Пример #1
def _check_metadata_for_tier_in_nova(tier_name, metadata_key, metadata_value):
    # Request the list of servers to Nova
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_list()
        raw_response.status, 200,
        "Error to obtain the server list. HTTP status code is not the expected"

    body_response = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)
    print body_response
    sub_instance_name = "{}-{}".format(world.instance_name, tier_name)
    server_id = get_server_id_by_partial_name(body_response, sub_instance_name)
        "Server has not been found with sub-name " + sub_instance_name)

    # Request the server details by server_id
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_details(server_id)
        raw_response.status, 200,
        "Error to obtain server details. HTTP status code is not the expected")

    body_response = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)
    print body_response
    nid_metadata_value = get_metadata_value(body_response, metadata_key)
    assert_equals(str(nid_metadata_value), str(metadata_value))
Пример #2
def the_networks_are_connected_to_instance(step):

    # Get Server list from Nova
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_list()
    assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain Server list. HTTP status code is not the expected")
    server_list = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)

    # For each tier, check Networks
    for tier in world.tiers:
        # Get Server id
        sub_instance_name = "{}-{}".format(world.instance_name, tier.name)
        server_id = get_server_id_by_partial_name(server_list, sub_instance_name)

        # Get Server details
        raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_details(server_id)
        assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain Server details. HTTP status code is not the expected")
        server_details = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)

        connected_networks_list = get_network_name_list(server_details)

        if tier.networks is None or tier.networks == []:
            assert_equal(len(connected_networks_list), 1,
                         "The number of connected networks is not the expected one")
            assert_equal(connected_networks_list[0], world.config[PAAS][REGION_DEFAULT_SHAREDNET_PROPERTY],
                         "The connected network is not the configured as Shared-Net")
            assert_equal(len(connected_networks_list), len(tier.networks),
                         "The number of connected networks is not the expected one")
            for network in tier.networks:
                assert_in(network.network_name, connected_networks_list,
                          "The network '%s' is not connected to the instance".format(network.network_name))
Пример #3
def the_product_is_installed(step, product_name, product_version, tier_name, installator):

    tier = None
    for tier_world in world.tiers:
        if tier_world.name == tier_name:
            tier = tier_world
    assert_is_not_none(tier, "Tier with name '{}' not found in created tier list.".format(tier_name))

    # > Get from Nova the IP of the Floating VM
    # >> Get Server list from Nova
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_list()
    assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain Server list. HTTP status code is not the expected")
    server_list = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)

    sub_instance_name = "{}-{}".format(world.instance_name, tier.name)
    server_id = get_server_id_by_partial_name(server_list, sub_instance_name)

    # Get Server details
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_details(server_id)
    assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain Server details. HTTP status code is not the expected")
    server_details = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)

    connected_networks_list = get_network_name_list(server_details)
    shared_net = world.config[PAAS][REGION_DEFAULT_SHAREDNET_PROPERTY]
    assert_in(shared_net, connected_networks_list,
              "The connected network is not the configured as Shared-Net")

    ip_internet = get_floating_ip(server_details, shared_net)
    assert_is_not_none(ip_internet, "Floating IP not found Shared-Net. Is the Internet network added to tier conf?")

    # Create new Fabric connection
    fabric_client = FabricUtils(host_name=ip_internet,

    file_name = PRODUCT_FILE_NAME_FORMAT.format(product_name=product_name,

    # Wait for software installation.

    # Retry SSH 5 times
    response = False
    for i in range(MAX_CHECKS_SSH_CONNECTION):
            response = fabric_client.file_exist(INSTALLATION_PRODUCT_DIR, file_name)
            print "Connected!"
        except Exception as e:
            print "SSH Connection #%d: %s" % (i, e.message)

    assert_true(response, "Softwer is not installed. File not found: '{}/{}".format(INSTALLATION_PRODUCT_DIR,
Пример #4
def _check_metadata_for_tier_in_nova(tier_name, metadata_key, metadata_value):
    # Request the list of servers to Nova
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_list()
    assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain the server list. HTTP status code is not the expected")

    body_response = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)
    sub_instance_name = "{}-{}".format(world.instance_name, tier_name)
    server_id = get_server_id_by_partial_name(body_response, sub_instance_name)
    assert_is_not_none(server_id, "Server has not been found with sub-name " + sub_instance_name)

    # Request the server details by server_id
    raw_response = world.nova_request.get_server_details(server_id)
    assert_equal(raw_response.status, 200, "Error to obtain server details. HTTP status code is not the expected")

    body_response = raw_httplib_request_to_python_dic(raw_response)
    nid_metadata_value = get_metadata_value(body_response, metadata_key)
    assert_equals(str(nid_metadata_value), str(metadata_value))