def forward(self, x):
        # print("fffff",x)
        embed = self.embed(x)

        # CNN
        cnn_x = embed
        cnn_x = torch.transpose(cnn_x, 0, 1)
        cnn_x = cnn_x.unsqueeze(1)
        cnn_x = [F.relu(conv(cnn_x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in cnn_x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x =, 1)
        cnn_x = self.dropout(cnn_x)

        # LSTM
        lstm_x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
        lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(lstm_x, self.hidden)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
        # lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)
        lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)

        # CNN and LSTM cat
        cnn_x = torch.transpose(cnn_x, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        cnn_lstm_out =, lstm_out), 0)
        cnn_lstm_out = torch.transpose(cnn_lstm_out, 0, 1)

        # linear
        cnn_lstm_out = self.hidden2label1(F.tanh(cnn_lstm_out))
        cnn_lstm_out = self.hidden2label2(F.tanh(cnn_lstm_out))

        # output
        logit = cnn_lstm_out
        return logit
    def forward(self, x):
        # print("aaaaa")
        x_no_static = self.embed_no_static(x)
        # x_no_static = self.dropout(x_no_static)
        x_static = self.embed_static(x)
        # fix the embedding
        # x_static = Variable(
        # x_static = self.dropout(x_static)
        x = torch.stack([x_static, x_no_static], 1)
        # x = x.unsqueeze(1) # (N,Ci,W,D)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = [F.relu(self.convs1_bn(conv(x))).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        x =, 1)
        x1 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv13) #(N,Co)
        x2 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv14) #(N,Co)
        x3 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv15) #(N,Co)
        x =, x2, x3), 1) # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
        x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)

        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = self.fc1(x)
            logit = self.fc2(F.relu(x))
            x = self.fc1(x)
            logit = self.fc2(F.relu(x))
        return logit
Пример #3
    def forward(self,
        statement = Variable(sample.statement).unsqueeze(0)
        subject = Variable(sample.subject).unsqueeze(0)
        speaker = Variable(sample.speaker).unsqueeze(0)
        speaker_pos = Variable(sample.speaker_pos).unsqueeze(0)
        state = Variable(sample.state).unsqueeze(0)
        party = Variable(
        context = Variable(sample.context).unsqueeze(0)

        batch = 1 # Current support one sample per time
                  # TODO: Increase batch number

        # Statement
        statement_ = self.statement_embedding(statement).unsqueeze(0) # 1*W*D -> 1*1*W*D
        statement_ = [F.relu(conv(statement_)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.statement_convs] # 1*1*W*1 -> 1*Co*W x [len(convs)]
        statement_ = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in statement_] # 1*Co*1 -> 1*Co x len(convs)
        statement_ =, 1)  # 1*len(convs)

        # Subject
        subject_ = self.subject_embedding(subject) # 1*W*D
        _, (subject_, _) = self.subject_lstm(subject_) # 1*(layer x dir)*hidden
        subject_ = F.max_pool1d(subject_, self.subject_hidden_dim).view(1, -1) # 1*(layer x dir)*1 -> 1*(layer x dir)

        # Speaker
        speaker_ = self.speaker_embedding(speaker).squeeze(0) # 1*1*D -> 1*D

        # Speaker Position
        speaker_pos_ = self.speaker_pos_embedding(speaker_pos)
        _, (speaker_pos_, _) = self.speaker_pos_lstm(speaker_pos_)
        speaker_pos_ = F.max_pool1d(speaker_pos_, self.speaker_pos_hidden_dim).view(1, -1)

        # State
        state_ = self.state_embedding(state).squeeze(0)

        # Party
        party_ = self.party_embedding(party).squeeze(0)

        # Context
        context_ = self.context_embedding(context)
        _, (context_, _) = self.context_lstm(context_)
        context_ = F.max_pool1d(context_, self.context_hidden_dim).view(1, -1)

        # Concatenate
        features =, subject_, speaker_, speaker_pos_, state_, party_, context_), 1)
        features = self.dropout(features)
        features = self.fc(features)

        return features
Пример #4
    def forward(self, sentence):
        # print(sentence)       [torch.LongTensor of size 47x64]
        x = self.word_embeddings(sentence)      # [torch.FloatTensor of size 47x64x100]
        x = torch.transpose(x, 0, 1)
        # print(x)            # [torch.FloatTensor of size 32x43x300]
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)
        # x = F.relu(self.convl3(x).squeeze(3))
        x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convsl]
        # print(x)            # [torch.FloatTensor of size 32x200x41] 40 39 38 37
        # print(type(x))
        # a =,, 2)
        x =, 2)
        # print(x)            # [torch.FloatTensor of size 32x200x195]
        x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2)
        embeds = torch.transpose(x, 0, 1)
        # print(embeds)       # [torch.FloatTensor of size 195x32x200]
        # embeds = self.word_embeddings()
        # x = embeds.view(len(sentence), self.batch_size, -1)  # torch.Size([43, 64, 300])
        lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(embeds, self.hidden)

        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
        # lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)

        lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2))
        # print(lstm_out.size())
        lstm_out = lstm_out.squeeze(2)

        lstm_out = self.dropout(lstm_out)
        y = self.hidden2label(lstm_out)
        # log_probs = F.log_softmax(y)
        log_probs = y
        return log_probs
 def forward(self, x):
     x_no_static = self.embed_no_static(x)
     # x_no_static = self.dropout(x_no_static)
     x_static = self.embed_static(x)
     # fix the embedding
     x_static = Variable(
     # x_static = self.dropout(x_static)
     x = torch.stack([x_static, x_no_static], 1)
     one_layer = x  # (N,W,D) #  torch.Size([64, 43, 300])
     # print("one_layer {}".format(one_layer.size()))
     # one_layer = self.dropout(one_layer)
     # one_layer = one_layer.unsqueeze(1)  # (N,Ci,W,D)  #  torch.Size([64, 1, 43, 300])
     # one layer
     one_layer = [torch.transpose(F.relu(conv(one_layer)).squeeze(3), 1, 2).unsqueeze(1) for conv in self.convs1] # torch.Size([64, 100, 36])
     # one_layer = [F.relu(conv(one_layer)).squeeze(3).unsqueeze(1) for conv in self.convs1] # torch.Size([64, 100, 36])
     # print(one_layer[0].size())
     # print(one_layer[1].size())
     # two layer
     two_layer = [F.relu(conv(one_layer)).squeeze(3) for (conv, one_layer) in zip(self.convs2, one_layer)]
     # print("two_layer {}".format(two_layer[0].size()))
     # print("two_layer {}".format(two_layer[1].size()))
     # pooling
     output = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in two_layer]   #  torch.Size([64, 100]) torch.Size([64, 100])
     output =, 1)  # torch.Size([64, 300])
     # dropout
     output = self.dropout(output)
     # linear
     output = self.fc1(output)
     logit = self.fc2(F.relu(output))
     return logit
Пример #6
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)  # (N,Co,W)  # squeeze([dim])
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     # x2 = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)  # (N,Co,W)  # squeeze([dim])
     # x2 = F.avg_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     x =, 1)
     return x
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.embed(x)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        # x = x.view(len(x), x.size(1), -1)
        # x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
        bilstm_out, self.hidden = self.bilstm(x, self.hidden)

        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 1, 2)
        # bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2))
        bilstm_out = bilstm_out.squeeze(2)

        hidden2lable = self.hidden2label1(F.tanh(bilstm_out))

        gate_layer = F.sigmoid(self.gate_layer(bilstm_out))
        # calculate highway layer values
        gate_hidden_layer = torch.mul(hidden2lable, gate_layer)
        # if write like follow ,can run,but not equal the HighWay NetWorks formula
        # gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), hidden2lable)
        gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), bilstm_out)
        highway_output = torch.add(gate_hidden_layer, gate_input)

        logit = self.logit_layer(highway_output)

        return logit
    def forward(self, sentence):
        # print(sentence)                                     # [torch.LongTensor of size 42x64]
        x = self.word_embeddings(sentence)
        x = self.dropout_embed(x)
        # print(embeds.size())                                # torch.Size([42, 64, 100])
        # x = embeds.view(len(sentence), self.batch_size, -1)
        print(x.size())                                     # torch.Size([42, 64, 100])
        lstm_out, self.hidden = self.bnlstm(x, self.hidden)   # lstm_out 10*5*50 hidden 1*5*50 *2
        # print(lstm_out)
        # lstm_out = [F.max_pool1d(i, len(lstm_out)).unsqueeze(2) for i in lstm_out]
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)

        lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2))
        # print(lstm_out.size())
        lstm_out = lstm_out.squeeze(2)
        # y = self.hidden2label(lstm_out)

