Пример #1
def main():
    pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

    import argparse

    my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='create_flat_file',
                                        description='Create dummy data flat file in Google Spreadsheets',
                                        epilog="python create_flat_file Lt6P15ps7f6 --with_teis_from=GZ5Ty90HtW [email protected]"
                                               "\npython create_flat_file Lt6P15ps7f6 --repeat_stage Hj38Uhfo012 5 --repeat_stage 77Ujkfoi9kG 3 [email protected] [email protected]",
    my_parser.add_argument('Program_UID', metavar='program_uid', type=str,
                           help='the uid of the program to use')
    my_parser.add_argument('-wtf', '--with_teis_from', action="store", dest="OrgUnit", type=str,
                           help='Pulls TEIs from specified org unit and adds them to flat file. '
                                'Eg: --with_teis_from_ou=Q7RbNZcHrQ9')
    my_parser.add_argument('-rs', '--repeat_stage', action="append", metavar=('stage_uid', 'number_repeats'), nargs=2,
                           help='provide a stage uid which is REPEATABLE and specify how many times you are planning to enter it. '
                                'Eg: --repeat_stage QXtjg5dh34A 3')
    my_parser.add_argument('-sw', '--share_with', action="append", metavar='email', nargs=1,
                           help='email address to share the generated spreadsheet with as OWNER. '
                                'Eg: [email protected]')
    args = my_parser.parse_args()

    program_uid = args.Program_UID
    if not is_valid_uid(program_uid):
        print('The program uid specified is not valid')
    if args.OrgUnit is not None and not is_valid_uid(args.OrgUnit):
        print('The orgunit uid specified is not valid')
    if args.repeat_stage is not None and len(args.repeat_stage) > 0:
        for param in args.repeat_stage:
            if not is_valid_uid(param[0]):
                print('The program stage uid specified ' + param[0] + ' is not valid')
            except ValueError:
                print('The repetition value ' + param[1] + ' is not an integer')
    if args.share_with is not None and len(args.share_with) > 0:
        for param in args.share_with:
            if not (re.search('^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$', param[0])):
                print("The email address " + param[0] + " is not valid")

    # Print DHIS2 Info
    logger.warning("Server source running DHIS2 version {} revision {}"
                   .format(api_source.version, api_source.revision))

    # df = pd.read_csv('program-Case_Based_Surveillance.csv', sep=None, engine='python')
    # #
    # # # stages_counter = { 'K5ac7u3V5bB': 1, 'ang4CLldbIu': 5, 'UvYb6qJpQu0': 1 }
    # #
    # # #json_tei = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances/dRdztYSReOZ', params={'fields':'*'}).json()
    # #
    # params = {
    #     'ou': 'RI95HQRHbKc', # GD7TowwI46c
    #     'ouMode': 'DESCENDANTS',
    #     'program': program_uid,
    #     'skipPaging': 'true',
    #     'lastUpdatedDuration': '4d',
    #     'fields': '*',
    #     'includeAllAttributes': 'true'
    # }
    # list_teis = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances', params=params).json()['trackedEntityInstances']
    # logger.info("Found " + str(len(list_teis)) + " TEIs")
    # user = '******'
    # stages_counter = dict()
    # for tei in list_teis:
    #     counter = dict()
    #     if "enrollments" in tei and len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user:
    #         if len(tei['enrollments']) == 1:
    #             if tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] == program_uid:
    #                 if 'events' in tei['enrollments'][0]:
    #                     events = tei['enrollments'][0]['events']
    #                     for event in events:
    #                         if event["programStage"] in counter:
    #                             counter[event["programStage"]] +=1
    #                         else:
    #                             counter[event["programStage"]] = 1
    #             else:
    #                 logger.error("TEI enrolled in program " + tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] + " not supported")
    #         else:
    #             logger.error('error, multi-enrollment not supported')
    #     for key in counter:
    #         if key not in stages_counter or stages_counter[key] < counter[key]:
    #             stages_counter[key] = counter[key]
    #             logger.info('Found ' + str(stages_counter[key]) + ' instances of ' + key)
    # df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter)
    # for tei in list_teis:
    #     # if tei['trackedEntityInstance'] != 'j17HROzXGEn':
    #     #     continue
    #     if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0:  # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user:
    #         result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df)

