Пример #1
    def test_snap_poi_02(self):
        # Test 10 random basins
        files = ["small25", "morocco", "tunez", "jebja30"]
        for file in files:
            flw_path = infolder + "/{0}_fd.tif".format(file)
            fd = Flow(flw_path)
            thr = int(fd.get_ncells() * 0.01)
            # Obtenemos 20 puntos aleatorios
            x1, x2, y1, y2 = fd.get_extent()
            xi = (x2 - x1) * np.random.random(25) + x1
            yi = (y2 - y1) * np.random.random(25) + y1
            puntos = np.array((xi, yi)).T

            # Obtenemos lista con Flow Accumulations cells
            fac = fd.get_flow_accumulation(nodata=False, asgrid=False)
            ch_cells = np.where(fac.ravel() >= thr)[0]

            # Hacemos snap a celdas de canal
            snap_pp = fd.snap_points(puntos, thr, kind="channel")
            row, col = fd.xy_2_cell(snap_pp[:, 0], snap_pp[:, 1])
            inds = fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)
            # Comprobamos que punto esta entre los POI
            for ind in inds:
                res = ind in ch_cells
                self.assertEqual(res, True)
Пример #2
class FlowValueTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):        
        # Load test data
        self.ids = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_id.npy")
        self.rows = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_row.npy")
        self.cols = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_col.npy")
        self.xi = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_X.npy")
        self.yi = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_Y.npy")
        self.zi = np.load(infolder + "/np_files/small25_100rnd_Z.npy")
        # Load Flow object
        self.fd = Flow(infolder + "/small25_fd.tif")
    def test_xy_2_cell_01(self):
        xi = self.xi
        yi = self.yi
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols
        expected = (rows, cols)
        computed = self.fd.xy_2_cell(xi, yi)
        comparison = (computed[0] == expected[0]).all() and (computed[1] == expected[1]).all()
        self.assertEqual(comparison, True)
    def test_xy_2_cell_02(self):
        ind = np.random.randint(0, 100)
        x = self.xi[ind]
        y = self.yi[ind]
        row = self.rows[ind]
        col = self.cols[ind]
        expected = (row, col)
        computed = self.fd.xy_2_cell(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(computed, expected)
    def test_xy_2_cell_03(self):
        xi = self.xi.tolist()
        yi = self.yi.tolist()
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols
        crows, ccols = self.fd.xy_2_cell(xi, yi)
        computed = (np.array_equal(rows, crows), np.array_equal(cols, ccols))
        self.assertEqual(computed, (True, True))
    def test_ind_2_cell_01(self):
        idx = np.random.randint(0, 100)
        ind = self.ids[idx]
        row = self.rows[idx]
        col = self.cols[idx]
        expected = (row, col)
        computed = self.fd.ind_2_cell(ind)
        self.assertEqual(computed, expected)
    def test_ind_2_cell_02(self):
        ind = self.ids
        row = self.rows
        col = self.cols
        crow, ccol = self.fd.ind_2_cell(ind)
        computed = (np.array_equal(row, crow), np.array_equal(col, ccol))
        self.assertEqual(computed, (True, True))
    def test_ind_2_cell_03(self):
        ind = self.ids
        row = self.rows
        col = self.cols
        expected = (row, col)
        computed = self.fd.ind_2_cell(ind)
        comparison = (computed[0] == expected[0]).all() and (computed[1] == expected[1]).all()
        self.assertEqual(comparison, True)
    def test_cell_2_ind_01(self):
        idx = np.random.randint(0, 100)
        ind = self.ids[idx]
        row = self.rows[idx]
        col = self.cols[idx]
        expected = ind
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)
        self.assertEqual(computed, expected)
    def test_cell_2_ind_02(self):
        ind = self.ids
        row = self.rows
        col = self.cols
        expected = ind
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)
        res = np.array_equal(expected, computed)
        self.assertEqual(res, True)
    def test_cell_2_ind_03(self):
        ind = self.ids
        row = self.rows
        col = self.cols
        expected = ind
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)
        comparison = (computed == expected).all()
        self.assertEqual(comparison, True)
    def test_cell_2_xy_01(self):
        xi = self.xi
        yi = self.yi
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols
        expected = (xi, yi)
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_xy(rows, cols)
        res = (np.array_equal(expected[0], computed[0]), np.array_equal(expected[1], computed[1]))
        self.assertEqual(res, (True, True))
    def test_cell_2_xy_02(self):
        ind = np.random.randint(0, 100)
        xi = self.xi[ind]
        yi = self.yi[ind]
        rows = self.rows[ind]
        cols = self.cols[ind]
        expected = (xi, yi)
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_xy(rows, cols)
        res = (np.array_equal(expected[0], computed[0]), np.array_equal(expected[1], computed[1]))
        self.assertEqual(res, (True, True))
    def test_cell_2_xy_03(self):
        xi = self.xi.tolist()
        yi = self.yi.tolist()
        rows = self.rows
        cols = self.cols
        expected = (xi, yi)
        computed = self.fd.cell_2_xy(rows, cols)
        res = (np.array_equal(expected[0], computed[0]), np.array_equal(expected[1], computed[1]))
        self.assertEqual(res, (True, True))
Пример #3

from topopy import Flow, Network, DEM
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Get DEM, Flow and Network
dem = DEM("../data/in/jebja30.tif")
fd = Flow(dem)
net = Network(dem, fd, 1000)

# Head
x = 577413
y = 496519
row, col = fd.xy_2_cell(x, y)
ix = fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)

def get_channel(fd, ix):
    ixcix = np.zeros(fd._ncells, np.int)
    ixcix[fd._ix] = np.arange(len(fd._ix))
    channel_points = [ix]
    new_ind = ix
    while ixcix[new_ind] != 0:
        new_ind = fd._ixc[ixcix[new_ind]]
    return channel_points

def get_channel2(net, ix):
    channel = [ix]
    while ix.size > 0:
        idx = np.where(net._ix == ix)
Пример #4
w = fac > threshold
w = w.ravel()
I = w[fd._ix]
ix = fd._ix[I]
ixc = fd._ixc[I]

ixcix = np.zeros(fd._ncells, np.int)
ixcix[fd._ix] = np.arange(len(fd._ix))

ixcix[ix] = np.arange(len(ix))

x = 507194.338
y = 4060151.087
row, col = fd.xy_2_cell(x, y)

channel_ix = fd.cell_2_ind(row, col)
#channel_points = [channel_ix]
#new_ind = channel_ix
#while ixcix[new_ind] != 0:
#    new_ind = fd._ixc[ixcix[new_ind]]
#    channel_points.append(new_ind)
##while ixcix[channel_points[-1]] != 0:
##    channel_points.append(fd._ixc[ixcix[channel_points[-1]]])
#marr = np.zeros(fd._ncells, np.int)
#marr[channel_points] = 1
#marr = marr.reshape(fd._dims)