chords = [('tI', 1), ('tIV', (1, 2)), ('tV', (1, 2)), ('tVI', 1)] score = TestTReshape.create_score(s_notes, ModalityType.Major, 'Bb', chords, 'violin', (4, 4, 'swww')) e_interp = ScalarRangeInterpreter(Tonality.create(ModalityType.Major, DiatonicToneCache.get_tone('E')), 'E:4', 0) array = [(0, 0), (Fraction(1, 2), 4), (Fraction(1), 0), (Fraction(2), 8)] f = PiecewiseLinearFunction(array) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(f, Position(0), Position(2), False, e_interp) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() # The first note should have one of 2 values, Eb:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) time_range = Range(0, 3) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, True) results = treshape.apply() assert results is not None for i in range(0, len(results)): print('--- result[{0}] ---'.format(i)) print(results[i].line) assert len(results) == 2 first_pitch_set = {str(result.line.get_all_notes()[0].diatonic_pitch) for result in results} assert {'D:4', 'F:4'} == first_pitch_set all_notes = results[0].line.get_all_notes() assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'B:4' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch) assert 'E:4' == str(all_notes[8].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[9].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[10].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[11].diatonic_pitch) assert 'B:4' == str(all_notes[12].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C#:5' == str(all_notes[13].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[14].diatonic_pitch) all_notes = results[1].line.get_all_notes() assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'B:4' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch) assert 'E:4' == str(all_notes[8].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F#:4' == str(all_notes[9].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G#:4' == str(all_notes[10].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:4' == str(all_notes[11].diatonic_pitch) assert 'B:4' == str(all_notes[12].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C#:5' == str(all_notes[13].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[14].diatonic_pitch)
def test_pitch_sequence_shape(self): print('----- test_pitch_sequence_shape -----') s_notes = [ ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ] chords = [('tI', 1), ('tIV', 1), ('tV', 1), ('tVI', 1)] score = TestTReshape.create_score(s_notes, ModalityType.Major, 'Bb', chords, 'violin', (4, 4, 'swww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() eflat_interp = ScalarRangeInterpreter(Tonality.create(ModalityType.Major, DiatonicToneCache.get_tone('Bb')), 'Bb:3', 0) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(TestTReshape.e_flat_linear, Position(0), Position(1), False, eflat_interp) # The first note should have one of 2 values, Eb:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), # You need this kind of constraint to limit possibilities. PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('Bb:3', 'A:4')), StepSequenceConstraint([all_notes[3], all_notes[4], all_notes[5], all_notes[6]], [-1, -1, -1]), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) time_range = Range(0, 3) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, True) results = treshape.apply() assert results is not None for i in range(0, len(results)): print('--- result[{0}] ---'.format(i)) print(results[i].line) for result in results: notes = result.line.get_all_notes() if str(notes[3].diatonic_pitch) == 'Eb:4': assert 'D:4' == str(notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:4' == str(notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Bb:3' == str(notes[6].diatonic_pitch) else: assert 'D:4' == str(notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:4' == str(notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Bb:3' == str(notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:3' == str(notes[6].diatonic_pitch)
def test_onbeat_shape(self): print('----- test_onbeat_shape -----') s_notes = [ ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ] chords = [('tI', 1), ('tIV', (1, 2)), ('tV', (1, 2)), ('tVI', 1)] score = TestTReshape.create_score(s_notes, ModalityType.Major, 'Bb', chords, 'violin', (4, 4, 'swww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() # The first note should have one of 2 values, Eb:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), OnBeatConstraint(all_notes[2], BeatType.Strong), # You need this kind of constraint to limit possibilities. PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('Bb:3', 'A:4')), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) eflat_interp = ScalarRangeInterpreter(Tonality.create(ModalityType.Major, DiatonicToneCache.get_tone('Bb')), 'Bb:3', 0) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(TestTReshape.e_flat_linear, Position(0), Position(1), False, eflat_interp) time_range = Range(0, 3) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form, False) results = treshape.apply() assert results is not None for i in range(0, len(results)): print('--- result[{0}] ---'.format(i)) print(results[i].line) first_pitch_set = {str(result.line.get_all_notes()[0].diatonic_pitch) for result in results} assert {'Bb:3', 'D:4', 'F:4'} == first_pitch_set all_notes = results[0].line.get_all_notes() assert 'C:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:5' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'D:5' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F:5' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G:5' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:5' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch) assert Position(1) == all_notes[2].get_absolute_position() all_notes = results[1].line.get_all_notes() assert 'C:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:5' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'D:5' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'F:5' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G:5' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'A:5' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch) assert Position(1) == all_notes[2].get_absolute_position()
