Пример #1
def getDeviceProps(serial):
    #global CONFIG
    CONFIG = copy.copy(CONFIG_BASIC)
    CONFIG['deviceid'] = serial
    product = AdbCommand('adb -s %s shell getprop ro.product.device' % serial, retry=2, timeout=5).run()
    CONFIG['product'] = product.strip() if product else 'unknown'
    revision = AdbCommand('adb -s %s shell getprop ro.build.version.incremental' % serial, retry=2, timeout=5).run()
    CONFIG['revision'] = revision.strip() if revision else 'unknown'
    screen_size = AdbCommand('adb -s %s shell dumpsys display' % serial, retry=2, timeout=5).run()
    if not screen_size:
        CONFIG['screen_width'] = 'unknown'
        CONFIG['screen_height'] = 'unknown'
        display = screen_size.strip().split('\n')
        for i in display:
            if i.find('mBaseDisplayInfo') != -1:
                _ = i.strip().split(',')
                for __ in _:
                    if __.find('real') != -1:
                        ___ = __.strip().split()
                        CONFIG['screen_width'] , CONFIG['screen_height'] = ___
    return CONFIG
Пример #2
def getDevices():
    devices = {}
    ret = AdbCommand('adb devices', retry=2, timeout=5).run()
    if ret.find('List of devices attached') == -1:
        raise Exception('adb error: %s' % ret)
    _ = [i.strip() for i in ret.strip().split('\n')]
    _.remove('List of devices attached')
    if not _:
        return devices
    devices = dict([i.strip().split('\t') for i in _])
    return devices