Пример #1
def allperft(f, depth=4, verbose=True):
    import gc
    lines = f.readlines()
    for d in range(1, depth+1):
        if verbose:
            print("Going to depth {}/{}".format(d, depth))
        for line in lines:
            parts = line.split(';')
            if len(parts) <= d:
            if verbose:

            pos, score = tools.parseFEN(parts[0]), int(parts[d])
            res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos), d))
            if res != score:
                print('ERROR at depth %d. Gave %d rather than %d' % (d, res, score))
                for move in pos.gen_moves():
                    split = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos.move(move)),1))
                    print('{}: {}'.format(tools.mrender(pos, move), split))
                return False
        if verbose:
    return True
Пример #2
def allperft(f, depth=4, verbose=True):
    import gc
    lines = f.readlines()
    for d in range(1, depth+1):
        if verbose:
            print("Going to depth {}/{}".format(d, depth))
        for line in lines:
            parts = line.split(';')
            if verbose:

            pos, score = tools.parseFEN(parts[0]), int(parts[d])
            res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos), d))
            if res != score:
                print('ERROR at depth %d. Gave %d rather than %d' % (d, res, score))
                for move in pos.gen_moves():
                    split = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos.move(move)),1))
                    print('{}: {}'.format(tools.mrender(pos, move), split))
                return False
        if verbose:
    return True
Пример #3
    def _search(self, pos):
        """ Iterative deepening MTD-bi search """
        self.nodes = 0

        # In finished games, we could potentially go far enough to cause a recursion
        # limit exception. Hence we bound the ply.
        for depth in range(1, 1000):
            self.depth = depth
            # The inner loop is a binary search on the score of the position.
            # Inv: lower <= score <= upper
            # 'while lower != upper' would work, but play tests show a margin of 20 plays better.
            lower, upper = -MATE_UPPER, MATE_UPPER
            while lower < upper - EVAL_ROUGHNESS:
                gamma = (lower + upper + 1) // 2
                score = self.bound(pos, gamma, depth)
                # Test for debugging search instability
                if not lower <= score <= upper:
                    import tools
                    print(__file__, 'search instability?', lower, upper,
                          'gamma score', gamma, score, 'depth', depth, 'pos',
                if score >= gamma:
                    lower = score
                if score < gamma:
                    upper = score
            # We want to make sure the move to play hasn't been kicked out of the table,
            # So we make another call that must always fail high and thus produce a move.
            score = self.bound(pos, lower, depth)

            # Test for debugging tp_score
            assert score >= lower
            if self.tp_score.get((pos, depth, True)) is None:
                print("No score stored?", score)
                self.tp_score[(pos, depth, True)] = Entry(score, score)
            assert score == self.tp_score.get((pos, depth, True)).lower

            # Test for debugging tp_move
            arb_legal_move = lambda: next(
                (m for m in pos.gen_moves() if not any(
                    pos.move(m).value(m1) >= MATE_LOWER
                    for m1 in pos.move(m).gen_moves())), None)
            if self.tp_move.get(pos) is None:
                print('No move stored? Score: {}'.format(score))
                self.tp_move[pos] = arb_legal_move()
                move = self.tp_move.get(pos)
                pos1 = pos.move(move)
                if any(pos1.value(m) >= MATE_LOWER for m in pos1.gen_moves()):
                    import tools
                    print('Returned illegal move? Score: {}'.format(score),
                          'move', tools.mrender(pos, move), 'pos',
                    self.tp_move[pos] = arb_legal_move()

            # Yield so the user may inspect the search
Пример #4
def selfplay(secs=1):
    """ Start a game sunfish vs. sunfish """
    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    for d in range(200):
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
        print(' '.join(board))
        m, _ = sunfish.Searcher().search(pos, secs)
        if m is None:
            print("Game over")
        print("\nmove", tools.mrender(pos, m))
        pos = pos.move(m)
Пример #5
def selfplay(secs=1):
    """ Start a game amwafish vs. amwafish """
    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    for d in range(200):
        # Always print the board from the same direction
        board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
        print(' '.join(board))
        m, _, _ = tools.search(amwafish.Searcher(), pos, secs)
        if m is None:
            print("Game over")
        print("\nmove", tools.mrender(pos, m))
        pos = pos.move(m)
Пример #6
def main():
    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    our_time, opp_time = 1000, 1000  # time in centi-seconds
    show_thinking = False
    options = {}
    history = []