        #lstm_out =, 1)
        # lstm_out = self.dropout(lstm_out)
        # lstm_out = lstm_out.view(len(sentence), -1)
        y = self.hidden2label(F.tanh(lstm_out))
        # log_probs = F.log_softmax(y)
        log_probs = y
        return log_probs
Пример #9
 def _conv_and_pool(x):
     x = x.unsqueeze(1)
     conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=2, kernel_size=(3, 4), padding=(1, 0))
     x = conv.forward(x)
     x = x.squeeze(3)
     # print(x)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     return x
Пример #10
    def forward(self, XD_input, XT_input):
        # Tính embedding của XD_input
        XD_input = self.embedding_XD(XD_input)
        # Tính layer convulution thứ nhất bằng relu
        smiles = functional.relu(self.convolution1_XD(torch.transpose(XD_input, 2, 1)))
        # Tính layer convulution thứ hai bằng relu
        smiles = functional.relu(self.convolution2_XD(smiles))
        # Tính layer convulution thứ ba bằng relu
        smiles = functional.relu(self.convolution3_XD(smiles))
        # Tính layer max pool 1d
        smiles = functional.max_pool1d(smiles, kernel_size=smiles.size()[2:])
        # Thay đổi shape của kết quả
        smiles = smiles.view(smiles.shape[0], smiles.shape[1])

        # Tính embedding của XT_input
        XT_input = self.embedding_XT(XT_input)
        # Tính layer convulution thứ nhất bằng relu
        protein = functional.relu(self.convolution1_XT(torch.transpose(XT_input, 2, 1)))
        # Tính layer convulution thứ hai bằng relu
        protein = functional.relu(self.convolution2_XT(protein))
        # Tính layer convulution thứ ba bằng relu
        protein = functional.relu(self.convolution3_XT(protein))
        # Tính layer max pool 1d
        protein = functional.max_pool1d(protein, kernel_size=protein.size()[2:])
        # Thay đổi shape của kết quả
        protein = protein.view(protein.shape[0], protein.shape[1])

        # Gộp hai layer
        interaction =, protein), 1)
        # Tính layer fully connected 1 bằng relu
        f_relu = functional.relu(self.fully_connected1(interaction))
        # Tính dropout 1
        f_relu = self.dropout1(f_relu)
        # Tính layer fully connected 2 bằng relu
        f_relu = functional.relu(self.fully_connected2(f_relu))
        # Tính dropout 12
        f_relu = self.dropout2(f_relu)
        # Tính layer fully connected 3 bằng relu
        f_relu = functional.relu(self.fully_connected3(f_relu))
        # Tính layer fully connected 4
        f_relu = self.fully_connected4(f_relu)
        # Trả về kết quả
        return f_relu
Пример #11
    def max_pool1d(self, x, seq_lens):
        # x:[N,L,O_in]
        out = []
        for index, t in enumerate(x):
            t = t[:seq_lens[index], :]
            t = torch.t(t).unsqueeze(0)
            out.append(F.max_pool1d(t, t.size(2)))

        out =
        return out
Пример #12
    def forward(self, x):

        emb = self.emb(x).unsqueeze(1)  # batch_size * 1 * seq_len * emb_dim
        convs = [F.relu(conv(emb)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs]  # [batch_size * num_filter * length]
        pools = [F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.size(2)).squeeze(2) for conv in convs] # [batch_size * num_filter]
        pred =, 1)  # batch_size * num_filters_sum
        highway = self.highway(pred)
        pred = F.sigmoid(highway) *  F.relu(highway) + (1. - F.sigmoid(highway)) * pred
        pred = self.softmax(self.lin(self.dropout(pred)))
        return pred
 def forward(self, x):
     x = self.embed(x)  # (N,W,D)
     x = self.dropout_embed(x)
     x = x.unsqueeze(1)  # (N,Ci,W,D)
     if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
         x = [self.convs1_bn(F.tanh(conv(x))).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
         x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
         # x = [self.dropout(F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
         # x = [self.dropout(F.tanh(conv(x)).squeeze(3)) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
         x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
         # x = [F.tanh(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
         x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
     x =, 1)
     x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
     if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
         x = self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x))
         logit = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.tanh(x)))
         logit = self.fc(x)
     return logit
    def forward(self, inputs):
        inputs = self.embedding(inputs) # B,T,D
        # print (inputs.size())
        inputs = inputs.view(-1, 1,self.embedding_dim*inputs.size(1)) # (B,1,T*D)
        inputs = [F.relu(conv(inputs)) for conv in self.convs] #[(B,kernel_dim,L_out), ...]*len(Ks)
        inputs = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in inputs] #[(B,kernel_dim), ...]*len(Ks)

        concated =, 1) # B, kernel_dim*len(Ks)
        concated = self.dropout(concated) 
        out = self.fc(concated)
        return F.sigmoid(out)
 def forward(self, x):
     # print(x.size())                               # torch.Size([64, 49])
     x = self.embed(x)  # (N,W,D)
     # print(x.size())                               # torch.Size([64, 49, 300])
     # if self.args.static:
     #     x = Variable(
     x_static = Variable(
     x = x.unsqueeze(1)  # (N,Ci,W,D) 在索引1处增加一维
     # print(x.size())                               # torch.Size([64, 1, 49, 300])
     x_static = x_static.unsqueeze(1)
     # xx = [x, x_static]
     # x =, 1)
     x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in
          self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks) [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x100x33]
     x2 = [F.relu(conv(x_static)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]
     # print(len(x))
     # print(x)                    # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x200x50] [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x200x49] 48 47 46
     # x =, 2)
     # xx = [x, x2]
     # x =, 0)
     x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in
          x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks) <class 'list'>: Variable: [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x100]
     x2 = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x2]
     # print(len(x))
     # print(x)                    # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x200] * 5
     # xx = [x, x2]
     x =, 1)  # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x500]
     x2 =, 1)
     x =[x, x2], 1)
     # print(len(x))
     # print(x)                    # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x1000]
     x1 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv13) #(N,Co)
     x2 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv14) #(N,Co)
     x3 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv15) #(N,Co)
     x =, x2, x3), 1) # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
     x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
     logit = self.fc1(x)  # (N,C)
     return logit
    def forward(self, x):
        # print("source x {} ".format(x.size()))
        x = self.embed(x)  # (N,W,D)
        x = self.dropout(x)
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)  # (N,Ci,W,D)
        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = [self.convs1_bn(F.tanh(conv(x))).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [self.dropout(F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [F.tanh(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [conv(x).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x] #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        x =, 1)
        # x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x))
            fc = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.tanh(x)))
            fc = self.fc1(x)
            # fc = self.fc2(F.relu(x))

        # print("xxx {} ".format(x.size()))

        gate_layer = F.sigmoid(self.gate_layer(x))

        # calculate highway layer values
        # print(" fc_size {} gate_layer_size {}".format(fc.size(), gate_layer.size()))
        gate_fc_layer = torch.mul(fc, gate_layer)
        # print("gate_layer {} ".format(gate_layer))
        # print("1 - gate_layer size {} ".format((1 - gate_layer).size()))
        # if write like follow ,can run,but not equal the HighWay NetWorks formula
        # gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), fc)
        gate_input = torch.mul((1 - gate_layer), x)
        highway_output = torch.add(gate_fc_layer, gate_input)

        logit = self.logit_layer(highway_output)

        return logit
    def forward(self, x):
        embed = self.embed(x)
        x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
        bilstm_out, self.hidden = self.bilstm(x, self.hidden)

        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 1, 2)
        bilstm_out = F.tanh(bilstm_out)
        bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        y = self.hidden2label1(bilstm_out)
        y = self.hidden2label2(y)
        logit = y
        return logit
    def forward(self, x):
        embed = self.embed(x)

        # CNN
        cnn_x = embed
        cnn_x = torch.transpose(cnn_x, 0, 1)
        cnn_x = cnn_x.unsqueeze(1)
        # cnn_x = [F.relu(conv(cnn_x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x = [conv(cnn_x).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
        # cnn_x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in cnn_x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x = [F.tanh(F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2)) for i in cnn_x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x =, 1)
        cnn_x = self.dropout(cnn_x)

