Пример #1
 def load_arg_impl(arg_or_args):
     if quantized is None:
         return map_arg(arg_or_args, load_x)
     if isinstance(quantized, bool):
         return map_arg(arg_or_args, load_quantized if quantized else load_non_quantized)
     elif isinstance(quantized, (tuple, list)):
         assert isinstance(arg_or_args, (tuple, list)), arg_or_args
         loaded_args = []
         # for now, we only support quantizing positional arguments
         for i, a in enumerate(arg_or_args):
             if i in quantized:
                 loaded_args.append(map_arg(a, load_quantized))
                 loaded_args.append(map_arg(a, load_non_quantized))
         return type(arg_or_args)(loaded_args)
Пример #2
    def _find_quants(self, quant_ctor):
        quants = {}

        def visit_arg(n):
            # note: we have to measure quantization information
            # even for nodes where we might not use it because it is already
            # quantized. This is because each match has the option to
            # say NotImplemented (if for instance, it is an __add__ and the data type is not appropriate)
            if n.name not in quants:
                quants[n.name] = quant_ctor(self, n)

        for node in self.graph.nodes:
            if node.name in self.matches:
                map_arg(node.args, visit_arg)
                map_arg(node.kwargs, visit_arg)
        return quants
Пример #3
def replace_target_nodes_with(
    fx_module: GraphModule,
    old_op: str,
    old_target: Target,
    new_op: str,
    new_target: Target,
    """Modifies all nodes in fx_module.graph.nodes which match the specified op code and target,
    and updates them to match the new op code and target"""
    new_graph = Graph()
    val_map: Dict[Node, Node] = {}
    for node in fx_module.graph.nodes:
        if node.op == old_op and node.target == old_target:
            args = map_arg(node.args, lambda n: val_map[n])
            kwargs = map_arg(node.kwargs, lambda n: val_map[n])
            assert isinstance(args, tuple)
            assert isinstance(kwargs, dict)
            val_map[node] = new_graph.create_node(new_op, new_target, args,
                                                  kwargs, node.name)
            val_map[node] = new_graph.node_copy(node, lambda n: val_map[n])
    new_graph.output(map_arg(fx_module.graph.result, lambda n: val_map[n]))
    fx_module.graph = new_graph
Пример #4
    def quantize(self):
        self.quantized_graph = Graph()

        env = {}
        quant_env = {}

        def load_arg(n, quantized):
            if not quantized:
                if n.name not in env and n.name in quant_env:
                    env[n.name] = Proxy(quant_env[n.name]).dequantize().node
                return env[n.name]
                if n.name not in quant_env and n.name in env:
                    quant_env[n.name] = self.quants[n.name].quantize(
                return quant_env[n.name]

        def copy_recursive(node):
            def load_or_emit(n):
                if n.name in env or e.name in quant_env:
                    return load_arg(n, quantized=False)
                    return copy_recusive(n)

            r = env[node.name] = self.quantized_graph.node_copy(
                node, lambda n: load_arg(n, quantized=False))
            return r

        for node in self.graph.nodes:
            root_node, obj = self.matches.get(node.name, (None, None))
            if root_node is None:
                # not quantized just copy it
                env[node.name] = self.quantized_graph.node_copy(
                    node, lambda n: load_arg(n, quantized=False))

            elif root_node is node:
                r = obj.quantize(
                    self, node, lambda a: map_arg(
                        a, lambda n: load_arg(n, quantized=True)))
                if r is NotImplemented:
                    # quantizer choose to to quantize the node take the entire match, and just copy it over
                    env[node.name] = copy_recursive(node)
                    quant_env[node.name] = r

            load_arg(self.graph.result, quantized=False))
        return GraphModule(self.root, self.quantized_graph)
Пример #5
    def _find_quants(self, graph, matches):
        Takes the nodes in the input graph and pending matches, and finds and
        returns the input and output nodes which need to be quantized.

