def unit_init(self): self.groups = groups.unitgroup, groups.allgroup, self.owner.unitgroup pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.groups) self.base_image = pygame.image.load(tools.filepath(self.image_files["base"])) self.image = self.base_image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.centerx = round(self.trueX +[0]) self.rect.centery = round(self.trueY +[1]) self.hp = self.maxHP
def train(self, unit_index = 0): self.training_unit = self.training_list[unit_index] if self.owner.mineral >= self.training_unit.mineral_cost and self.training_unit.supply_cost <= (self.owner.max_supply - and self.action == ID_STOP: self.building_progress = self.training_unit.building_time self.action = ID_TRAIN self.owner.mineral -= self.training_unit.mineral_cost else: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(tools.filepath("beep.wav"))
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls.__logger == None: # 创建一下 日志类, 'cnodeApi' 为 logging name属性值 cls.__logger = logging.getLogger('cnodeApi') cls.__logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 设置日志级别 DEBUG log_path = tools.filepath('logs') logfile_path = os.path.join(log_path, 'api.log') fh = logging.FileHandler( logfile_path) # 创建日志存储文件对象 app.log 日志存储文件名 ch = logging.StreamHandler() # 命令行输出流 # log格式 formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) # 文件存储赋给 __logger ch.setFormatter(formatter) # 输出流 添加日志格式 cls.__logger.addHandler(fh) # 文件存储赋给 __logger cls.__logger.addHandler(ch) # 输出流 赋给 __logger return cls.__logger
def changeImage(self,image="base"): self.base_image = pygame.image.load(tools.filepath(self.image_files[image])) self.image = self.base_image self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
def main(): replay_list = [] activePlayer = 1 # The player that is controlling the units attack = False # True is controlls are in "attack mode" (clicking "A") pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(game_data.WINDOW_SIZE, pygame.FULLSCREEN) #pygame.display.set_caption(GAME_NAME + VERSION) background = pygame.image.load(tools.filepath('background.png')) MOUSE_CURSOR1 = pygame.mouse.get_cursor() # Players players = [Player("Neutral"), Player("Good Guys", True, 50, (0,0,255)), Player("The Evil", True, 50, (255,0,0)),] players[1].enemies = [players[2]] players[2].enemies = [players[1]] # Iniciate the Minimap infobar = Infobar() # Iniciate the text text1 = Text("Player"+str(activePlayer)+": "+players[activePlayer].name+" "+str(players[activePlayer].mineral)+" Mineral", players[activePlayer].color,(10,0)) for i, text in enumerate(["RightMouse: Move/Attack","MiddleMouse: Switch Player","A: Attack", "Space: Reset Camera" , "CONTROL: Multi-Selection"]): Text(text, (255,255,255),(game_data.width-250,0+i*20)) # Initial Units MineralPatch(480,50,players[0]) MineralPatch(520,50,players[0]) MineralPatch(560,50,players[0]) MineralPatch(600,50,players[0]) Worker(520, 150,players[1]) Worker(560, 150,players[1]) Nexus(540,200,players[1]) MineralPatch(480,1350,players[0]) MineralPatch(520,1350,players[0]) MineralPatch(560,1350,players[0]) MineralPatch(600,1350,players[0]) Worker(520, 1250,players[2]) Worker(560, 1250,players[2]) Nexus(540,1200,players[2]) Turret(590,1200,players[2]) # Main Loop clock=pygame.time.Clock() finish_game = False while not finish_game: milliseconds = clock.tick(game_data.fps) # milliseconds passed since last frame seconds = milliseconds / 1000.0 # seconds passed since last frame (float) # Scroll Stuff if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_RIGHT] or pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] > game_data.width - 2 : if[0] > -game_data.map_width + game_data.width:[0] -= 10 if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_LEFT] or pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < 2: if[0] < 0:[0] += 10 if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_UP] or pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < 2: if[1] < 0:[1] += 10 if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_DOWN] or pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] > game_data.height - 2: if[1] > -game_data.map_height + game_data.height - game_data.infobar_height:[1] -= 10 # events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: finish_game = True if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: = [0,0] if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: if attack == False: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < (game_data.height - game_data.infobar_height): for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if unit.isPressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_LCTRL] == True and unit.selected == True: unit.selected = False else: unit.selected = True else: if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_LCTRL] == False: unit.selected = False if infobar.minimap.isPressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()): posx, posy = infobar.minimap.getCamera(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) = [-posx/2, -posy/2] #Minion(posx, posy, players[activePlayer]) if event.button == 2: for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: unit.selected = False activePlayer = changePlayer(activePlayer, players) if event.button == 3: if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < (game_data.height - game_data.infobar_height): for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if unit.selected == True and ID_UNIT in unit.types: unit.move((event.pos[0] -[0],event.pos[1] -[1])) replay_list.append("move") for target in groups.unitgroup: if target.isPressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and target.owner in unit.owner.enemies and target != unit and target.targetable == True: unit.attack(target) replay_list.append("attack") if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_a: for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if ID_UNIT in unit.types and unit.selected == True: pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*MOUSE_CURSOR2) attack = True if event.key == pygame.K_q: for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if ID_BUILDING in unit.types and unit.action == ID_STOP and unit.selected == True: if len(unit.training_list) > 0: unit.train(0) if event.key == pygame.K_w: for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if ID_BUILDING in unit.types and unit.action == ID_STOP and unit.selected == True: if len(unit.training_list) > 1: unit.train(1) if event.key == pygame.K_e: for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if ID_BUILDING in unit.types and unit.action == ID_STOP and unit.selected == True: if len(unit.training_list) > 2: unit.train(2) else: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < (game_data.height - game_data.infobar_height): if event.button == 1: unit_in_cursor = False for unit in players[activePlayer].unitgroup: if unit.selected == True and ID_UNIT in unit.types: for target in groups.unitgroup: if target.isPressed(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) and target != unit and target.targetable == True: unit.attack(target) replay_list.append("attack") unit_in_cursor = True if unit_in_cursor == False: unit.attack_move((event.pos[0] -[0],event.pos[1] -[1])) replay_list.append("attack move") pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*MOUSE_CURSOR1) attack = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.mouse.set_cursor(*MOUSE_CURSOR1) attack = False # Updates and Draws background_redraw(background, screen) groups.allgroup.update(seconds) for unit in groups.unitgroup: if unit.targetable == True: pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,0,0),(unit.rect.left,,unit.rect.width,3)) pygame.draw.rect(screen,unit.owner.color,(unit.rect.left,,unit.rect.width*unit.getLifeBar(),3)) if ID_BUILDING in unit.types and unit.action == ID_TRAIN: pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,255,0),(unit.rect.left,unit.rect.bottom,unit.rect.width*unit.getBuildingProgress(),5)) if ID_HARVESTER in unit.types and unit.action == ID_HARVEST: pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,255,0),(unit.rect.left,unit.rect.bottom,unit.rect.width*unit.passives[0].getHarvestingProgress(),5)) if unit.selected == True: pygame.draw.ellipse(screen,(0,255,0), unit.rect.inflate(SELECTION_EXTRAX,SELECTION_EXTRAY), 1) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 25) text1.newmsg("Player"+str(activePlayer)+": "+players[activePlayer].name+" "+str(players[activePlayer].mineral)+" Mineral " + str(players[activePlayer].supply) + "/" + str(players[activePlayer].max_supply) + " Supply", players[activePlayer].color) groups.allgroup.draw(screen) pygame.display.flip( ) #update the screen for player in players: player.update() replay_list.append("quit") pygame.quit()
import numpy as np import pylab as pl import skimage import import skimage.transform import os import sys import tools as t #----------------------------------------------------------initialize #inputname = t.filepath("siftdata/ironman.jpg") inputname = t.filepath("siftdata/lena.png") #inputname = t.filepath("siftdata/building.jpg") #inputname = t.filepath("siftdata/sculpture.jpg") #only take grayscale image Snum = 4 # number of different scales:4 Gnum = 6 # number of Gaussian layers in each scale:6 DoGnum = Gnum - 1 GaussianPyramid = {(0,0):0} #initialize a dictionary #----------------------------------------------------------Gaussian pyramid I = skimage.img_as_float( #IG = skimage.img_as_float( # when I is a gray scale image, the reading file is a 2d array #IG = t.GrayToArray(I) IG = t.TurnGray(I)
import numpy as np import skimage import import tools as t import os import copy as c #----------------------------------------------------------initialize inputname = t.filepath("siftdata/building.jpg") #only take grayscale image Snum = 4 # number of different scales:4 Gnum = 6 # number of Gaussian layers in each scale:6 DoGnum = Gnum - 1 GaussianPyramid = {(0,0):0} #initialize a dictionary a = [[5,2,3],[6,1,9],[3,5,1]] b = [1,2,3] c = np.linalg.solve(a,b) print c
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from pygame import font import tools config = SafeConfigParser()'config.ini')) fps = config.getfloat('configuration','fps') WINDOW_SIZE = width, height = 1024,768 map_width = 1200 map_height = 1400 infobar_height = 150 infobar_color = (155,0,0) infobar_fontcolor = (255,255,255) minimap_width = 200 minimap_height = infobar_height minimap_color = (0,155,0) minimap_bordercolor = infobar_color selectionbox_width = 200 selectionbox_height = infobar_height selectionbox_color = (0,155,0) selectionbox_bordercolor = infobar_color camera = [- map_width/6 , 0]