Пример #1
def processFile(js_file_path):

        js_text = open(os.path.join(files_root, js_file_path), 'r').read()
        # Strip comments, replace literals, etc
            prepro = WebLMPreprocessor(js_text)
            prepro_text = str(prepro)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Preprocessor fail')
        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        clear = Beautifier()
        (ok, beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(prepro_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
            lex_clear = WebLexer(beautified_text)
            tok1 = lex_clear.tokenList
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Lexer fail')
            iBuilder1 = IndexBuilder(tok1)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder fail')

        orig = [] 
        for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder1.tokens):
            orig.append(' '.join([t for (_tt,t) in line]) + "\n")
        return (js_file_path, orig)
    except Exception, e:
        return (js_file_path, None, str(e))
Пример #2
def processFile(js_file_path):


        # Num tokens before vs after
            tok1 = Lexer(os.path.join(files_root, 'orig',
            tok2 = Lexer(os.path.join(files_root, 'no_renaming',
            #             tok3 = Lexer(os.path.join(files_root, 'basic_renaming', js_file_path)).tokenList
            #             tok4 = Lexer(os.path.join(files_root, 'normalized', js_file_path)).tokenList
            tok5 = Lexer(
                os.path.join(files_root, 'hash_def_one_renaming',
            tok6 = Lexer(
                os.path.join(files_root, 'hash_def_two_renaming',
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Lexer fail')

        # For now only work with minified files that have
        # the same number of tokens as the originals
        if not len(set([len(tok1), len(tok2), len(tok5), len(tok6)])) == 1:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Num tokens mismatch')

        clear = Beautifier()
        # Align minified and clear files, in case the beautifier
        # did something weird
        aligner = Aligner()

        (aligned1, aligned2) = aligner.web_align(tok1, tok2)

        (ok, beautified1, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned1)
        tok11 = WebLexer(beautified1).tokenList

        (ok, beautified2, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned2)
        tok22 = WebLexer(beautified2).tokenList

        (aligned5, aligned2) = aligner.web_align(tok5, tok2)

        (ok, beautified5, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned5)
        tok55 = WebLexer(beautified5).tokenList

        (aligned6, aligned2) = aligner.web_align(tok6, tok2)

        (ok, beautified6, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned6)
        tok66 = WebLexer(beautified6).tokenList

        #         try:
        #             aligner = Aligner()
        #             # This is already the baseline corpus, no (smart) renaming yet
        #             aligner.align(temp_files['path_tmp_b'],
        #                           temp_files['path_tmp_u'])
        #         except:
        #             return (js_file_path, None, 'Aligner fail')

            iBuilder1 = IndexBuilder(tok11)
            iBuilder2 = IndexBuilder(tok22)
            #             iBuilder3 = IndexBuilder(tok3)
            #             iBuilder4 = IndexBuilder(tok4)
            iBuilder5 = IndexBuilder(tok55)
            iBuilder6 = IndexBuilder(tok66)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder fail')

        # Check that at least one variable was renamed during minification
        orig_names = set([
            token for line in iBuilder1.tokens for (token_type, token) in line
            if is_token_subtype(token_type, Token.Name)
        ugly_names = set([
            token for line in iBuilder2.tokens for (token_type, token) in line
            if is_token_subtype(token_type, Token.Name)
        if not len(orig_names.difference(ugly_names)):
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Not minified')

        orig = []
        no_renaming = []
        #         basic_renaming = []
        #         normalized = []
        hash_def_one_renaming = []
        hash_def_two_renaming = []

        for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder1.tokens):
            orig.append(' '.join([t for (_tt, t) in line]) + "\n")

        for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder2.tokens):
            no_renaming.append(' '.join([t for (_tt, t) in line]) + "\n")

#         for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder3.tokens):
#             basic_renaming.append(' '.join([t for (_tt,t) in line]) + "\n")

#         for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder4.tokens):
#             normalized.append(' '.join([t for (_tt,t) in line]) + "\n")

        for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder5.tokens):
            hash_def_one_renaming.append(' '.join([t for (_tt, t) in line]) +

        for _line_idx, line in enumerate(iBuilder6.tokens):
            hash_def_two_renaming.append(' '.join([t for (_tt, t) in line]) +

        return (
            #                 basic_renaming,
            #                 normalized,

    except Exception, e:
        return (js_file_path, None, str(e))
Пример #3
def processFile(l):

    js_file_path = l[0]

    #     if True:
        js_text = open(os.path.join(corpus_root, js_file_path), 'r').read()

        # Strip comments, replace literals, etc
            prepro = WebLMPreprocessor(js_text)
            prepro_text = str(prepro)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Preprocessor fail')

        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        clear = Beautifier()
        (ok, tmp_beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(prepro_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

        # Minify
        ugly = Uglifier()
        (ok, tmp_minified_text, _err) = ugly.web_run(tmp_beautified_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Uglifier fail')

        # Align minified and clear files, in case the beautifier
        # did something weird
            aligner = Aligner()
            (aligned_clear, aligned_minified) = aligner.web_align(
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Aligner fail')

        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        (ok, beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_clear)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
        (ok, minified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_minified)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

        # Num tokens before vs after
            lex_clear = WebLexer(beautified_text)
            tok_clear = lex_clear.tokenList

            lex_ugly = WebLexer(minified_text)
            tok_ugly = lex_ugly.tokenList
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Lexer fail')

        # For now only work with minified files that have
        # the same number of tokens as the originals
        if not len(tok_clear) == len(tok_ugly):
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Num tokens mismatch')

        if beautified_text == minified_text:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Not minified')

            iBuilder_ugly = IndexBuilder(lex_ugly.tokenList)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder fail')

            scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(minified_text)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'ScopeAnalyst fail')

        processed = []

        # Try different renaming strategies (hash, etc)
        for r_strategy in RS.all():

                #             if True:
                # Rename input prior to translation
                preRen = PreRenamer()
                after_text = preRen.rename(r_strategy, iBuilder_ugly,

                (ok, beautified_after_text, _err) = clear.web_run(after_text)
                if not ok:
                    return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

                processed.append((r_strategy, beautified_after_text))

                return (js_file_path, None, 'Renaming fail')

        with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'orig', js_file_path), 'w') as f:

        for (r_strategy, text) in processed:
            with open(os.path.join(output_path, r_strategy, js_file_path),
                      'w') as f:

        return (js_file_path, 'OK', None)

    except Exception, e:
        return (js_file_path, None, str(e).replace("\n", ""))
Пример #4
def processFile(l):

    js_file_path = l[0]
    base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(js_file_path))[0]

    temp_files = {
        'orig': '%s.js' % base_name,
        'minified': '%s.u.js' % base_name,
        'n2p': '%s.n2p.js' % base_name

    for r_strategy in RS.all():
        temp_files['%s' % (r_strategy)] = \
                    '%s.%s.js' % (base_name, r_strategy)

        for c_strategy in CS.all():
            temp_files['%s_%s' % (r_strategy, c_strategy)] = \
                    '%s.%s.%s.js' % (base_name, r_strategy, c_strategy)

    for k, v in temp_files.iteritems():
        temp_files[k] = os.path.join(output_path, v)

    candidates = []
    #Minified Name -> Original Name (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    min_name_map = {}
    #Hashed Name -> Minified Name (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    hash_name_map = {}
    #Minified Name -> jsnice name  (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    jsnice_name_map = {}
    #Output Lines for the suggestoin_model.csv
    model_rows = []

        js_text = open(os.path.join(corpus_root, js_file_path), 'r').read()

