Пример #1
    def dump(self, outdir='.', outdat='photon.dat', fid=None, **kwargs):
		remove photon from record, write 
		10.5f	10s 10i	(10.5f,10.5f,10.5f) * nscat+1
		index,	bool,	location of record to remove
        from numpy import array, where, empty
        from lib import mkdir_p

        dbg((outdir, outdat), 4)

        fopened = True if fid != None else False
        if not fopened:
            fname = '/'.join((outdir, outdat))
            fid = open(fname, 'a')

        loc = self.history.T.flatten()
        val = [self.tau, self.result, self.scattered]

        #_make formatted print statement and write to file
        nk, nscat = self.history.shape
        fmt = '%10.5f%10s%10i ' + '%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f' * nscat + '\n'
        line = fmt % tuple(val)


        if not fopened:
Пример #2
    def traveled(self, origin=False):
		returns geometric distance traveled by photon, total or to entry
		origin,	bool, 	return only distance to origin,
				as the non-scattering photon flies
        from numpy import sqrt
        dbg(origin, 5)

        #_total meanderings
        if not origin:
            segments = self.history[:, 1:] - self.history[:, :-1]
            return sqrt((segments**2).sum())

        #_from cloud entrance
            return sqrt((self.history[:, -1]**2).sum())
Пример #3
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     # for sla in Sla.objects.filter(enabled=True):
     #     sla.computeSLA()
     #     self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully recomputed "%s"' % sla.name))
     stdin = sys.stdin.readlines()
     for data in stdin:
         msg = data.split(' | ')
             host = Hosts.objects.get(name=msg[0])
             host = None
         if msg[3][0:9] == '"Message:':
             Trap(host=host, oid=msg[2], value=msg[3][9:-3]).save()
         elif msg[3][0:8] == '"Active:':
             Trap(host=host, oid=msg[2], value=msg[3][8:-3]).save()
             dbg('Trap message not worth seeing: ' + msg[3])
def test(request):
    Display an individual :model:`webview.UserProfile`.


        An instance of :model:`webview.UserProfile`.


    # Write to the debug log
    dbg("testing debug with name and true")
    # from scheduler.tasks import snmpgetint
    # snmpgetint.delay("", "public", "")
    return HttpResponse("<htm><head></head><body>Hello, world. ip: " +
                        request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] + "</body></html>")
Пример #5
    def __turn__(self, theta, phi, **kwargs):
        ''' augment direction of vector by theta,phi '''
        dbg((theta, phi), 5)
        from numpy import ones, dot, arange
        from lib import paxes
        from lib import kvector

        #_build 3x3 array describing coordinate system orthogonal to the
        # propagating ray and with x parallel to the model
        # horizontal plane
        aug = paxes(self.k, self.phi)

        #_get a unit vector describing new coordinate direction
        kpp = kvector(theta, phi)
        self.k = dot(aug, kpp).T.A

        #_update angle arrays
        self.phi = phi
        self.theta = theta
Пример #6
    def advance(self,
		roll to see if photon's +12 to scattering prevents grue
		from eating it. Roll to see if absorbed (since all photons
		begin at cloud top, this begins each sequence)
		Roll to see which direction scattered
			F/B based on HG
			Azimuth uniform
		Roll to see distance
			Beer-Lambert Law
        from numpy.random import random as r
        from numpy import append, array, log, tile, pi
        from time import sleep
        from lib import henyey_greenstein

        dbg((ssa, force_angle, tau_star), 5)

        if not self.live:

        #_roll to see how far until next interaction____________________
        self.tau = -log(1 - r(1)[0])  #_THIS IS NOT TAAAAUUUUU

        #_update current location
        point = (self.history[:, -1] + self.tau * self.k).reshape(3, 1)
        self.history = append(self.history, point, axis=1)

        #_check if escaped top or bottom, update flags
        if self.history[2, -1] < 1e-8:
            self.die('top', **kwargs)
        elif self.history[2, -1] > tau_star:
            self.die('base', **kwargs)

        #_roll to see if absorbed_______________________________________
        if r(1)[0] > ssa:
            self.die('absorbed', **kwargs)

        #_roll to see in what direction________________________________
        if force_angle == None:
            phi = 2 * pi * r(1)[0]  #_randomize azimuth
            theta = henyey_greenstein(r(1)[0], **kwargs)  #_now theta
        else:  #_force specific scattering angles for testing
            phi = force_angle[0] * d2r
            theta = force_angle[1] * d2r
        self.__turn__(theta, phi, **kwargs)  #_update k

        self.scattered += 1

        #_update number of times scattered
        dbg(self.traveled(origin=False), 5)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self,
		basically a home brew numpy.recarray, only order is not muteable
		this should not be used as a post processing class, otherwise
		there will be giant, unwieldy arrays everywhere
		size,		int,	number of photons to handle at a time
		record,		str,	line of old photon.dat file
		zenith,		flt,	degrees from vertical of incidence
					positive Z goes DOWN into CLOUD. 
					(180 == down)
		azimuth,	flt,	degrees from north of incidence
		figure,		plt.fig	matplotlib artist object to be passed if
					there are multiple calls to this class,
					but only one desired plot area
		clouds,		class,	if ever get around to it, associate a
					photon.cloud attribute that points to
					the containing cloud class,
					which in turn holds the tau_star/g/ssa
					Photon class should not contain them
        from numpy import array, zeros, ones, tile, nan, pi
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from lib.math import kvector_init

        d2r = pi / 180
        dbg((record, zenith, azimuth), 5)

        #_generate object to hold #size photons
        if not record:
            self.tau = 0  #_current distance from top
            self.k = kvector_init(zenith * d2r, azimuth * d2r).T.A
            #_current direction
            self.phi = azimuth * d2r  #_most recent phi
            self.theta = zenith * d2r  #_most recent theta
            self.history = zeros((3, 1))  #_each coord traveled
            self.weight = 1  #_ignore
            self.result = None  #_top, base, or absorbed
            self.scattered = 0  #_# of times scattered
            self.live = True  #_still able to advance?
            self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=([16.,4.])) \
             if figure == None else figure
            self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) \
             if axes==None else axes
            self.line = None

            #_associate photon with particular cloud
            self.cloud = clouds

        #_when passed a file name, returns previously run photon results
            #_break up record and put back in
            cols = record.split()
            shape = (len(cols[3:]) / 3, 3)  #_nscat, nk
            history = array(cols[3:], dtype='f8').reshape(shape)

            #_if want to be able to load and continue advancing,
            # need to add back in calculation for k vect based
            # on hist[:,-2:]
            self.tau = float(cols[0])
            self.result = cols[1]
            self.scattered = int(cols[2])
            self.history = history.T
            self.live = False
            #_don't allow advance
            # mostly for plotting
            self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=([16.,4.])) \
             if figure == None else figure
            self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) \
             if axes == None else axes
            self.line = None

        self.cloud.tot_gen += 1