        # BiLSTM
        bilstm_x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
        bilstm_out, self.hidden = self.bilstm(bilstm_x, self.hidden)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 1, 2)
        # bilstm_out = F.tanh(bilstm_out)
        bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        bilstm_out = F.tanh(bilstm_out)

        # CNN and BiLSTM CAT
        cnn_x = torch.transpose(cnn_x, 0, 1)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1)
        cnn_bilstm_out =, bilstm_out), 0)
        cnn_bilstm_out = torch.transpose(cnn_bilstm_out, 0, 1)

        # linear
        cnn_bilstm_out = self.hidden2label1(F.tanh(cnn_bilstm_out))
        # cnn_bilstm_out = F.tanh(self.hidden2label1(cnn_bilstm_out))
        cnn_bilstm_out = self.hidden2label2(F.tanh(cnn_bilstm_out))
        # cnn_bilstm_out = self.hidden2label2(cnn_bilstm_out)

        # output
        logit = cnn_bilstm_out
        return logit
Пример #19
    def max_pool1d(x, seq_lens):
        :param x: (B, L, D)
        :param seq_lens: (B)
        :return: (B, D)
        out = []
        for index, t in enumerate(x):  # t: (L, D)
            t = t[:seq_lens[index], :]
            t = torch.t(t).unsqueeze(0)  # (L, D) -> (D, L) -> (1, D, L)
            out.append(F.max_pool1d(t, t.size(2)))  # [(1, D, 1)]

        out =  # B * (1, D, 1) -> (B, D, 1) -> (B, D)
        return out
 def forward(self, input):
     embed = self.embed(input)
     input = embed.view(len(input), embed.size(1), -1)
     # lstm
     lstm_out, hidden = self.gru(input, self.hidden)
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
     # pooling
     lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)
     # linear
     y = self.hidden2label(lstm_out)
     logit = y
     return logit
 def forward(self, x):
     embed = self.embed(x)
     embed = self.dropout_embed(embed)
     x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
     # lstm
     lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(x, self.hidden)
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
     # pooling
     lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)
     lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)
     # linear
     logit = self.hidden2label(lstm_out)
     return logit
    def forward(self, sentence):
        # print(sentence)       [torch.LongTensor of size 47x64]
        x = self.word_embeddings(sentence)      # [torch.FloatTensor of size 47x64x100]
        x = torch.transpose(x, 0, 1)
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)

        x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convsl]
        x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x]
        x =, 1)                   # 64*500
        x = self.dropout(x)
        # print(x.size())
        # a =,, 2)
        # x =, 2)
        # x = torch.transpose(x, 1, 2)
        # embeds = torch.transpose(x, 0, 1)

        embeds = self.word_embeddings(sentence)
        # embeds = embeds.view(len(sentence), self.batch_size, -1)  # torch.Size([43, 64, 300])
        lstm_out, self.hidden = self.lstm(embeds, self.hidden)

        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
        # lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)

        lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2))
        # print(lstm_out.size())
        lstm_out = lstm_out.squeeze(2)          # 64*50

        # lstm_out = self.dropout(lstm_out)
        # print(lstm_out.size())
        # y = self.hidden2label(lstm_out)
        y =, x), 1)
        y = self.fc2class(y)
        # log_probs = F.log_softmax(y)
        log_probs = y
        return log_probs
Пример #23
 def _get_lstm_features(self, names, lengths):
     self.hidden = self.init_hidden(names.size(-1))
     embeds = self.char_embeds(names)  # Figure 4
     packed_input = pack_padded_sequence(embeds, lengths)  # Figure 5
     packed_output, (ht, ct) = self.lstm(packed_input, self.hidden)  # Figure 6
     lstm_out, _ = pad_packed_sequence(packed_output)  # Figure 7
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
     lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
     lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)  # Figure 8
     lstm_out, indices = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2), return_indices=True)  # Figure 9
     lstm_out = lstm_out.squeeze(2)  #对维度的修正,使其符合输入格式
     lstm_out = F.tanh(lstm_out)
     lstm_feats = self.fully_connected_layer(lstm_out)
     output = self.softmax(lstm_feats)  # Figure 10
     return output
Пример #24
 def get_last_hiddens(self, input, seq_lengths):
             input: Variable(batch_size, word_length)
             seq_lengths: numpy array (batch_size,  1)
             Variable(batch_size, char_hidden_dim)
         Note it only accepts ordered (length) variable, length size is recorded in seq_lengths
     batch_size = input.size(0)
     char_embeds = self.char_drop(self.char_embeddings(input))
     char_embeds = char_embeds.transpose(2,1).contiguous()
     char_cnn_out = self.char_cnn(char_embeds)
     char_cnn_out = F.max_pool1d(char_cnn_out, char_cnn_out.size(2)).view(batch_size, -1)
     return char_cnn_out
 def forward(self, input):
     embed = self.embed(input)
     embed = self.dropout(embed)  # add this reduce the acc
     input = embed.view(len(input), embed.size(1), -1)
     # gru
     gru_out, hidden = self.bigru(input, self.hidden)
     gru_out = torch.transpose(gru_out, 0, 1)
     gru_out = torch.transpose(gru_out, 1, 2)
     # pooling
     # gru_out = F.tanh(gru_out)
     gru_out = F.max_pool1d(gru_out, gru_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     gru_out = F.tanh(gru_out)
     # linear
     y = self.hidden2label(gru_out)
     logit = y
     return logit
Пример #26
    def forward(self, x):
        # print(x)                              # <class 'torch.autograd.variable.Variable'> [torch.LongTensor of size 64x35]
        # x_size =
        # print(x_size)
        x = self.embed(x)
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)                      # (N,Ci,W,D) 在索引1处增加一维
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x1x35x128]
        # x = Variable(torch.transpose(, 0, 1))
        # x =
        # x = Variable(torch.transpose(, 0, 1))
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x35x128]
        # if self.args.static:
        #     x = Variable(
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x35x128]

        # x2 = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
        # print(x2)
        a = []
        for conv in self.convs1:
            xx = conv(x)                        # variable [torch.FloatTensor of size 16x200x35x1]
            # print(xx)
            xx = Variable(torch.transpose(, 2, 3))
            xx = Variable(torch.transpose(, 1, 2))
            xx =
            xx = F.relu(xx)
            xx = xx.squeeze(1)
        # print(a)
        x = a
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x100x31],32,33,34
        x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x]  # [(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x100]*4

        x =, 1)
        # print(x)                             # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x400]
        x1 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv13) #(N,Co)
        x2 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv14) #(N,Co)
        x3 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv15) #(N,Co)
        x =, x2, x3), 1) # (N,len(Ks)*Co)

        x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
        # print(x)                            # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x400]
        logit = self.fc1(x)  # (N,C)
        # print(logit)                        # [torch.FloatTensor of size 64x2]
        return logit
Пример #27
    def forward(self, x, doc_lens):
        sent_lens = torch.sum(torch.sign(x), dim=1).data
        H = self.args.hidden_size
        x = self.embed(x)  # (N,L,D)
        # word level GRU
        x = [conv(x.permute(0, 2, 1)) for conv in self.convs]
        x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in x]
        x =, 1)
        # make sent features(pad with zeros)
        x = self.pad_doc(x, doc_lens)

        # sent level GRU
        sent_out = self.sent_RNN(x)[0]  # (B,max_doc_len,2*H)
        docs = self.max_pool1d(sent_out, doc_lens)  # (B,2*H)
        docs = self.fc(docs)
        probs = []
        for index, doc_len in enumerate(doc_lens):
            valid_hidden = sent_out[index, :doc_len, :]  # (doc_len,2*H)
            doc = docs[index].unsqueeze(0)
            s = Variable(torch.zeros(1, 2 * H))
            if self.args.device is not None:
                s = s.cuda()
            for position, h in enumerate(valid_hidden):
                h = h.view(1, -1)  # (1,2*H)
                # get position embeddings
                abs_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[position]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    abs_index = abs_index.cuda()
                abs_features = self.abs_pos_embed(abs_index).squeeze(0)

                rel_index = int(round((position + 1) * 9.0 / doc_len))
                rel_index = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[rel_index]]))
                if self.args.device is not None:
                    rel_index = rel_index.cuda()
                rel_features = self.rel_pos_embed(rel_index).squeeze(0)