    # export_csv = df.to_csv(r'./program-Case_Based_Surveillance-Dummy_data.csv', index=None, header=True)

    df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=["Stage", "Section", "TEA / DE / eventDate", "UID", "valueType", "optionSet",

        program = api_source.get('programs/' + program_uid,
                                 params={"paging": "false",
                                         "fields": "id,name,enrollmentDateLabel,programTrackedEntityAttributes,programStages,programRuleVariables,organisationUnits,trackedEntityType,version"}).json()
    except RequestException as e:
        if e.code == 404:
            logger.error('Program ' + program_uid + ' specified does not exist')

    if isinstance(program, dict):
        # If the program has many org units assigned, this can take a long time to run!!!
        # orgunits_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'organisationUnits')
        # if args.OrgUnit is not None and args.OrgUnit not in orgunits_uid:
        #     logger.error('The organisation unit ' + args.OrgUnit + ' is not assigned to program ' + program_uid)
        # print('Number of OrgUnits:' + str(len(orgunits_uid)))

        programStages_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'programStages')
        if args.repeat_stage is not None:
            for param in args.repeat_stage:
                found = False
                for uid in programStages_uid:
                    if param[0] == uid:
                        found = True
                if not found:
                    logger.error(uid + ' specified is not a valid stage for program ' + program_uid)

        teas_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'trackedEntityAttribute')
        programRuleVariables_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'programRuleVariables')

        print('Program:' + program['name'])

        print('Number of TEAs:' + str(len(teas_uid)))
        TEAs = api_source.get('trackedEntityAttributes',
                              params={"paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,aggregationType,valueType,optionSet",
                                      "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(teas_uid) + "]"}).json()[
        TEAs = reindex(TEAs, 'id')

        # Add the first row with eventDate and Enrollment label
        enrollmentDateLabel = "Enrollment date"
        if 'enrollmentDateLabel' in program:
            enrollmentDateLabel = program['enrollmentDateLabel']
        # Add the program UID as UID for enrollmentDate
        df = df.append({"Stage": "Enrollment", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": enrollmentDateLabel,
                        "UID": program_uid, "valueType": "DATE", "optionSet": "", "mandatory": 'True'},
        optionSetDict = dict()
        for TEA in program['programTrackedEntityAttributes']:
            tea_uid = TEA['trackedEntityAttribute']['id']
            optionSet_def = ""
            if 'optionSet' in TEAs[tea_uid]:
                optionSet = TEAs[tea_uid]['optionSet']['id']
                if optionSet not in optionSetDict:
                    options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false",
                                                                "order": "sortOrder:asc",
                                                                "fields": "id,code",
                                                                "filter": "optionSet.id:eq:" + optionSet}).json()[
                    optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code')
                    optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList
                optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet])
            df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": TEA['name'],
                            "UID": tea_uid,
                            "valueType": TEA['valueType'], "optionSet": optionSet_def,
                            "mandatory": TEA['mandatory']}, ignore_index=True)

