def test(self, batch_count,j): with torch.no_grad(): img = # img_ = cv2.imread(TEST_IMG) last_boxes = self.detecter.detect(img, self.args.threshold, draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) font = ImageFont.truetype(font="arial.ttf", size=10, encoding="utf-8") if np.any(last_boxes): for box in last_boxes: xybox = box[:4].astype("i4") text_x, text_y = list(box[:2])[0], list(box[:2])[1] - 10 text_conf = list(box[:2])[0] + 30 draw.text((text_x, text_y), cfg.COCO_DICT[int(box[5])], fill=(255, 0, 0), font=font) draw.text((text_conf, text_y), "%.2f" % box[4], fill=(255, 0, 0), font=font) draw.rectangle(list(xybox), outline="green", width=2) # if NEEDSAVE: testpic_savedir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "testpic", self.netfile_name) utils.makedir(testpic_savedir) testpic_savefile = os.path.join(testpic_savedir, "{0}_{1}.jpg".format(batch_count,j)) if NEEDSHOW: plt.clf() plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(img) plt.pause(0.1)
def FDplotting(self, net): save_dir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "params") utils.makedir(save_dir) save_name = "{0}_param.jpg".format(self.netfile_name) save_file = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, save_name) params = [] for param in net.parameters(): params.extend(param.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()) params = np.array(params) histo = np.histogram(params, 10, range=(np.min(params), np.max(params))) plt.plot(histo[1][1:], histo[0]) plt.savefig(save_file)
def scalarplotting(self, datalist, key): save_dir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, key) utils.makedir(save_dir) save_name = "{0}.jpg".format(key) save_file = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) values = [] for data_dict in datalist: if data_dict: values.append(data_dict[key]) if len(values) != 0: plt.plot(values) plt.savefig(save_file)
def copydirs(src_dir, dst_dir, cover=False, timethreshold=1, outputthreshold=1000): count = 0 # 总复制文件计数 count_eachtime = 0 # 单位时间复制文件计数 start_time = time.time() # 开始时间 time_temp = start_time # 临时时间,用于计算单位时间 # 判断文件夹存在 if os.path.isfile(src_dir): return utils.makedir(dst_dir) for file in os.listdir(src_dir): file_src = os.path.join(src_dir, file) file_dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, file) if os.path.isfile(file_src): print("file_src1", file_src) print("file_dst1", file_dst) if cover: shutil.copy(file_src, file_dst) count += 1 count_eachtime += 1 elif not os.path.exists(file_dst): shutil.copy(file_src, file_dst) count += 1 count_eachtime += 1 check_time = time.time() time_inter = check_time - time_temp if count % outputthreshold == 0 and count > 0: print("the number of files is copied successfully:", count) if time_inter > timethreshold: print("number of copy in {0}s: {1}, time already used: {2}s". format(timethreshold, count_eachtime, int(check_time - start_time))) time_temp = check_time count_eachtime = 0 elif os.path.isdir(file_src): print("file_src2", file_src) print("file_dst2", file_dst) copydirs(file_src, file_dst, cover) return count
def decode(self): datadict = torch.load(self.dictpath) for newpath, filedata in datadict.items(): savepath = os.path.join(self.dstdir, newpath).replace("\\", "/") # if os.path.exists(savepath): # savepath_mtime = os.stat(savepath).st_mtime # filepath_mtime = os.stat(filepath).st_mtime # print('s',savepath, savepath_mtime) # print('f',filepath, filepath_mtime) # if savepath_mtime <= filepath_mtime: # continue filedir = os.path.dirname(savepath) # print("filedir", filedir) makedir(filedir) print("savepath", savepath) with open(savepath, 'wb') as f: f.writelines(filedata)
