def get_true_boxes(foldername, filename, smart_resized_target=None, delim=' ', limit=1000000): with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines()[1:limit] filenames_dict = sorted(set([line.split(delim)[0] for line in lines])) true_boxes = [] print('\nGet %d true boxes\n' % len(filenames_dict)) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(filenames_dict)) for b, filename in enumerate(filenames_dict): bar.update(b) if not os.path.isfile(foldername + filename): continue image = + filename) if image is None: continue width, height = image.size local_boxes = [] for line in lines: split = line.split(delim) if split[0] == filename: class_ID = int(split[5]) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = numpy.array(split[1:5]).astype( numpy.float) if smart_resized_target is not None: x_min, y_min = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_min, y_min, width, height, smart_resized_target[1], smart_resized_target[0]) x_max, y_max = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_max, y_max, width, height, smart_resized_target[1], smart_resized_target[0]) local_boxes.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, class_ID]) true_boxes.append(local_boxes) return true_boxes
def get_true_boxes(foldername, filename, delim='\t', smart_resized_target=None, limit=100): with open(filename) as f: lines = f.readlines()[1:limit] list_filenames = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in lines] filenames_dict = sorted(set(list_filenames)) true_boxes = [] for filename in filenames_dict: local_boxes = [] for line in lines: split = line.split(delim) if split[0] == filename: class_ID = int(split[5]) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = numpy.array(split[1:5]).astype( numpy.float) if smart_resized_target is not None: image = cv2.imread(foldername + filename) x_min, y_min = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_min, y_min, image.shape[1], image.shape[0], smart_resized_target[1], smart_resized_target[0]) x_max, y_max = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_max, y_max, image.shape[1], image.shape[0], smart_resized_target[1], smart_resized_target[0]) local_boxes.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, class_ID]) true_boxes.append(local_boxes) return true_boxes
def calc_hits_stats_iou(lines_true, lines_pred, class_ID, delim, folder_annotation, iuo_th=0.5, ovp_th=0.5, ovd_th=0.5): file_true, file_pred = [], [] coord_true, coord_pred, = [], [] conf_true, conf_pred = [], [] hit_true, hit_pred = [], [] for line in lines_true: split = line.split(delim) if int(split[5]) == class_ID: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = int(split[1]), int(split[2]), int( split[3]), int(split[4]) if not os.path.isfile(folder_annotation + split[0]): continue image = + split[0]) if image is None: continue width, height = image.size x_min, y_min = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_min, y_min, width, height, 416, 416) x_max, y_max = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_max, y_max, width, height, 416, 416) file_true.append(split[0]) coord_true.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]) conf_true.append(float(-1)) hit_true.append(0) for line in lines_pred: split = line.split(delim) if int(split[5]) == class_ID: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = int(split[1]), int(split[2]), int( split[3]), int(split[4]) if not os.path.isfile(folder_annotation + split[0]): continue image = + split[0]) if image is None: continue width, height = image.size x_min, y_min = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_min, y_min, width, height, 416, 416) x_max, y_max = tools_image.smart_resize_point( x_max, y_max, width, height, 416, 416) file_pred.append(split[0]) coord_pred.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]) conf_pred.append(float(split[6])) hit_pred.append(0) if iuo_th is not None: for j, filename_true in enumerate(file_true): best_i, best_iou, best_conf = None, -1, None for i, filename_pred in enumerate(file_pred): if filename_true == filename_pred: iuo_value = iou(coord_true[j], coord_pred[i]) if iuo_value >= iuo_th and iuo_value > best_iou: best_i, best_iou, best_conf = i, iuo_value, conf_pred[ i] if best_i is not None: hit_true[j], conf_true[j] = 1, best_conf hit_pred[best_i], conf_pred[best_i] = 1, best_conf else: hit_true[j], conf_true[j] = 0, float(-1) else: for j, filename_true in enumerate(file_true): for i, filename_pred in enumerate(file_pred): if filename_true == filename_pred: ovp_value, ovd_value = ovelraps(coord_true[j], coord_pred[i]) if ovp_value >= ovp_th and ovd_value <= ovd_th: hit_pred[i] = 1 hit_true[j] = 1 conf_true[j] = max(conf_true[j], conf_pred[i]) conf_true, conf_pred = numpy.array(conf_true), numpy.array(conf_pred) hit_true, hit_pred = numpy.array(hit_true), numpy.array(hit_pred) file_true, file_pred = numpy.array(file_true), numpy.array(file_pred) coord_true, coord_pred = numpy.array(coord_true), numpy.array(coord_pred) return file_true, file_pred, coord_true, coord_pred, conf_true, conf_pred, hit_true, hit_pred
def draw_annotation_boxes(file_annotations, file_classes, file_metadata, path_out, delim=' '): tools_IO.remove_files(path_out, create=True) input_image_size, class_names, anchors, anchor_mask, obj_threshold, nms_threshold = load_metadata( file_metadata) mat = tools_IO.load_mat(file_classes, numpy.str) if len(mat) <= len(class_names): class_names[:len(mat)] = mat foldername = '/'.join(file_annotations.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' with open(file_annotations) as f: lines = f.readlines()[1:] boxes_xyxy = numpy.array([line.split(delim)[1:5] for line in lines], filenames = numpy.array([line.split(delim)[0] for line in lines]) class_IDs = numpy.array([line.split(delim)[5] for line in lines], colors = generate_colors(numpy.max(class_IDs) + 1) true_boxes = get_true_boxes(foldername, file_annotations, (416, 416), delim=' ') if len(true_boxes) > 6: anchors = annotation_boxes_to_ancors(true_boxes, 6) descript_ion = [] for filename in set(filenames): image = cv2.imread(foldername + filename) image = tools_image.desaturate(image, 0.9) idx = numpy.where(filenames == filename) boxes_resized = [] for box in boxes_xyxy[idx]: x_min, y_min = tools_image.smart_resize_point( box[0], box[1], image.shape[1], image.shape[0], 416, 416) x_max, y_max = tools_image.smart_resize_point( box[2], box[3], image.shape[1], image.shape[0], 416, 416) boxes_resized.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, 0]) statuses = are_boxes_preprocessed_well(boxes_resized, anchors, anchor_mask, len(class_names)) descript_ion.append([filename, 1 * (statuses.sum() == len(statuses))]) for box, class_ID, status in zip(boxes_xyxy[idx], class_IDs[idx], statuses): w = 2 if status > 0 else -1 cv2.rectangle(image, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), colors[class_ID], thickness=w) cv2.putText(image, '{0:d} {1:s}'.format(class_ID, class_names[class_ID]), (box[0], box[1] - 4), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, colors[class_ID], 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.imwrite(path_out + filename, image) tools_IO.save_mat(descript_ion, path_out + 'descript.ion', delim=' ') return