            # print("TEA: " + TEA['name'] + " (" + TEA['valueType'] + ")")

        print('Number of Program Rule Variables:' + str(len(programRuleVariables_uid)))
        programRuleVariables = api_source.get('programRuleVariables',
                                              params={"paging": "false",
                                                      "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(programRuleVariables_uid) + "]",
                                                      "fields": "id,name,programRuleVariableSourceType,dataElement,trackedEntityAttribute"
        programRules = api_source.get('programRules',
                                      params={"paging": "false",
                                              "filter": "program.id:eq:" + program_uid,
                                              "fields": "id,name,condition"}).json()['programRules']

        programRules_uid = json_extract(programRules, 'id')
        programRules = reindex(programRules, 'id')
        print('Number of Program Rules:' + str(len(programRules_uid)))
        # for uid in programRules:
        #     print('Program Rule: ' + programRules[uid]['name'])

        programRuleActions = api_source.get('programRuleActions',
                                            params={"paging": "false",
                                                    "filter": "programRule.id:in:[" + ','.join(programRules_uid) + "]",
                                                    "fields": "id,name,programRuleActionType,data,content"}).json()[
        programRuleActions_uid = json_extract(programRuleActions, 'id')
        print('Number of Program Rule Actions:' + str(len(programRuleActions_uid)))

        print('Number of Program Stages:' + str(len(programStages_uid)))
        programStages = api_source.get('programStages',
                                       params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc",
                                               "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(programStages_uid) + "]",
                                               "fields": "id,name,executionDateLabel,programStageSections,programStageDataElements"}).json()[

        for programStage in programStages:
            print('Stage:' + programStage['name'] + " (" + programStage['id'] + ")")
            # Add header to dataframe
            event_date_label = 'Event Date'
            if 'executionDateLabel' in programStage:
                event_date_label = programStage['executionDateLabel']
            df = df.append({"Stage": programStage['name'], "Section": "",
                            "TEA / DE / eventDate": event_date_label,
                            "UID": programStage['id'], "valueType": "DATE", "optionSet": "", "mandatory": 'True'},
            des_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(programStage, 'dataElement')

            dataElements = api_source.get('dataElements',
                                          params={"paging": "false",
                                                  "fields": "id,name,categoryCombo,aggregationType,valueType,optionSet",
                                                  "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(des_uid) + "]"}).json()[
            dataElements = reindex(dataElements, 'id')
            # dataElements = reindex(dataElements, 'id')

            print('Number of DEs:' + str(len(des_uid)))
            if 'programStageSections' in programStage and len(programStage['programStageSections']) > 0:
                programStageSections_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(programStage, 'programStageSections')
                programStageSections = api_source.get('programStageSections',
                                                      params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc",
                                                              "fields": "id,name,dataElements",
                                                              "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(
                                                                  programStageSections_uid) + "]"}).json()[
                dataElements_programStage = dict()
                for elem in programStage['programStageDataElements']:
                    key_value = elem['dataElement']['id']
                    dataElements_programStage[key_value] = elem

                for programStageSection in programStageSections:
                    print("Program Stage Section:" + programStageSection['name'])
                    section_label = programStageSection['name']

                    for dataElement in programStageSection['dataElements']:
                        dataElement_id = dataElement['id']
                        # This will fail if the DE is present in the PSSection but not in the PS, so we check first
                        # if the key exists. If not, we warn the user and skip this
                        if dataElement_id not in dataElements:
                            logger.warning("Data Element with UID " + dataElement_id +
                                           " is present in program stage section but not assigned to the program stage")
                            dataElement_def = dataElements[dataElement_id]
                            dataElement_PS = dataElements_programStage[dataElement_id]
                            print('DE: ' + dataElement_def['name'] + " (" + dataElement_def['valueType'] + ")")
                            optionSet_def = ""

                            if 'optionSet' in dataElement_def:
                                optionSet = dataElement_def['optionSet']['id']
                                if optionSet not in optionSetDict:
                                    options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false",
                                                                                "order": "sortOrder:asc",
                                                                                "fields": "id,code",
                                                                                "filter": "optionSet.id:eq:" + optionSet}).json()[
                                    optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code')
                                    optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList

                                optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet])