          - graph: an fx.Graph object
          - matches: output of self._find_matches function

        Outputs a map of
          node_name -> (QuantizeHandler instance (always DefaultQuant), qconfig)
        quants = {}

        def visit(node, qconfig):
            def visit_arg(arg):
                # note: we have to measure quantization information
                # even for nodes where we might not use it because it is already
                # quantized. This is because each match has the option to
                # say NotImplemented (if for instance, it is an __add__ and the data type is not appropriate)
                is_weight = False
                if isinstance(node, Node) and node.op == 'call_function' and node.target in WEIGHT_INDEX_DICT:
                    for i, node_arg in enumerate(node.args):
                        if arg is node_arg and i in WEIGHT_INDEX_DICT[node.target]:
                            is_weight = True
                if (not self.is_dynamic_quant) or is_weight:
                    # overwrite previous quant config
                    quants[arg.name] = (DefaultQuant(self, arg), qconfig, is_weight)
            return visit_arg

        for node in graph.nodes:
            if node.name in matches:
                root_node, matched, obj, qconfig = matches[node.name]
                # don't attach observer/fake_quant for CopyNode
                if isinstance(obj, CopyNode):
                    qconfig = None
                if root_node is node:
                    # matched[-1] is the first op in the sequence and
                    # matched[0] is the last op in the sequence
                    # inputs
                    map_arg(matched[-1].args, visit(matched[-1], qconfig))
                    map_arg(matched[-1].kwargs, visit(matched[-1], qconfig))
                    # output
                    map_arg(matched[0], visit(None, qconfig))
        return quants
Пример #6
 def load_arg(a):
     return map_arg(a, lambda node: env[node.name])
Пример #7
    def _convert(self, model, inplace=False, debug=False, is_dynamic_quant=False):
        if not inplace:
            model = copy.deepcopy(model)
        self.is_dynamic_quant = is_dynamic_quant
        # run weight observers before inserting quant dequant nodes
        # for dynamic quantization
        if self.is_dynamic_quant:

        # move to cpu since we only have quantized cpu kernels
        self.modules = dict(model.named_modules())

        matches = self._find_matches(model.graph, self.modules, self.patterns)

        quants = self._find_quants(model.graph, matches)
        self.quantized_graph = Graph()
        env = {}
        quant_env = {}

        def load_non_quantized(n):
            if n.name not in env:
                assert n.name in quant_env, \
                    'trying to load float node but did not find node:' + n.name + \
                    ' in quantized or non quantized environment, env: ' + str(env) + \
                    ' quant_env:' + str(quant_env)
                env[n.name] = Proxy(quant_env[n.name]).dequantize().node
            return env[n.name]

        def load_quantized(n):
            if n.name not in quant_env:
                assert n.name in env, \
                    'trying to load quantized node but did not find node:' + n.name + \
                    ' in float environment:' + str(env)
                assert n.name in quants, 'did not find quant object for node:' + n.name
                quant = quants[n.name][0]
                quant_env[n.name] = quant.convert(self, env[n.name])
            return quant_env[n.name]

        def load_x(n):
            assert n.name in env or n.name in quant_env, \
                'node ' + n.name + ' does not exist in either environment'
            if n.name in quant_env:
                return quant_env[n.name]
                return env[n.name]

        def load_arg(quantized):
            Input: quantized, which can be None, list, boolean or tuple
              - if quantized is a list or tuple, then arg should be a list and the args with corresponding
                indexes will be quantized
              - if quantized is a boolean, then all args will be quantized/not quantized
              - if quantized is None, then we'll load the node as long as it exists

