def Geo_reduction_wall_radius(path_patients_data, nb_generation = 20, rot_sec = False, mesh_extractor = False): print("---------------------------------- START PROGRAMM ----------------------------------") ############################################################################# ################ TRAINING DATA READING AND EXTRACTION ####################### ############################################################################# # EXTRACT DATA FROM FOLDER "path_patients_data". READ ALL PARAMETRIZATION FILES. print("--> DATAS EXTRACTION FROM PARAMETRIZATION FILES") folder = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(path_patients_data) if not f.startswith('.')], key = str.lower) print("----> Number of patients considered : {}".format(len(folder))) liste_control = [] liste_r_theta = [] liste_originale_centerline = [] thetas = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 160) #WE LOOP ON EACH PARAMETRIZATION FILE AND EXTRACT RELEVANT INFORMATION for i in folder : #CHANGE path IF YOU GAVE ANOTHER NAME TO PARAMETRIZATION FILE path = path_patients_data + '/' + i + '/' + i + '_parametrization.csv' PARA = gf.Read_parametrization(path) #EXTRACTION CENTERLINE CENTERLINE = PARA[:,0:3] liste_originale_centerline.append(CENTERLINE) #EXTRACTION CONTROL POINTS TO USE PROCRUSTES ANALYSES AND RECONSTRUCTION B-SPLINES extract = np.linspace(0, np.shape(CENTERLINE)[0]-1, 10, dtype = 'int') CONTROL = CENTERLINE[extract,:] liste_control.append(CONTROL) #EXTRACTION OF FUNCTION R_THETA : DISTANCE TO ANGLE r_theta = PARA[:,12:] liste_r_theta.append(r_theta) #UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE IF YOU WANT TO STORE ORIGINAL CENTERLINE IN A FILE #gf.Write_csv("ORIGINAL_CENTERLINES.csv", np.vstack(liste_originale_centerline), "x, y, z") ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ################ PARAMETERS FOR GEOMETRIC MODEL REDUCTION ################### ############################################################################# #EPSILON TO AUTOMATICALLY EXTRACT NUMBER OF POD MODES epsilon_c = 1.e-3 epsilon_w = 1.e-3 epsilon_r = 1.e-3 #PARAMETERS TO RECONSTRUCT ANEURYSMS nb_sections = 500 nb_thetas = 160 ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# print("") print("--> EXTRACTION CENTERLINE REDUCED BASIS") dilatation, PHI_CENTERLINE, COEFFS_CENTERLINE = gmr.Centerline_pod(liste_control, epsilon = epsilon_c) print("") print("--> EXTRACTION WALL AND RADIUS REDUCED BASIS") PHI_WALL, PHI_RAYON, COEFFS_WALL, COEFFS_RAYON = gmr.Wall_radius_pod(thetas, liste_r_theta, epsilon_wall = epsilon_w, epsilon_radius = epsilon_r, read_file = True) print("") print("--> GENERATION OF RANDOM AORTIC ANEURYSMS GEOMETRIES") if rot_sec == True : path_to_save = "results/generation_wall_radius_with_rotation" if os.path.exists(path_to_save): shutil.rmtree(path_to_save) os.makedirs(path_to_save) for i in range(nb_generation) : print("----> GENERATED ANEURYSM NUMBER : ", i) #GIVE A NAME FOR THE ANEURYSM TO SAVE IT name = "ANEURYSM_WALL_RADIUS_" + str(i) #GIVE NAME OF FOLDER IN WHICH TO STORE ANEURYSMS ANEVRISME, ANEVRISME_ROT = gmr.Generator_wall_radius(PHI_CENTERLINE, PHI_WALL, PHI_RAYON, COEFFS_CENTERLINE, COEFFS_WALL, COEFFS_RAYON, dilatation, nb_sections, nb_thetas, rotation_section = True) gf.Write_csv(path_to_save + "/reconstruction_" + name + ".csv", ANEVRISME, "x, y, z") gf.Write_csv(path_to_save + "/reconstruction_rotation_" + name + ".csv", ANEVRISME_ROT, "x, y, z") if mesh_extractor == True : CONTOUR = ANEVRISME[nb_sections:,:] geo_treat.Mesh_generation(CONTOUR, path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_" + name + ".stl", nb_sections, nb_thetas) geo_treat.Read_and_Smooth(path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_" + name + ".stl", path_to_save + "mesh_smooth_" + name + ".stl", coeff_smooth = 0.001) CONTOUR2 = ANEVRISME_ROT[nb_sections:,:] geo_treat.Mesh_generation(CONTOUR2, path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_rotation_" + name + ".stl", nb_sections, nb_thetas) geo_treat.Read_and_Smooth(path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_rotation_" + name + ".stl", path_to_save + "mesh_smooth_rotation_" + name + ".stl", coeff_smooth = 0.001) #UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE IF YOU WANT TO REMESH FILES (WARNING : CAN BE VERY LOOONG TO COMPUTE!) #geo_treat.Surface_Remesh(path_to_save + "mesh_smooth_" + name + ".stl", path_to_save + "mesh_remesh_" + name + ".stl", target_edge_length = 0.3, nb_iterations = 10) else : path_to_save = "results/generation_wall_radius_no_rotation" if os.path.exists(path_to_save): shutil.rmtree(path_to_save) os.makedirs(path_to_save) for i in range(nb_generation) : print("----> GENERATED ANEURYSM NUMBER : ", i) #GIVE A NAME FOR THE ANEURYSM TO SAVE IT name = "ANEURYSM_WALL_RADIUS_" + str(i) #GIVE NAME OF FOLDER IN WHICH TO STORE ANEURYSMS ANEVRISME = gmr.Generator_wall_radius(PHI_CENTERLINE, PHI_WALL, PHI_RAYON, COEFFS_CENTERLINE, COEFFS_WALL, COEFFS_RAYON, dilatation, nb_sections, nb_thetas, rotation_section = False) gf.Write_csv(path_to_save + "/reconstruction_" + name + ".csv", ANEVRISME, "x, y, z") if mesh_extractor == True : CONTOUR = ANEVRISME[nb_sections:,:] geo_treat.Mesh_generation(CONTOUR, path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_" + name + ".stl", nb_sections, nb_thetas) geo_treat.Read_and_Smooth(path_to_save + "/mesh_contour_" + name + ".stl", path_to_save + "mesh_smooth_" + name + ".stl", coeff_smooth = 0.001) #UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE IF YOU WANT TO REMESH FILES (WARNING : CAN BE VERY LOOONG TO COMPUTE!) #geo_treat.Surface_Remesh(path_to_save + "mesh_smooth_" + name + ".stl", path_to_save + "mesh_remesh_" + name + ".stl", target_edge_length = 0.3, nb_iterations = 10) return 0
def Test_rotation_invariant(path_parametrization, path_solution): #### INITIALISATION PARA, average_radius, arc_length = Parametrization_analysis( path_parametrization) SOLUTION = Extract_solution(path_solution) #### COMPUTE CYLINDER CYLINDER = Mesh_cylinder(int(arc_length), int(average_radius), 1000, 160, 10) #### ORIGINAL MAPPING MESH_ORIGINAL = Mesh_original(PARA, 160, 10) INTERPOL = Interpolated_solution(MESH_ORIGINAL, SOLUTION) SOL_MESH_ORIGINAL = np.hstack((MESH_ORIGINAL, INTERPOL)) SOL_CYLINDER = np.hstack((CYLINDER, INTERPOL)) gf.Write_csv("SOL_ORIGINAL.csv", SOL_MESH_ORIGINAL, "x, y, z, pressure, Vx, Vy, Vz, magnitude") gf.Write_csv("SOL_CYLINDER.csv", SOL_CYLINDER, "x, y, z, pressure, Vx, Vy, Vz, magnitude") ### ROTATION thetax = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random() print("X axis rotation of angle : ", thetax) thetay = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random() print("Y axis rotation of angle : ", thetay) thetaz = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random() print("Z axis rotation of