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
            smove = input()
            print('>>>', smove, file=sys.stderr)
            sys.stderr.flush()  # For Python 2.7 support

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=1')
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature option="qs_limit -spin {} -100 1000"'.format(
            print('feature option="eval_roughness -spin {} 1 1000"'.format(
            print('feature option="draw_test -spin {} 0 1"'.format(
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + tools.FEN_INITIAL)
            # Clear out the old searcher, including the tables
            searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
            del history[:]

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK
            del history[:]

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove.startswith('option'):
            _, aeqb = smove.split(maxsplit=1)
            if '=' in aeqb:
                name, val = aeqb.split('=')
                name, val = aeqb, True
            if name == 'qs_limit':
                sunfish.QS_LIMIT = int(val)
            if name == 'eval_roughness':
                sunfish.EVAL_ROUGHNESS = int(val)
            if name == 'draw_test':
                sunfish.DRAW_TEST = bool(int(val))
            options[name] = val

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            moves_remain = 40
            use = our_time / moves_remain
            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            if our_time >= 100 and opp_time >= 100:
                use *= our_time / opp_time

            start = time.time()
            for ply, move, score in searcher.search(pos, history):
                entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, ply, True))
                score = int(round((entry.lower + entry.upper) / 2))
                if show_thinking:
                    used = int((time.time() - start) * 100 + .5)
                    moves = tools.pv(searcher, pos, include_scores=False)
                    seldepth = 0
                    nps = int(searcher.nodes / (time.time() - start) + .5)
                    print('{:>3} {:>8} {:>8} {:>13} {:>1} {:>4} \t{}'.format(
                        ply, score, used, searcher.nodes, seldepth, nps,
                    print('# Hashfull: {:.3f}%; {} <= score < {}'.format(
                        len(searcher.tp_score) / sunfish.TABLE_SIZE * 100,
                        entry.lower, entry.upper))
                # If found mate, just stop
                if entry.lower >= sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                if time.time() - start > use / 100:
            # We sometimes make illegal moves when we're losing,
            # so it's safer to just resign.
            if score == -sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                print('move', tools.mrender(pos, move))
            pos = pos.move(move)
            color = 1 - color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = tools.mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1 - color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            our_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            opp_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('perft'):
            start = time.time()
            for d in range(1, 10):
                res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(
                    tools.expand_position(pos), d))
                print('{:>8} {:>8}'.format(res, time.time() - start))

        elif smove.startswith('post'):
            show_thinking = True

        elif smove.startswith('nopost'):
            show_thinking = False

        elif any(
                for x in ('xboard', 'random', 'hard', 'accepted', 'level',
                          'easy', 'st', 'result', '?')):
            print('# Ignoring command {}.'.format(smove))

        elif smove.startswith('reject'):
            _, feature = smove.split(
            )[:2]  # split(maxsplit=2) doesnt work in python2.7
                '# Warning ({} rejected): Might not work as expected.'.format(

            print('# Warning (unkown command): {}. Treating as move.'.format(
            stack.append('usermove {}'.format(smove))
Пример #7
def play(version1_version2_secs_plus_fen):
    ''' returns 1 if fish1 won, 0 for draw and -1 otherwise '''
    version1, version2, secs, plus, fen = version1_version2_secs_plus_fen
    modules = [importlib.import_module(version1), importlib.import_module(version2)]
    searchers = []
    for module in modules:
        if hasattr(module, 'Searcher'):
        else: searchers.append(module)
    times = [secs, secs]
    efactor = [1, 1]
    pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
    seen = set()
    for d in range(200):
        moves_remain = 30
        use = times[d%2]/moves_remain + plus
        # Use a bit more time, if we have more on the clock than our opponent
        use += (times[d%2] - times[(d+1)%2])/10
        use = max(use, plus)
        t = time.time()
        m, score = searchers[d%2].search(pos, use*efactor[d%2])
        efactor[d%2] *= (use/(time.time() - t))**.5
        times[d%2] -= time.time() - t
        times[d%2] += plus
        #print('Used {:.2} rather than {:.2}. Off by {:.2}. Remaining: {}'
            #.format(time.time()-t, use, (time.time()-t)/use, times[d%2]))
        if times[d%2] < 0:
            print('{} ran out of time'.format(version2 if d%2 == 1 else version1))
            return version1 if d%2 == 1 else version2

        if m is None:
            print('Game not done, but no move? Score', score)
            name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
            print(version1, tools.renderFEN(pos))
            assert False