                # classification layer
                content = self.content(h)
                salience = self.salience(h, doc)
                novelty = -1 * self.novelty(h, torch.tanh(s))
                abs_p = self.abs_pos(abs_features)
                rel_p = self.rel_pos(rel_features)
                prob = F.sigmoid(content + salience + novelty + abs_p + rel_p + self.bias)
                s = s +, h)
Пример #28
 def forward(self, x):
     x = self.conv1(x)
     x = self.elu1(self.bn1(x))
     x = self.elu2(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, 160)
     x = x.unsqueeze(1)
     x = self.elu3(self.bn3(self.conv3(x)))
     x = F.max_pool2d(x, (3, 3))
     x = self.elu4(self.bn4(self.conv4(x)))
     x = F.max_pool2d(x, (1, 3))
     x = x.view(-1, 50*14*11)
     x = F.elu(self.fc5(x))
     x = F.dropout(x, training=True)
     x = F.elu(self.fc6(x))
     x = F.dropout(x, training=True)
     return self.fc7(x)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.embed(x)
        x = self.dropout_embed(x)
        # x = x.view(len(x), x.size(1), -1)
        # x = embed.view(len(x), embed.size(1), -1)
        bilstm_out, self.hidden = self.bilstm(x, self.hidden)
        # print(self.hidden)

        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 0, 1)
        bilstm_out = torch.transpose(bilstm_out, 1, 2)
        bilstm_out = F.tanh(bilstm_out)
        bilstm_out = F.max_pool1d(bilstm_out, bilstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        bilstm_out = F.tanh(bilstm_out)
        # bilstm_out = self.dropout(bilstm_out)

        # bilstm_out = self.hidden2label1(bilstm_out)
        # logit = self.hidden2label2(F.tanh(bilstm_out))

        logit = self.hidden2label(bilstm_out)

        return logit
    def forward(self, x):
        embed = self.embed(x)
        # CNN
        cnn_x = embed
        cnn_x = self.dropout(cnn_x)
        cnn_x = cnn_x.unsqueeze(1)
        cnn_x = [F.relu(conv(cnn_x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]  # [(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
        cnn_x =, 0)
        cnn_x = torch.transpose(cnn_x, 1, 2)
        # GRU
        lstm_out, self.hidden = self.gru(cnn_x, self.hidden)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 0, 1)
        lstm_out = torch.transpose(lstm_out, 1, 2)
        lstm_out = F.max_pool1d(lstm_out, lstm_out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        # linear
        cnn_lstm_out = self.hidden2label1(F.tanh(lstm_out))
        cnn_lstm_out = self.hidden2label2(F.tanh(cnn_lstm_out))
        # output
        logit = cnn_lstm_out

        return logit
Пример #31
 def active_and_maxpooling(self, conv, x):
     out = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)
     out = F.max_pool1d(out, out.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     return out
Пример #32
def apply_multiple(x):
    # input: batch_size * seq_len * (2 * hidden_size)
    p1 = F.avg_pool1d(x.transpose(1, 2), x.size(1)).squeeze(-1)
    p2 = F.max_pool1d(x.transpose(1, 2), x.size(1)).squeeze(-1)
    # output: batch_size * (4 * hidden_size)
    return[p1, p2], 1)
Пример #33
 def graph_maxpool(self, node_vec, node_mask=None):
     # Maxpool
     # Shape: (batch_size, hidden_size, num_nodes)
     graph_embedding = F.max_pool1d(node_vec, kernel_size=node_vec.size(-1)).squeeze(-1)
     return graph_embedding
Пример #34
# m1 = torch.nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# m2 = torch.nn.MaxPool1d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# inputm = torch.randn(2, 4, 5)
# print(m1(inputm).shape)
# print(m2(inputm).shape)
# m1 = torch.nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# m11 = torch.nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=3)
# m2 = torch.nn.AvgPool1d(kernel_size=3, stride=2)
# inputm = torch.randn(2, 4, 5)
# print(m1(inputm).shape)
# print(m2(inputm).shape)
# print(m11(inputm).shape)

a = torch.randn(2, 4, 5)

target = torch.randn(12, 5)
out = torch.randn(12, 5)
loss = -target * torch.log(out) - (1 - target) * torch.log(1 - out)
loss2 = loss.sum(-1).mean()
# crition = torch.nn.BCELoss()
# print(crition(target, out) == loss)

m = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=16, out_channels=33, kernel_size=(3, ))
# input: N,in_channels,L_in
# 默认情况下: Conv1d:N,out_channels,L_in - kernel_size + 1
# 公式:
input = torch.randn(20, 16, 50)
 def _conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(dim=3)  # (B, 100, L - i + 1)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(dim=2)  # (B, 100)
     return x
Пример #36
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x))  # [32, 1, 100, 300]
     x = x.squeeze(3)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2))  # x.size(2) 对应参数:kernel_size,指窗口大小
     x = x.squeeze(2)
     return x
Пример #37
 def conv_global_max_pool(x, conv):
     return F.max_pool1d(conv(x).transpose(1, 2))
Пример #38
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):  # a max pooling function
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)  # (N, Co, W) filter the input
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(
         2)  # pool the max value of the filtered data
     return x
Пример #39
 def forward_sent(self, ctx_words, mask):
     hid = self.sent_gru(ctx_words, mask)
     hid = F.max_pool1d(hid.permute(0, 2, 1), self.cfg.memory_len)
     hid = hid.permute(0, 2, 1).squeeze(1)
     return hid
Пример #40
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(
         3)  # (batch_size, output_channel, feature_map_dim)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     return x
Пример #41
    def forward(self, ques, rela_list):
        batch_size = ques.size()[0]
        ques = self.embed(ques)  # (batch_size, sent_len, embed_dim)
        rela_list = [self.embed(rela) for rela in rela_list]  # (num_classes, batch_size, sent_len, embed_dim)
        rela_output = list()
        if self.config.relation_detection_mode.upper() == "LSTM":
            # h0 / c0 = (layer*direction, batch_size, hidden_dim)
            if self.config.cuda:
                h0 = Variable(torch.zeros(self.config.num_layer * 2, batch_size,
                c0 = Variable(torch.zeros(self.config.num_layer * 2, batch_size,
                h0 = Variable(torch.zeros(self.config.num_layer * 2, batch_size,
                c0 = Variable(torch.zeros(self.config.num_layer * 2, batch_size,
            # output = (sentence length, batch_size, hidden_size * num_direction)
            # ht = (layer*direction, batch, hidden_dim)
            # ct = (layer*direction, batch, hidden_dim)
            outputs1, (ht1, ct1) = self.lstm(ques, (h0, c0))
            # cross attention