            Output: fn which takes arg_or_args, and loads them from the corresponding
              environment depending on the value of quantized.
            assert quantized is None or isinstance(quantized, (tuple, list, bool)), type(quantized)

            def load_arg_impl(arg_or_args):
                if quantized is None:
                    return map_arg(arg_or_args, load_x)
                if isinstance(quantized, bool):
                    return map_arg(arg_or_args, load_quantized if quantized else load_non_quantized)
                elif isinstance(quantized, (tuple, list)):
                    assert isinstance(arg_or_args, (tuple, list)), arg_or_args
                    loaded_args = []
                    # for now, we only support quantizing positional arguments
                    for i, a in enumerate(arg_or_args):
                        if i in quantized:
                            loaded_args.append(map_arg(a, load_quantized))
                            loaded_args.append(map_arg(a, load_non_quantized))
                    return type(arg_or_args)(loaded_args)
            return load_arg_impl

        def is_quantized(node):
            if isinstance(node, Node):
                assert node.name in env or node.name in quant_env, 'Expecting node to be in the environment'
                # there might be nodes appearing in both environemnts, but quant_env will take
                # precedence
                if node.name in quant_env:
                    return True
                elif node.name in env:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(node, list):
                quantized = map(is_quantized, node)
                if all(quantized):
                    return True
                elif not any(quantized):
                    return False
                    raise Exception("partially quantized inputs in list not handled yet")

        for node in model.graph.nodes:
            root_node, matched, obj, qconfig = matches.get(node.name, (None, None, None, None))
            if root_node is node:
                if qconfig is None:
                    result = self.quantized_graph.node_copy(node, load_non_quantized)
                    quantized = False
                    result = obj.convert(self, node, load_arg)
                    # Need to get correct quantized/non-quantized state for the output of CopyNode
                    if isinstance(obj, CopyNode):
                        assert node.op in [
                            'call_method'], \
                            'CopyNode of type ' + node.op + ' is not handled'
                        quantized = is_quantized(node.args[0])
                        quantized = True

                    # output of dynamic quantization is not quantized
                    if self.is_dynamic_quant:
                        quantized = False

                if quantized:
                    quant_env[node.name] = result
                    env[node.name] = result
            elif root_node is not None:

            # handle activation post process calls
            if node.op == 'call_module':
                if is_activation_post_process(self.modules[node.target]):
                    observer_module = self.modules[node.target]
                    prev_node = node.args[0]
                    if observer_module.dtype == torch.float16:
                        # activations are not quantized for
                        # fp16 dynamic quantization
                        # copy the activaiton_post_process node here
                        # since we may need it when we insert prepack
                        # op for weight of linear, this will be removed
                        # later in a separate pass
                        env[node.name] = self.quantized_graph.node_copy(node, load_non_quantized)
                    if prev_node.name in quant_env:
                        # if previous node is already quantized, we'll just remove the activation_post_process
                        quant_env[node.name] = quant_env[prev_node.name]
                    # replace activation post process with quantization ops
                    root_module = self.modules['']
                    quant_env[node.name] = quantize_node(
                        root_module, self.quantized_graph,
                        load_non_quantized(node.args[0]), observer_module)
            # dequantize inputs for the node that are not quantized
            env[node.name] = self.quantized_graph.node_copy(node, load_non_quantized)
        self.quantized_graph.output(map_arg(model.graph.result, load_non_quantized))

        # remove activation post process
        act_post_process_removed_graph = Graph()
        env = {}

        def load_arg(a):
            return map_arg(a, lambda node: env[node.name])
        for node in self.quantized_graph.nodes:
            if node.op == 'call_module' and \
                # remove activation post process
                env[node.name] = env[node.args[0].name]
                env[node.name] = act_post_process_removed_graph.node_copy(node, load_arg)
        act_post_process_removed_graph.output(map_arg(self.quantized_graph.result, load_arg))

        module_dict = dict(model.named_modules())
        to_be_removed = []
        for name, module in model.named_modules():
            if is_activation_post_process(module) and not is_submodule_of_fake_quant(name, module, module_dict):
        for n in to_be_removed:
            delattr(model, n)
        model = GraphModule(model, act_post_process_removed_graph)
        return model