def __init__(self, opt, world): super().__init__(opt) self.inner_world = world self.numthreads = opt['numthreads'] self.sync = { # syncronization primitives # semaphores for counting queued examples 'queued_sem': Semaphore(0), # counts num exs to be processed 'threads_sem': Semaphore(0), # counts threads 'reset_sem': Semaphore(0), # allows threads to reset # flags for communicating with threads 'reset_flag': Value('b', False), # threads should reset 'term_flag': Value('b', False), # threads should terminate # counters 'epoch_done_ctr': Value('i', 0), # number of done threads 'total_parleys': Value('l', 0), # number of parleys in threads } self.threads = [] for i in range(self.numthreads): self.threads.append( HogwildProcess(i, opt, world.share(), self.sync)) time.sleep( 0.05) # delay can help prevent deadlock in thread launches for t in self.threads: t.start() for _ in self.threads: # wait for threads to launch # this makes sure that no threads get examples before all are set up # otherwise they might reset one another after processing some exs self.sync['threads_sem'].acquire()
def __init__(self, opt, world): super().__init__(opt) self.inner_world = world self.numthreads = opt['numthreads'] self.sync = { # syncronization primitives # semaphores for counting queued examples 'queued_sem': Semaphore(0), # counts num exs to be processed 'threads_sem': Semaphore(0), # counts threads 'reset_sem': Semaphore(0), # allows threads to reset # flags for communicating with threads 'reset_flag': Value('b', False), # threads should reset 'term_flag': Value('b', False), # threads should terminate # counters 'epoch_done_ctr': Value('i', 0), # number of done threads 'total_parleys': Value('l', 0), # number of parleys in threads } # don't let threads create more threads! self.threads = [] for i in range(self.numthreads): self.threads.append(HogwildProcess(i, opt, world, self.sync)) for t in self.threads: t.start() for _ in self.threads: self.sync['threads_sem'].acquire()
def __init__(self, world_class, opt, agents): super().__init__(opt) self.inner_world = world_class(opt, agents) self.queued_items = Semaphore(0) # counts num exs to be processed self.epochDone = Condition() # notifies when exs are finished self.terminate = Value('b', False) # tells threads when to shut down self.cnt = Value('i', 0) # number of exs that remain to be processed self.threads = [] for i in range(opt['numthreads']): self.threads.append( HogwildProcess(i, world_class, opt, agents, self.queued_items, self.epochDone, self.terminate, self.cnt)) for t in self.threads: t.start()
class Pipeline(): def __init__(self, config, share_batches=True, manager=None, new_process=True): if new_process == True and manager is None: manager = Manager() self.knows = Semaphore(0) # > 0 if we know if any are coming # == 0 if DatasetReader is processing a command self.working = Semaphore(1 if new_process else 100) self.finished_reading = Lock( ) # locked if we're still reading from file # number of molecules that have been sent to the pipe: self.in_pipe = Value('i', 0) # Tracking what's already been sent through the pipe: self._example_number = Value('i', 0) # The final kill switch: self._close = Value('i', 0) self.command_queue = manager.Queue(10) self.molecule_pipeline = None self.batch_queue = Queue( ) #manager.Queue( self.share_batches = share_batches self.dataset_reader = DatasetReader("dataset_reader", self, config, new_process=new_process) if new_process: self.dataset_reader.start() def __getstate__(self): self_dict = self.__dict__.copy() self_dict['dataset_reader'] = None return self_dict # methods for pipeline user/consumer: def start_reading(self, examples_to_read, make_molecules=True, batch_size=None, wait=False): #print("Start reading...") assert check_semaphore( self.finished_reading ), "Tried to start reading file, but already reading!" with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): assert self.in_pipe.value == 0, "Tried to start reading, but examples already in pipe!" set_semaphore(self.finished_reading, False) set_semaphore(self.knows, False) self.working.acquire() self.command_queue.put( StartReading(examples_to_read, make_molecules, batch_size)) if wait: self.wait_till_done() def wait_till_done(self): # wait_semaphore(self.knows) # wait_semaphore(self.finished_reading) self.working.acquire() self.working.release() if self.any_coming(): with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): ip = self.in_pipe.value raise Exception(f"Waiting with {ip} examples in pipe!") def scan_to(self, index): assert check_semaphore( self.knows), "Tried to scan to index, but don't know if finished!" assert check_semaphore( self.finished_reading ), "Tried to scan to index, but not finished reading!" assert not self.any_coming( ), "Tried to scan to index, but pipeline not empty!" self.working.acquire() self.command_queue.put(ScanTo(index)) with self._example_number.get_lock(): self._example_number.value = index # What to do if things are still in the pipe??? def set_indices(self, test_set_indices): self.working.acquire() self.command_queue.put(SetIndices(torch.tensor(test_set_indices))) self.working.acquire() self.command_queue.put(ScanTo(0)) def set_shuffle(self, shuffle): self.command_queue.put(SetShuffle(shuffle)) def