Пример #1
def recursively_map(an_object, function, is_key=False):
    from tools.basics import is_iterable
    # base case 1 (iterable but treated like a primitive)
    if isinstance(an_object, str):
        return_value = an_object
    # base case 2 (exists because of scalar numpy/pytorch/tensorflow objects)
    if hasattr(an_object, "tolist"):
        return_value = an_object.tolist()
        # base case 3
        if not is_iterable(an_object):
            return_value = an_object
            if isinstance(an_object, dict):
                return_value = { recursively_map(each_key, function, is_key=True) : recursively_map(each_value, function) for each_key, each_value in an_object.items() }
                return_value = [ recursively_map(each, function) for each in an_object ]
    # convert lists to tuples so they are hashable
    if is_iterable(return_value) and not isinstance(return_value, dict) and not isinstance(return_value, str):
        return_value = tuple(return_value)
    return function(return_value, is_key=is_key)
Пример #2
def merge(old_value, new_value):
    # if not dict, see if it is iterable
    if not isinstance(new_value, collections.abc.Mapping):
        if is_iterable(new_value):
            new_value = { index: value for index, value in enumerate(new_value) }
    # if still not a dict, then just return the current value
    if not isinstance(new_value, collections.abc.Mapping):
        return new_value
    # otherwise get recursive
        # if not dict, see if it is iterable
        if not isinstance(old_value, collections.abc.Mapping):
            if is_iterable(old_value):
                old_value = { index: value for index, value in enumerate(old_value) }
        # if still not a dict
        if not isinstance(old_value, collections.abc.Mapping):
            # force it to be one
            old_value = {}
        # override each key recursively
        for key, updated_value in new_value.items():
            old_value[key] = merge(old_value.get(key, {}), updated_value)
        return old_value
Пример #3
 def to_tensor(an_object):
     from tools.basics import is_iterable
     # if already a tensor, just return
     if isinstance(an_object, torch.Tensor):
         return an_object
     # if scalar, wrap it with a tensor
     if not is_iterable(an_object):
         return torch.tensor(an_object)
         as_list = tuple([ each for each in an_object ])
         # # check for all-scalar container
         # is_all_scalar = True
         # for each in as_list:
         #     if is_iterable(each):
         #         is_all_scalar = False
         #         break
         # if is_all_scalar:
         #     return torch.tensor(as_list)
         size_mismatch = False
         biggest_number_of_dimensions = 0
         non_one_dimensions = None
         converted_data = []
         # check the shapes of everything
         for each in as_list:
             tensor = to_tensor(each)
             skipping = True
             each_non_one_dimensions = []
             for index, each_dimension in enumerate(tensor.shape):
                 # keep track of number of dimensions
                 if index+1 > biggest_number_of_dimensions:
                     biggest_number_of_dimensions += 1
                 if each_dimension != 1:
                     skipping = False
                 if skipping and each_dimension == 1:
             # if uninitilized
             if non_one_dimensions is None:
                 non_one_dimensions = list(each_non_one_dimensions)
             # if dimension already exists
                 # make sure its the correct shape
                 if non_one_dimensions != each_non_one_dimensions:
                     size_mismatch = True
         if size_mismatch:
             sizes = "\n".join([ f"    {tuple(to_tensor(each).shape)}" for each in as_list])
             raise Exception(f'When converting an object to a torch tensor, there was an issue with the shapes not being uniform. All shapes need to be the same, but instead the shapes were:\n {sizes}')
         # make all the sizes the same by filling in the dimensions with a size of one
         reshaped_list = []
         for each in converted_data:
             shape = tuple(each.shape)
             number_of_dimensions = len(shape)
             number_of_missing_dimensions = biggest_number_of_dimensions - number_of_dimensions 
             missing_dimensions_tuple = (1,)*number_of_missing_dimensions
             reshaped_list.append(torch.reshape(each, (*missing_dimensions_tuple, *shape)))
         return torch.stack(reshaped_list).type(torch.float)
Пример #4
def to_pure(an_object, recursion_help=None):
    from tools.basics import is_iterable
    # infinte recursion prevention
    top_level = False
    if recursion_help is None:
        top_level = True
        recursion_help = {}
    class PlaceHolder:
        def __init__(self, id):
            self.id = id
        def eval(self):
            return recursion_help[key]
    object_id = id(an_object)
    # if we've see this object before
    if object_id in recursion_help:
        # if this value is a placeholder, then it means we found a child that is equal to a parent (or equal to other ancestor/grandparent)
        if isinstance(recursion_help[object_id], PlaceHolder):
            return recursion_help[object_id]
            # if its not a placeholder, then we already have cached the output
            return recursion_help[object_id]
    # if we havent seen the object before, give it a placeholder while it is being computed
        recursion_help[object_id] = PlaceHolder(object_id)
    parents_of_placeholders = set()
    # main compute
    return_value = None
    # base case 1 (iterable but treated like a primitive)
    if isinstance(an_object, str):
        return_value = an_object
    # base case 2 (exists because of scalar numpy/pytorch/tensorflow objects)
    elif hasattr(an_object, "tolist"):
        return_value = an_object.tolist()
        # base case 3
        if not is_iterable(an_object):
            return_value = an_object
            if isinstance(an_object, dict):
                return_value = {
                    to_pure(each_key, recursion_help) : to_pure(each_value, recursion_help)
                        for each_key, each_value in an_object.items()
                return_value = [ to_pure(each, recursion_help) for each in an_object ]
    # convert iterables to tuples so they are hashable
    if is_iterable(return_value) and not isinstance(return_value, dict) and not isinstance(return_value, str):
        return_value = tuple(return_value)
    # update the cache/log with the real value
    recursion_help[object_id] = return_value
    # handle placeholders
    if is_iterable(return_value):
        # check if this value has any placeholder children
        children = return_value if not isinstance(return_value, dict) else [ *return_value.keys(), *return_value.values() ]
        for each in children:
            if isinstance(each, PlaceHolder):
        # convert all the placeholders into their final values
        if top_level == True:
            for each_parent in parents_of_placeholders:
                iterator = enumerate(each_parent) if not isinstance(each_parent, dict) else each_parent.items()
                for each_key, each_value in iterator:
                    if isinstance(each_parent[each_key], PlaceHolder):
                        each_parent[each_key] = each_parent[each_key].eval()
                    # if the key is a placeholder
                    if isinstance(each_key, PlaceHolder):
                        value = each_parent[each_key]
                        del each_parent[each_key]
                        each_parent[each_key.eval()] = value
    # finally return the value
    return return_value
Пример #5
def is_like_generator(thing):
    return is_iterable(thing) and not isinstance(thing, (str, bytes))