def __init__(self, net, netfile_name, cfgfile=None): = net self.netfile_name = netfile_name print(cfgfile) if cfgfile != None: self.cfginit(cfgfile) print(1) print(SAVE_DIR) utils.makedir(SAVE_DIR) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="base class for network training") self.args = self.argparser(parser) net_savefile = "{0}.{1}".format(self.netfile_name, NETFILE_EXTENTION) self.save_dir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "nets") utils.makedir(self.save_dir) self.save_path = os.path.join(self.save_dir, net_savefile) self.savepath_epoch = os.path.join(SAVEDIR_EPOCH, net_savefile) if os.path.exists(self.save_path) and CONTINUETRAIN: try: print("net param load successful") except: = torch.load(self.save_path) print("net load successful") else: print("param initial complete") if ISCUDA: = if NEEDTEST: self.detecter = Detector() self.logdir = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, "log") utils.makedir(self.logdir) self.logfile = os.path.join(self.logdir, "{0}.txt".format(self.netfile_name)) if not os.path.exists(self.logfile): with open(self.logfile, 'w') as f: print("%.2f %d " % (0.00, 0), end='\r', file=f) print("logfile created") self.optimizer = optim.Adam( # 损失函数定义 self.conf_loss_fn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # 定义置信度损失函数 self.center_loss_fn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # 定义中心点损失函数 self.wh_loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() # 宽高损失 # self.cls_loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # 定义交叉熵损失 self.cls_loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.detecter = Detector() print("initial complete")
def generatedataset(pass_used=False, treat_img=True, gen_label=True): pic_used_dict = {12: "12.txt", 24: "24.txt", 48: "48.txt"} # 新旧标签列表 datalist_read = [] # datalist_write = [] with open(labelfile, 'r') as f: for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): # 第一行为标量行,不读 if (i > 0): datalist_read.append(line.strip()) ioulist = [] # 定义三个样本的计数 positive_num_ = 0 negative_num_ = 0 part_num_ = 0 positive_num = 0 negative_num = 0 part_num = 0 for face_size in face_sizes: datalist_write = [] # 注意datalist清空位置,注意计数 ''' 将已生成的图片存起来,下次不再生成''' pic_used_txt = pic_used_dict.get(face_size) if pass_used: pic_used_list = [] if os.path.exists(pic_used_txt): with open(pic_used_txt) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0].isdigit(): pic_used_list.append(line.strip().split()[0]) elif os.path.exists(pic_used_txt): os.remove(pic_used_txt) "定义三个尺寸的文件保存路径" # positive_savepath = os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "positive") # negative_savepath = os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "negative") # part_savepath = os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "part") # pic_savepathlist = [negative_savepath,positive_savepath,part_savepath] # 定义图片保存文件夹 # pic_savedict = { # 0: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "negative"), # 1: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "positive"), # 2: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "part") # } ''' 定义每个尺寸图片保存文件夹和标签保存文件的dict 图片要按照置信分类,标签不用''' save_dict = { "pic": { 0: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "negative"), 1: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "positive"), 2: os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size), "part") }, "label": os.path.join(label_savepath, "label_{0}.txt".format(str(face_size))) } # positive part negative集中放置,这几个文件夹不用生成 # for i in [0, 1, 2]: # utils.makedir(save_dict['pic'][i]) "遍历标签数据" for i, strdata in enumerate(datalist_read): "分隔每行数据" data = strdata.strip().split() if pass_used: if data[0] in pic_used_list: continue # x,y,w,h = map(int,data[1],data[2],data[3],data[4])#这个写法不行 # x1, y1, w, h, width, height = map(int, data[1:7])#本身可以实现数据的strip() # x1, y1, w, h, width, height = map(int, map(str.strip,data[1:7]))#不以逗号分隔了,改为空格 x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, width, height = map(int, data[1:9]) "图片过滤" # if (x1 < 0 or y1 < 0 or w < 0 or h < 0 or max(w, h) < 40): # continue "判断是否有小于0的元素,框的大小是否比40小,框是否在图片内" if any([d < 0 for d in map(int, data[1:9]) ]) or min(w, h) < 40 or max(w, h) > min(width, height): # print("false data: ", data) # 输出错误数据 continue ''' 补方框''' # "判断框是否为近方框" # if w / (w + h) > 0.6 or w / (w + h) < 0.3: # pass # else: # continue # x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, width, height = map(int, data[1:9]) "计算右下角坐标x1,y1和中心点x0,y0" # x2, y2 = x1 + w, y1 + h # x0, y0 = x1 + w // 2, y1 + h // 2 for j in range(len(wh_scales)): k = 0 while k < each_pic_num: ''' name是加载图片的名称 pic_name 是新生成图片的名称''' name, offset, box, box_ = utils.getoffset( data, wh_scale=wh_scales[j], size_scale=size_scale) iou_value = utils.iou(box, box_) # 生成图片文件名 pic_name = "%s_%d_0%1d%02d.jpg" % ( name.split('.')