        # Strip comments, replace literals, etc
            prepro = WebLMPreprocessor(js_text)
            prepro_text = str(prepro)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Preprocessor fail')

        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        clear = Beautifier()
        (ok, tmp_beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(prepro_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

        # Minify
        ugly = Uglifier()
        (ok, tmp_minified_text, _err) = ugly.web_run(tmp_beautified_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Uglifier fail')

        # Align minified and clear files, in case the beautifier
        # did something weird
            aligner = Aligner()
            (aligned_clear, aligned_minified) = aligner.web_align(
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Aligner fail')

        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        (ok, beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_clear)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
        (ok, minified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_minified)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

        # Num tokens before vs after
            lex_clear = WebLexer(beautified_text)
            tok_clear = lex_clear.tokenList

            lex_ugly = WebLexer(minified_text)
            tok_ugly = lex_ugly.tokenList
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Lexer fail')

        # For now only work with minified files that have
        # the same number of tokens as the originals
        if not len(tok_clear) == len(tok_ugly):
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Num tokens mismatch')

        if beautified_text == minified_text:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Not minified')

        #    iBuilder_clear = IndexBuilder(lex_clear.tokenList)
        #    return (js_file_path, None, "IndexBuilder fail on original file.")

            iBuilder_ugly = IndexBuilder(lex_ugly.tokenList)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder fail')

        with open(temp_files['orig'], 'w') as f:

        with open(temp_files['minified'], 'w') as f:

#         try:
#             orig_lexer = WebLexer(beautified_text)
#             orig_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(orig_lexer.tokenList)
#             orig_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_text)
#         except:
#             return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder/Scoper fail on original')

#     Nice2Predict

# BV: Next block left out until I figure out the pipe issue
# BV: Update: I couldn't pipe input to N2P. TODO: FIX
# Run the JSNice from http://www.nice2predict.org
        unuglifyJS = UnuglifyJS()
        (ok, n2p_text, _err) = unuglifyJS.run(temp_files['minified'])
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Nice2Predict fail')

        (ok, n2p_text_beautified, _err) = clear.web_run(n2p_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

        with open(temp_files['n2p'], 'w') as f:

            n2p_lexer = WebLexer(n2p_text_beautified)
            n2p_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(n2p_lexer.tokenList)
            n2p_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(n2p_text_beautified)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder / ScopeAnalyst fail')

        # Save some translation stats to compare different methods
        ts = TranslationSummarizer()
        candidates += [['n2p', ''] + x for x in ts.compute_summary_unscoped(
            n2p_iBuilder, n2p_scopeAnalyst)]

        # All other JSNaughty variants

            scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(minified_text)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'ScopeAnalyst minified fail')

            scopeAnalyst_clear = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_text)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'ScopeAnalyst clear fail')

        #if(not check(iBuilder_clear, scopeAnalyst_clear, n2p_iBuilder, n2p_scopeAnalyst)):
        #    return (js_file_path, None, 'JsNice restructured file. Skipping..')

        #Map the original names to the minified counterparts.
        orderedVarsNew = sorted(scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                key=lambda x: x[1])
        orderedVarsOld = sorted(scopeAnalyst_clear.name2defScope.keys(),
                                key=lambda x: x[1])
        orderedVarsN2p = sorted(n2p_scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                key=lambda x: x[1])

        if (len(orderedVarsOld) != len(orderedVarsNew)):
            return (js_file_path, None,
                    "Old and New Name lists different length")

        if (len(orderedVarsOld) != len(orderedVarsN2p)):
            return (js_file_path, None,
                    "JsNice and Old Name lists different length")

        for i in range(0, len(orderedVarsOld)):
            name_old = orderedVarsOld[i][0]
            def_scope_old = scopeAnalyst_clear.name2defScope[orderedVarsOld[i]]

            name_new = orderedVarsNew[i][0]
            def_scope_new = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[orderedVarsNew[i]]
            min_name_map[(name_new, def_scope_new)] = (name_old, def_scope_old)

            name_n2p = orderedVarsN2p[i][0]
            def_scope_n2p = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[orderedVarsNew[i]]
            jsnice_name_map[(name_new, def_scope_new)] = (name_n2p,

        #Once we have the scopeAnalyst, iBuilder, and tokenlist for the minified
        #version, we can get the name properties
#        vm = VariableMetrics(scopeAnalyst, iBuilder_ugly, lex_ugly.tokenList)
#        variableKeySet = vm.getVariables()
#        for variableKey in variableKeySet:
#            name_features[variableKey] = vm.getNameMetrics(variableKey)

        (_name_positions, \
         _use_scopes) = prepHelpers(iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst)

        # Try different renaming strategies (hash, etc)
        for r_strategy, proxy in proxies:

            # Rename input prior to translation
            preRen = PreRenamer()
            after_text = preRen.rename(r_strategy, iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst)

            (ok, beautified_after_text, _err) = clear.web_run(after_text)
            if not ok:
                return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

            # Save renamed input to disk for future inspection
            with open(temp_files['%s' % (r_strategy)], 'w') as f:

            a_lexer = WebLexer(beautified_after_text)
            a_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(a_lexer.tokenList)
            a_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_after_text)

            if (r_strategy == RS.HASH_ONE or r_strategy == RS.HASH_TWO):
                #                 try:
                #                     scopeAnalyst_hash = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_after_text) #This should be beautified_after_text instead of after_text
                #                 except:
                #                     return (js_file_path, None, "ScopeAnalyst hash fail")

                #Map the hashed names to the minified counterparts.
                orderedVarsMin = sorted(scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                        key=lambda x: x[1])
                orderedVarsHash = sorted(a_scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                         key=lambda x: x[1])

                if (len(orderedVarsMin) != len(orderedVarsHash)):
                    return (js_file_path, None,
                            "Hash and Min lists different length")

                for i in range(0, len(orderedVarsHash)):
                    name_hash = orderedVarsHash[i][0]
                    def_scope_hash = a_scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[

                    name_min = orderedVarsMin[i][0]
                    def_scope_min = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[
                                   def_scope_hash)] = (name_min, def_scope_min)

            # We can switch this back once we train models on a corpus with literals
            # lx = WebLexer(a_iBuilder.get_text())
            lx = WebLexer(a_iBuilder.get_text_wo_literals())

            # Translate renamed input
            md = WebMosesDecoder(proxy)
            (ok, translation, _err) = md.run(lx.collapsedText)
            if not ok:
                return (js_file_path, None, 'Moses translation fail')

            (a_name_positions, a_position_names,
             a_use_scopes) = prepHelpers(a_iBuilder, a_scopeAnalyst)

            nc = []

            if translation is not None:
                # Parse moses output
                mp = MosesParser()

                name_candidates = mp.parse(translation, a_iBuilder,
                # name_candidates is a dictionary of dictionaries:
                # keys are (name, def_scope) tuples;
                # values are suggested translations with the sets
                # of line numbers on which they appear.