            # query_cross_alphas = Var(torch.Tensor(query_state.size(0), target_state.size(0)))
            # target_cross_alphas = Var(torch.Tensor(target_state.size(0), query_state.size(0)))
            # q_to_t = Var(torch.Tensor(query_state.size(0), self.mem_dim))
            # t_to_q = Var(torch.Tensor(target_state.size(0), self.mem_dim))
            # for rela in rela_list:
            #     outputs2, (ht2, ct2) = self.lstm(rela, (h0, c0))
            #     for i in range(query_state.size(0)):
            #         q_to_t[i], query_cross_alphas[i] = self.attention(target_state, query_state[i,])
            tags = self.hidden2tag(ht1[-2:].transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(batch_size, -1))
            scores = F.log_softmax(tags)
            return scores
        elif self.config.relation_detection_mode.upper() == "CNN":
            ques = ques.contiguous().unsqueeze(1)
            ques = [F.relu(self.conv1(ques)).squeeze(3), F.relu(self.conv2(ques)).squeeze(3),
            ques = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in ques]  # max-over-time pooling
            ques =, 1)  # (batch, channel_output * Ks)
            ques = self.dropout(ques)
            # logit = self.fc1(ques)  # (batch, config.label)
            ques = ques.unsqueeze(1)  # (batch, 1, channel_output * Ks)
            for rela in rela_list:
                rela = rela.contiguous().unsqueeze(1)  # rela.transpose(0, 1)
                rela = [F.relu(self.conv1(rela)).squeeze(3), F.relu(self.conv2(rela)).squeeze(3),
                rela = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2) for i in rela]
                rela =, 1)
                rela = self.dropout(rela)
                rela = rela.unsqueeze(1)
            rela =, 1).transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
            dot = torch.sum(torch.mul(ques, rela), 2)
            sqrt_ques = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(ques, 2), 2))
            sqrt_rela = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(torch.pow(rela, 2), 2))
            # print(sqrt_ques, sqrt_rela)  # 32,1  32,51
            epsilon = 1e-6  # 1e-6
            scores = dot / (sqrt_ques * sqrt_rela + epsilon)  # todo: torch.max(a, b)
            return scores
            print("Unknown Mode")
Пример #42
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x_conv = conv(x)
     x_act = F.relu(x_conv).squeeze(3)  # (N, Co, W)
     x_pool = F.max_pool1d(x_act, x_act.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     return x_pool
Пример #43
 def max_pooling(self, x):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)  # N,C,L - (50,100,62)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     # x.size(2)=62  squeeze: (50,100,1) -> (50,100)
     return x
Пример #44
 def forward(self, x):
     return F.max_pool1d(x, kernel_size=x.shape[2])
Пример #45
    def forward(self, x_train_char, file_idx=None):
        """Performs a forward pass.
        if self.hparams.char_ngram_n > 0 or self.hparams.bpe_ngram:
            for idx, x_char_sent in enumerate(x_train_char):
                emb = Variable(x_char_sent.to_dense(), requires_grad=False)
                if self.hparams.cuda: emb = emb.cuda()
                #if self.hparams.d_char_vec is not None:
                #  emb = self.char_down_proj(emb)
                x_char_sent = torch.tanh(self.char_emb_proj(emb))
                if self.hparams.residue:
                    x_char_sent_in = x_char_sent
                if self.hparams.sep_char_proj and not self.trg:
                    assert file_idx is not None
                    x_char_sent = torch.tanh(
                    #print('file idx{}'.format(file_idx[idx]))
                elif self.trg and self.hparams.d_char_vec:
                    x_char_sent = torch.tanh(self.trg_proj(x_char_sent))
                    #print('self.trg d_char_vec')

                if self.hparams.residue:
                    x_char_sent = x_char_sent + x_char_sent_in
                if self.hparams.layer_norm:
                    x_char_sent = self.layer_norm(x_char_sent)
                    #print('layer norm')
                x_train_char[idx] = x_char_sent
            if not self.hparams.semb == 'mlp':
                char_emb = torch.stack(x_train_char, dim=0)
                char_emb = x_train_char
        elif self.hparams.char_input == 'sum':
            # [batch_size, max_len, char_len, d_word_vec]
            char_emb = self.char_emb(x_train_char)
            char_emb = char_emb.sum(dim=2)
        elif self.hparams.char_input == 'bi-lstm':
            char_emb = self.char_emb(x_train_char)
            batch_size, max_len, char_len, d_word_vec = char_emb.size()
            char_emb = char_emb.view(-1, char_len, d_word_vec)
            enc, (ht, ct) = self.lstm_layer(char_emb)
            char_emb =[ct[0], ct[1]],
                                 1).view(batch_size, max_len, -1)
            if self.hparams.sep_char_proj and not self.trg:
                char_emb = torch.split(char_emb, batch_size, dim=0)
                proj_list = []
                for idx, c_emb in enumerate(char_emb):
                char_emb =, dim=0)
        elif self.hparams.char_input == 'cnn':
            # [batch_size, max_len, char_len, d_char_vec]
            char_emb = self.char_emb(x_train_char)
            batch_size, max_len, char_len, d_word_vec = char_emb.size()
            # [batch_size*max_len, d_char_vec, char_len]
            char_emb = char_emb.view(-1, char_len, d_word_vec).permute(0, 2, 1)
            conv_out = []
            for conv in self.conv_list:
                # [batch_size*max_len, out_channel, char_len_out]
                c = conv(char_emb)
                c = F.max_pool1d(c, kernel_size=c.size(2)).squeeze(2)
            # [batch_size*max_len, d_word_vec]
            char_emb =,
                                 dim=-1).view(batch_size, max_len, -1)
            if self.hparams.highway:
                g = torch.sigmoid(self.highway_g(char_emb))
                char_emb = g * torch.tanh(
                    self.highway_h(char_emb)) + (1 - g) * char_emb
                char_emb = torch.tanh(char_emb)
            if self.hparams.sep_char_proj and not self.trg:
                char_emb = torch.split(char_emb, batch_size, dim=0)
                proj_list = []
                for idx, c_emb in enumerate(char_emb):
                char_emb =, dim=0)

        return char_emb
Пример #46
    def forward(self, input_sentence, batch_size=None):
		input_sentence: input_sentence of shape = (batch_size, num_sequences)
		batch_size : default = None. Used only for prediction on a single sentence after training (batch_size = 1)
		Output of the linear layer containing logits for positive & negative class which receives its input as the final_hidden_state of the LSTM
		final_output.shape = (batch_size, output_size)
		The idea of the paper "Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification" is that we pass the embedding vector
		of the text sequences through a bidirectional LSTM and then for each sequence, our final embedding vector is the concatenation of 
		its own GloVe embedding and the left and right contextual embedding which in bidirectional LSTM is same as the corresponding hidden
		state. This final embedding is passed through a linear layer which maps this long concatenated encoding vector back to the hidden_size
		vector. After this step, we use a max pooling layer across all sequences of texts. This converts any varying length text into a fixed
		dimension tensor of size (batch_size, hidden_size) and finally we map this to the output layer.
        input = self.word_embeddings(
        )  # embedded input of shape = (batch_size, num_sequences, embedding_length)
        input = input.permute(
            1, 0,
            2)  # input.size() = (num_sequences, batch_size, embedding_length)
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            if batch_size is None:
                h_0 = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(2, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).cuda(
                )  # Initial hidden state of the LSTM
                c_0 = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(2, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size).cuda(
                )  # Initial cell state of the LSTM
                # h_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) # Initial hidden state of the LSTM
                # c_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) # Initial cell state of the LSTM
                h_0 = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size).cuda(
                c_0 = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size).cuda(
                # h_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size))
                # c_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size))
            if batch_size is None:
                h_0 = Variable(
                        2, self.batch_size,
                        self.hidden_size))  # Initial hidden state of the LSTM
                c_0 = Variable(
                        2, self.batch_size,
                        self.hidden_size))  # Initial cell state of the LSTM
                h_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size))
                c_0 = Variable(torch.zeros(2, batch_size, self.hidden_size))

        output, (final_hidden_state,
                 final_cell_state) = self.lstm(input, (h_0, c_0))

        final_encoding =, input), 2).permute(1, 0, 2)
        y = self.W2(final_encoding
                    )  # y.size() = (batch_size, num_sequences, hidden_size)
        y = y.permute(0, 2,
                      1)  # y.size() = (batch_size, hidden_size, num_sequences)
        y = F.max_pool1d(
            y.size()[2])  # y.size() = (batch_size, hidden_size, 1)
        y = y.squeeze(2)
        logits = self.label(y)

        return logits
Пример #47
def max_pool1d(input, kernel):
    orig_shape = get_shape(input)
    # make it 3d
    tmp_res = F.max_pool1d(input.view([-1]+orig_shape[-2:]), kernel)
    real_res = tmp_res.view(orig_shape[:-1] + [-1])
    return real_res
Пример #48
    def forward(self, model_input):
        """ Forward pass for the predictor model

            model_input: is of the form (source,source_mask, source_left, target) where,

        source, source_mask, target, target_mask = model_input

        # create matrix of source positions for position embeddings
        source_positions = Variable(
            torch.arange(1, self.max_positions)[:source.size(0)].view(
                -1, 1).expand(-1, source.size(1)).long()).cuda()
        source_positions = source_positions * source_mask
        if self.debug == True:
            print("source_positions", type(source_positions))

        # create matrix of target positions for position embeddings
        target_positions = Variable(
            torch.arange(1, self.max_positions)[:target.size(0)].view(
                -1, 1).expand(-1, target.size(1)).long()).cuda()
        target_positions = target_positions * target_mask
        if self.debug == True:
            print("target_positions", target_positions.size())

        # compute lengths of source sentences
        source_lengths = list(  # dim = B
        if self.debug == True: print("lengths:", source_lengths)

        # source embedding
        source_embedded = self.source_embedding(
            source) + self.source_position_embedding(
                source_positions)  # TxB => TxBxD
        if self.debug == True:
            print("source embedded:", source_embedded.size())

