def get_conn(self): try: return psycopg2.connect(database=PG_DB, user=PG_USER, password=PG_PWD, host=PG_HOST, port=PG_PORT) except Exception as e: error_record('200') pd_db_log.warning('200:Can not establish a connection to guangzhou pg DB: {}'.format(e.message))
def connection_test(self): try: self.R.set('test', 'test') except: error_record('101') redis_db_log.warning( '101:Can not establish a connection to local redis DB')
def task_failed(self, task_id): """move task from doing to failed""" try: self.R.smove(TASK_DOING, TASK_FAILED, task_id) return True except Exception as e: error_record('107') redis_db_log.warning('107:task failed error :{}'.format(e.message))
def task_finished(self, task_ids): """move task from doing to finished save task detail""" p = self.R.pipeline(transaction=False) try: for task_id in task_ids: p.smove(TASK_DOING, TASK_FINISH, task_id) p.execute() return True'finish back {} tasks'.format(len(task_ids))) except Exception as e: error_record('106') redis_db_log.warning('106:task finished error:{}'.format( e.message))
def channel_2(self,data_list): """ for table rc_cp_mi_info_phone_company""" if not isinstance(data_list,list): return try: self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hadoop.rc_cp_mi_info_phone_company" "(phone,company,create_time)VALUES(%s,%s,%s)",tuple(data_list)) self.conn.commit() return True except Exception as e: self.conn.rollback() pd_db_log.warning('202:Error in insert data to pg table two:{}'.format(e.message)) if 'duplicate' not in e.message: error_record('202')
def trim_failed_set(self): """trim failed set and back task to todo list""" try: count = self.R.scard(TASK_FAILED) failed_list = [self.R.spop(TASK_FAILED) for i in xrange(count)] back_list = filter(self.task_is_available, failed_list) map(self.back_task_to_todo, back_list)'success clear failed set,' 'total:{},back{}'.format( count, len(back_list))) return True except Exception as e: error_record('002') clear_redis_log.warning('002:trim_failed_set error :{}'.format( e.message))
def channel_1(self,data_list): """ for table rc_cp_mi_info_contact_phone""" if not isinstance(data_list,list): return try: self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO hadoop.rc_cp_mi_info_contact_phone" "(idnumber,c_phone,relation,c_name,comment,level" ",create_time)VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",tuple(data_list)) self.conn.commit() return True except Exception as e: self.conn.rollback() pd_db_log.warning('201:arror in insert data to pg table one:{}'.format(e.message)) if 'duplicate' not in e.message: error_record('201')
def save_tasks_to_redis(self, tasks): """save tasks to todo list""" if self.R.dbsize() >= REDIS_AMOUNT: return 'full' p = self.R.pipeline(transaction=False) try: for task in tasks: task_id = task['task_id'] task['retry'] = 0 p.rpush(TASK_TODO, task_id) p.hmset(task_id, task) p.execute() return True except Exception as e: error_record('103') redis_db_log.warning('103:Save many tasks error:{}'.format( e.message))
def trim_finish_set(self): """trim finish set to empty""" p = self.R.pipeline(transaction=False) try: count = self.R.scard(TASK_FINISH) if count <= TASK_AMOUNT: return True need_clear = count - TASK_AMOUNT clear_list = [self.R.spop(TASK_FINISH) for i in xrange(need_clear)] map(p.delete, clear_list) p.execute() 'success clear finish set,count:{}'.format(need_clear)) return True except Exception as e: error_record('001') clear_redis_log.warning('001:trim_finsh_set error :{}'.format( e.message))
def handle_bad_doing(self): """if task stay in doing-set over 1 day back it to todo-list for another try""" try: count = 0 doing_list = self.R.smembers(TASK_DOING) for task_id in doing_list: date = self.R.hget(task_id, 'date') if not isinstance(date, int): date = int(date) if abs(date - int(get_current_day())) > 0: count += 1 self.R.srem(TASK_DOING, task_id) self.back_task_to_todo(task_id)'success handle doing set,' 'back count:{}'.format(count)) return True except Exception as e: error_record('003') clear_redis_log.warning('003:handle_bad_doing error :{}'.format( e.message))
def get_task(self, count): """get tasks to do""" def is_dict(item): if isinstance(item, dict): return True p = self.R.pipeline(transaction=False) try: [p.lpop(TASK_TODO) for x in xrange(count)] task_ids = p.execute() for task_id in task_ids: if not task_id: continue p.hincrby(task_id, 'retry', amount=1) p.hset(task_id, 'date', get_current_day()) p.sadd(TASK_DOING, task_id) p.hgetall(task_id) tasks = filter(is_dict, p.execute())'success get {} tasks'.format(len(tasks))) return tasks except Exception as e: error_record('105') redis_db_log.warning('105:get tasks error:{}'.format(e.message)) return []
def get_cursor(self): try: return self.conn.cursor() except Exception as e: error_record('200') pd_db_log.warning('200:Can not establish a connection to guangzhou pg DB :{}'.format(e.message))