                # Update name_candidates with some default values
                # (in this case the translation without any renaming)
                # if the translation is empty
                if r_strategy == RS.NONE:
                    # RS.NONE should always be first, by construction
                    name_candidates_default = name_candidates
                    scopeAnalyst_default = a_scopeAnalyst
                    iBuilder_default = a_iBuilder
                    for key_default, suggestions in name_candidates_default.iteritems(
                        #                         (name_default, def_scope_default) = key_default

                        pos_default = scopeAnalyst_default.nameDefScope2pos[
                        (lin, col) = iBuilder_default.revFlatMat[pos_default]
                         line_idx) = iBuilder_default.revTokMap[(lin, col)]

                         def_scope) = a_position_names[line_num][line_idx]
                        key = (name, def_scope)

                        for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
                            name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
                                name_translation, set([]))

                # **** BV: This might be all we need to combine Naughty & Nice
                name_candidates_copy = deepcopy(name_candidates)
                for key, suggestions in name_candidates_copy.iteritems():

                    if r_strategy == RS.NONE:
                        (name_n2p, def_scope_n2p) = jsnice_name_map[key]
                         def_scope_n2p) = jsnice_name_map[hash_name_map.get(
                             key, key)]

                    for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
                        name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
                        name_candidates[key].setdefault(name_n2p, set([]))

                cc = ConsistencyController(debug_mode=False)
                ts = TranslationSummarizer()

                # An identifier may have been translated inconsistently
                # across different lines (Moses treats each line independently).
                # Try different strategies to resolve inconsistencies, if any
                for c_strategy in CS.all():

                    # Compute renaming map (x -> length, y -> width, ...)
                    # Note that x,y here are names after (hash) renaming
                    (temp_renaming_map, seen) = cc.computeRenaming(
                        c_strategy, name_candidates, a_name_positions,
                        a_use_scopes, a_iBuilder, lm_path, {}, hash_name_map)

                    # After computeRenaming, we have both the entropies stored
                    # if we are in LMDrop strategy and have the suggestions
                    # frequency from name_candidates.  Fill in suggestion_Features
                    #                    if(c_strategy == CS.LMDROP and r_strategy not in suggestion_features):
                    #                        assert(cc.suggestion_cache != None)
                    #                        suggestion_features[r_strategy] = {}
                    #                        """
                    #                        name_candidates: dict
                    #                            name_candidates[(name, def_scope)][name_translation]
                    #                            = set of line numbers in the translation
                    #                        """
                    #                        for variableKey, suggestionDictionary in name_candidates.iteritems():
                    #                            for suggestionName, linesSuggested in suggestionDictionary.iteritems():
                    #                                # I need to revert variableKey[0] in the suggestion from its hash to its original minified name.
                    #                                if(r_strategy == RS.HASH_ONE or r_strategy == RS.HASH_TWO):
                    #                                    unhashedKey = hash_name_map[variableKey]
                    #                                    suggestionKey = (unhashedKey[0], unhashedKey[1], suggestionName)
                    #                                else:
                    #                                    suggestionKey = (variableKey[0], variableKey[1], suggestionName)
                    #                                entropyVals = cc.suggestion_cache.getEntropyStats(variableKey, suggestionName)
                    #                                if(entropyVals != (ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR)):
                    #                                    suggestionValue = [len(linesSuggested)] + \
                    #                                                       list(getSuggestionStats(suggestionName)) + \
                    #                                                       list(entropyVals)
                    #                                    suggestion_features[r_strategy][suggestionKey] = suggestionValue

                    # Fall back on original names in input, if
                    # no translation was suggested
                    postRen = PostRenamer()
                    renaming_map = postRen.updateRenamingMap(
                        a_name_positions, position_names, a_use_scopes,
                        temp_renaming_map, seen, r_strategy)

                    # Apply renaming map and save output for future inspection
                    renamed_text = postRen.applyRenaming(
                        a_iBuilder, a_name_positions, renaming_map)

                    (ok, beautified_renamed_text,
                     _err) = clear.web_run(renamed_text)
                    if not ok:
                        return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
                    with open(temp_files['%s_%s' % (r_strategy, c_strategy)],
                              'w') as f:

                    # Save some stats about which names were renamed to what
                    # This is what enables the comparison between the different
                    # methods.
                    r = [[c_strategy] + x for x in ts.compute_summary_scoped(
                        renaming_map, name_candidates, a_iBuilder,

                    if not r:
                        return (js_file_path, None, 'Compute summary failed')
                    nc += r

            if nc:
                candidates += [[r_strategy] + x for x in nc]

        #create the rows for the suggestion_model.csv

#        for r_strategy in RS.all():
#            for suggestionKey, s_feat in suggestion_features[r_strategy].iteritems():
#                variableKey = (suggestionKey[0], suggestionKey[1])
#                original_name = min_name_map[variableKey][0]
#                js_nice_name = jsnice_name_map[variableKey][0]
#                n_feat = list(name_features[variableKey])
#                #Convert the def_scope to an equivalent, but smaller, easier to read key: (line_num, token_num)
#                newKey = scopeAnalyst.nameDefScope2pos[variableKey]
#                (keyLine, keyToken) = iBuilder_ugly.revFlatMat[newKey]
#                model_rows.append([original_name, r_strategy, suggestionKey[0], keyLine, keyToken, suggestionKey[2], js_nice_name] + n_feat + s_feat)

        return (js_file_path, 'OK', candidates, model_rows)

    except Exception, e:
        return (js_file_path, None, str(e).replace("\n", ""), model_rows)
Пример #5
def processFile(js_file_path):

    js_file_path = os.path.abspath(js_file_path)

    print 'READING:', js_file_path

    acorn = Acorn()
    (_stdout, acorn_ok) = acorn.run(js_file_path)
    print 'RUNNING Acorn:', acorn_ok

    # Load in the minified file
    minified = open(js_file_path).read()

    b = Beautifier()
    (ok, out, err) = b.web_run(minified)
    #     print out

    # Create lexer
    lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(js_file_path)

    # Tokenize input and compute mappings between the different
    # indices used: (line, col), flat, (l,c) in token list
    indexBuilder = IndexBuilder(lex(minified, lexer))
    tokens = indexBuilder.tokens
    print 'RUNNING IndexBuilder:', len(tokens) > 0

    #nice1 = JSNice()
    #(ok, _out, _err) = nice1.run(js_file_path)
    #print 'RUNNING JSNice:', ok

    #nice2 = UnuglifyJS()
    #(ok, _out, _err) = nice2.run(js_file_path)
    #print 'RUNNING UnuglifyJS:', ok

