def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.toolchain = 'vivado' self.synthtool = 'vivado' self.synthoptions = [] self.files = [] self.edam = None self.backend = None
def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.toolchain = 'nextpnr-xilinx-fasm2bels' self.files = [] self.fasm2bels = True self.dbroot = os.getenv('XRAY_DATABASE_DIR', None) assert self.dbroot
def inspect_host(spec): toolchain = Toolchain(spec=spec) print('Host Environment:') print(' Host: {} {}'.format(, spec.arch)) print(' Target: {} {}'.format(, spec.arch)) compiler_path = toolchain.compiler_path() if not compiler_path: compiler_path = '(Will Install)' print(' Compiler: {} (version: {}) {}'.format(spec.compiler, toolchain.compiler_version, compiler_path)) compilers = ['{} {}'.format(c[0], c[1]) for c in Toolchain.all_compilers()] print(' Available Compilers: {}'.format(', '.join(compilers))) print(' Available Projects: {}'.format(', '.join(Project.projects())))
def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.toolchain = 'nextpnr-xilinx-fasm2bels' self.files = [] self.fasm2bels = True self.dbroot = subprocess.check_output( 'prjxray-config', shell=True).decode('utf-8').strip() capnp_schema_dir = subprocess.check_output( 'capnp-schemas-dir', shell=True).decode('utf-8').strip() self.files.append({'name': capnp_schema_dir, 'file_type': 'capnp'}) assert self.dbroot
def install(self, env): if self.installed: return sh = installed_path, installed_version = Toolchain.find_compiler( env.spec.compiler, env.spec.compiler_version) if installed_path: print('Compiler {} {} already exists at {}'.format( env.spec.compiler, installed_version, installed_path)) self.installed = True return sudo = env.config.get('sudo', current_os() == 'linux') sudo = ['sudo'] if sudo else [] version = env.toolchain.compiler_version.replace('\..+', '') script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) script_path = script.write(LLVM_SH.encode()) script.close() # Make script executable os.chmod( script_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) sh.exec(*sudo, [script_path, version], check=True) self.installed = True
def default_spec(env): target, arch = current_platform().split('-') host = current_host() compiler, version = Toolchain.default_compiler(target, arch) return BuildSpec(host=host, compiler=compiler, compiler_version='{}'.format(version), target=target, arch=arch)
def install(self, env): if self.installed: return sh = config = env.config installed_path, installed_version = Toolchain.find_compiler( env.spec.compiler, env.spec.compiler_version) if installed_path: print('Compiler {} {} already exists at {}'.format( env.spec.compiler, installed_version, installed_path)) self.installed = True return packages = UniqueList(config.get('compiler_packages', [])) compiler = env.spec.compiler version = env.spec.compiler_version Script([InstallPackages(packages)], name='install gcc').run(env) self.installed = True
def __init__(self): Toolchain.__init__(self) self.icecubedir = self.ICECUBEDIR_DEFAULT
def generate(): start_time = toolchains = ToolchainSet() main_release = "releases" toolchains_path = os.path.join(TOOLCHAINS_DIR, main_release) toolchain_list = [] # Find all toolchains for a in os.scandir(os.path.join(toolchains_path, "toolchains")): try: toolchain_list += os.scandir( os.path.join(toolchains_path, "toolchains",, 'available_toolchains')) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Iterate over all toolchains for toolchain in sorted([ e for e in toolchain_list if e.is_file() and not'.') and not".sha256") ], key=lambda t: t = Toolchain( arch_path = os.path.join(toolchains_path, "toolchains", t.arch) t.set_test_result(arch_path, with open( os.path.join(toolchains_path, "toolchains", t.arch, "summaries", + ".csv")) as f: t.set_summary(f) toolchains.add(main_release, t) for p in ['index', 'status', 'faq', 'news']: template = jinja_env.get_template("templates/%s.jinja" % p) html = template.render(toolchains=toolchains, datetime=datetime, start_time=start_time) with open(os.path.join(WWW_DIR, p + ".html"), 'w') as f: f.write(html) print("Page generated in", os.path.join(WWW_DIR, p + ".html")) template = jinja_env.get_template("templates/arch_listing.jinja") for a in toolchains.arch_list(main_release): page_name = "%s_%s" % (main_release, a) html = template.render(release=main_release, arch=a, toolchains=toolchains, datetime=datetime, start_time=start_time) with open(os.path.join(WWW_DIR, page_name + ".html"), 'w') as f: f.write(html) print("Page generated in", os.path.join(WWW_DIR, page_name + ".html")) template = jinja_env.get_template("templates/toolchains.jinja") page_name = "toolchains" html = template.render(release=main_release, toolchains=toolchains, datetime=datetime, start_time=start_time) with open(os.path.join(WWW_DIR, page_name + ".html"), 'w') as f: f.write(html) print("Page generated in", os.path.join(WWW_DIR, page_name + ".html"))
def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.toolchain = 'nextpnr-xilinx' self.files = [] self.fasm2bels = False self.dbroot = None
def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.toolchain = 'vpr' self.files = [] self.fasm2bels = False self.dbroot = None
def __init__(self): Toolchain.__init__(self) self.radiantdir = Radiant.RADIANTDIR_DEFAULT
def __init__(self, rootdir): Toolchain.__init__(self, rootdir) self.files = [] self.edam = None self.backend = None
Scripts.load() if not env.project and args.command != 'mirror': print('No project specified and no project found in current directory') sys.exit(1) print('Using Spec:') print(' Host: {} {}'.format(, current_arch())) print(' Target: {} {}'.format(, spec.arch)) print(' Compiler: {} {}'.format(spec.compiler, spec.compiler_version)) if not env.config.get('enabled', True): raise Exception("The project is disabled in this configuration") if env.config.get('needs_compiler', True): env.toolchain = Toolchain(spec=env.spec) if args.dump_config: from pprint import pprint print('Spec: ', end='') pprint(env.spec) print('Config:') pprint(env.config) # Run a build with a specific spec/toolchain if args.command == 'build': run_build(env) # run a single action, usually local to a project else: run_action(args.command, env)