Пример #1
def kei_evaluator(election, label, candidate=None, n_steps=500, n_iter=1,
    Evaluate the accuracy and speed of King's Ecological Inference

    election (Election): the election to evaluate on
    candidate (string): the candidate to analyze
    label (string): the label of the experiment
    n_steps (int): the number of steps to run the MCMC for
    n_iter (int): the number of times to repeat the experiment
    verbose (bool): whether to display loogging and progress bars

    return: a dictionary of the label, times and MSEs for
    the Discrete Voter Model
    # Check if King's EI can be used
    if len(election.demo) > 2:
        raise ValueError("King's Ecological Inference method only works in the 2x2 case.")

    total_time = 0
    total_mse = 0

    for _ in trange(n_iter, desc="Experiment progress", leave=verbose):
        # Get the observed votes for the desired candidate
        if not candidate:
            candidate = election.candidates[0]
        cand_obs_votes = election.vote_totals[candidate]

        prec_demos = [election.demo]

        # Run King's EI and time it
        total_time -= time.time()

        king_model = kei.eco_inf(prec_demos, cand_obs_votes)
        with king_model:
            king_trace = pm.sample(draws=n_steps, progressbar=False)

        total_time += time.time()

        # Find the MSE of the vote percentages if applicable
        if election.mock:
            # Get the demographic voting probabilities for the first candidate
            dvp_pcts = np.fromiter([pcts[candidate] for group, pcts in election.dvp.items()], dtype=float)

            king_mse_array = np.fromiter([king_trace.get_values('b_1').mean(),

            total_mse += tools.mse(king_mse_array, dvp_pcts)

    return {'label': label,
            'time': total_time / n_iter,
            'mse': total_mse / n_iter}
Пример #2
    Y_benchmark =   benchmark.predict( X )

    if args.file_out:

        h = h5py.File(args.file_out, 'w')

    if args.Y:

        filenameY   =   args.Y
        dataY   =   r.read(filenameY)
        Y       =   dataY['Y']

        error_model     =   Y-Y_model
        error_benchmark =   Y-Y_benchmark

        mae_model   =   tools.mae( Y, Y_model )
        mse_model   =   tools.mse( Y, Y_model )

        mae_benchmark   =   tools.mae( Y, Y_benchmark )
        mse_benchmark   =   tools.mse( Y, Y_benchmark )

        print('MAE model: ', mae_model)
        print('MSE model: ', mse_model)
        print('MAE benchmark: ', mse_benchmark)
        print('MSE benchmark: ', mae_benchmark)

        tools.QQplot( Y_model, Y )
        tools.QQplot( Y_benchmark, Y )
Пример #3
if __name__ == '__main__':

    filenameX = os.path.join(path, 'X.h5')
    filenameY = os.path.join(path, 'Y.h5')

    r = reader.H5Reader(data_shape={'Y': (None, 5)})

    dataX = r.read(filenameX)
    dataY = r.read(filenameY)

    X = dataX['X']
    Y = dataY['Y']

    # keras model
    model = algo.lasso(alpha=.001)
    model.fit(X, Y)

    # bayesian regression
    # model   =   algo.create_model_linear( X.shape[1], Y.shape[1] )
    # model.fit( X, Y, batch_size=100, epochs=1000 )

    Yr = model.predict(X)

    print('MAE in-sample: ', tools.mae(Y, Yr))
    print('MSE in-sample: ', tools.mse(Y, Yr))
    print('MAPE in-sample: ', tools.mape(Y, Yr))

    tools.QQplot(Yr, Y)
Пример #4
def dvm_evaluator(election, label, candidate=None, phc_granularity=10,
                  hmc=False, expec_scoring=False, burn_frac=0.3,
                  n_steps=200, n_iter=1, verbose=False):
    Evaluate the accuracy and speed of the Discrete Voter

    election (Election): the election to evaluate on
    label (string): the label of the experiment
    candidate (string): the candidate to analyze
    phc_granularity (int): the size of a dimension of the PHC
    hmc (bool): whether to use the HMC or RWM kernel
    expec_scoring (bool): whether to score by:
        1. the probability of a PHC to produce the outcome
        (False, default)
        2. the difference in the outcome and the PHC's expectation
    burn_frac (float): the fraction of MCMC iterations to burn
    n_steps (int): the number of steps to run the MCMC for
    n_iter (int): the number of times to repeat the experiment
    verbose (bool): whether to display loogging and progress bars

    return: a dictionary of the label, times and MSEs for
    the Discrete Voter Model
    total_time = 0

    total_mle_phc_mse = 0
    total_mean_phc_mse = 0

    initial_phc = phc.make_phc(election.num_demo_groups, phc_granularity)

    for _ in trange(n_iter, desc="Experiment progress", leave=verbose):
        # Get the observed votes for the desired candidate
        if not candidate:
            candidate = election.candidates[0]

        cand_obs_votes = {}
        for prec in election.precincts:
            cand_obs_votes[prec] = election.vote_totals[prec][candidate]

        # Run the MCMC with the specified kernel
        total_time -= time.time()

        if hmc:
            chain_results = dvm.hmc(n_steps, burn_frac, initial_phc,
                                    election.dpp, cand_obs_votes,
            chain_results = dvm.rwm(n_steps, burn_frac, initial_phc,
                                    election.dpp, cand_obs_votes,

        total_time += time.time()

        # Find the best PHC
        mle_phc = dvm.chain_mle(chain_results)[0]
        mean_phc = dvm.mean_phc(chain_results)

        # Find the most probable cell in the PHC
        best_cell_mle_phc = tools.get_most_probable_cell(mle_phc)
        best_cell_mean_phc = tools.get_most_probable_cell(mean_phc)

        vote_pcts_mle_phc = elect.get_vote_pcts(best_cell_mle_phc, phc_granularity, election.dpp)
        vote_pcts_mean_phc = elect.get_vote_pcts(best_cell_mean_phc, phc_granularity, election.dpp)

        # Find the MSE of the vote percentages if applicable
        if election.mock:
            # Get the demographic voting probabilities for the desired
            # candidate
            for prec, dvp in election.dvp.items():
                dvp_pct = np.fromiter([pcts[candidate] for group, pcts in dvp.items()], dtype=float)

                mle_phc_mse_array = np.fromiter(vote_pcts_mle_phc[prec].values(), dtype=float)
                mean_phc_mse_array = np.fromiter(vote_pcts_mean_phc[prec].values(), dtype=float)

                total_mle_phc_mse += tools.mse(mle_phc_mse_array, dvp_pct)
                total_mean_phc_mse += tools.mse(mean_phc_mse_array, dvp_pct)

    return {'label': label,
            'time': total_time / n_iter,
            'mle_phc_mse': total_mle_phc_mse / n_iter,
            'mean_phc_mse': total_mean_phc_mse / n_iter}