    _pid = multiprocessing.current_process().ident

    # Compute scoping: name2scope is a dictionary where keys
    # are (name, start_index) tuples and values are scope identifiers.
    # Note: start_index is a flat (unidimensional) index,
    # not a (line_chr_idx, col_chr_idx) index.
    #     scopeAnalyst = ScopeAnalyst(js_file_path)
    #     name2defScope = scopeAnalyst.resolve_scope()
    #     isGlobal = scopeAnalyst.isGlobal

    scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(minified)
    name2defScope = scopeAnalyst.resolve_scope()
    isGlobal = scopeAnalyst.isGlobal

    print 'RUNNING ScopeAnalyst:', len(name2defScope) > 0

    name2useScope = scopeAnalyst.name2useScope
    name2pth = scopeAnalyst.name2pth
    nameOrigin = scopeAnalyst.nameOrigin

    scopes = set(name2useScope.values())

    for scope in scopes:
        print scope
        lc_list = [
            for (t, pos) in name2useScope.keys()
            if name2useScope[(t, pos)] == scope
        highlight(tokens, lc_list)

    # Discover the path to the source map
    _map_path = sourcemap.discover(minified)
    # Read and parse our sourcemap
    #     sourcemapIndex = sourcemap.load(open(map_path))

    # Cluster names by scope
    nameScope2Positions = {}

    # Index data by (name,scope)
    for token, l in indexBuilder.name2CharPositions.iteritems():
        for (line, col) in sorted(l, key=lambda (a, b): (a, b)):
            pos = indexBuilder.flatMap[(line, col)]
            if name2defScope.has_key((token, pos)):
                scope = name2defScope[(token, pos)]
                use_scope = name2useScope[(token, pos)]
                pth = name2pth[(token, pos)]

                glb = isGlobal[(token, pos)]

                nameScope2Positions.setdefault((token, scope, glb), [])
                nameScope2Positions[(token, scope, glb)].append((line, col))

#                 print token, pos
#                 print 'def:', scope
#                 print 'use:', use_scope
#                 print 'pth:', pth
#                 highlight(tokens, [indexBuilder.revTokMap[indexBuilder.revFlatMat[pos]]])
#                 print

    for (token,scope,glb), positions in sorted(nameScope2Positions.iteritems(), \
                                           key=lambda (x,y):x[0]):

        if glb:

        pos = sorted(positions, key=lambda e: (e[0], e[1]))
        #         t = []
        tt = []
        line_tok_idxs = set([])
        for (l, c) in pos:
            #             orig = sourcemapIndex.lookup(line=l, column=c).name
            (tl, tc) = indexBuilder.revTokMap[(l, c)]
            p = indexBuilder.flatMap[(l, c)]
            tt.append(((tl, tc), p))
#             t.append(orig)

#         if token == 'n':
        print '\nNAME:', token.encode('utf-8'), 'isGlobal =', glb
        #         print scope
        #         highlight(tokens, [indexBuilder.revTokMap[indexBuilder.revFlatMat[pos]]])

        for ((tli, tci), p) in tt:
            scope = name2defScope[(token, p)]
            use_scope = name2useScope[(token, p)]
            pth = name2pth[(token, p)]
            origin = nameOrigin[(token, scope)]
#             print token #, p, origin
#             print
#             print 'def:', scope
#             print 'use:', use_scope
#             print 'pth:', pth
#             print

        for tl in sorted(set([tli for ((tli, tci), p) in tt])):
            l = list(tokens[tl])
            for tc in [tci for ((tli, tci), p) in tt if tli == tl]:
                l[tc] = (l[tc][0], unichr(0x2588) + token + unichr(0x2588))

#                 pos = indexBuilder.flatMap[(line,col)]

            print '  ', '%d:' % (tl + 1), ' '.join(
                [x[1].encode('utf-8') for x in l])


Пример #6
def processFile(js_file_path):
#     js_file_path = l[0]
    base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(js_file_path))[0]
    if dbg:
        print js_file_path
    temp_files = {'orig': '%s.js' % base_name,
                  'minified': '%s.u.js' % base_name,
                  'n2p': '%s.n2p.js' % base_name}
    for r_strategy in RS.all():
        temp_files['%s' % (r_strategy)] = \
                    '%s.%s.js' % (base_name, r_strategy)
        for c_strategy in CS.all():
            temp_files['%s_%s' % (r_strategy, c_strategy)] = \
                    '%s.%s.%s.js' % (base_name, r_strategy, c_strategy)
    for k,v in temp_files.iteritems():
        temp_files[k] = os.path.join(output_path, v)
    candidates = []
    #Minified Name -> Original Name (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    min_name_map = {}
    #Hashed Name -> Minified Name (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    hash_name_map = {}
    #Minified Name -> jsnice name  (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
    jsnice_name_map = {}
    #Data for the suggestion model.csv
    #Map of variable (name, def_scope) -> results of variableMetrics features function
    name_features = {}
    #Map of maps of variable-suggestion (name, def_scope, suggestion) -> suggestion line counts + suggestionMetrics features function
    #The first key is the renaming strategy
    #Ultimately, we will iterate over this to get the keys out of name_features and build model_rows
    suggestion_features = {}
    #Output Lines for the suggestoin_model.csv
    model_rows = [] 
    if True:
#     try:
#         js_text = open(os.path.join(corpus_root, js_file_path), 'r').read()
        js_text = open(js_file_path, 'r').read()
        # Strip comments, replace literals, etc
#         if True:
#         try:
        prepro = WebLMPreprocessor(js_text)
        prepro_text = str(prepro)
#         except:
#             return (js_file_path, None, 'Preprocessor fail')
#         print 'Preprocessor'
#         print prepro_text
        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        clear = Beautifier()
        (ok, tmp_beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(prepro_text)
        print '\nOK:', ok, 'ERR:', _err
        print tmp_beautified_text
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
        # Minify
        ugly = Uglifier()
        (ok, tmp_minified_text, _err) = ugly.web_run(tmp_beautified_text)
#         print '\nOK:', ok, 'ERR:', _err
#         print tmp_minified_text
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Uglifier fail')
        # Align minified and clear files, in case the beautifier 
        # did something weird
            aligner = Aligner()
            (aligned_clear, aligned_minified) = aligner.web_align(WebLexer(tmp_beautified_text).tokenList,
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Aligner fail')
#         print '\nAligned clear'
#         print aligned_clear
#         print '\nAligned minified'
#         print aligned_minified
#         print
        # Pass through beautifier to fix layout
        (ok, beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_clear)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
        (ok, minified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(aligned_minified)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
#         print beautified_text
#         print
#         print minified_text
        # Num tokens before vs after
            lex_clear = WebLexer(beautified_text)
            tok_clear = lex_clear.tokenList
            lex_ugly = WebLexer(minified_text)
            tok_ugly = lex_ugly.tokenList
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Lexer fail')

        # For now only work with minified files that have
        # the same number of tokens as the originals
        if not len(tok_clear) == len(tok_ugly):
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Num tokens mismatch')
        if beautified_text == minified_text:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Not minified')

            iBuilder_clear = IndexBuilder(lex_clear.tokenList)
            return (js_file_path, None, "IndexBuilder fail on original file.")
            iBuilder_ugly = IndexBuilder(lex_ugly.tokenList)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder fail on minified file.')
#         print 'Writing'
        with open(temp_files['orig'], 'w') as f:
        with open(temp_files['minified'], 'w') as f:
        #     Nice2Predict
        # BV: Next block left out until I figure out the pipe issue
        # BV: Update: I couldn't pipe input to N2P. TODO: FIX
        # Run the JSNice from http://www.nice2predict.org
        unuglifyJS = UnuglifyJS()
        (ok, n2p_text, _err) = unuglifyJS.run(temp_files['minified'])
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Nice2Predict fail')

