Пример #1
 def __init__(self, fname, vhdl_dict, writer_t):
     super(PatternDumper, self).__init__()
     self.fname = fname              # file that is dumped to
     self.frame_dict = {}            # dict for easy access of words
     self.vhdl_dict = vhdl_dict      # vhdl-dict as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConfigParser
     self._log = log.init_logging(self.__class__.__name__)
     self._writer = writer_t()       # which writer should be used for dumping?
     self._bxCounter = 0
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, fname, vhdl_dict, writer_t):
     super(PatternDumper, self).__init__()
     self.fname = fname              # file that is dumped to
     self.frame_dict = {}            # dict for easy access of words
     self.vhdl_dict = vhdl_dict      # vhdl-dict as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConfigParser
     self._log = log.init_logging(self.__class__.__name__)
     self._writer = writer_t()       # which writer should be used for dumping?
     self._bxCounter = 0
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, fname, vhdl_dict, fobj=None):
     super(BufferParser, self).__init__()
     self.fname = fname  # file that is parsed
     self.fobj = fobj  # if file-content is already available provide it
     self.frame_dict = {}  # dict for easy access of words (see init)
     self.initialized = False  # saves if frame_dict is initialized
     self.vhdl_dict = vhdl_dict  # vhdl-dict as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConfigParser
     self.max_frame = 0  # uppermost frame number containing muons
     self.valid_frames = -1  # total number of frames containing muons
     self._log = log.init_logging(self.__class__.__name__)
 def __init__(self, fname, vhdl_dict, fobj=None):
     super(BufferParser, self).__init__()
     self.fname = fname              # file that is parsed
     self.fobj = fobj                # if file-content is already available provide it
     self.frame_dict = {}            # dict for easy access of words (see init)
     self.initialized = False        # saves if frame_dict is initialized
     self.vhdl_dict = vhdl_dict      # vhdl-dict as returned by ../../tools/vhdl.VHDLConfigParser
     self.max_frame = 0              # uppermost frame number containing muons
     self.valid_frames = -1          # total number of frames containing muons
     self._log = log.init_logging(self.__class__.__name__)
Пример #5
def main():
    _log = log.init_logging("main")

    vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file("data/ugmt_constants.vhd")

    basedir_testbench = "data/patterns/emu/"
    rankLUT = l1t.MicroGMTRankPtQualLUT()

    options = parse_options()
    file_dict = discover_files(options)
    for pattern, fnames in file_dict.iteritems():

        _log.info("{info:>90}".format(info="HW PARSING"))
        # Reading and processing the hardware data
        input_parser = InputBufferParser(fnames["rx"], vhdl_dict)
        in_muons = input_parser.get_input_muons()

        input_testbench = PatternDumper(basedir_testbench + pattern + ".txt",
                                        vhdl_dict, TestbenchWriter)
        offset = 36
        fwdp_range = range(offset + vhdl_dict["FWD_POS_LOW"],
                           offset + vhdl_dict["FWD_POS_HIGH"])
        fwdn_range = range(offset + vhdl_dict["FWD_NEG_LOW"],
                           offset + vhdl_dict["FWD_NEG_HIGH"])
        bar_range = range(offset + vhdl_dict["BARREL_LOW"],
                          offset + vhdl_dict["BARREL_HIGH"])
        ovlp_range = range(offset + vhdl_dict["OVL_POS_LOW"],
                           offset + vhdl_dict["OVL_POS_HIGH"])
        ovln_range = range(offset + vhdl_dict["OVL_NEG_LOW"],
                           offset + vhdl_dict["OVL_NEG_HIGH"])

        while len(in_muons) > 0:
            bar_muons = []
            ovlp_muons = []
            ovln_muons = []
            fwdp_muons = []
            fwdn_muons = []
            for i in range(108):
                mu = in_muons[0]
                if mu.link in fwdp_range: fwdp_muons.append(mu)
                if mu.link in fwdn_range: fwdn_muons.append(mu)
                if mu.link in ovlp_range: ovlp_muons.append(mu)
                if mu.link in ovln_range: ovln_muons.append(mu)
                if mu.link in bar_range: bar_muons.append(mu)

                del in_muons[0]

            input_testbench.writeMuonBasedInputBX(bar_muons, fwdp_muons,
                                                  fwdn_muons, ovlp_muons,
                                                  ovln_muons, [], rankLUT,
                                                  False, True)
    instance_string = 'INST "algo/deserialize'
    if serdes_type == "CALO":
        instance_string = instance_string + '_energies'
    elif serdes_type == "MU":
        instance_string = instance_string + '_muons'
        instance_string = instance_string + '_ERROR'
    instance_string = instance_string + '/deserialize_'
    instance_string = instance_string + str(instance_num)
    instance_string = instance_string + '" AREA_GROUP=quad_'
    instance_string = instance_string + str(area_group)
    instance_string = instance_string + ';'
    return instance_string

_log = log.init_logging("ucf_serdes_constraints_generator")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # initialize command line input
    opts, args = parse_options()

    # set verbosity according to option
    _log.debug("*" * 40)
    _log.info("  UCF Serdes constraints generator")
    _log.info("*" * 40)
    _log.info("Paste the following into your ucf file:")

    config_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file(opts.files[0])
    quad_dict = get_quad_areagroup_mapping(opts.files[1])

    for key in sorted(config_dict):
    pi = math.pi
    # gStyle.SetOptStat("ne")
    canvas = TCanvas("canvas_of_plots","comparisons")

    vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file("data/ugmt_constants.vhd")

    options = parse_options()

    _log = None
    if options.verbose:
        _log = log.init_logging("BufferAnalyzer")
        _log = log.init_logging("BufferAnalyzer", INFO)

    file_dict = discover_files(options)