        # Test move
        is_dead = lambda pos: any(pos.value(m) >= sunfish.MATE_LOWER for m in pos.gen_moves())
        if is_dead(pos.move(m)):
            name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
            print('{} made an illegal move {} in position {}. Depth {}, Score {}'.
                    format(name, tools.mrender(pos,m), tools.renderFEN(pos), searchers[d%2].depth, score))
            assert False

        # Make the move
        pos = pos.move(m)

        # Test repetition draws
        # This is by far the most common type of draw
        if pos in seen:
            #print('Rep time at end', times)
            return None

        any_moves = not all(is_dead(pos.move(m)) for m in pos.gen_moves())
        in_check = is_dead(pos.nullmove())
        if not any_moves:
            if not in_check:
                # This is actually a bit interesting. Why would we ever throw away a win like this?
                name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
                print('{} stalemated? depth {} {}'.format(
                    name, searchers[d%2].depth, tools.renderFEN(pos)))
                if score != 0:
                    print('it got the wrong score: {} != 0'.format(score))
                return None
                name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
                if score < sunfish.MATE_LOWER:
                    print('{} mated, but did not realize. Only scored {} in position {}, depth {}'.format(name, score, tools.renderFEN(pos), searchers[d%2].depth))
                return name
    print('Game too long', tools.renderFEN(pos))
    return None
Пример #8
def play(version1_version2_secs_plus_fen):
    ''' returns 1 if fish1 won, 0 for draw and -1 otherwise '''
    version1, version2, secs, plus, fen = version1_version2_secs_plus_fen
    modules = [importlib.import_module(version1), importlib.import_module(version2)]
    searchers = []
    for module in modules:
        if hasattr(module, 'Searcher'):
        else: searchers.append(module)
    times = [secs, secs]
    efactor = [1, 1]
    pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
    seen = set()
    for d in range(200):
        moves_remain = 30
        use = times[d%2]/moves_remain + plus
        # Use a bit more time, if we have more on the clock than our opponent
        use += (times[d%2] - times[(d+1)%2])/10
        use = max(use, plus)
        t = time.time()
        m, score, depth = tools.search(searchers[d%2], pos, use*efactor[d%2])
        efactor[d%2] *= (use/(time.time() - t))**.5
        times[d%2] -= time.time() - t
        times[d%2] += plus
        #print('Used {:.2} rather than {:.2}. Off by {:.2}. Remaining: {}'
            #.format(time.time()-t, use, (time.time()-t)/use, times[d%2]))
        if times[d%2] < 0:
            print('{} ran out of time'.format(version2 if d%2 == 1 else version1))
            return version1 if d%2 == 1 else version2

        if m is None:
            print('Game not done, but no move? Score', score)
            name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
            print(version1, tools.renderFEN(pos))
            assert False

        # Test move
        is_dead = lambda pos: any(pos.value(m) >= amwafish.MATE_LOWER for m in pos.gen_moves())
        if is_dead(pos.move(m)):
            name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
            print('{} made an illegal move {} in position {}. Depth {}, Score {}'.
                    format(name, tools.mrender(pos,m), tools.renderFEN(pos), depth, score))
            return version2 if d%2 == 0 else version1
            #assert False

        # Make the move
        pos = pos.move(m)

        # Test repetition draws
        # This is by far the most common type of draw
        if pos in seen:
            #print('Rep time at end', times)
            return None

        any_moves = not all(is_dead(pos.move(m)) for m in pos.gen_moves())
        in_check = is_dead(pos.nullmove())
        if not any_moves:
            if not in_check:
                # This is actually a bit interesting. Why would we ever throw away a win like this?
                name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
                print('{} stalemated? depth {} {}'.format(
                    name, depth, tools.renderFEN(pos)))
                if score != 0:
                    print('it got the wrong score: {} != 0'.format(score))
                return None
                name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
                if score < amwafish.MATE_LOWER:
                    print('{} mated, but did not realize. Only scored {} in position {}, depth {}'.format(name, score, tools.renderFEN(pos), depth))
                return name
    print('Game too long', tools.renderFEN(pos))
    return None
Пример #9
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help='sunfish.py file (without .py)',
                        help='alternative pst table',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    sunfish = importlib.import_module(args.module)
    if args.tables is not None:
        pst_module = importlib.import_module(args.tables)
        sunfish.pst = pst_module.pst
        sunfish.QS_LIMIT = pst_module.QS_LIMIT
        sunfish.EVAL_ROUGHNESS = pst_module.EVAL_ROUGHNESS

