def predict(self, u): # TODO Implement here the PF, perdiction part for i in range(self.num_p): self.X[i] = sample_from_odometry(self.X[i], u, self._alphas) self._state_bar = get_gaussian_statistics(self.X)
def predict(self, u): # TODO Implement here the PF, perdiction part for i in range(self.M): self.X[i] = sample_from_odometry(self.X[i], u, self._alphas) stats = get_gaussian_statistics(self.X) if not self.global_loc: = self._state_bar.Sigma = stats.Sigma
def predict(self, u): # PF, prediction part for m in range(self.M): self.X_bar[:, m] = sample_from_odometry(self.X[:, m], u, self._alphas) self.w_bar = self.w / sum(self.w) # keep previous weights updated_pose_bar = pose_from_particles(self.X_bar, self.w_bar) = updated_pose_bar[np.newaxis].T self._state_bar.Sigma = get_gaussian_statistics(self.X_bar.T).Sigma
def predict(self, u): # TODO Implement here the PF, perdiction part for i in range(self.M): self.particles[i] = sample_from_odometry( self.particles[i], u, self._alphas) # many noisy particles self.X = self.particles gaussian_parameters = get_gaussian_statistics( self.particles ) # parameters of the gaussian distribution of particles = self._state_bar.Sigma = gaussian_parameters.Sigma
def predict(self, u): # TODO Implement here the PF, perdiction part = self._state_bar.Sigma = self.Sigma # for particle in self.particle_set: # print(sample_from_odometry(particle, u, self._alphas)) for idx, particle in enumerate(self.particle_set): self.particle_set[idx] = sample_from_odometry( particle, u, self._alphas) # print('particle_set', self.particle_set) self._state_bar = get_gaussian_statistics(self.particle_set)
def generate_data(initial_pose, num_steps, num_landmarks_per_side, max_obs_per_time_step, alphas, beta, dt, animate=False, plot_pause_s=0.01): """ Generates the trajectory of the robot using square path given by `generate_motion`. :param initial_pose: The initial pose of the robot in the field (format: np.array([x, y, theta])). :param num_steps: The number of time steps to generate the path for. :param num_landmarks_per_side: The number of landmarks to use on one side of the field. :param max_obs_per_time_step: The maximum number of observations to generate per time step of the sim. :param alphas: The noise parameters of the control actions (format: np.array([a1, a2, a3, a4])). :param beta: The noise parameter of observations (format: np.array([range (cm), bearing (deg)])). :param dt: The time difference (in seconds) between two consecutive time steps. :param animate: If True, this function will animate the generated data in a plot. :param plot_pause_s: The time (in seconds) to pause the plot animation between two consecutive frames. :return: SimulationData object. """ # Initializations # State format: [x, y, theta] state_dim = 3 # Motion format: [drot1, dtran, drot2] motion_dim = 3 # Observation format: [range (cm, float), # bearing (rad, float), # landmark_id (id, int)] observation_dim = 3 if animate: plt.figure(1) plt.ion() data_length = num_steps + 1 filter_data = SlamInputData(np.zeros((data_length, motion_dim)), np.empty((data_length, max_obs_per_time_step, observation_dim))) debug_data = SlamDebugData(np.zeros((data_length, state_dim)), np.zeros((data_length, state_dim)), np.empty((data_length, max_obs_per_time_step, observation_dim))) filter_data.observations[:] = np.nan debug_data.noise_free_observations[:] = np.nan debug_data.real_robot_path[0] = initial_pose debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[0] = initial_pose field_map = FieldMap(num_landmarks_per_side) # Covariance of observation noise. alphas = alphas ** 2 beta = np.array(beta) beta[1] = np.deg2rad(beta[1]) Q = np.diag([*(beta ** 2), 0]) for i in range(1, data_length): # Simulate Motion # Noise-free robot motion command. t = i * dt filter_data.motion_commands[i] = generate_motion(t, dt) # Noise-free robot pose. debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[i] = \ sample_from_odometry(debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[i - 1], filter_data.motion_commands[i], [0, 0, 0, 0]) # Move the robot based on the noisy motion command execution. debug_data.real_robot_path[i] = sample_from_odometry(debug_data.real_robot_path[i - 1], filter_data.motion_commands[i], alphas) # Simulate Observation noise_free_observations = sense_landmarks(debug_data.real_robot_path[i], field_map, max_obs_per_time_step) noisy_observations = np.empty(noise_free_observations.shape) noisy_observations[:] = np.nan num_observations = noise_free_observations.shape[0] for k in range(num_observations): # Generate observation noise. observation_noise = sample2d(np.zeros(observation_dim), Q) # Generate noisy observation as observed by the robot for the filter. noisy_observations[k] = noise_free_observations[k] + observation_noise