                            df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": section_label,
                                            "TEA / DE / eventDate": dataElement_def['name'],
                                            "UID": dataElement_id, "valueType": dataElement_def['valueType'],
                                            "optionSet": optionSet_def, "mandatory": dataElement_PS['compulsory']},
                        if section_label != "":
                            section_label = ""

            else:  # Assume BASIC todo: create CUSTOM
                for dataElement in programStage['programStageDataElements']:
                    dataElement_id = dataElement['dataElement']['id']
                    dataElement_def = dataElements[dataElement_id]
                    print('DE: ' + dataElement_def['name'] + " (" + dataElement_def['valueType'] + ")")
                    optionSet_def = ""
                    if 'optionSet' in dataElement_def:
                        optionSet = dataElement_def['optionSet']['id']
                        if optionSet not in optionSetDict:
                            options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false",
                                                                        "order": "sortOrder:asc",
                                                                        "fields": "id,code",
                                                                        "filter": "optionSet.id:eq:" + optionSet}).json()[
                            optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code')
                            optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList

                        optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet])

                        # print('    with optionSet = ' + dataElement['optionSet']['id'])
                    df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": dataElement_def['name'],
                                    "UID": dataElement_id, "valueType": dataElement_def['valueType'],
                                    "optionSet": optionSet_def, "mandatory": dataElement['compulsory']},

                # Find out if it is used in programRuleVariable
                # for PRV in programRuleVariables:
                #     if 'dataElement' in PRV and PRV['dataElement']['id'] == dataElement['id']:
                #         print('Used in PRV:' + PRV['name'] + " (" + PRV['id'] + ")")
                # # Find out if used in ProgramRuleAction
                # for PRA in programRuleActions:
                #     if 'dataElement' in PRA and PRA['dataElement']['id'] == dataElement['id']:
                #         print('Used in PRA:' + PRA['name'] + " (" + PRA['id'] + ")")
                #         print('Program Rule:' + programRules[PRA['programRule']['id']]['name'])
        # stages_counter = { 'ang4CLldbIu':25 }
        # df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter)
        # for tei in list_teis:
        #     if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0:  # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user:
        #         result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df)
        # export_csv = df.to_csv(r'./program-Case_Based_Surveillance-Dummy_data.csv', index=None, header=True)

        # get TEIs from OU
        if args.OrgUnit is not None:
            params = {
                'ou': args.OrgUnit,
                'ouMode': 'DESCENDANTS',
                'program': program_uid,
                'skipPaging': 'true',
                # 'lastUpdatedDuration': '4d',
                'fields': '*',
                'includeAllAttributes': 'true'

            list_teis = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances', params=params).json()['trackedEntityInstances']

            logger.info("Found " + str(len(list_teis)) + " TEIs")

            stages_counter = dict()
            for tei in list_teis:
                counter = dict()
                if "enrollments" in tei and len(
                        tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0:  # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user:
                    if len(tei['enrollments']) == 1:
                        if tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] == program_uid:
                            if 'events' in tei['enrollments'][0]:
                                events = tei['enrollments'][0]['events']
                                for event in events:
                                    if event["programStage"] in counter:
                                        counter[event["programStage"]] += 1
                                        counter[event["programStage"]] = 1
                                "TEI enrolled in program " + tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] + " not supported")
                        logger.error('error, multi-enrollment not supported')
                for key in counter:
                    if key not in stages_counter or stages_counter[key] < counter[key]:
                        stages_counter[key] = counter[key]
                        # logger.info('Found ' + str(stages_counter[key]) + ' instances of ' + key)

            df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter)
            for tei in list_teis:
                if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0:  # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user:
                    result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df)

        # Check if there are repeatable stages (only if TEIs were not provided)
        elif args.repeat_stage is not None and len(args.repeat_stage) > 0:
            stages_counter = dict()
            for param in args.repeat_stage:
                stages_counter[param[0]] = int(param[1])
            df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter)