        # target embedding
        target_embedded = self.target_embedding(
            target) + self.target_position_embedding(
                target_positions)  # TxB => T x B x D
        if self.debug == True:
            print("target embedded:", target_embedded.size())

        # source convolutions
        source_proj = self.source_conv_proj(source_embedded)
        if self.debug == True: print("source_proj:", source_proj.size())
        conv_input = source_proj.permute(1, 2, 0)  # B x H x T
        if self.debug == True: print("conv_input:", conv_input.size())
        for source_conv in self.source_convs:
            # permuting  TxBxD => BxDxT
            conv_output = source_conv(conv_input)  # B x 2H x T => B x 2H x T
            conv_output = F.glu(conv_output, dim=1)  # B x 2H x T = B x H x T
            # residual connection
            conv_output = (conv_output + conv_input) * math.sqrt(0.5)

        # apply masking on outputs
        encoder_states = conv_output.permute(2, 0, 1)
        source_mask_expanded = source_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(
            -1, -1, self.hidden_size), 0)
        if self.debug == True: print("encoder_states:", encoder_states.size())

        # for attention
        # compute attention score compuatation vectors by projecting encoder states (e)
        encoder_states_in = self.encoder_state_embed_proj(
            encoder_states)  # T'xBxH' => T'xBxE'
        encoder_states_in = GradMultiply.apply(
            encoder_states_in, 1.0 / (2.0 * self.num_target_layers))

        # compute vectors on which attention weights are applied (e+s)
        encoder_vectors = (encoder_states_in + source_embedded) * math.sqrt(
            0.5)  # T'xBxE' + T'xBxE' = T'xBxE'

        # find the max length of the batch
        max_target_length = target.size(0)

        # run CNNs from forward looking CNN and a backward looking CNN

        # decoder forward convolutions
        conv_input = self.forward_target_conv_proj(target_embedded)
        conv_input = conv_input.permute(1, 2, 0)  # B x H x T
        for target_conv, target_attn in zip(self.forward_target_convs,
            # MISSING: dropout
            conv_output = target_conv(
                conv_input)  #  B x H x T => B x 2H x T+(k-1)
            # removing future paddings (k-1)
            conv_output = conv_output[:, :, :-(
                self.target_kernel_width - 1)]  # B x 2H x T+(k-1) => B x H x T
            # applying non-linearty
            conv_output = F.glu(conv_output, dim=1)  # B x 2H x T => B x H x T
            # attention
            context, attn_weights = target_attn(conv_output.permute(2, 0, 1),
                                                encoder_vectors, source_mask)
            # adding context vector and residual
            conv_output = ((
                (conv_output + context.permute(1, 2, 0)) * math.sqrt(0.5)) +
                           conv_input) * math.sqrt(0.5)

        # get back in original dimensions
        decoder_forward_states = conv_output.permute(
            2, 0, 1)  # B x H x T => T x B x H
        if self.debug == True:
            print("decoder_forward_states:", decoder_forward_states.size())

        # decoder backward convolutions
        conv_input = self.reverse_target_conv_proj(target_embedded)
        conv_input = conv_input.permute(1, 2, 0)  # B x H x T
        for target_conv, target_attn in zip(self.reverse_target_convs,

            conv_output = target_conv(
                conv_input)  #  B x H x T => B x 2H x T+(k-1)
            # removing first paddings (k-1)
            conv_output = conv_output[:, :, self.target_kernel_width -
                                      1:]  # B x 2H x T+(k-1) => B x H x T
            # applying non-linearty
            conv_output = F.glu(conv_output, dim=1)  # B x 2H x T => B x H x T
            # attention
            context, attn_weights = target_attn(conv_output.permute(2, 0, 1),
                                                encoder_vectors, source_mask)
            # adding context vector and residual
            conv_output = ((
                (conv_output + context.permute(1, 2, 0)) * math.sqrt(0.5)) +
                           conv_input) * math.sqrt(0.5)

        # projecting back to original dimensions
        decoder_reverse_states = conv_output.permute(
            2, 0, 1)  # B x H x T => T x B x H
        if self.debug == True:
            print("decoder_reverse_states:", decoder_forward_states.size())

        decoder_states =
            [decoder_forward_states, decoder_reverse_states], dim=-1)
        if self.debug == True: print("decoder_states:", decoder_states.size())

        # list of vocab outputs
        vocab_outputs = []
        preqvs = []

        # loop trhough 1 to max_target_length-1
        for ti in range(1, max_target_length - 1):  # target = BxL

            # extract the forward decoder state (previous word)
            decoder_left_state = torch.split(
                decoder_states[ti - 1], self.hidden_size,
                dim=-1)[0]  # BxH : extract forward RNN output only
            if self.debug == True:
                print("decoder_left_state:", decoder_left_state.size())

            # extract the reverse decoder state (next word)
            decoder_right_state = torch.split(
                decoder_states[ti + 1], self.hidden_size,
                dim=-1)[1]  # BxH : extract reverse RNN output only
            if self.debug == True:
                print("decoder_right_state:", decoder_right_state.size())

            # concatenating right and left decoder state into single vector
            decoder_state =
                (decoder_left_state, decoder_right_state),
                dim=-1).unsqueeze(0)  # Bx2H
            if self.debug == True:
                print("decoder_state:", decoder_state.size())

            # target word projections of prev word and next words
            prev_word_proj = target_embedded[ti - 1]  # BxD
            next_word_proj = target_embedded[ti + 1]  # BxD

            # combining prev word and next word projections into single vector
            near_words_proj =, next_word_proj),
                                        dim=-1).unsqueeze(0)  # 1xBx2D
            if self.debug == True:
                print("near_words_proj:", near_words_proj.size())
            act_input = self.decoder_states_proj(
                decoder_state) + self.target_words_proj(
                )  #     dim(act_input) = B x 2M   M for maxout input

            # non-linearty using maxout
            act_output = F.max_pool1d(act_input, kernel_size=2,
                                      stride=2)  # dim(act_output) = B x M
            if self.debug == True: print("act output:", act_output.size())

            # projection to output embedding space
            output_embedded = self.final_proj(act_output)  # 1xBx2H -> 1xBxO
            output_embedded = output_embedded.squeeze(0)  # 1 x B x O => B x O
            if self.debug == True: print("sqz output:", output_embedded.size())

            # projecting to final output
            vocab_output = self.out_vocab_proj(
                output_embedded)  # B x D => B x V
            if self.debug == True: print("vocab output:", vocab_output.size())

            preqvs.append(self.out_vocab_proj.weight[target[ti]].unsqueeze(0) *

        # concatenating all final output layers for each time step
        final_output =, dim=0)
        if self.debug == True: print("final_output:", final_output.size())
        preqv_output =, dim=0)
        postqv_output = decoder_states[1:max_target_length - 1]
        return final_output, preqv_output, postqv_output
Пример #49
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(
         3)  #x:(batch_size, num_filters, H*hiddden_size)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)  #x:(batch_size, num_filters)
     return x
Пример #50
 def conv_block(self, input, conv_layer):
     conv_out = conv_layer(input)
     activation = F.relu(conv_out.squeeze(3))
     max_out = F.max_pool1d(activation, activation.size()[2]).squeeze(2)
     return max_out
Пример #51
    def forward(self, x, bfs_tensor, children_batch_list):
        :param x: words_id_tensor
        :param bfs_tensor: tensor
        :param children_batch_list: tensor
        x = self.embeddings(x)
        x = self.embed_dropout(x)
        if self.debug:
            print('x.size():', x.size())  # torch.Size([4, 19, 100])
            print('bfs_tensor:', bfs_tensor)
                  bfs_tensor.size())  # torch.Size([4, 19])
            print('children_batch_list:', children_batch_list)
                  children_batch_list.size())  # torch.Size([4, 19, 19])
        batch_size = x.size(0)
        sent_len = x.size()[1]
        all_C = Variable(torch.zeros((batch_size, sent_len, self.hidden_size)))
        all_H = Variable(torch.zeros((batch_size, sent_len, self.hidden_size)))
        if self.use_cuda:
            all_C = all_C.cuda()
            all_H = all_H.cuda()

        if self.debug:
            print('all_C.size():', all_C.size())  # torch.Size([4, 19, 100])
        h = None
        for index in range(sent_len):
            # get ith embeds
            mask = torch.zeros(x.size())
            # print(mask.size())
            one = torch.ones((1, x.size(2)))
            batch = 0
            for i in torch.transpose(bfs_tensor, 0, 1).data.tolist()[index]:
                mask[batch][i] = one
                batch += 1
            mask = Variable(torch.ByteTensor(
            if self.use_cuda:
                mask = mask.cuda()
            cur_embeds = torch.masked_select(x, mask)
            cur_embeds = cur_embeds.view(
                cur_embeds.size(-1) // self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim)
            if self.debug:
                print('cur_embeds:', cur_embeds)