if noisy_observations.shape == (0, 3): print('hello') filter_data.observations[i] = noisy_observations debug_data.noise_free_observations[i] = noise_free_observations if animate: plt.clf() plot_field(field_map, noise_free_observations[:, 2]) plot_robot(debug_data.real_robot_path[i]) plot_observations(debug_data.real_robot_path[i], debug_data.noise_free_observations[i], filter_data.observations[i]) plt.plot(debug_data.real_robot_path[1:i, 0], debug_data.real_robot_path[1:i, 1], 'b') plt.plot(debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:i, 0], debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:i, 1], 'g') plt.draw() plt.pause(plot_pause_s) if animate: # This only initializes the sim data with everything but the first entry (which is just the prior for the sim). filter_data.motion_commands = filter_data.motion_commands[1:] filter_data.observations = filter_data.observations[1:] debug_data.real_robot_path = debug_data.real_robot_path[1:] debug_data.noise_free_robot_path = debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:] debug_data.noise_free_observations = debug_data.noise_free_observations[1:] return SimulationData(num_steps, filter_data, debug_data)
def generate_data(initial_pose, num_steps, alphas, beta, dt, animate=False, plot_pause_s=0.01): """ Generates the trajectory of the robot using square path given by `generate_motion`. :param initial_pose: The initial pose of the robot in the field (format: np.array([x, y, theta])). :param num_steps: The number of time steps to generate the path for. :param alphas: The noise parameters of the control actions (format: np.array([a1, a2, a3, a4])). :param beta: The noise parameter of observations. :param dt: The time difference (in seconds) between two consecutive time steps. :param animate: If True, this function will animate the generated data in a plot. :param plot_pause_s: The time (in seconds) to pause the plot animation between two consecutive frames. :return: SimulationData object. """ # Initializations # State format: [x, y, theta] state_dim = 3 # Motion format: [drot1, dtran, drot2] motion_dim = 3 # Observation format: [bearing, marker_id] observation_dim = 2 if animate: plt.figure(1) plt.ion() data_length = num_steps + 1 filter_data = FilterInputData(np.zeros((data_length, motion_dim)), np.zeros((data_length, observation_dim))) debug_data = FilterDebugData(np.zeros((data_length, state_dim)), np.zeros((data_length, state_dim)), np.zeros((data_length, observation_dim))) debug_data.real_robot_path[0] = initial_pose debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[0] = initial_pose field_map = FieldMap() # Covariance of observation noise. Q = np.diag([beta**2, 0]) for i in range(1, data_length): # Simulate Motion # Noise-free robot motion command. t = i * dt filter_data.motion_commands[i, :] = generate_motion(t, dt) # Noise-free robot pose. debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[i, :] = \ sample_from_odometry(debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[i - 1], filter_data.motion_commands[i], np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])) # Move the robot based on the noisy motion command execution. debug_data.real_robot_path[i, :] = \ sample_from_odometry(debug_data.real_robot_path[i - 1], filter_data.motion_commands[i], alphas) # Simulate Observation # (n / 2) causes each landmark to be viewed twice. lm_id = int(np.mod(np.floor(i / 2), field_map.num_landmarks)) debug_data.noise_free_observations[i, :] = \ get_observation(debug_data.real_robot_path[i], lm_id) # Generate observation noise. observation_noise = sample2d(np.zeros(observation_dim), Q) # Generate noisy observation as observed by the robot for the filter. filter_data.observations[ i, :] = debug_data.noise_free_observations[i] + observation_noise if animate: plt.clf() plot_field(lm_id) plot_robot(debug_data.real_robot_path[i]) plot_observation(debug_data.real_robot_path[i], debug_data.noise_free_observations[i], filter_data.observations[i]) plt.plot(debug_data.real_robot_path[1:i, 0], debug_data.real_robot_path[1:i, 1], 'b') plt.plot(debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:i, 0], debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:i, 1], 'g') plt.draw() plt.pause(plot_pause_s) if animate: # This only initializes the sim data with everything but the first entry (which is just the prior for the sim). filter_data.motion_commands = filter_data.motion_commands[1:] filter_data.observations = filter_data.observations[1:] debug_data.real_robot_path = debug_data.real_robot_path[1:] debug_data.noise_free_robot_path = debug_data.noise_free_robot_path[1:] debug_data.noise_free_observations = debug_data.noise_free_observations[1:] return SimulationData(num_steps, filter_data, debug_data)