        # Create the spreadsheet
        url = create_google_spreadsheet(program, df, args.share_with)
        if url != "":
            logger.info('Spreadsheet created here: ' + url)
            logger.error("Something went wrong")
Пример #2
def add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(json_tei, df):
    def set_value(df, uid, value, min_pos=0):
        positions = df.index[(df.UID == uid) & (df.value == '')].tolist()
        # The idea with min_pos is to avoid filling data elements in the wrong stage
        # if a DE has a value in the next repeatable stage but it wasn't filled in the current one,
        # when we start filling the next stage we risk filling it in the previous one (because
        # it satisfies (df.UID == uid) & (df.value == '')). With min_pos we tell the script
        # start considering indexes starting from a certain value (the position of eventDate, the first DE which
        # is always present for the stage

        # Note: Packages like DRS use the same DE in different Program Stages. We need to verify that this works with
        # that use case
        if min_pos > 0:
            positions = [x for x in positions if x >= min_pos]
        if len(positions) == 0:
            # logger.error("Dataframe has not sufficient stages to fill datalement " + uid)
            return -1
            df.at[positions[0], 'value'] = value
            return positions[0]

    # program UID is in the first row in Stage Enrollment
    program_id = df.iloc[0]['UID']
    list_of_UIDs = df['UID'].tolist()
    # df_uid = df.set_index('UID')
    column = 'TEI_' + json_tei['trackedEntityInstance']
    df['value'] = ""  # np.nan
    # We are assuming just one enrollment in the program
    if len(json_tei['enrollments']) == 1 and json_tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] == program_id:
        json_enrollment = json_tei['enrollments'][0]
        # json_extract returns a list of values. It should be just one value in the list, so we get element 0
        # dates are in the format 2020-11-05T00:00:00.000, so we truncate them
        set_value(df, program_id, json_extract(json_enrollment, 'enrollmentDate')[0][0:10])
        for attribute in json_tei["attributes"]:
            if attribute["attribute"] not in list_of_UIDs:
                logger.error('Attribute = ' + attribute["attribute"] + ' in TEI = ' + json_tei[
                    'trackedEntityInstance'] + ' not present in df')
                return False
            set_value(df, attribute["attribute"], attribute["value"])

        json_events = json_enrollment["events"]
        pos = dict()
        for event in json_events:
            # Considering here that program stages appear in order but it might be better to loop through them in order
            program_stage_uid = event['programStage']
            # if the programme allows for the future scheduling of events,
            # this will mean that even though the event date is mandatory,
            # scheduled events which have not yet happen, will not yet have an event date
            if 'eventDate' in event:
                pos[program_stage_uid] = set_value(df, program_stage_uid, event['eventDate'][0:10])
                pos[program_stage_uid] = set_value(df, program_stage_uid, '')
            if pos == -1:  # There was a problem
                return False
            if 'dataValues' in event:
                for dataValue in event['dataValues']:
                    if dataValue["dataElement"] not in list_of_UIDs:
                        logger.error('Data Element = ' + dataValue["dataElement"] + ' in TEI = ' + json_tei[
                            'trackedEntityInstance'] + ' not present in df')
                        return False
                    result = set_value(df, dataValue["dataElement"], dataValue["value"], pos[program_stage_uid])
                    if result == -1:
                        # Check that the DE is assigned to the proram stage
                        program_stage_info = api_source.get('programStages/' + program_stage_uid,
                                                                "fields": "programStageDataElements[dataElement]"}).json()
                        data_elements_in_ps = json_extract_nested_ids(program_stage_info, 'dataElement')
                        if dataValue["dataElement"] not in data_elements_in_ps:
                            logger.error("TEI " + json_tei['trackedEntityInstance'] +
                                         " has a dataValue for DE " + dataValue["dataElement"] +
                                         " in stage " + program_stage_uid +
                                         " but this DE is NOT assigned to this PS")
                            logger.error("Dataframe has not sufficient stages to fill datalement "
                                         + dataValue["dataElement"])

        if len(json_tei['enrollments']) > 1:
            logger.error('Multi-enrollments not supported')
            return False
            logger.error('TEI does not belong to the dataframe program')
            return False

