Пример #1
def choose_maneuver(info: GameInfo, my_car: Car):
    ball = info.ball
    teammates = info.get_teammates(my_car)
    my_team = [my_car] + teammates
    their_goal = ground(info.their_goal.center)
    my_goal = ground(info.my_goal.center)

    # recovery
    if not my_car.on_ground:
        return Recovery(my_car)

    # kickoff
    if ball.position[0] == 0 and ball.position[1] == 0:

        # if I'm nearest to the ball, go for kickoff
        if min(my_team, key=lambda car: distance(car, ball)) is my_car:
            return kickoffs.choose_kickoff(info, my_car)

    if my_car.boost < 20:
        return Refuel(my_car, info)


    my_intercept = Intercept(my_car, info.ball_predictions)
    teammates_intercepts = [
        Intercept(mate, info.ball_predictions) for mate in teammates
    our_intercepts = teammates_intercepts + [my_intercept]

    good_intercepts = [
        i for i in our_intercepts
        if align(i.car.position, i.ball, their_goal) > 0.0
    if good_intercepts:
        best_intercept = min(good_intercepts,
                             key=lambda intercept: intercept.time)
        best_intercept = min(our_intercepts,
                             key=lambda i: distance(i.car, my_goal))

    if best_intercept is my_intercept:
        # if not completely out of position, go for a shot
        if (align(my_intercept.car.position, my_intercept.ball, their_goal) > 0
                or ground_distance(my_intercept, my_goal) > 6000):
            return offense.any_shot(info, my_intercept.car, their_goal,

        # otherwise try to clear
            return defense.any_clear(info, my_intercept.car)

    # if I'm nearest to goal, stay far back
    if min(my_team, key=lambda car: distance(car, my_goal)) is my_car:
        return GeneralDefense(my_car, info, my_intercept.position, 7000)

    # otherwise get into position
    return GeneralDefense(my_car, info, my_intercept.position, 4000)
Пример #2
class BotimusPrime(BaseAgent):
    RENDERING = True

    def __init__(self, name, team, index):
        super().__init__(name, team, index)
        self.info: GameInfo = None
        self.draw: DrawingTool = None

        self.tick_counter = 0
        self.last_latest_touch_time = 0

        self.maneuver: Optional[Maneuver] = None
        self.controls: SimpleControllerState = SimpleControllerState()

    def initialize_agent(self):
        self.info = GameInfo(self.team)
        self.draw = DrawingTool(self.renderer, self.team)

    def get_output(self, packet: GameTickPacket):
        # wait a few ticks after initialization, so we work correctly in rlbottraining
        if self.tick_counter < 20:
            self.tick_counter += 1
            return Input()

        self.info.read_packet(packet, self.get_field_info())

        # cancel maneuver if a kickoff is happening and current maneuver isn't a kickoff maneuver
        if packet.game_info.is_kickoff_pause and not isinstance(
                self.maneuver, Kickoff):
            self.maneuver = None

        # reset maneuver when another car hits the ball
        touch = packet.game_ball.latest_touch
        if (touch.time_seconds > self.last_latest_touch_time
                and touch.player_name != packet.game_cars[self.index].name):
            self.last_latest_touch_time = touch.time_seconds

            # don't reset when we're dodging, wavedashing or recovering
            if self.maneuver and self.maneuver.interruptible():
                self.maneuver = None

        # choose maneuver
        if self.maneuver is None:
            if self.RENDERING:

            if self.info.get_teammates(self.info.cars[self.index]):
                self.maneuver = teamplay_strategy.choose_maneuver(
                    self.info, self.info.cars[self.index])
                self.maneuver = solo_strategy.choose_maneuver(
                    self.info, self.info.cars[self.index])

        # execute maneuver
        if self.maneuver is not None:
            self.controls = self.maneuver.controls

            if self.RENDERING:
                    self.info.cars[self.index].position + vec3(0, 0, 50),

            # cancel maneuver when finished
            if self.maneuver.finished:
                self.maneuver = None

        if self.RENDERING:

        return self.controls