            # select current index from bfs
            mask = []
            mask.extend([0 for _ in range(sent_len)])
            mask[index] = 1
            mask = Variable(torch.ByteTensor(mask))
            if self.use_cuda:
                mask = mask.cuda()
            cur_nodes_list = torch.masked_select(bfs_tensor,
            if self.debug:
                print('cur_nodes_list:', cur_nodes_list)

            # select current node's children from children_batch_list
            mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, sent_len, sent_len)
            for i, rel in enumerate(cur_nodes_list):
                mask[i][rel] = torch.ones(1, sent_len)
            mask = Variable(torch.ByteTensor(
            if self.use_cuda:
                mask = mask.cuda()
            rels = torch.masked_select(children_batch_list,
                                       mask).view(batch_size, sent_len)

            if self.debug:
                print('rels:', rels)
                print('rels.size():', rels.size())  # torch.Size([4, 19])

            rels_sum = torch.sum(rels, 1)
            if self.debug:
                print('rels_sum:', rels_sum)
            rels_max = torch.max(rels_sum)
            if self.debug:
                print('rels_max:', rels_max)
            if self.debug:
                print('rel_max:', rels_max)
                print('rel_max.size():', rels_max.size())  # torch.Size([4])
            rel_batch_max = torch.max(rels_max, 0)[0]
            c, h = None, None
            if == 0:
                c = Variable(torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, self.hidden_size)))
                h = Variable(torch.zeros((batch_size, 1, self.hidden_size)))
                pad_c = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(batch_size, rel_batch_max, self.hidden_size))
                pad_h = Variable(
                    torch.zeros(batch_size, rel_batch_max, self.hidden_size))
                rels_broadcast = rels.unsqueeze(1).expand(
                    rels.size(0), self.hidden_size, rels.size(1))
                rels_broadcast = Variable(
                if self.use_cuda:
                    rels_broadcast = rels_broadcast.cuda()
                    pad_c = pad_c.cuda()
                    pad_h = pad_h.cuda()
                selected_c = torch.masked_select(torch.transpose(all_C, 1, 2),
                selected_h = torch.masked_select(torch.transpose(all_H, 1, 2),
                selected_c = selected_c.view(
                    selected_c.size(0) // self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
                selected_h = selected_h.view(
                    selected_h.size(0) // self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
                idx = 0
                for i, batch in enumerate(pad_c):
                    for j in range([i]):
                        batch[j] = selected_c[idx]
                        idx += 1
                idx = 0
                for i, batch in enumerate(pad_h):
                    for j in range([i]):
                        batch[j] = selected_h[idx]
                        idx += 1

                c = pad_c
                h = pad_h

            # lstm cell
            c, h = self.node_forward(cur_embeds, c, h)
            h = self.hidden_dropout(h)
            # insert c and h to all_C and all_H
            batch = 0
            for i in cur_nodes_list:
                all_C[batch][i] = c[batch]
                all_H[batch][i] = h[batch]
                batch += 1

        out = torch.transpose(all_H, 1, 2)
        out = torch.tanh(out)
        out = F.max_pool1d(out, out.size(2))
        out = out.squeeze(2)
        out = self.out(out)
        return out
    def forward(self, x1, x2):
        ## x1 batch size, sent len, emb dim

        x1 = x1.unsqueeze(1)
        x2 = x2.unsqueeze(1)

        # x =[x1, x2], dim =1)
        # print(x.size(), x1.size())

        # x = x.unsqueeze(1)
        #embedded = [batch size, 1, sent len, emb dim]
        conved1 = [F.relu(conv(x1)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]

        conved2 = [F.relu(conv(x2)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs2]

        convedTo1 = [self.sigmoid(conv)  for conv in conved2]
        convedTo2 = [self.sigmoid(conv)  for conv in conved1]

        conved1 = [conved1[i] + convedTo1[i] for i in range(len(conved1))]
        conved2 = [conved2[i] + convedTo2[i] for i in range(len(conved2))]

        cosine_value1 = [self.cosine_2(conved1[i], conved2[i]).mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) for i in range(len(conved1))]
        # print(cosine_value1[0].size())
        self.cosine_value1 =, dim=1).mean(dim=1)
        # print(cosine_value1.size())
        # conved2 = [F.relu(conv(x2)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs2]
        #conv_n = [batch size, n_filters, sent len - filter_sizes[n]]
        pooled1 = [F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.shape[2]).squeeze(2) for conv in conved1]
        #pooled_n = [batch size, n_filters]
        pooled2 = [F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.shape[2]).squeeze(2) for conv in conved2]

        convedTo1 = [self.sigmoid(conv) for conv in pooled2]
        convedTo2 = [self.sigmoid(conv) for conv in pooled1]

        pooled1 = [pooled1[i] + convedTo1[i] for i in range(len(pooled1))]
        pooled2 = [pooled2[i] + convedTo2[i] for i in range(len(pooled2))]

        out1 =, dim = 1)
        out2 =, dim = 1) 
        self.cosine_value2 = self.cosine_1(out1, out2)

        out1 = self.dropout(out1)
        out2 = self.dropout(out2)

        att1 = self.sigmoid(out1)


        # gate2 = self.sigmoid(self.gate2(out2_sig))
        att2 = self.sigmoid(out2)
        # att2 = F.softmax(out2, dim=1)
        # att2_1 = torch.exp(out2)
        # att2 = att2_1/ (1e-8 + (att2_1.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)))

        out1 = out1*att2#*x1_att
        out2 = out2*att1#*x2_att
        self.cosine_value3 = self.cosine_1(out1, out2)
        # out =[out1, out2], dim=1)
        # out = out1 + out2

        out_sent = self.fcSent(out1)
        out_PDN = self.fcPDN(out2)
        out_PDN_pose = self.sigmoid(out_PDN)
        # out = (self.fc(out))

        return out_sent, out_PDN, out_PDN_pose
Пример #53
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
     return x
    def forward(self, x1, x2):
        def att_sum(x):

            query = torch.mean(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
            # query = self.linear_general(query)
            query_len = x.size()[1]
            att_scores = torch.bmm(query, x.transpose(1,2).contiguous()) ## batch_size x 1 x query_len
            # att_scores = att.view(-1, query_len)
            att_weights = F.softmax(att_scores, dim = 1) 
            output = torch.bmm(att_weights, x)  ## ## batch_size x 1 x embeding_dim
            # combined =, query), dim=2)
            # output = self.linear_att(combined) 
            # output = self.tanh(output)           

            # x = torch.sum(x*a, dim=1, keepdim=True)
            return mix
        def inner_conv(x):
            x = x.permute(0, 2, 1) ## batch_size x embedding_dim x seq_len
            # x = x.unsqueeze(1) ## batch_size x 1 x seq_len x embedding_dim

            conv = self.conv_inner(x)  ## batch_size x self.embedding x seq_len - filter x 1
            # print("conv",conv.size())## batch_size x embedding_dim_out x seq_len-filter
            conv = F.relu(conv)
            pooled = F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.shape[2])## batch_size x embedding_dim_out x 1
            # print(pooled.size())
            pooled = pooled.permute(0, 2, 1)
            return pooled
        def mul(x):
            x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
            out = x.matmul(self.W1)
            out = out.permute(0, 2, 1)
            return out

        # splitNum = int(np.ceil(x2.size()[1] / x1.size()[1]))
        # x2 = torch.split(x2, splitNum, dim=1) 
        # x2 =[torch.mean(x, dim=1, keepdim=True) for x in x2], dim =1)
        # x2 =[inn(x, dim=1, keepdim=True) for x in x2], dim =1)
        # print(x1.size(), x2.size())
        x1 = x1.unsqueeze(1)
        x2 = x2.unsqueeze(1)