    # Rename column
    df.rename(columns={"value": 'TEI_' + json_tei['trackedEntityInstance']}, inplace=True)
    return True
Пример #3
def build_analytics_payload(json_object, verbose=False):
    def get_group_set_dimensions(json_object, key):  # parent_key, child_key):
        parent_key = key + 'Set'
        child_key = key + 's'
        for grp_set_dimension in json_object:
            grp_set_dimension_uid = grp_set_dimension[parent_key]['id']
            if child_key in grp_set_dimension:
                group_set_list = list()
                for group in grp_set_dimension[child_key]:
                dimensions[grp_set_dimension_uid] = group_set_list
                dimensions[grp_set_dimension_uid] = ""

    dimensions = dict()
    dimensions['ou'] = list()
    dimensions['pe'] = list()
    dimensions['dx'] = list()
    if 'organisationUnits' not in json_object or len(
            json_object['organisationUnits']) == 0:
        ou_global_selections = {
            'userOrganisationUnit': 'USER_ORGUNIT',
            'userOrganisationUnitChildren': 'USER_ORGUNIT_CHILDREN',
            'userOrganisationUnitGrandChildren': 'USER_ORGUNIT_GRANDCHILDREN'
        for ou_selection in ou_global_selections:
            if ou_selection in json_object and json_object[
                    ou_selection] == True:

        if 'organisationUnitLevels' in json_object and len(
                json_object['organisationUnitLevels']) > 0:
            ou_level_list = list()
            for org_unit_level in json_object['organisationUnitLevels']:
                ou_level_list.append('LEVEL-' + str(org_unit_level))
            if len(ou_level_list) > 0:
                dimensions['ou'] += ou_level_list

        if 'itemOrganisationUnitGroups' in json_object and len(
                json_object['itemOrganisationUnitGroups']) > 0:
            ou_group_list = list()
            for org_unit_group in json_object['itemOrganisationUnitGroups']:
                ou_group_list.append('OU_GROUP-' + str(org_unit_group['id']))
            if len(ou_group_list) > 0:
                dimensions['ou'] += ou_group_list
        dimensions['ou'] = json_extract(json_object['organisationUnits'], 'id')

    if 'periods' not in json_object or len(json_object['periods']) == 0:
        if 'relativePeriods' in json_object:
            pe_global_selections = {
                'thisDay': 'TODAY',
                'thisWeek': 'THIS_WEEK',
                'thisMonth': 'THIS_MONTH',
                'thisQuarter': 'THIS_QUARTER',
                'thisYear': 'THIS_YEAR',
                'lastDay': 'LAST_DAY',
                'lastWeek': 'LAST_WEEK',
                'lastMonth': 'LAST_MONTH',
                'lastQuarter': 'LAST_QUARTER',
                'lastYear': 'LAST_YEAR',
                'last30Days': 'LAST_30_DAYS',
                'last52Weeks': 'LAST_52_WEEKS',
                'last90Days': 'LAST_90_DAYS',
                'last60Days': 'LAST_60_DAYS',
                'last14Days': 'LAST_14_DAYS',
                'last2SixMonths': 'LAST_2_SIXMONTHS',
                'last12Months': 'LAST_12_MONTHS',
                'last4Weeks': 'LAST_4_WEEKS',
                'last3Months': 'LAST_3_MONTHS',
                'last5Years': 'LAST_5_YEARS',
                'last6Months': 'LAST_6_MONTHS',
                'last3Days': 'LAST_3_DAYS',
                'last7Days': 'LAST_7_DAYS',
                'last180Days': 'LAST_180_DAYS',
                'last12Weeks': 'LAST_12_WEEKS',
                'last4Quarters': 'LAST_4_QUARTERS',
                'weeksThisYear': 'WEEKS_THIS_YEAR',
                'yesterday': 'YESTERDAY',
                'quartersLastYear': 'QUARTERS_LAST_YEAR',
                'monthsThisYear': 'MONTHS_THIS_YEAR',
                'biMonthsThisYear': 'BI_MONTHS_THIS_YEAR',
                'last5FinancialYears': 'LAST_5_FINANCIAL_YEARS',
                'thisSixMonth': 'THIS_SIX_MONTH',
                'thisFinancialYear': 'THIS_FINANCIAL_YEAR',
                'last6BiMonths': 'LAST_6_BI_MONTHS',
                'last4BiWeeks': 'LAST_6_BI_WEEKS',
                'lastFinancialYear': 'LAST_FINANCIAL_YEAR',
                'lastBiWeek': 'LAST_BI_WEEK',
                'quartersThisYear': 'QUARTERS_THIS_YEAR',
                'monthsLastYear': 'MONTHS_LAST_YEAR',
                'thisBimonth': 'THIS_BI_MONTH',
                'lastBimonth': 'LAST_BI_MONTH',
                'lastSixMonth': 'LAST_SIX_MONTH',
                'thisBiWeek': 'THIS_BI_WEEK',
                'last10Years': 'LAST_10_YEARS',
                'last10FinancialYears': 'LAST_10_FINANCIAL_YEARS'
            for relative_period in json_object['relativePeriods']:
                if relative_period in pe_global_selections:
                    if json_object['relativePeriods'][relative_period]:
                    logger.error("Unknown relativePeriod " + relative_period)
            if len(dimensions['pe']) == 0 and 'periods' in json_object:
                dimensions['pe'] = json_extract(json_object['periods'], 'id')
            return {}
        dimensions['pe'] = json_extract(json_object['periods'], 'id')