[0], face_size, j, k ) # 文件名中第二个"_"后的第一个0代表正或部分样本,另外生成的负样本此处为1 # 生成图片路径 "置信" confidence = getconfidence(iou_value) "图片保存路径" if confidence == -1: continue else: ioulist.append(iou_value) k += 1 pic_savedir = os.path.join(pic_savepath, str(face_size)) utils.makedir(pic_savedir) pic_savefile = os.path.join(pic_savedir, pic_name) "标签保存路径" label_savefile = os.path.join(save_dict['label']) "原图片路径" pic_file = os.path.join(picpath, name) if treat_img: utils.imgTreat(pic_file, pic_savefile, box_, face_size) datalist_write.append( utils.generateLabeldata(pic_name, confidence, offset)) # 三个样本计数 if positive_range[0] < iou_value < positive_range[1]: positive_num_ += 1 elif part_range[0] < iou_value < part_range[1]: part_num_ += 1 elif negative_range[0] < iou_value < negative_range[1]: negative_num_ += 1 if i % 100 == 0: total_num_ = positive_num_ + part_num_ + negative_num_ print("epoch", i, positive_num_, part_num_, negative_num_, total_num_) if all([ positive_num_ > 0, part_num_ > 0, negative_num_ > 0, total_num_ > 0 ]): print("positive: %.3f, %.3f" % (positive_num_ / part_num_, positive_num_ / negative_num_)) print("ratio: %.3f, %.3f, %.3f" % (positive_num_ / total_num_, part_num_ / total_num_, negative_num_ / total_num_)) # 临时查看一下数量 print("********************") if pass_used: with open(pic_used_txt, 'a') as pic_used_file: print(data[0], file=pic_used_file) if len(datalist_write) != 0 and gen_label: utils.generateLabel(datalist_write, label_savefile, face_size) # 三个样本计数 for i in ioulist: if positive_range[0] < i < positive_range[1]: positive_num += 1 elif part_range[0] < i < part_range[1]: part_num += 1 elif negative_range[0] < i < negative_range[1]: negative_num += 1 total_num = positive_num + part_num + negative_num print(positive_num, part_num, negative_num, total_num)
import os import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from tool import utils # 定义路径 # root = r"D:\datasets" "一级改动" labelfile = r"D:\datasets\datasets10261\label_10261.txt" # 读取的标签路径 "二级改动" picpath = r"D:\datasets\datasets10261\jpg" # 读取的图片路径 "一级改动" savepath = r"D:\datasets\save_10261_20190726" utils.makedir(savepath) # 图片和标签的保存根目录 pic_savepath = os.path.join(savepath, "pic") label_savepath = os.path.join(savepath, "label") "define iou threshold" positive_range = [0.65, 1] part_range = [0.4, 0.6] negative_range = [0, 0.05] size_scale = 0.9 wh_scales = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.75, 0.95] face_sizes = [12, 24, 48] classification = ['negative', 'positive', 'part'] utils.makedir(pic_savepath) utils.makedir(label_savepath)
net_2_1 原网络 [98,15] tensor([[0, 6, 6, 0], [0, 6, 6, 1], [0, 6, 6, 2]], device='cuda:0') torch.Size([3, 6]) torch.Size([98, 15]) ''' if __name__ == '__main__': np.set_printoptions(precision=4, threshold=np.inf, suppress=True) net_path = r"D:\PycharmProjects\yolov3_01\save\20190925\nets\yolo_03.pth" pic_dir = r"D:\datasets\yolodatasets\datasets_20190801\datasets_resize" save_dir = r"D:\PycharmProjects\yolov3_01\save\img" save_dir1 = r"D:\PycharmProjects\yolov3_01\save\cv2img" utils.makedir(save_dir) utils.makedir(save_dir1) # pic_name = r"pic_008.jpg" # save_path = os.path.join(save_dir,pic_name) torch.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, sci_mode=False) detecter = Detector(net_path) for pic_name in os.listdir(pic_dir): pic_file = os.path.join(pic_dir, pic_name) save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, pic_name) # save_path1 = os.path.join(save_dir1, pic_name) img = last_boxes = detecter.detect(img, 0.6) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)