Пример #1
def train_one_epoch(model, data_queue, opt, gm, epoch, args):
    def train_func(image, im_info, gt_boxes):
        with gm:
            loss_dict = model(image=image, im_info=im_info, gt_boxes=gt_boxes)
            loss_list = list(loss_dict.values())
        return loss_list

    meter = AverageMeter(record_len=model.cfg.num_losses)
    time_meter = AverageMeter(record_len=2)
    log_interval = model.cfg.log_interval
    tot_step = model.cfg.nr_images_epoch // (args.batch_size *
    for step in range(tot_step):
        adjust_learning_rate(opt, epoch, step, model.cfg, args)

        data_tik = time.time()
        mini_batch = next(data_queue)
        data_tok = time.time()

        tik = time.time()
        loss_list = train_func(image=mge.tensor(mini_batch["data"]),
        tok = time.time()

        time_meter.update([tok - tik, data_tok - data_tik])

        if dist.get_rank() == 0:
            info_str = "e%d, %d/%d, lr:%f, "
            loss_str = ", ".join(
                ["{}:%f".format(loss) for loss in model.cfg.losses_keys])
            time_str = ", train_time:%.3fs, data_time:%.3fs"
            log_info_str = info_str + loss_str + time_str
            meter.update([loss.numpy() for loss in loss_list])
            if step % log_interval == 0:
                logger.info(log_info_str, epoch, step, tot_step,
                            opt.param_groups[0]["lr"], *meter.average(),
Пример #2
def train(model, params):
    # helper function to print and save logs
    def print_log(string, print_time = True):
        if print_time:
            curr_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
            string = "[ " + curr_time + " ] " + string
        log_file = os.path.join(params.work_dir, "train_log.txt")
        with open(log_file, "a+") as log:
            log.write(string + "\n")
    # helper function to save checkpoints
    def save_checkpoint(best = False):
        if isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel):
            model_state_dict = model.module.model.state_dict()
            model_state_dict = model.model.state_dict()
        ckpt_dict = {
            "epoch": e,
            "step": step,
            "model_state_dict": model_state_dict,
            "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(),
            "scheduler_state_dict": scheduler.state_dict(),
            "best_accuracy": best_accuracy
        ckpt_dir = os.path.join(params.work_dir, "checkpoints")
        os.makedirs(ckpt_dir, exist_ok = True)
        if best:
            torch.save(ckpt_dict, os.path.join(ckpt_dir, "best.pth"))
            torch.save(ckpt_dict, os.path.join(ckpt_dir, f"epoch_{e}_step_{step}.pth"))

    # set up our project working directory
    os.makedirs(params.work_dir, exist_ok = True)
    # and save our training configuration
    with open(os.path.join(params.work_dir, "train_args.yaml"), "w+") as f:
        yaml.dump(params.params, f)

    # print out the settings for training
    print_log("Below are the training settings", print_time = False)
    for k, v in params.params.items():
        print_log(f"{k} : {v}", print_time = False)

    # tensorboard summary writer
    writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(params.work_dir, "events"))

    # initiating dataset and loader
    train_dir = os.path.join(params.data_root, "train")
    train_set = TrainDataset(
        imdir = train_dir,
        input_size = params.input_size,
        color_jitter = params.color_jitter,
        resize_scale = params.resize_scale,
        ratio = params.ratio,
        interpolation = params.interpolation,
        horizontal_flip = params.horizontal_flip,
        mean = params.mean,
        std = params.std,
        fname = True

    train_loader = DataLoader(
        batch_size = params.train_bs, 
        num_workers = params.num_workers,
        shuffle = True

    # we will use center crop to evaluate the model's accuracy every epoch
    val_dir = os.path.join(params.data_root, "val")
    val_set = EvalDataset(
        imdir = val_dir,
        input_size = params.input_size,
        mean = params.mean,
        std = params.std,
        rescale_sizes = params.test_rescales,
        center_square = False,
        crop = "center",
        horizontal_flip = False

    val_loader = DataLoader(
        batch_size = params.test_bs,
        shuffle = False,
        num_workers = params.num_workers
    # GPU(s) or CPU usage
    if params.gpus:
        assert len(params.gpus) >= 1, "Please provide at least one gpu id for gpu training"
        if len(params.gpus) == 1:
            device = torch.device(f"cuda:{params.gpus[0]}")
            model = model.to(device)
            print_log(f"Training model on cuda: {params.gpus[0]}")
            device = torch.device(f"cuda:{params.gpus[0]}")

