def _view_diary(request, startdate, enddate, tag=None, extra_title=None): # Returns public diary view, for given date range, optionally filtered by # an event tag. # Build query. The select_related() and prefetch_related on the end # encourages it to get the associated showing/event data, to reduce the # number of SQL queries showings = (Showing.objects.public() .start_in_range(startdate, enddate) .order_by('start') .select_related() .prefetch_related('event__media') .prefetch_related('event__tags')) if tag: showings = showings.filter(event__tags__slug=tag) # Build a list of events for that list of showings: events = OrderedDict() for showing in showings: events.setdefault(showing.event, list()).append(showing) context = { 'start': startdate, 'end': enddate, # Make sure user input is escaped: 'event_type': mark_for_escaping(tag) if tag else None, # Set page title: 'extra_title': extra_title, # Set of Showing objects for date range 'showings': showings, # Ordered dict mapping event -> list of showings: 'events': events, # This is prepended to filepaths from the MediaPaths table to use # as a location for images: 'media_url': settings.MEDIA_URL, 'printed_programmes': PrintedProgramme.objects.month_in_range( startdate, enddate) } return render(request, 'view_showing_index.html', context)
def view_diary(request, year=None, month=None, day=None, event_type=None): # Returns public diary view, starting at specified year/month/day, filtered # by event type. # # Returns different things depending on the supplied parameters; # - if only year is passed, and no daysahead parameter,listings for the # whole of that year # - if only year & month passed, and no daysahead parameter, listings for # the whole of that month # - if year, month & day, and no daysahead parameter, listings for that day # only # - if dayssahead parameter is passed, that many days from the specified # year/month/date context = {} query_days_ahead = request.GET.get('daysahead', None) # Shared utility method to parse HTTP parameters and return a date range startdate, days_ahead = get_date_range(year, month, day, query_days_ahead) if startdate is None: raise Http404(days_ahead) enddate = startdate + datetime.timedelta(days=days_ahead) # Start getting together data to send to the template... context['today'] = context['start'] = startdate context['end'] = enddate # Following is user input passed back, so make doubly sure that it gets # escaped in the template: context['event_type'] = mark_for_escaping(event_type) if event_type else None # Set page title if year: # If some specific dates were provided, use those context['event_list_name'] = u"Cube Programme for {0}".format( u"/".join([str(s) for s in (day, month, year) if s]) ) else: # Default title context['event_list_name'] = "Cube Programme" # Build query. The select_related() and prefetch_related on the end # encourages it to get the associated showing/event data, to reduce the # number of SQL queries showings = (Showing.objects.public() .start_in_range(startdate, enddate) .order_by('start') .select_related() .prefetch_related('event__media')) if event_type: showings = showings.filter(event__tags__slug=event_type) # Build a list of events for that list of showings: events = OrderedDict() for showing in showings: events.setdefault(showing.event, list()).append(showing) context['showings'] = showings # Set of Showing objects for date range context['events'] = events # Ordered dict mapping event -> list of showings # This is prepended to filepaths from the MediaPaths table to use # as a location for images: context['media_url'] = settings.MEDIA_URL context['printed_programmes'] = PrintedProgramme.objects.month_in_range( startdate, enddate) return render(request, 'view_showing_index.html', context)