angle : ", thetaz) ROTX = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(thetax), -np.sin(thetax)], [0, np.sin(thetax), np.cos(thetax)]]) ROTY = np.array([[np.cos(thetay), 0, np.sin(thetay)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(thetay), 0, np.cos(thetay)]]) ROTZ = np.array([[np.cos(thetaz), -np.sin(thetaz), 0], [np.sin(thetaz), np.cos(thetaz), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ### ROTATION SOLUTION VTU POINTS = SOLUTION[:, 0:3] VALUES = SOLUTION[:, 3:] ROT_POINTS_X =, POINTS.T) ROT_POINTS_Y =, ROT_POINTS_X) ROT_POINTS_Z =, ROT_POINTS_Y) ROT_SOLUTION = np.hstack((ROT_POINTS_Z.T, VALUES)) ### ROTATION PARAMETRIZATION P = PARA[:, 0:3] T = PARA[:, 3:6] N = PARA[:, 6:9] B = PARA[:, 9:12] RT = PARA[:, 12:] ROT_P_X =, P.T) ROT_T_X =, T.T) ROT_N_X =, N.T) ROT_B_X =, B.T) ROT_P_Y =, ROT_P_X) ROT_T_Y =, ROT_T_X) ROT_N_Y =, ROT_N_X) ROT_B_Y =, ROT_B_X) ROT_P_Z =, ROT_P_Y) ROT_T_Z =, ROT_T_Y) ROT_N_Z =, ROT_N_Y) ROT_B_Z =, ROT_B_Y) ROT_PARA = np.hstack((ROT_P_Z.T, ROT_T_Z.T, ROT_N_Z.T, ROT_B_Z.T, RT)) #### MAPPING GEO ROTATION MESH_ROT = Mesh_original(ROT_PARA, 160, 10) INTERPOL_ROT = Interpolated_solution(MESH_ROT, ROT_SOLUTION) SOL_MESH_ROT = np.hstack((MESH_ROT, INTERPOL_ROT)) SOL_CYLINDER_ROT = np.hstack((CYLINDER, INTERPOL_ROT)) gf.Write_csv("SOL_ORIGINAL_ROT.csv", SOL_MESH_ROT, "x, y, z, pressure, Vx, Vy, Vz, magnitude") gf.Write_csv("SOL_CYLINDER_ROT.csv", SOL_CYLINDER_ROT, "x, y, z, pressure, Vx, Vy, Vz, magnitude") #### COMPUTE ERROR error = np.linalg.norm(SOL_CYLINDER[:, -1] - SOL_CYLINDER_ROT[:, -1]) print("L'erreur est de ", error) return 0
def Main_pre_processing(path_nifti_all, add_extension=False): print( "---------------------------------- START FILE TREATMENT ----------------------------------" ) #READ THE FOLDER folder = sorted( [f for f in os.listdir(path_nifti_all) if not f.startswith('.')], key=str.lower) print("Number of nifti files in folder : {} \n".format(len(folder))) #WRITE HERE FOLDER NAME WHERE YOU WANT TO STORE YOUR DATA ! (MINE IS CALLED patients_data) path_datas = "patients_data_large/" #READ EACH FILE IN FOLDER for file in folder: print( "------------------------------ Treatment of patient {} ------------------------------ " .format(file)) start_time = time.time() name_file = file[:4] print( " -> Creation of folder named {} and initialisation of all paths". format(name_file)) #CREATION FOLDER dir = path_datas + name_file if os.path.exists(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) os.makedirs(dir) #ALL PATH TO BE USED path_nifti_file = path_nifti_all + '/' + file path_marching_cube = dir + '/' + name_file + '_marching_cube.stl' path_mesh_closed = dir + '/' + name_file + '_mesh_closed.stl' path_centerline_vtp = dir + '/' + name_file + '_centerline.vtp' path_centerline_csv = dir + "/" + name_file + "_centerline_bspline.csv" path_control_csv = dir + "/" + name_file + "_centerline_control.csv" path_parametrization = dir + '/' + name_file + '_parametrization.csv' path_reconstruction = dir + '/' + name_file + '_reconstruction.csv' path_mesh_opened = dir + '/' + name_file + '_mesh_opened.stl' path_mesh_opened_remesh = dir + '/' + name_file + '_mesh_opened_remesh.stl' path_extension = dir + '/' + name_file + '_mesh_extension.stl' ######################################################################## ######################## PARAMETERS USED ############################### ######################################################################## #SMOOTHING coefficient_smoothing = 0.001 iterations_smoothing = 50 #CENTERLINE EXTRACTION coefficient_centerline = 0.1 iterations_centerline = 50 #CONVERT CENTERLINE TO BSPLINES nb_control_points = 10 nb_centerline_points = 200 bspline_degree = 3 #WALL PARAMETRIZATION degree_centerline = 3 nb_centerline_points_parametrization = 3000 nb_thetas = 200 fourier_order = 5 #REMESH THE OPENED GEOMETRY edge_length = 0.5 iterations_remesh = 5 ######################################################################## ######################################################################## ######################################################################## print("") print( " -> Read and Convert Nifti file {} to STL format thanks to Marching-Cube algorithm" .format(file)) geo_treat.Mesh_from_Nifti(path_nifti_file, path_marching_cube, only_lumen=True) print("") print( " -> Read Marching-Cube STL file, Smooth it and Convert the result to STL format" ) geo_treat.Read_and_Smooth(path_marching_cube, path_mesh_closed, coeff_smooth=coefficient_smoothing, nb_iterations=iterations_smoothing) print("") print( " -> Extraction of Centerline, Smooth it and Convert the result to VTP format" ) geo_treat.Centerline_Extraction(path_mesh_closed, path_centerline_vtp, coeff_smooth=coefficient_centerline, nb_iterations=iterations_centerline) print("") print( " -> Conversion centerline .VTP to numpy format and save as .CSV file" ) CONTROL, CENTERLINE = geo_treat.Centerline_BSpline( path_centerline_vtp, nb_control=nb_control_points, nb_points=nb_centerline_points, degree=bspline_degree) gf.Write_csv(path_control_csv, CONTROL, "x, y, z") gf.Write_csv(path_centerline_csv, CENTERLINE, "x, y, z") print("") print(" -> Parametrization of the mesh named " + name_file + "_mesh_closed.stl") PARAMETRIZATION, RECONSTRUCTION = para.Parametrization( CENTERLINE, path_mesh_closed, degree=degree_centerline, nb_centerline=nb_centerline_points_parametrization, nb_thetas=nb_thetas, nb_modes_fourier=fourier_order) np.savetxt(path_parametrization, PARAMETRIZATION, delimiter=", ") gf.Write_csv(path_reconstruction, RECONSTRUCTION, "x, y, z") print("") print(" -> Cut the geometry to the extremity to open it") geo_treat.Mesh_Slice(path_mesh_closed, PARAMETRIZATION, path_mesh_opened) print("") #print(" -> Remesh of the open mesh geometry") #geo_treat.Surface_Remesh(path_mesh_opened, path_mesh_opened_remesh, target_edge_length = edge_length, nb_iterations = iterations_remesh) if add_extension == True: print(" -> Add extension at the boudaries of the open mesh") geo_treat.Add_extension(path_mesh_opened_remesh, path_extension, extension_ratio=10, target_edge_length=0.5, nb_iterations=5) end_time = time.time() print("Total time for current patient : ", round(end_time - start_time, 2)) print("") print("\a") return 0
def Main_generative_algorithm(path_patients_data): print("Start Generation Algorithm \n") start_time = time.time() #READ THE FOLDER folder = sorted( [f for f in os.listdir(path_patients_data) if not f.startswith('.')], key=str.lower) print("Number of patients data files in folder : {} \n".format( len(folder))) # Name of folder were generative surfaces are going to be stored path_datas = "results/gen_surfaces/training_set" path_datas_random = "results/gen_surfaces/predict_set" print(" -> Creation of folder named {} to store all generative surfaces", ) dir1 = path_datas