Пример #1
    def read_utxo_state(self):
        state = self.utxo_db.get(b'state')
        if not state:
            self.db_height = -1
            self.db_tx_count = 0
            self.db_tip = b'\0' * 32
            self.db_version = max(self.DB_VERSIONS)
            self.utxo_flush_count = 0
            self.wall_time = 0
            self.first_sync = True
            state = ast.literal_eval(state.decode())
            if not isinstance(state, dict):
                raise self.DBError('failed reading state from DB')
            self.db_version = state['db_version']
            if self.db_version not in self.DB_VERSIONS:
                raise self.DBError('your UTXO DB version is {} but this '
                                   'software only handles versions {}'.format(
                                       self.db_version, self.DB_VERSIONS))
            # backwards compat
            genesis_hash = state['genesis']
            if isinstance(genesis_hash, bytes):
                genesis_hash = genesis_hash.decode()
            if genesis_hash != self.coin.GENESIS_HASH:
                raise self.DBError(
                    'DB genesis hash {} does not match coin {}'.format(
                        genesis_hash, self.coin.GENESIS_HASH))
            self.db_height = state['height']
            self.db_tx_count = state['tx_count']
            self.db_tip = state['tip']
            self.utxo_flush_count = state['utxo_flush_count']
            self.wall_time = state['wall_time']
            self.first_sync = state['first_sync']

        # These are our state as we move ahead of DB state
        self.fs_height = self.db_height
        self.fs_tx_count = self.db_tx_count
        self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count

        # Log some stats
        self.logger.info('DB version: {:d}'.format(self.db_version))
        self.logger.info('coin: {}'.format(self.coin.NAME))
        self.logger.info('network: {}'.format(self.coin.NET))
        self.logger.info('height: {:,d}'.format(self.db_height))
        self.logger.info('tip: {}'.format(hash_to_hex_str(self.db_tip)))
        self.logger.info('tx count: {:,d}'.format(self.db_tx_count))
        if self.utxo_db.for_sync:
            self.logger.info(f'flushing DB cache at {self.env.cache_MB:,d} MB')
        if self.first_sync:
            self.logger.info('sync time so far: {}'.format(
Пример #2
def sessions_lines(data):
    """A generator returning lines for a list of sessions.

    data is the return value of rpc_sessions()."""
    fmt = ('{:<6} {:<5} {:>17} {:>5} {:>5} {:>5} '
           '{:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>9} {:>21}')
    yield fmt.format('ID', 'Flags', 'Client', 'Proto', 'Reqs', 'Txs', 'Subs',
                     'Recv', 'Recv KB', 'Sent', 'Sent KB', 'Time', 'Peer')
    for (id_, flags, peer, client, proto, reqs, txs_sent, subs, recv_count,
         recv_size, send_count, send_size, time) in data:
        yield fmt.format(id_, flags, client, proto, '{:,d}'.format(reqs),
                         '{:,d}'.format(txs_sent), '{:,d}'.format(subs),
                         '{:,d}'.format(recv_size // 1024),
                         '{:,d}'.format(send_size // 1024),
                         util.formatted_time(time, sep=''), peer)
Пример #3
 def time_fmt(t):
     if not t:
         return 'Never'
     return util.formatted_time(now - t)