def test_linear_scale(self): print('----- test_linear_scale -----') s_notes = [ ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ('E:4', 'e'), ] chords = [('tI', 1), ('tIV', (1, 2)), ('tV', (1, 2)), ('tVI', 1)] score = TestTReshape.create_score(s_notes, ModalityType.Major, 'Eb', chords, 'violin', (3, 4, 'sww')) all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() eflat_interp = ScalarRangeInterpreter(Tonality.create(ModalityType.Major, DiatonicToneCache.get_tone('Eb')), 'Eb:4', 0) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(TestTReshape.e_flat_linear, Position(0), Position(1), False, eflat_interp) time_range = Range(0, 3) # The first note should have one of 2 values, Eb:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'G:4')), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) treshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, time_range, melodic_form) results = treshape.apply() assert results is not None assert len(results) == 2 for result in results: print('-----') print(result.line) first_pitch_set = {str(result.line.get_all_notes()[0].diatonic_pitch) for result in results} assert {'Eb:4', 'G:4'} == first_pitch_set all_notes = results[0].line.get_all_notes() assert 'F:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G:4' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Ab:4' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Bb:4' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:5' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'D:5' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch) all_notes = results[1].line.get_all_notes() assert 'F:4' == str(all_notes[1].diatonic_pitch) assert 'G:4' == str(all_notes[2].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Ab:4' == str(all_notes[3].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Bb:4' == str(all_notes[4].diatonic_pitch) assert 'C:5' == str(all_notes[5].diatonic_pitch) assert 'D:5' == str(all_notes[6].diatonic_pitch) assert 'Eb:5' == str(all_notes[7].diatonic_pitch)
def class_init(): """ This method is a class initializer. It is called outside the class before its first use. The tables are: 1) NAME_MAP: map TempoType to string name. 2) RANGE_MAP: map TempoType to BPM range. 3) ALL_TYPES: list of all TempoTypes """ if TempoTypeHelper.RANGE_MAP is not None: return TempoTypeHelper.RANGE_MAP = { TempoType.Larghissimo: Range(0, 24), TempoType.Grave: Range(25, 45), TempoType.Lento: Range(45, 60), TempoType.Largo: Range(40, 60), TempoType.Larghetto: Range(60, 66), TempoType.Adagio: Range(66, 76), TempoType.Adagietto: Range(72, 76), TempoType.Andantino: Range(80, 108), TempoType.Andante: Range(76, 108), TempoType.AndanteModerato: Range(92, 112), TempoType.MarciaModerato: Range(83, 85), TempoType.Moderato: Range(108, 120), TempoType.AllegroModerato: Range(116, 120), TempoType.Allegretto: Range(112, 120), TempoType.Allegro: Range(120, 168), TempoType.Vivace: Range(168, 176), TempoType.Vivacissimo: Range(172, 176), TempoType.Allegrissimo: Range(172, 176), TempoType.Presto: Range(168, 200), TempoType.Prestissimo: Range(200, 10000) } TempoTypeHelper.ALL_TYPES = [ TempoType.Larghissimo, TempoType.Grave, TempoType.Lento, TempoType.Largo, TempoType.Larghetto, TempoType.Adagio, TempoType.Adagietto, TempoType.Andantino, TempoType.Andante, TempoType.AndanteModerato, TempoType.MarciaModerato, TempoType.Moderato, TempoType.AllegroModerato, TempoType.Allegretto, TempoType.Allegro, TempoType.Vivace, TempoType.Vivacissimo, TempoType.Allegrissimo, TempoType.Presto, TempoType.Prestissimo, ]
def reshape_with_spf(): print('----- test_reshape_with_spf (Fgure 17.22) -----') line_str = '{<C-Major: I> iE:4 E E E E q@E <:IV> qE ie e <:V> qe ie e <:VI> qE E iE E E E}' score = create_score(line_str, 'piano', (3, 4, 'sww')) tonality = score.hct.get_hc_by_position(0).tonality all_notes = score.line.get_all_notes() # 11 scalar notes to C:4 (0) to G:5 (11) with pitch unit 1/11 interpreter = ScalarRangeInterpreter(tonality, DiatonicPitch.parse('C:4'), 0, Fraction(1, 11)) pitch_function = GenericUnivariatePitchFunction(three_sin, Position(0), Position(3), False, interpreter) # The first note should have one of 3 values, C:4, E:4, G:4 constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[6]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[9]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[12]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'E:4')), } motif = Motif([all_notes[0], all_notes[6], all_notes[9], all_notes[12]], constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) t_reshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, Range(0, 3), melodic_form, True) results = t_reshape.apply() filters = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(filters.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(filters.scored_results))): result = filters.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1])) constraints = { ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[0]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[4]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[6]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[8]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[12]), ChordalPitchConstraint(all_notes[14]), PitchRangeConstraint([all_notes[0]], PitchRange.create('C:4', 'G:4')), } motif = Motif(score.line, constraints, 'A') melodic_form = MelodicForm([motif]) t_reshape = TReshape(score, pitch_function, Range(0, 3), melodic_form, True) results = t_reshape.apply() filters = MinCurveFitFilter(pitch_function, results) print('{0} filtered results'.format(len(filters.scored_results))) for index in range(0, min(5, len(filters.scored_results))): result = filters.scored_results[index] print('[{0}] {1} ({2})'.format(index, str_line(result[0].line), result[1]))