    sys.stdout = tools.Unbuffered(sys.stdout)

    now = datetime.now()
    path = 'sunfish-' + now.strftime("%d:%m:%Y-%H:%M:%S:%f") + '.log'
    sys.stderr = open(path, 'a')

    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    our_time, opp_time = 1000, 1000  # time in centi-seconds
    show_thinking = False
    options = {}
    history = []

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
            smove = input()
            print('>>>', smove, file=sys.stderr)
            sys.stderr.flush()  # For Python 2.7 support

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=0'
                  )  # Removing setboard because of lichess bug
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature nps=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature option="qs_limit -spin {} -100 1000"'.format(
            print('feature option="eval_roughness -spin {} 1 1000"'.format(
            print('feature option="draw_test -spin {} 0 1"'.format(
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + tools.FEN_INITIAL)
            # Clear out the old searcher, including the tables
            searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
            del history[:]

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK
            del history[:]

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove.startswith('option'):
            _, aeqb = smove.split(maxsplit=1)
            if '=' in aeqb:
                name, val = aeqb.split('=')
                name, val = aeqb, True
            if name == 'qs_limit':
                sunfish.QS_LIMIT = int(val)
            if name == 'eval_roughness':
                sunfish.EVAL_ROUGHNESS = int(val)
            if name == 'draw_test':
                sunfish.DRAW_TEST = bool(int(val))
            options[name] = val

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            moves_remain = 40
            use = our_time / moves_remain
            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            if our_time >= 100 and opp_time >= 100:
                use *= our_time / opp_time

            start = time.time()
            for ply, move, score in searcher.search(pos, history):
                entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, ply, True))
                score = int(round((entry.lower + entry.upper) / 2))
                if show_thinking:
                    seconds = time.time() - start
                    used_ms = int(seconds * 100 + .5)
                    moves = tools.pv(searcher, pos, include_scores=False)
                    print('{:>3} {:>8} {:>8} {:>13} \t{}'.format(
                        ply, score, used_ms, searcher.nodes, moves))
                    print('# {} n/s'.format(round(searcher.nodes / seconds)))
                    print('# Hashfull: {:.3f}%; {} <= score < {}'.format(
                        len(searcher.tp_score) / sunfish.TABLE_SIZE * 100,
                        entry.lower, entry.upper))
                # If found mate, just stop
                if entry.lower >= sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                if time.time() - start > use / 100:
            # We sometimes make illegal moves when we're losing,
            # so it's safer to just resign.
            if score == -sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                print('move', tools.mrender(pos, move))
            pos = pos.move(move)
            color = 1 - color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = tools.mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1 - color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            our_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            opp_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('perft'):
            start = time.time()
            for d in range(1, 10):
                res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(
                    tools.expand_position(pos), d))
                print('{:>8} {:>8}'.format(res, time.time() - start))

        elif smove.startswith('post'):
            show_thinking = True

        elif smove.startswith('nopost'):
            show_thinking = False

        elif any(
                for x in ('xboard', 'random', 'hard', 'accepted', 'level',
                          'easy', 'st', 'result', '?', 'name', 'rating')):
            print('# Ignoring command {}.'.format(smove))

        elif smove.startswith('reject'):
            _, feature = smove.split(
            )[:2]  # split(maxsplit=2) doesnt work in python2.7
            if feature == 'sigint':
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
                '# Warning ({} rejected): Might not work as expected.'.format(

            print('# Warning (unkown command): {}. Treating as move.'.format(
            stack.append('usermove {}'.format(smove))
Пример #10
def main():
    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    our_time, opp_time = 1000, 1000 # time in centi-seconds
    show_thinking = False

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
        else: smove = input()

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=1')
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + tools.FEN_INITIAL)