            # for parallelism, the model on the default gpu is still the one being updated
            # however, we replicate it to the other gpu every forward and backward pass
            # for gradient computation on the data that we allocated to those gpus
            model = model.to(torch.device(f"cuda:{params.gpus[0]}")) # it seems params.gpus must be like [0, 1] instead of [1, 0]
            model = nn.DataParallel(model, params.gpus)
            print_log(f"Data Parallelism is used across cuda: {params.gpus}")

        # the model stays on cpu
        print_log("Using cpu for training")

    # define optimizer
    # add in separate bn parameters
    if params.weight_decay is not None:
        # add_weight_decay separate bias and weight and bias in batchnorm from other parameters
        # because bias terms and and weight and bias in bn should not be decayed towards zero-norm
        # check here https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/weight-decay-in-the-optimizers-is-a-bad-idea-especially-with-batchnorm/16994/2
        param_groups = add_weight_decay(model, params.weight_decay)
        param_groups = model.parameters()

    # it is recommended to construct an optimizer after you have done the model.cuda(),
    # as some optimizer might create buffers of the type same as the model parameters.
    # since we will put our model to gpu, it is better that the model parameters have the type cuda 
    # instead of cpu before optimizer construction.
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(param_groups, lr = params.lr, weight_decay = params.weight_decay, momentum = params.momentum, nesterov=params.nesterov)

    # Let's define a learning rate scheduler that helps us reduce the learning rate by 10 times if our model's performance
    # on the validation set ceases to increase for 6 epochs
    # The mode should be min, so that it stores the min previous validation loss and compares that to the new validation loss
    # that we will provide when calling scheduler.step(<new_value>).
    # You may use "max" and validation accuracy too.
    scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode = "min", factor = 0.1, patience = 6)

    # resume from previous training
    if params.resume_path:
        ckpt_dict = torch.load(params.resume_path)
        model_state_dict = ckpt_dict["model_state_dict"]
        if isinstance(model, nn.DataParallel):
        start_epoch = ckpt_dict["epoch"]
        step = ckpt_dict["step"]
        if step != 0 and step % len(train_loader) == 0:
            # if we have finished the whole epoch last time before we saved the checkpoint
            # we move on to the next epoch
            start_epoch += 1
        best_accuracy = ckpt_dict["best_accuracy"]
        print_log(f"Loaded checkpoint {params.resume_path}")
        print_log(f"Resuming from epoch {start_epoch} step {step}")
        start_epoch = 0
        step = 0
        best_accuracy = 0

    batch_loss = AverageMeter()
    batch_accu = AverageMeter()
        # the try clause is for the except below where if we use ctrl-c/cmd-c to stop the program
        # it will save a checkpoint before exiting
        for e in range(start_epoch, params.num_epochs):
            progress_bar = tqdm(range(len(train_loader)))
            step_in_last_epoch = step % len(train_loader)
            loader = iter(train_loader)
            for i in progress_bar:
                # If we saved weights and stopped training halfway in an epoch, let's finish the remaining data in 
                # that epoch before moving on.
                # As the train_loader will be shuffled, we cannot really train the model on the data 
                # we left behind last time. However, it is easier for us to track training, as with these few lines
                # of code, we can align the stored epoch number correctly with the number of images trained (suppose the batch size is
                # the same, so the number of images trained per step is the same)
                if i < step_in_last_epoch:

                if i == len(train_loader) - step_in_last_epoch:
                    # if we have finished the equivalent amount of what we left behind last time
                    # stop this epoch and move on to the next

                data = next(loader)
                images = data['image']
                labels = data['label']
                # sending images and labels to gpus
                if params.gpus and len(params.gpus) == 1:
                    # if we are using one gpu
                    images = images.to(device)
                    labels = labels.to(device)
                # else:
                    # if the model is on cpu, then nothing needs to be done
                    # if multiple gpus are used, the data will be scattered to the corresponding gpus
                    # inside the nn.DataParallel class directly from CPU. Nothing needs to be done here.