    ##### if the physical properties should be calculated, then the functions phi, eta and pt just have to be discommented. Doing this, the following parameters are their input.
    ##### They dont have any other use
    eta_unit = 0.01
    eta_low = -240
    eta_high = 239
    phi_unit = 2*pi/576
    phi_low = 0
    phi_high = 57
    pt_unit = 0.5
    pt_low = 0
        rects.append(Rect(xb, yb, xe-xb, ye-yb, typ, name, modifier))
    return rects

def test_rect_list(rect_list):
    found_overlap = False
    for i, rect1 in enumerate(rect_list):
        # the overlap is symmetric, only have to check once
        for j, rect2 in enumerate(rect_list[i:]):
            if i == j: continue
            overlap = Rect.test_overlap(rect1, rect2)
            if overlap:
                _log.info("{rect1} and {rect2}".format(rect1=rect1, rect2=rect2))
                found_overlap = True
    return found_overlap

_log = log.init_logging("ucf-test")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # initialize command line input
    opts, args = parse_options()

    # set verbosity according to option
    _log.debug ("*"*40)
    _log.info ("  UCF Overlap Tester")
    _log.info ("*"*40)

    ram_rects = []
    slice_rects = []
    for fname in opts.files:
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        for line_no, line in enumerate(f):
    instance_string = 'INST "algo/deserialize'
    if serdes_type == "CALO":
        instance_string = instance_string + '_energies'
    elif serdes_type == "MU":
        instance_string = instance_string + '_muons'        
        instance_string = instance_string + '_ERROR'
    instance_string = instance_string + '/deserialize_'
    instance_string = instance_string + str(instance_num)
    instance_string = instance_string + '" AREA_GROUP=quad_'
    instance_string = instance_string + str(area_group)
    instance_string = instance_string + ';'
    return instance_string

_log = log.init_logging("ucf_serdes_constraints_generator")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # initialize command line input
    opts, args = parse_options()

    # set verbosity according to option
    _log.debug ("*"*40)
    _log.info ("  UCF Serdes constraints generator")
    _log.info ("*"*40)
    _log.info ("Paste the following into your ucf file:")

    config_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file(opts.files[0])
    quad_dict = get_quad_areagroup_mapping(opts.files[1])
    for key in sorted(config_dict):
from tools.vhdl import VHDLConstantsParser
from tools.TDRStyle import TDRStyle
from tools.muon_helpers import non_zero, print_out_word, print_in_word
from tools.logger import log

from gt_dump_analyser import get_gt_muons

def append_non_zero(non_zero_mus, all_mus):
    for mu in all_mus:
        mu_tmp = Muon(vhdl_dict, mu_type="IN", obj=mu)
        if mu_tmp.bitword != 0:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    _log = log.init_logging("main")
    pi = math.pi
    # gStyle.SetOptStat("ne")
    canvas = TCanvas("canvas_of_plots","comparisons")

    vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file("data/ugmt_constants.vhd")

    options = parse_options()
    file_dict = discover_files(options)
    ##### if the physical properties should be calculated, then the functions phi, eta and pt just have to be discommented. Doing this, the following parameters are their input.
Пример #11
    pi = math.pi
    # gStyle.SetOptStat("ne")
    canvas = TCanvas("canvas_of_plots", "comparisons")

    vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file("data/ugmt_constants.vhd")

    options = parse_options()

    _log = None
    if options.verbose:
        _log = log.init_logging("BufferAnalyzer")
        _log = log.init_logging("BufferAnalyzer", INFO)

    file_dict = discover_files(options)

    ##### if the physical properties should be calculated, then the functions phi, eta and pt just have to be discommented. Doing this, the following parameters are their input.
    ##### They dont have any other use
    eta_unit = 0.01
    eta_low = -240
    eta_high = 239
    phi_unit = 2 * pi / 576
    phi_low = 0
    phi_high = 57
    pt_unit = 0.5
    pt_low = 0
Пример #12
    for varname, hist_property in namesdict.iteritems():
        hist[varname] = ROOT.TH1D(varname + "{title}".format(title=title), "",
                                  hist_property[1], hist_property[2],

if __name__ == "__main__":
    canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas_of_plots", "comparisons")
    _log = log.init_logging("main")

    vhdl_dict = VHDLConstantsParser.parse_vhdl_file("data/ugmt_constants.vhd")

    options = parse_options()

    file_dict = discover_files(options)

    # binning of plots:
    hist_parameters = {
        "qualityBits": ["qualityBits", 16, 0, 16],
        "ptBits": ["ptBits", 128, 0,
                   512],  #(pt_high-pt_low)/pt_unit, pt_low, pt_high],
        "phiBits": ["phiBits", 256, 0,
                    1024],  #(phi_high-phi_low)/phi_unit, phi_low, phi_high],
        "etaBits": ["etaBits", 256, -512,
Пример #13
def test_rect_list(rect_list):
    found_overlap = False
    for i, rect1 in enumerate(rect_list):
        # the overlap is symmetric, only have to check once
        for j, rect2 in enumerate(rect_list[i:]):
            if i == j: continue
            overlap = Rect.test_overlap(rect1, rect2)
            if overlap:
                _log.info("{rect1} and {rect2}".format(rect1=rect1,
                found_overlap = True
    return found_overlap

_log = log.init_logging("ucf-test")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # initialize command line input
    opts, args = parse_options()

    # set verbosity according to option
    _log.debug("*" * 40)
    _log.info("  UCF Overlap Tester")
    _log.info("*" * 40)

    ram_rects = []
    slice_rects = []
    for fname in opts.files:
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        for line_no, line in enumerate(f):