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            moves_remain = 40
            use = our_time/moves_remain
            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            if our_time >= 100 and opp_time >= 100:
                use *= our_time/opp_time
            start = time.time()
            for _ in searcher._search(pos):
                if show_thinking:
                    ply = searcher.depth
                    entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, ply, True))
                    score = int(round((entry.lower + entry.upper)/2))
                    dual_score = '{}:{}'.format(entry.lower, entry.upper)
                    used = int((time.time() - start)*100 + .5)
                    moves = tools.pv(searcher, pos, include_scores=False)
                    print('{:>3} {:>8} {:>8} {:>13} \t{}'.format(
                        ply, score, used, searcher.nodes, moves))
                if time.time() - start > use/100:
            entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, searcher.depth, True))
            m, s = searcher.tp_move.get(pos), entry.lower
            # We only resign once we are mated.. That's never?
            if s == -sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                print('move', tools.mrender(pos, m))
                pos = pos.move(m)
                color = 1-color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = tools.mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1-color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            our_time = int(smove.split()[1])
        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            opp_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('perft'):
            start = time.time()
            for d in range(1,10):
                res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos), d))
                print('{:>8} {:>8}'.format(res, time.time()-start))

        elif smove.startswith('post'):
            show_thinking = True

        elif smove.startswith('nopost'):
            show_thinking = False

        elif any(smove.startswith(x) for x in ('xboard','random','hard','accepted','level')):

            print("Error (unkown command):", smove)
Пример #11
def main():
    pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
    searcher = sunfish.Searcher()
    forced = False
    color = WHITE
    our_time, opp_time = 1000, 1000  # time in centi-seconds
    show_thinking = False

    stack = []
    while True:
        if stack:
            smove = stack.pop()
            smove = input()

        if smove == 'quit':

        elif smove == 'protover 2':
            print('feature done=0')
            print('feature myname="Sunfish"')
            print('feature usermove=1')
            print('feature setboard=1')
            print('feature ping=1')
            print('feature sigint=0')
            print('feature variants="normal"')
            print('feature done=1')

        elif smove == 'new':
            stack.append('setboard ' + tools.FEN_INITIAL)

        elif smove.startswith('setboard'):
            _, fen = smove.split(' ', 1)
            pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
            color = WHITE if fen.split()[1] == 'w' else BLACK

        elif smove == 'force':
            forced = True

        elif smove == 'go':
            forced = False

            moves_remain = 40
            use = our_time / moves_remain
            # Let's follow the clock of our opponent
            if our_time >= 100 and opp_time >= 100:
                use *= our_time / opp_time

            start = time.time()
            for _ in searcher._search(pos):
                if show_thinking:
                    ply = searcher.depth
                    entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, ply, True))
                    score = int(round((entry.lower + entry.upper) / 2))
                    dual_score = '{}:{}'.format(entry.lower, entry.upper)
                    used = int((time.time() - start) * 100 + .5)
                    moves = tools.pv(searcher, pos, include_scores=False)
                    print('{:>3} {:>8} {:>8} {:>13} \t{}'.format(
                        ply, score, used, searcher.nodes, moves))
                if time.time() - start > use / 100:
            entry = searcher.tp_score.get((pos, searcher.depth, True))
            m, s = searcher.tp_move.get(pos), entry.lower
            # We only resign once we are mated.. That's never?
            if s == -sunfish.MATE_UPPER:
                print('move', tools.mrender(pos, m))
                pos = pos.move(m)
                color = 1 - color

        elif smove.startswith('ping'):
            _, N = smove.split()
            print('pong', N)

        elif smove.startswith('usermove'):
            _, smove = smove.split()
            m = tools.mparse(color, smove)
            pos = pos.move(m)
            color = 1 - color
            if not forced:

        elif smove.startswith('time'):
            our_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('otim'):
            opp_time = int(smove.split()[1])

        elif smove.startswith('perft'):
            start = time.time()
            for d in range(1, 10):
                res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(
                    tools.expand_position(pos), d))
                print('{:>8} {:>8}'.format(res, time.time() - start))

        elif smove.startswith('post'):
            show_thinking = True

        elif smove.startswith('nopost'):
            show_thinking = False

        elif any(
                for x in ('xboard', 'random', 'hard', 'accepted', 'level')):

            print("Error (unkown command):", smove)