Пример #1
def distance_field(grid, position, obstacles):
    Compute a distance field on a grid in a given position, 
    with the given obstacles.
    boundary = Queue()                            # bsf uses queue dynamics
    boundary.enqueue((position[0], position[1]))  # put the starting grid in the queue
    visited = [[EMPTY for _ in xrange(WIDTH)] for _ in xrange(HEIGHT)]
    visited[position[0]][position[1]] = FULL      # set the starting cell to visited
    field = Grid(HEIGHT, WIDTH, STRMAP)           # we'll store the distance field as a grid
    field.set_all_to(-1)                          # -1 will symbolize unreachable cells

    # Set obstacles
    for obstacle in obstacles:
        grid.set_obstacle(obstacle[0], obstacle[1])
        field.set_obstacle(obstacle[0], obstacle[1])
    field.set_empty(position[0], position[1])                   # set the root position

    while boundary:                                             # while the queue is not empty
        current = boundary.dequeue()                            # get a grid cell from the queue
        neighbors = grid.four_neighbors(current[0], current[1]) # get the four neighbor cells:
                                                                # up, down, left, and right

        for neighbor in neighbors:                            # for every neighbor cell
            # If the cell hasn't been visited and has no obstacles:
            if not visited[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] and grid.is_empty(neighbor[0], neighbor[1]):
                visited[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = FULL      # set it as visited
                boundary.enqueue(neighbor)                    # add it to the queue
                field.set_to(neighbor[0], neighbor[1],        # set the distance from the root
                    field.get_cell(current[0], current[1]) + 1)

    return field
Пример #2
def bfs(grid, row, col):
    Perform a breath-first search in the given grid, starting
    in the given cell.
    boundary = Queue()            # bsf uses queue dynamics
    boundary.enqueue((row, col))  # put the starting grid in the queue
    visited = [[EMPTY for _ in xrange(WIDTH)] for _ in xrange(HEIGHT)]
    visited[row][col] = FULL      # set the starting cell to visited

    while boundary:                                             # while the queue is not empty
        current = boundary.dequeue()                            # get a grid cell from the queue
        grid.set_marked(current[0], current[1])                 # (this is for the print)
        neighbors = grid.four_neighbors(current[0], current[1]) # get the four neighbor cells:
        print grid                                              # up, down, left, and right

        for neighbor in neighbors:                        # for every neighbor cell
            if not visited[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]:     # if it hasn't been visited
                visited[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = FULL  # set it as visited
                boundary.enqueue(neighbor)                # add it to the queue
                grid.set_full(neighbor[0], neighbor[1])   # (this is for the print)
        print grid