        (ok, n2p_text_beautified, _err) = clear.web_run(n2p_text)
        if not ok:
            return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
        with open(temp_files['n2p'], 'w') as f:
            n2p_lexer = WebLexer(n2p_text_beautified)
            n2p_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(n2p_lexer.tokenList)
            n2p_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(n2p_text_beautified)
        #    return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder / ScopeAnalyst fail')
#         print 'n2p'
        # Save some translation stats to compare different methods
        ts = TranslationSummarizer()
        candidates += [['n2p', ''] + x 
                       for x in ts.compute_summary_unscoped(n2p_iBuilder, 
        # All other JSNaughty variants
            scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(minified_text)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'ScopeAnalyst minified fail')
            scopeAnalyst_clear = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_text)
            return (js_file_path, None, 'ScopeAnalyst clear fail')
        if(not check(iBuilder_clear, scopeAnalyst_clear, n2p_iBuilder, n2p_scopeAnalyst)):
            return (js_file_path, None, 'JsNice restructured file. Skipping..')
        #Map the original names to the minified counterparts and minified ones to jsnice renamings
        orderedVarsNew = sorted(scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(), key = lambda x: x[1])
        orderedVarsOld = sorted(scopeAnalyst_clear.name2defScope.keys(), key = lambda x: x[1])
        orderedVarsN2p = sorted(n2p_scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(), key = lambda x: x[1])

        if(len(orderedVarsOld) != len(orderedVarsNew)):
            return (js_file_path, None, "Old and New Name lists different length")
        if(len(orderedVarsOld) != len(orderedVarsN2p)):
            return (js_file_path, None, "JsNice and Old Name lists different length")
        for i in range(0, len(orderedVarsOld)):
            name_old = orderedVarsOld[i][0]
            def_scope_old = scopeAnalyst_clear.name2defScope[orderedVarsOld[i]]

            name_new = orderedVarsNew[i][0]
            def_scope_new = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[orderedVarsNew[i]]
            min_name_map[(name_new, def_scope_new)] = (name_old, def_scope_old)
            name_n2p = orderedVarsN2p[i][0]
            def_scope_n2p = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[orderedVarsNew[i]]
            jsnice_name_map[(name_new, def_scope_new)] = (name_n2p, def_scope_n2p)

        #Once we have the scopeAnalyst, iBuilder, and tokenlist for the minified
        #version, we can get the name properties
        vm = VariableMetrics(scopeAnalyst, iBuilder_ugly, lex_ugly.tokenList)
        variableKeySet = vm.getVariables()
        for variableKey in variableKeySet:
            name_features[variableKey] = vm.getNameMetrics(variableKey)
        (name_positions, \
         use_scopes) = prepHelpers(iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst)
#         print 'Helpers'

        # Try different renaming strategies (hash, etc)
        for r_strategy, proxy in proxies:
            if dbg:
                print '\n====================='
                print r_strategy
                print '=====================\n'
#             try:
#             if True:
            # Rename input prior to translation
            preRen = PreRenamer()
            after_text = preRen.rename(r_strategy, 
#             print 'After text:'
#             print after_text
#             print
            (ok, beautified_after_text, _err) = clear.web_run(after_text)
            if not ok:
                return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
#             print 'Beautified:'
#             print beautified_after_text
#             print
            if(r_strategy == RS.HASH_ONE or r_strategy == RS.HASH_TWO):
                    scopeAnalyst_hash = WebScopeAnalyst(after_text)
                    return (js_file_path, None, "ScopeAnalyst hash fail")

                #Map the hashed names to the minified counterparts.
                orderedVarsMin = sorted(scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(), key = lambda x: x[1])
                orderedVarsHash = sorted(scopeAnalyst_hash.name2defScope.keys(), key = lambda x: x[1])

                if(len(orderedVarsMin) != len(orderedVarsHash)):
                    return (js_file_path, None, "Hash and Min lists different length")

                for i in range(0, len(orderedVarsHash)):
                    name_hash = orderedVarsHash[i][0]
                    def_scope_hash = scopeAnalyst_hash.name2defScope[orderedVarsHash[i]]

                    name_min = orderedVarsMin[i][0]
                    def_scope_min = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[orderedVarsMin[i]]
                    hash_name_map[(name_hash, def_scope_hash)] = (name_min, def_scope_min)

            # Save renamed input to disk for future inspection
            with open(temp_files['%s' % (r_strategy)], 'w') as f:
            a_lexer = WebLexer(beautified_after_text)
            a_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(a_lexer.tokenList)
            a_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_after_text)
#             except:
#                 return (js_file_path, None, 'Renaming fail')
#             print 'Lexing'
#             lx = WebLexer(a_iBuilder.get_text())
            lx = WebLexer(a_iBuilder.get_text_wo_literals())
#             print a_iBuilder.get_text_wo_literals()
            # Translate renamed input
            md = WebMosesDecoder(proxy)
            (ok, translation, _err) = md.run(lx.collapsedText)
            if not ok:
                return (js_file_path, None, 'Moses translation fail')
#             print '\ntranslation-------------'
#             print translation
#             if r_strategy == RS.HASH_ONE:
#                 exit()
             a_use_scopes) = prepHelpers(a_iBuilder, a_scopeAnalyst)

            nc = []
            if translation is not None:
                # Parse moses output
                mp = MosesParser()
                if dbg:
                    print '\nr_strategy-----------', r_strategy
                name_candidates = mp.parse(translation,
                # name_candidates is a dictionary of dictionaries: 
                # keys are (name, None) (if scopeAnalyst=None) or 
                # (name, def_scope) tuples (otherwise); 
                # values are suggested translations with the sets 
                # of line numbers on which they appear.