if os.path.exists(dir1): shutil.rmtree(dir1) os.makedirs(dir1) dir2 = path_datas_random if os.path.exists(dir2): shutil.rmtree(dir2) os.makedirs(dir2) # creating surfaces training set training_set = [] liste_control = [] #READ EACH FILE IN FOLDER for file in folder: print("Creating Generative Surface from patient {} surface ".format( file)) # name of the .csv file that contains the radii surf_file_name = path_patients_data + '/' + file + '/' + file + '_parametrization.csv' # loading .csv file (surf_data is of type 'float64') #print("surf_file_name: ", surf_file_name, "\n") PARA = gf.Read_parametrization(surf_file_name) CENTERLINE = PARA[:, 0:3] extract = np.linspace(0, np.shape(CENTERLINE)[0] - 1, 10, dtype='int') CONTROL = CENTERLINE[extract, :] liste_control.append(CONTROL) RADIUS = PARA[:, 12:] n_point = np.shape(RADIUS)[0] n_radius = np.shape(RADIUS)[1] # preparing mesh for plotting nb_centerline_points = np.linspace(0, n_point, n_point, endpoint=True, dtype=int) nb_thetas = np.linspace(0, n_radius, n_radius, endpoint=True, dtype=int) X, Y = np.meshgrid(nb_centerline_points, nb_thetas) Z = RADIUS fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z.T, cmap='ocean') # Remember: rows, cols = Z.shape # surface plot file name: surf_plot_name = path_datas + '/' + file + '_surface.png' plt.savefig(surf_plot_name) # vista 'dall'alto' (piano X-Y) #ax.view_init(90, 90) # surface plot seen from above file name: #surf_plot_name = surf_folder_name + '/' + name_file + '_surface_XY.png' #plt.savefig(surf_plot_name) # add surface file to list for generation algorithm training_set.append(RADIUS.ravel()) ######## CENTERLINE ############## print( "Procrustes Analysis + Save dilatation coefficient + Creation Matrix of coefficients" ) #EXTRACT CONTROL POINTS FROM PROCRSUTES ANALYSIS procrust_control, disparity = gmr.Procrustes(liste_control) #EXTRACT DILATATION (SCALING) FROM PROCRUSTES ANALYSIS dilatation = gmr.Dilatation(liste_control) DILATATION = np.asarray(dilatation).reshape(-1, 1) print("Size of dilatation training set : ", np.shape(DILATATION)) #RECONSTRUCT NEW CENTERLINES FROM PROCRUSTES CONTROL POINTS procrust_bspline = gmr.Construction_bsplines(procrust_control, 200, 5) for i in range(len(procrust_bspline)): SPLINE = procrust_bspline[i] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(SPLINE[:, 0], SPLINE[:, 1], SPLINE[:, 2]) # Remember: rows, cols = Z.shape spline_plot_name = path_datas + '/' + str(i) + '_spline.png' plt.savefig(spline_plot_name) #DEGREE OF POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION degree = 5 #CREATE MATRIX ON WHICH TO RUN POD OF POLYNOMIAL COEFFICIENTS print("Degree polynomial approximation : ", degree) TRAIN_COEFF = gmr.Matrice_coefficients_centerline(procrust_bspline, degree_approx=degree) print("Size of coefficient training set ", np.shape(TRAIN_COEFF)) ######### RADIUS ################## TRAIN_RADIUS = np.vstack(training_set) print("Size of the radius training set : ", np.shape(TRAIN_RADIUS)) TRAIN = np.hstack((DILATATION, TRAIN_COEFF.T, TRAIN_RADIUS)) print("Size of the full training set : ", np.shape(TRAIN)) ##### DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION ########## pca = PCA(0.99999, whiten=True, svd_solver='full') REDUCED = pca.fit_transform(TRAIN) print('PCA : shape of digits reduced dataset: ', np.shape(REDUCED)) ##### PERFORM AIC TO SEARCH BEST NUMBER OF COMPONENTS ################ min_n_components = 1 max_n_components = np.shape(REDUCED)[0] n_components = np.arange(min_n_components, max_n_components, 3) models = [ GMM(n, covariance_type='full', random_state=0) for n in n_components ] aics = [ for model in models] fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(n_components, aics) plt.savefig(path_datas + '/' + 'AIC_graph.png') # can hide DeprecationWarning mini = np.argmin(aics) best_nb_components = n_components[mini] print("Best number of components is : ", best_nb_components) ##### PERFORM GMM WITH BEST NUMBER COMPONENTS ####################### gmm = GMM(best_nb_components, covariance_type='full', random_state=0) print('Convergence of GMM model fit to digits reduced dataset: ', gmm.converged_) # n_sample: sample of new surfaces n_sample = 30 DATA_NEW = gmm.sample(n_sample, random_state=0) print('Shape of random data : ', np.shape(DATA_NEW)) # inverse transform of the PCA object to construct the new surfaces NEW = pca.inverse_transform(DATA_NEW) print('Shape of random data after inverse PCA : ', np.shape(NEW)) thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_radius) t_anevrisme = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) for i in range(n_sample): print("Saving sample {} and create aneurysm".format(i)) SAMPLE = NEW[i, :] DILATATION_SAMPLE = SAMPLE[0] CENTERLINE_SAMPLE = SAMPLE[1:3 * (degree + 1) + 1] RADIUS_SAMPLE = SAMPLE[3 * (degree + 1) + 1:] ### CENTERLINE ############## step = int(len(CENTERLINE_SAMPLE) / 3) coeffs_x = CENTERLINE_SAMPLE[0:step] coeffs_y = CENTERLINE_SAMPLE[step:2 * step] coeffs_z = CENTERLINE_SAMPLE[2 * step:] px = np.poly1d(coeffs_x) py = np.poly1d(coeffs_y) pz = np.poly1d(coeffs_z) der1x = np.polyder(px, m=1) der1y = np.polyder(py, m=1) der1z = np.polyder(pz, m=1) der2x = np.polyder(px, m=2) der2y = np.polyder(py, m=2) der2z = np.polyder(pz, m=2) COORD = np.zeros((len(t_anevrisme), 3)) COORD[:, 0] = px(t_anevrisme) COORD[:, 1] = py(t_anevrisme) COORD[:, 2] = pz(t_anevrisme) COORD *= DILATATION_SAMPLE print("------> Arc Length of the centerline : ", stats.arc_length(1, COORD)) BSPLINE, TAN, NOR, BI = stats.frenet_frame(COORD) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(BSPLINE[:, 0], BSPLINE[:, 1], BSPLINE[:, 2]) # Remember: rows, cols = Z.shape bspline_plot_name = path_datas_random + '/random_bspline_' + str( i) + '.png' plt.savefig(bspline_plot_name) ### RADIUS ################## RADIUS_SAMPLE = RADIUS_SAMPLE.reshape(n_point, n_radius) #np.savetxt(path_datas + '/random_' + str(i) + ".csv", SAMPLE, delimiter = ',') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, RADIUS_SAMPLE.T, cmap='ocean') # Remember: rows, cols = Z.shape surf_plot_name = path_datas_random + '/random_radius_' + str( i) + '.png' plt.savefig(surf_plot_name) liste_contour = [] for k in range(len(COORD)): R_THETA = RADIUS_SAMPLE[k, :] TAB = np.hstack((thetas[np.newaxis].T, R_THETA[np.newaxis].T)) #COORD C = BSPLINE[k, :] T = TAN[k, :] N = NOR[k, :] B = BI[k, :] #RECONSTRUCTION OF SHAPE OF THE SECTION PASSAGE = gmr.Matrice_de_passage(T, N, B) COORD_PLAN = ((, C.T)).T) CONTOUR = gmr.Reconstruction_contour(COORD_PLAN, TAB, PASSAGE) liste_contour.append(CONTOUR) L = np.vstack(liste_contour) ANEVRISME = np.vstack((BSPLINE, L)) gf.Write_csv( path_datas_random + '/' + "RANDOM_ANEURYSM_{}.csv".format(i), ANEVRISME, "x, y, z") end_time = time.time() print("Total time ", round(end_time - start_time, 2)) print("") return 0