    if len(dimensions['pe']
           ) == 0 and 'startDate' in json_object and 'endDate' in json_object:
        del dimensions['pe']

    if 'dataDimensionItems' in json_object and len(
            json_object['dataDimensionItems']) > 0:
        data_dimension_keys = {
            'PROGRAM_INDICATOR': 'programIndicator',
            'INDICATOR': 'indicator',
            'DATA_ELEMENT': 'dataElement',
            'REPORTING_RATE': 'reportingRate',
            'PROGRAM_DATA_ELEMENT': 'programDataElement'
        for data_dimension in json_object['dataDimensionItems']:
            # Sometimes there are empty dimensions
            if data_dimension != {}:
                if data_dimension[
                        'dataDimensionItemType'] in data_dimension_keys:
                    # Special case, it joins to UIDs with a .
                    if data_dimension[
                            'dataDimensionItemType'] == 'PROGRAM_DATA_ELEMENT':
                        UID1 = data_dimension[data_dimension_keys[
                        UID2 = data_dimension[data_dimension_keys[
                        dimensions['dx'].append(UID1 + '.' + UID2)
                        data_dimension_uid = data_dimension[
                        if data_dimension[
                                'dataDimensionItemType'] == 'REPORTING_RATE':
                            # For reporting rates, we need to add the keyword to the id
                            dimensions['dx'].append(data_dimension_uid +
                    logger.error('Unrecognized data dimension type ' +

    dataElementDimension_filters = dict()
    if 'dataElementDimensions' in json_object and len(
            json_object['dataElementDimensions']) > 0:
        for data_element_dimension in json_object['dataElementDimensions']:
            data_element_dimension_uid = data_element_dimension['dataElement'][
            if 'filter' in data_element_dimension:
                    data_element_dimension_uid] = data_element_dimension[
                dimensions[data_element_dimension_uid] = ""

    if 'categoryOptionGroupSetDimensions' in json_object and len(
            json_object['categoryOptionGroupSetDimensions']) > 0:
    if 'organisationUnitGroupSetDimensions' in json_object and len(
            json_object['organisationUnitGroupSetDimensions']) > 0:
    if 'dataElementGroupSetDimensions' in json_object and len(
            json_object['dataElementGroupSetDimensions']) > 0:

    if 'categoryDimensions' in json_object and len(
            json_object['categoryDimensions']) > 0:
        for category_dimension in json_object['categoryDimensions']:
            category_dimension_uid = category_dimension['category']['id']
            category_options = list()
            for cat_options in category_dimension['categoryOptions']:
            dimensions[category_dimension_uid] = category_options