#                 print '\nname_candidates before ----------'
#                 for key, suggestions in name_candidates.iteritems():
#                     print key[0], key[1][-50:]
# #                     for use_scope, suggestions in val.iteritems():
# #                         print '\t...', use_scope[-50:]
#                     for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
#                         print '\t', name_translation, lines
                # Update name_candidates with some default values 
                # (in this case the translation without any renaming)
                # if the translation is empty
                if r_strategy == RS.NONE:
                    # RS.NONE should always be first, by construction
                    name_candidates_default = name_candidates
                    scopeAnalyst_default = a_scopeAnalyst
                    iBuilder_default = a_iBuilder
                    for key_default, suggestions in name_candidates_default.iteritems():
#                         (name_default, def_scope_default) = key_default
                        pos_default = scopeAnalyst_default.nameDefScope2pos[key_default]
                        (lin, col) = iBuilder_default.revFlatMat[pos_default]
                        (line_num, line_idx) = iBuilder_default.revTokMap[(lin, col)]
                        (name, def_scope) = a_position_names[line_num][line_idx]
                        key = (name, def_scope)
                        for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
                            name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
                            name_candidates[key].setdefault(name_translation, set([]))
#                         for use_scope, suggestions in val.iteritems():
#                             for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
# #                                 key = preRen.simple_direct_map.get(key_default, key_default)
#                                 name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
#                                 name_candidates[key].setdefault(use_scope, {})
#                                 name_candidates[key][use_scope].setdefault(name_translation, set([]))
#                                 name_candidates[key][use_scope][name_translation].update(lines)
#                 print '\nname_candidates after ----------'
#                 for key, suggestions in name_candidates.iteritems():
#                     print key[0], key[1][-50:]
# #                     for use_scope, suggestions in val.iteritems():
# #                         print '\t...', use_scope[-50:]
#                     for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
#                         print '\t', name_translation, lines
                cc = ConsistencyController(debug_mode=True)
                ts = TranslationSummarizer()
                # An identifier may have been translated inconsistently
                # across different lines (Moses treats each line independently).
                # Try different strategies to resolve inconsistencies, if any
                for c_strategy in CS.all():
                    if dbg:
                        print '\nc_strategy----------', c_strategy

                    #assert(hash_name_map != {})
                    # Compute renaming map (x -> length, y -> width, ...)
                    # Note that x,y here are names after renaming
                    (temp_renaming_map, seen) = cc.computeRenaming(c_strategy,
                    #After computeRenaming, we have both the entropies stored
                    #if we are in LMDrop strategy and have the suggestions
                    #frequency from name_candidates.  Fill in suggestion_Features
                    if(c_strategy == CS.LMDROP and r_strategy not in suggestion_features):
                        assert(cc.suggestion_cache != None)
                        suggestion_features[r_strategy] = {}
                        #Need some way of iterating over all name, suggestion groups...
                        name_candidates: dict
                            name_candidates[(name, def_scope)][name_translation] 
                            = set of line numbers in the translation
                        for variableKey, suggestionDictionary in name_candidates.iteritems():
                            for suggestionName, linesSuggested in suggestionDictionary.iteritems():
                                # I need to revert variableKey[0] in the suggestion from its hash to its original minified name.
                                if(r_strategy == RS.HASH_ONE or r_strategy == RS.HASH_TWO):
                                    unhashedKey = hash_name_map[variableKey]
                                    suggestionKey = (unhashedKey[0], unhashedKey[1], suggestionName)
                                    suggestionKey = (variableKey[0], variableKey[1], suggestionName)

                                entropyVals = cc.suggestion_cache.getEntropyStats(variableKey, suggestionName)
                                if(True): #eval_dbg only
                                #if(entropyVals != (ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR, ENTROPY_ERR)):
                                    suggestionValue = [len(linesSuggested)] + \
                                                       list(getSuggestionStats(suggestionName)) + \
                                    suggestion_features[r_strategy][suggestionKey] = suggestionValue
                    if dbg:
                        print '\ntemp_renaming_map-------------'
                        for (name, def_scope), renaming in temp_renaming_map.iteritems():
                            print (name, def_scope[-50:]), renaming

                    # Fall back on original names in input, if 
                    # no translation was suggested
                    postRen = PostRenamer()
                    renaming_map = postRen.updateRenamingMap(a_name_positions, 

#                     new_name_candidates = {}
#                     for (name, def_scope), renaming in temp_renaming_map.iteritems():
#                         (line_num, line_idx) = a_name_positions[(name, def_scope)][0]
#                         (old_name, old_def_scope) = position_names[line_num][line_idx]
#                         new_name_candidates.setdefault((old_name, old_def_scope), {})
#                         new_name_candidates[(old_name, old_def_scope)][renaming] = set([1])

#                     tmp_renamed_text = postRen.applyRenaming(a_iBuilder, 
#                                                          a_name_positions, 
#                                                          temp_renaming_map)
#                     (ok, tmp_beautified_renamed_text, _err) = clear.web_run(tmp_renamed_text)
#                     if not ok:
#                         return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
#                     tmp_lexer = WebLexer(tmp_beautified_renamed_text)
#                     tmp_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(tmp_lexer.tokenList)
#                     tmp_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(tmp_beautified_renamed_text)
#                     (tmp_name_positions, 
#                      tmp_position_names,
#                      tmp_use_scopes) = prepHelpers(tmp_iBuilder, tmp_scopeAnalyst)
#                     renaming_map = postRen.updateRenamingMap(tmp_name_positions, 
#                                                              position_names, 
#                                                              temp_renaming_map, 
#                                                              r_strategy)
#                     renaming_map = cc.computeRenaming(CS.FREQLEN,
#                                                       new_name_candidates,
#                                                       name_positions,
#                                                       use_scopes,
#                                                       iBuilder_ugly,
#                                                       lm_path)
#                     # Fall back on original names in input, if 
#                     # no translation was suggested
#                     postRen = PostRenamer()
#                     renaming_map = postRen.updateRenamingMap(a_name_positions, 
#                                                              position_names, 
#                                                              temp_renaming_map, 
#                                                              r_strategy)
                    if dbg:
                        print '\nrenaming_map-------------'
                        for (name, def_scope), renaming in renaming_map.iteritems():
                            print (name, def_scope[-50:]), renaming, '(%s)' % temp_renaming_map[(name, def_scope)]
                    # Apply renaming map and save output for future inspection
                    renamed_text = postRen.applyRenaming(a_iBuilder, 
                    print '\nrenamed_text--------------'
                    print renamed_text
                    (ok, beautified_renamed_text, _err) = clear.web_run(renamed_text)
                    if not ok:
                        return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')
                    with open(temp_files['%s_%s' % (r_strategy, c_strategy)], 'w') as f:
                    # Save some stats about which names were renamed to what
                    # This is what enables the comparison between the different 
                    # methods.
                    r = [[c_strategy] + x 
                         for x in ts.compute_summary_scoped(renaming_map,
                    if not r:
                        return (js_file_path, None, 'Compute summary failed')
                    nc += r
            if nc:
                candidates += [[r_strategy] + x for x in nc]