any_coming(self): # returns True if at least one example is coming wait_semaphore(self.knows) with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): return self.in_pipe.value > 0 def get_batch(self, timeout=None): #assert self.any_coming(verbose=verbose), "Tried to get data from an empty pipeline!" x = self.batch_queue.get(True, timeout) #print(f"{type(x)} : {x}") #for b in x: # print(f" --{type(b)} : {b}") with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): self.in_pipe.value -= x.n_examples if self.in_pipe.value == 0 and not check_semaphore( self.finished_reading): set_semaphore(self.knows, False) with self._example_number.get_lock(): self._example_number.value += x.n_examples return x @property def example_number(self): with self._example_number.get_lock(): return self._example_number.value def close(self): self.command_queue.put(CloseReader()) with self._close.get_lock(): self._close.value = True self.dataset_reader.join(4) self.dataset_reader.kill() # methods for DatasetReader: def get_command(self): return self.command_queue.get() def put_molecule_to_ext(self, m, block=True): r = self.molecule_pipeline.put_molecule(m, block) if not r: return False with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): if self.in_pipe.value == 0: set_semaphore(self.knows, True) self.in_pipe.value += 1 return True def put_molecule_data(self, data, atomic_numbers, weights, ID, block=True): r = self.molecule_pipeline.put_molecule_data(data, atomic_numbers, weights, ID, block) if not r: return False with self.in_pipe.get_lock(): if self.in_pipe.value == 0: set_semaphore(self.knows, True) if data.ndim == 3: self.in_pipe.value += data.shape[0] else: self.in_pipe.value += 1 return True def get_batch_from_ext(self, block=True): return self.molecule_pipeline.get_next_batch(block) def ext_batch_ready(self): return self.molecule_pipeline.batch_ready() # !!! Call only after you've put the molecules !!! def set_finished_reading(self): set_semaphore(self.finished_reading, True) set_semaphore(self.knows, True) self.molecule_pipeline.notify_finished() def put_batch(self, x): if False: #self.share_batches: print("[P] Sharing memory... ") try: x.share_memory_() except Exception as e: print("[P] Failed when moving tensor to shared memory") print(e) print("[P] Done sharing memory") self.batch_queue.put(x) def time_to_close(self): with self._close.get_lock(): return self._close.value
class HogwildWorld(World): """Creates a separate world for each thread (process). Maintains a few shared objects to keep track of state: - A Semaphore which represents queued examples to be processed. Every call of parley increments this counter; every time a Process claims an example, it decrements this counter. - A Condition variable which notifies when there are no more queued examples. - A boolean Value which represents whether the inner worlds should shutdown. - An integer Value which contains the number of unprocessed examples queued (acquiring the semaphore only claims them--this counter is decremented once the processing is complete). """ def __init__(self, world_class, opt, agents): super().__init__(opt) self.inner_world = world_class(opt, agents) self.queued_items = Semaphore(0) # counts num exs to be processed self.epochDone = Condition() # notifies when exs are finished self.terminate = Value('b', False) # tells threads when to shut down self.cnt = Value('i', 0) # number of exs that remain to be processed self.threads = [] for i in range(opt['numthreads']): self.threads.append( HogwildProcess(i, world_class, opt, agents, self.queued_items, self.epochDone, self.terminate, self.cnt)) for t in self.threads: t.start() def display(self): self.shutdown() raise NotImplementedError('Hogwild does not support displaying in-run' ' task data. Use `--numthreads 1`.') def episode_done(self): return False def parley(self): """Queue one item to be processed.""" with self.cnt.get_lock(): self.cnt.value += 1 self.queued_items.release() self.total_parleys += 1 def getID(self): return self.inner_world.getID() def report(self, compute_time=False): return def save_agents(self): self.inner_world.save_agents() def synchronize(self): """Sync barrier: will wait until all queued examples are processed.""" with self.epochDone: self.epochDone.wait_for(lambda: self.cnt.value == 0) def shutdown(self): """Set shutdown flag and wake threads up to close themselves""" # set shutdown flag with self.terminate.get_lock(): self.terminate.value = True # wake up each thread by queueing fake examples for _ in self.threads: self.queued_items.release() # wait for threads to close for t in self.threads: t.join()
if __name__ == "__main__": start_time = time.time() # 숫자를 저장할 numpy 배열(1차원) 생성 arr = np.array([0]) # 공유 메모리 생성 shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(create=True, size=arr.nbytes) # 공유 메모리의 버퍼를 numpy 배열로 변환 np_shm = np.ndarray(arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype, buffer=shm.buf) # 세마포어 생성 sem = Semaphore() # 프로세스 2개 생성 th1 = Process(target=worker, args=(1, 50000000,, np_shm, sem)) th2 = Process(target=worker, args=(2, 50000000,, np_shm, sem)) # 프로세스 시작 th1.start() th2.start() # 프로세스가 종료될 때까지 기다린다. th1.join() th2.join() print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))