                # forward pass the images to get prediction and loss
                # remember now our model is an instance of the wrapper ModelWithLoss.
                # It computes the loss inside its own forward() method.
                # Do not write as model(images = images, labels = labels) with DataParallel, as
                # they will then be counted as kwargs instead of tensor inputs
                preds, loss = model(images, labels)

                # compute accuracy for the training batch
                # Note: for the last batch or batch of odd number, the dataparallel may skip the remainder
                # when dividing the batch evenly among the gpus, resulting in different dimension between
                # preds and labels. Therefore, we need to take labels[:len(preds)]
                batch_accu.update(compute_accuracy(preds, labels[:len(preds)].view((-1, 1)))[0])
                # if we use data parallelism, the loss will be a vector with elements corresponding
                # to the loss on each gpu
                # it does not hurt if we are not using data parallelism
                loss = loss.mean()
                # compute dloss/dx for every parameter x that has requires_grad = True
                # and add this dloss/dx to the parameter's gradient
                # Initially, the parameters' gradients are all zero, loss.backward() adds the newly computed gradient
                # to the existing gradient. It will accumulate unless we call optimizer.zero_grad() to clear them.
                loss /= params.grad_accu_steps # see comments right below

                step += 1
                # params.grad_accu_steps specifies for how many mini-batches we wish to accumulate gradients.
                # It is a work-around if we cannot fit a desirable size of mini-batch in GPU, we can simply accumulate
                # 2 or 3 batches' gradient before we call optimizer.step() (backpropagation).
                # However, this work-around has a difference when you have batch normalization layers,
                # as the running averages/variances of these are computed as exponential moving average. So
                # the running averages/variances statistics may deviate from using a larger batch.
                if step % params.grad_accu_steps == 0:
                    # Backpropagation to update parameters
                    # Set the gradients to zero, so that we can accumulate gradients from fresh
                if step % params.logging_interval == 0:
                    print_log(f"Epoch {e} Step {step}: Average loss is {batch_loss.avg:.4f} Training accuracy is {batch_accu.avg:.4f}")
                    for j, param_group in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups):
                        print_log(f"lr_{j} is {param_group['lr']}")
                writer.add_scalars("accuracy", {"train": batch_accu.val}, step)
                writer.add_scalars("loss", {"train": batch_loss.val}, step)
                for j, param_group in enumerate(optimizer.param_groups):
                    writer.add_scalar(f"lr/lr_{j}", param_group["lr"], step)
                # update the information of the 
                progress_bar.set_description(f"Epoch {e}/{params.num_epochs} Step {step} Loss: {batch_loss.avg:.4f} Accuracy: {batch_accu.avg:.4f}")

            if (e + 1) % params.saving_interval == 0:

            # evaluate our model on the validation set
            # remember, our evaluate function can take care of ModelWithLoss wrapper
            if params.gpus and len(params.gpus) == 1:
                accu_meters, loss_meter = evaluate(model, val_loader, topk = (1, ), device = device)
                # dataparallel or cpu, let the data stay on cpu, see relevants comments above during training
                accu_meters, loss_meter = evaluate(model, val_loader, topk = (1, ))

            accuracy = accu_meters[0].avg
            print_log(f"Accuracy is {accuracy:.4f}, loss is {loss_meter.avg:.4f} for Epoch {e} Step {step} ")
            writer.add_scalars("accuracy", {"val": accuracy}, step)
            writer.add_scalars("loss", {"val": loss_meter.avg}, step)

            # update learning rate scheduler
            # scheduler.step(accuracy)
            if accuracy > best_accuracy:
                best_accuracy = accuracy
                save_checkpoint(best = True)


    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print_log("KeyboardInterrupt: Saving a checkpoint")