    # Build the payload
    payload = ""
    params = dict()
    payload += 'dimension='
    params['dimension'] = ""
    added_column_dimension = False
    if 'columns' in json_object:
        first_element = True
        for column in json_object['columns']:
            added_column_dimension = True
            if not first_element:
                payload += ','
                params['dimension'] += ','
                first_element = False
            key = column['id']
            if key in dimensions:
                if isinstance(dimensions[key], list):
                    right_expression = ';'.join(dimensions[key])
                    right_expression = dimensions[key]
                payload += key + ':' + right_expression
                params['dimension'] += key + ':' + right_expression
                if key == 'pe' and 'startDate' in json_object and 'endDate' in json_object:
                    payload += "&startDate=" + json_object[
                        'startDate'] + "&endDate=" + json_object['endDate']
                    params['startDate'] = json_object['startDate']
                    params['endDate'] = json_object['endDate']
                    logger.error(json_object['id'] + ': Dimension ' + key +
                                 ' is missing')
                    # exit(1)
        logger.error('columns missing')

    # A very specific and strange case for maps
    # empty columns but styleDataItem is present. In that case, it gets added to the dimension
    if 'columns' in json_object and len(
            json_object['columns']) == 0 and 'styleDataItem' in json_object:
        payload += json_object['styleDataItem']['id']
        params['dimension'] += json_object['styleDataItem']['id']
        if 'rows' in json_object and len(json_object['rows']) > 0:
            payload += ','
            params['dimension'] += ','

    if 'rows' in json_object:
        if len(json_object['rows']) > 0:
            # If we have already added some stuff, separate it with a comma
            if added_column_dimension:
                payload += ','
                params['dimension'] += ','
            first_element = True
            for row in json_object['rows']:
                if not first_element:
                    payload += ','
                    params['dimension'] += ','
                    first_element = False
                key = row['id']
                if key in dimensions:
                    payload += key + ':' + ';'.join(dimensions[key])
                    params['dimension'] += key + ':' + ';'.join(
                    if key == 'pe' and 'startDate' in json_object and 'endDate' in json_object:
                        payload += "&startDate=" + json_object[
                            'startDate'] + "&endDate=" + json_object['endDate']
                        params['startDate'] = json_object['startDate']
                        params['endDate'] = json_object['endDate']
                        logger.error(json_object['id'] + ': Dimension ' + key +
                                     ' is missing')
                        # exit(1)
        logger.error('rows missing')

    if 'filters' in json_object:
        if len(json_object['filters']) > 0:
            payload += '&filter='
            params['filter'] = ""
            first_element = True
            for filter in json_object['filters']:
                if not first_element:
                    payload += ','
                    params['filter'] += ','
                    first_element = False
                key = filter['id']
                if key in dimensions:
                    payload += key + ':' + ';'.join(dimensions[key])
                    params['filter'] += key + ':' + ';'.join(dimensions[key])
                    if key == 'pe' and 'startDate' in json_object and 'endDate' in json_object:
                        payload += "&startDate=" + json_object[
                            'startDate'] + "&endDate=" + json_object['endDate']
                        params['startDate'] = json_object['startDate']
                        params['endDate'] = json_object['endDate']
                        logger.error(json_object['id'] + ': Dimension ' + key +
                                     ' is missing')
                        # exit(1)
        logger.error('filters missing')

    if 'programStage' in json_object:
        payload += '&stage' + ':' + json_object['programStage']['id']
        params['stage'] = json_object['programStage']['id']

    # Important, to get the data
    payload += "&skipData=false"
    params['skipData'] = 'false'

    if verbose:

    return params