        #create the rows for the suggestion_model.csv
        for r_strategy in RS.all():
            for suggestionKey, s_feat in suggestion_features[r_strategy].iteritems():
                variableKey = (suggestionKey[0], suggestionKey[1])
                original_name = min_name_map[variableKey][0]
                js_nice_name = jsnice_name_map[variableKey][0]
                if(variableKey in name_features): #eval_dbg only
                    n_feat = list(name_features[variableKey])
                    #Convert the def_scope to an equivalent, but smaller, easier to read key: (line_num, token_num)
                    newKey = scopeAnalyst.nameDefScope2pos[variableKey]
                    (keyLine, keyToken) = iBuilder_ugly.revFlatMat[newKey]
                    model_rows.append([original_name, r_strategy, suggestionKey[0], keyLine, keyToken, suggestionKey[2], js_nice_name] + n_feat + s_feat)
        return (js_file_path, 'OK', candidates, model_rows)
Пример #7
    def deobfuscateJS(self,
        Take a string representing minified javascript code and attempt to
        translate it into a version with better renamings.
        obfuscatedCode: The minified javascript text.
        use_mix: True/False -> should we invoke JSNice and throw the names into the language model mix?
        transactionID: an ID for storing temp files - used currently
        only to identify the input to JSNice.
        debug_output: should we print debugging output in this pass (TRUE/FALSE)
        parallel: enable parallelization performance enhancements -> such as calling the
        moses servers in parallel. 
        A tuple:
            renamed_text - the renamed text
            jsnice_error - "" if no error, otherwise a message stating
                           where the jsnice mixing failed
            Third element is a tuple of TIMING_COUNT performance times
            preprocess time - total time to preprocess before invoking
                            moses servers
            prepre time - how long does the first step of the preprocessor take?
            jsnice time - part of the preprocessing, how long does it take
                        to get and parse jsnice names
            renaming time - how long did the hashing steps in preprocess take
            lex_total_time - how long did all the lexers take,
            builder_time - how long did all the Index Builders take
            scoper_time - how long did all the scopeAnalysts take
            moses time - how long did the moses servers take
            moses_rn_parallel - total time for the parallel moses and renaming
            to complete
            postprocess time - how long did the consistency resolution and
                            language model queries take.

        RS = RenamingStrategies()
        CS = ConsistencyStrategies()

        r_strategy = RS.HASH_ONE
        #c_strategy = CS.FREQLEN # or CS.LM? (CS.LM requires a language model + a querylm from moses)
        #c_strategy = CS.LM
        c_strategy = CS.LOGMODEL

        if (use_local == False):
            proxies = MosesProxy().web_proxies
            proxies = MosesProxy().web_local
        mosesParams = {}

        #lm_path = "/data/bogdanv/deobfuscator/experiments/corpora/corpus.lm.970k/js.blm.lm"
        #lm_path = "/data/bogdanv/deobfuscator/experiments/corpora/corpus.lm.500k/js.blm.lm"
        lm_path = "./phrase-tables/langmodels/js.blm.lm"

        #if socket.gethostname() == 'bogdan.mac':
        #    lm_path = "/Users/bogdanv/workspace2/deobfuscator/data/lm/js.blm.lm"
        #elif socket.gethostname() == "Caseys-MacBook-Pro.local" or socket.gethostname() == "campus-019-136.ucdavis.edu":
        #    lm_path = "/Users/caseycas/jsnaughty_lms/js970k.blm.lm"

        #Hashed Name -> Minified Name (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
        hash_name_map = {}
        #Minified Name -> jsnice name  (name, def_scope) -> (name, def_scope)
        jsnice_name_map = {}
        #Record of any errors we get in the js mixing.
        #If this feature is enabled (to be added as a switch on the website)
        #it should not crash the input if there is a failure.  If the query
        #doesn't work for some reason, then we should just use the candidate
        #names provided by moses.
        jsnice_errors = []

        start = time.time()
        # Strip comments, replace literals, etc
            #if True:
            prepro = WebLMPreprocessor(obfuscatedCode)
            prepro_text = str(prepro)
            if (debug_output):

            return ((prepro_error, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

        prepre_end = time.time()
        prepre_time = prepre_end - start
        clear = Beautifier()

        (ok, beautified_text, _err) = clear.web_run(prepro_text)

        if (debug_output):
            print("Beautified Text")

        if (not ok):
            return ((beaut_error, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

        #Due to a bug? in the jsnice web service, we need to save the
        #input text as a file.
        min_input_file = os.path.join(self.tmpDir,
                                      str(transactionID) + ".u.js")
        with open(min_input_file, 'w') as f:

            #             lex_ugly = Lexer(beautFile)
            lex_ugly = WebLexer(beautified_text)
            if (debug_output):
            iBuilder_ugly = IndexBuilder(lex_ugly.tokenList)

            return ((ib_error, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

        #Do Scope related tasks
        #a raw text version
            #             scopeAnalyst = ScopeAnalyst(beautFile)
            scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(beautified_text)
            return ((sa_error, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

        #Cut short if no variables
        if (not scopeAnalyst.hasMinifiableVariables()):
            return ((beautified_text, "No Minifiable Variables",
                     (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))
        elif (debug_output):
            print("GLOBAL VAR MAP: " + str(scopeAnalyst.isGlobal))

        js_start = time.time()
        #  Nice2Predict start
        #Don't want a crashing failure for jsnice query.
        # BV: Next block left out until I figure out the pipe issue
        # BV: Update: I couldn't pipe input to N2P. TODO: FIX
        # Run the JSNice from http://www.nice2predict.org
        if (use_mix):
            unuglifyJS = UnuglifyJS()
            (ok, n2p_text, _err) = unuglifyJS.run(min_input_file)
            #ok = False #Failure test
            if not ok:
                jsnice_errors.append('Nice2Predict fail')
                #return (js_file_path, None, 'Nice2Predict fail')

        if (use_mix and jsnice_errors == []):
            (ok, n2p_text_beautified, _err) = clear.web_run(n2p_text)
            if not ok:
                jsnice_errors.append('Beautifier failed for JSNice.')
                #return (js_file_path, None, 'Beautifier fail')

            if (debug_output):
                print("JSNice Text")

                n2p_lexer = WebLexer(n2p_text_beautified)
                n2p_iBuilder = IndexBuilder(n2p_lexer.tokenList)
                n2p_scopeAnalyst = WebScopeAnalyst(n2p_text_beautified)
                    "IndexBuilder or ScopeAnalysted failed for JSNice.")
                #return (js_file_path, None, 'IndexBuilder / ScopeAnalyst fail')

        #   Nice2Predict End
        js_end = time.time()
        js_time = js_end - js_start
        #Do Scope related tasks

        (name_positions, position_names,
         use_scopes) = prepHelpers(iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst)

        #Map the jsnice names to the minified counterparts.
        if (use_mix and jsnice_errors == []
            ):  #only attempt if we are error free for jsnice up to this point.
                orderedVarsNew = sorted(scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                        key=lambda x: x[1])
                orderedVarsN2p = sorted(n2p_scopeAnalyst.name2defScope.keys(),
                                        key=lambda x: x[1])

                if (len(orderedVarsNew) != len(orderedVarsN2p)):
                        "JSNice and minified name lists different lengths.")
                    #raise IndexError("Length Mismatch") #Probably better to have our own defined error type, but this will do for now
                    #return ("JsNice and New Name lists different length")

                for i in range(0, len(orderedVarsNew)):
                    name_new = orderedVarsNew[i][0]
                    def_scope_new = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[

                    name_n2p = orderedVarsN2p[i][0]
                    def_scope_n2p = scopeAnalyst.name2defScope[
                                     def_scope_new)] = (name_n2p,
                    "JSNice to minified name map building failed.")

        (_name_positions, \
         _use_scopes) = prepHelpers(iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst)

        #Note: we want to put these in parallel once we've tested the
        #serial version...
        pre_outer_end = time.time()
        pre_time = pre_outer_end - start
        if (not parallel):
            #Get moses output for no_renaming
            (status, error_msg, translation_default, name_candidates_default,
             iBuilder_default, scopeAnalyst_default, name_positions_default,
             position_names_default, use_scopes_default, hash_name_map_default,
             rn_time_default, m_time_default, lex_time_default,
             post_start_default) = getMosesTranslation(proxies[RS.NONE],
                                                       RS.NONE, RS, clear,
            #print("MOSES NO RENAMING: " + str(m_time_default))
            if (not status):
                return ((error_msg, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

            #Get moses output for hash_renaming
            (status, error_msg, translation, name_candidates, a_iBuilder,
             a_scopeAnalyst, a_name_positions, a_position_names, a_use_scopes,
             hash_name_map, rn_time, m_time, lex_time,
             post_start) = getMosesTranslation(proxies[r_strategy], r_strategy,
                                               RS, clear, iBuilder_ugly,
                                               scopeAnalyst, debug_output)

            #print("MOSES HASH RENAMING: " + str(m_time))
            if (not status):
                return ((error_msg, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))
            m_parallel_time = 0
            #Parallel version
            none_wrapper = (RS.NONE, RS, clear, iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst,
                            debug_output, use_local)
            hash_wrapper = (r_strategy, RS, clear, iBuilder_ugly, scopeAnalyst,
                            debug_output, use_local)
            wrappers = [none_wrapper, hash_wrapper]

            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2)

            m_parallel_start = time.time()
            for result in pool.imap(getMosesTranslationParallel, wrappers):
                if (result[0] == RS.NONE):  #No renaming
                    (status, error_msg, translation_default,
                     name_candidates_default, iBuilder_default,
                     scopeAnalyst_default, name_positions_default,
                     position_names_default, use_scopes_default,
                     hash_name_map_default, rn_time_default, m_time_default,
                     lex_time_default, post_start_default) = result[1]

                    #print("MOSES NO RENAMING: " + str(m_time_default))
                    if (not status):
                        return ((error_msg, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))
                    (status, error_msg, translation, name_candidates,
                     a_iBuilder, a_scopeAnalyst, a_name_positions,
                     a_position_names, a_use_scopes, hash_name_map, rn_time,
                     m_time, lex_time, post_start) = result[1]

                    #print("MOSES HASH RENAMING: " + str(m_time))
                    if (not status):
                        return ((error_msg, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

            m_parallel_time = time.time() - m_parallel_start

        pre_time += rn_time_default + rn_time
        if (debug_output):
            print("Serial: " +
                  str(m_time + m_time_default + rn_time + rn_time_default))
            print("Parallel: " + str(m_parallel_time))

        if translation is not None and translation_default is not None:

            for key_default, suggestions in name_candidates_default.iteritems(
                #                         (name_default, def_scope_default) = key_default

                pos_default = scopeAnalyst_default.nameDefScope2pos[
                (lin, col) = iBuilder_default.revFlatMat[pos_default]
                (line_num, line_idx) = iBuilder_default.revTokMap[(lin, col)]
                (name, def_scope) = a_position_names[line_num][line_idx]
                key = (name, def_scope)

                for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
                    name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
                    name_candidates[key].setdefault(name_translation, set([]))
            # name_candidates is a dictionary of dictionaries:
            # keys are (name, None) (if scopeAnalyst=None) or
            # (name, def_scope) tuples (otherwise);
            # values are suggested translations with the sets
            # of line numbers on which they appear.
            if (debug_output):



            # **** BV: This might be all we need to combine Naughty & Nice
            if (
                    use_mix and jsnice_errors == []
            ):  #only attempt if we are error free for jsnice up to this point.
                    name_candidates_copy = deepcopy(name_candidates)
                    for key, suggestions in name_candidates_copy.iteritems():
                        if (debug_output):
                            print("Key: " + str(key))
                            print("Suggestions: " + str(suggestions))
                        if r_strategy == RS.NONE:
                            (name_n2p, def_scope_n2p) = jsnice_name_map[key]
                            (name_n2p, def_scope_n2p
                             ) = jsnice_name_map[hash_name_map.get(key, key)]

                        for name_translation, lines in suggestions.iteritems():
                            name_candidates.setdefault(key, {})
                            name_candidates[key].setdefault(name_n2p, set([]))
                        "Failure while adding jsnice names to candidate pool.")
            cr = ConsistencyController(debug_mode=debug_output)

            # An identifier may have been translated inconsistently
            # across different lines (Moses treats each line independently).
            # Try different strategies to resolve inconsistencies, if any

            # Compute renaming map (x -> length, y -> width, ...)
            # Note that x,y here are names after renaming
            #Hash error is occuring in here.
                (temp_renaming_map, seen) = cr.computeRenaming(
                    c_strategy, name_candidates, a_name_positions,
                    a_use_scopes, a_iBuilder, lm_path, {}, hash_name_map)
                return ("Compute renaming fail.", "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT)

            if (debug_output):
                print("Temp renaming map")
            # Fall back on original names in input, if
            # no translation was suggested
            postRen = PostRenamer()
            renaming_map = postRen.updateRenamingMap(a_name_positions,
                                                     temp_renaming_map, seen,
            if (debug_output):
                print("Renaming Map")
            # Apply renaming map and save output for future inspection
            renamed_text = postRen.applyRenaming(a_iBuilder, a_name_positions,

            (ok, beautified_renamed_text,
             _err) = clear.web_run_end(renamed_text)
            #print(" ".join(jsnice_errors))
            if not ok:
                return ((beaut_error, "", (0, ) * TIMING_COUNT))

            if (debug_output):
                print("Renamed text")

        #Time Calculations... (Will need to update for when it becomes parallel
        post_end = time.time()
        post_time = post_end - post_start

        #Record any jsnice errors (but leave output blank if there are none).
        jsnice_error_string = ""
        if (jsnice_errors != []):
            jsnice_error_string = "JSNice mixing attempt failed.  Reporting renaming with only our method. \nJSNice Errors : \n"
            jsnice_error_string += "\n".join(jsnice_errors) + "\n"

        #Tally up the build times for the lexers, indexbuilders and scopers.
        if (not use_mix):
            n2pLexTime = 0
            n2pBuildTime = 0
            n2pSATime = 0
            n2pLexTime = n2p_lexer.build_time
            n2pBuildTime = n2p_iBuilder.build_time
            n2pSATime = n2p_scopeAnalyst.build_time

        lex_total_time = lex_time + lex_time_default + lex_ugly.build_time + n2pLexTime
        builder_time = iBuilder_ugly.build_time + n2pBuildTime + a_iBuilder.build_time + iBuilder_default.build_time
        scoper_time = n2pSATime + scopeAnalyst.build_time + scopeAnalyst_default.build_time + a_scopeAnalyst.build_time

        #Change the presentation of this to return performance information
        #and error codes as separate elements in a tuple
        #New return: translation, jsnice_error, preprocess time, js_time, rename_time
        #m_time, post_time.
        return ((str(beautified_renamed_text), jsnice_error_string,
                 (pre_time, prepre_time, js_time, rn_time + rn_time_default,
                  lex_total_time, builder_time, scoper_time,
                  m_time + m_time_default, m_parallel_time, post_time)))