        # x =[x1, x2], dim =1)
        # print(x2.size(), x1.size())

        # x = x.unsqueeze(1)
        #embedded = [batch size, 1, sent len, emb dim]
        conved1 = [F.relu(conv(x1)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1]
        # conved1.extend(conved1)

        conved2 = [F.relu(conv(x2)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs2]

        convedTo1 = [F.softmax(conv, dim=1)*conv  for conv in conved2]
        convedTo2 = [F.softmax(conv, dim=1)*conv  for conv in conved1]

        conved1 = [conved1[i] + convedTo1[i] for i in range(len(conved1))]
        conved2 = [conved2[i] + convedTo2[i] for i in range(len(conved2))]
        # conved1 = [[i], convedTo1[i]), dim=2) for i in range(len(conved1))]
        # conved2 = [[i], convedTo2[i]), dim=2) for i in range(len(conved2))]
        cosine_value1 = [self.cosine_2(conved1[i], conved2[i]).mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) for i in range(len(conved1))]
        # print(cosine_value1[0].size())
        self.cosine_value1 =, dim=1).mean(dim=1)
        # print(cosine_value1.size())
        # conved2 = [F.relu(conv(x2)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs2]
        #conv_n = [batch size, n_filters, sent len - filter_sizes[n]]
        pooled1 = [F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.shape[2]).squeeze(2) for conv in conved1]
        #pooled_n = [batch size, n_filters]
        pooled2 = [F.max_pool1d(conv, conv.shape[2]).squeeze(2) for conv in conved2]

        convedTo1 = [F.softmax(conv, dim=1)*conv for conv in pooled2]
        convedTo2 = [F.softmax(conv, dim=1)*conv for conv in pooled1]

        pooled1 = [pooled1[i] + convedTo1[i] for i in range(len(pooled1))]
        pooled2 = [pooled2[i] + convedTo2[i] for i in range(len(pooled2))]

        out1 =, dim = 1)
        out2 =, dim = 1) 
        self.cosine_value2 = self.cosine_1(out1, out2)

        out1 = self.dropout(out1)
        out2 = self.dropout(out2)

        out1 = self.dropout(, dim = 1))
        att1 = self.sigmoid(out1)

        att2 = self.sigmoid(out2)
        # att2 = F.softmax(out2, dim=1)
        # att2_1 = torch.exp(out2)
        # att2 = att2_1/ (1e-8 + (att2_1.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)))

        out1 = out1*att2#*x1_att
        out2 = out2*att1#*x2_att
        self.cosine_value3 = self.cosine_1(out1, out2)
        # out =[out1, out2], dim=1)
        # out = out1 + out2

        out_sent = self.fcSent(out1)
        out_PDN = self.fcPDN(out2)
        out_PDN_pose = self.sigmoid(out_PDN)
        # out = (self.fc(out))

        return out_sent, out_PDN, out_PDN_pose
Пример #55
    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.embed(x)  # (N,W,D)
        # x = self.dropout(x)
        x = x.unsqueeze(1)  # (N,Ci,W,D)
        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = [
                for conv in self.convs1
            ]  #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2)
                 for i in x]  #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [
                for conv in self.convs1
            ]  #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [F.tanh(conv(x)).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            # x = [conv(x).squeeze(3) for conv in self.convs1] #[(N,Co,W), ...]*len(Ks)
            x = [F.max_pool1d(i, i.size(2)).squeeze(2)
                 for i in x]  #[(N,Co), ...]*len(Ks)
        x =, 1)
        x1 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv13) #(N,Co)
        x2 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv14) #(N,Co)
        x3 = self.conv_and_pool(x,self.conv15) #(N,Co)
        x =, x2, x3), 1) # (N,len(Ks)*Co)
        x = self.dropout(x)  # (N,len(Ks)*Co)

        if self.args.batch_normalizations is True:
            x = self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x))
            logit = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.tanh(x)))

            # x = self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x))
            # # x = self.fc1(x)
            # logit = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.relu(x)))
            # logit = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(F.relu(x)))

            # x = self.fc1(x)
            # logit = self.fc2(x)

            # x = F.relu(self.fc1_bn(self.fc1(x)))
            # logit = self.fc2(x)

            # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
            # logit = self.fc2_bn(self.fc2(x))

            # x = F.relu(self.fc1(F.relu(x)))
            # x= self.fc1(x)
            # logit = self.fc2(x)

            # logit = self.fc1(F.tanh(x)) # (N,C)

            # x = self.fc1(F.relu(x))
            # x = self.dropout(x)
            x = self.fc1(x)
            logit = self.fc2(F.relu(x))
            # logit = F.softmax(logit)
            # logit = self.fc2(F.tanh(x))

            # x = self.fc1(x)
            # x = self.dropout(x)
            # logit = self.fc2(x)

            # x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
            # # x = self.fc1(x)
            # logit = self.fc2(x)
        # print("self.embed.weight {} ".format(self.embed.weight))
        return logit
Пример #56
    def forward(self, src_seq, adj, src_pos, return_attns=False):
        batch_size = src_seq.size(0)
        enc_input = self.src_word_emb(src_seq)

        if self.onehot:
            # stop()
            enc_input = F.relu(
                self.dropout(self.conv1(enc_input.transpose(1, 2))))[:, :,

            enc_input = F.max_pool1d(enc_input, 2, 2)
            enc_input = F.relu(self.conv2(enc_input).transpose(1, 2))[:,
                                                                      0:-1, :]

            # enc_input = self.conv(enc_input.transpose(1,2)).transpose(1,2)[:,0:-1,:]
            # stop()
            enc_input += self.position_enc(src_pos[:, 0:enc_input.size(1)])
            src_seq = src_seq[:, 0:enc_input.size(1)]
        elif hasattr(self, 'position_enc'):
            enc_input += self.position_enc(src_pos)

        enc_outputs = []

        if return_attns: enc_slf_attns = []

        enc_output = enc_input
        enc_slf_attn_mask = utils.get_attn_padding_mask(src_seq, src_seq)

        # stop()

        if adj:
            enc_slf_attn_mask = enc_slf_attn_mask.type(torch.float32)
            for idx in range(len(adj)):
                                       0:adj[idx].size(0)] = utils.swap_0_1(
                                           adj[idx], 1, 0)
            enc_slf_attn_mask = enc_slf_attn_mask.type(torch.uint8)

        for enc_layer in self.layer_stack:
            enc_output, enc_slf_attn = enc_layer(
                enc_output, slf_attn_mask=enc_slf_attn_mask)

            # enc_outputs += [enc_output]
            if return_attns: enc_slf_attns += [enc_slf_attn]

        if self.enc_transform != '':
            if self.enc_transform == 'max':
                enc_output = F.max_pool1d(enc_output.transpose(1, 2),
            elif self.enc_transform == 'sum':
                enc_output = enc_output.sum(1)
            elif self.enc_transform == 'mean':
                enc_output = enc_output.sum(1) / (
                    (src_seq > 0).sum(dim=1).float().view(-1, 1))
            elif self.enc_transform == 'flatten':
                enc_output = enc_output.view(batch_size, -1).float()
            enc_output = enc_output.view(batch_size, 1, -1)

        if return_attns:
            return enc_output, enc_slf_attns
            return enc_output, None
Пример #57
 def forward(self, x):
     x = F.relu(self.conv(x))
     # Global max pool on all dims save batch.
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size()[2:])
     return x
Пример #58
    def forward(self, inputs, lengths=None, hidden_state=None, inputs_pos=None):
            inputs: [seq_len, batch_size]  LongTensor
            hidden_state: [num_layers * bidirectional, batch_size, hidden_size]
            outputs: [batch_size, n_classes]
        # embedded
        if not self.from_other:
            embedded = self.embedding(inputs)
            embedded = self.dropout(embedded)
            embedded = inputs

        # embedded: [max_len, batch_size, embedding_size]
        if lengths is not None:
            embedded = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(embedded, lengths)

        if hidden_state is not None:
            outputs, hidden_state = self.rnn(embedded, hidden_state)
            outputs, hidden_state = self.rnn(embedded)

        if lengths is not None:
            outputs, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(outputs)

        # print('outputs shape: ', outputs.shape)

        attns = None
        if self.model_type.find('attention') != -1:
            # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)
            hidden_state = self.reduce_state(hidden_state)
            if self.rnn_type == 'LSTM':
                hidden_state = hidden_state[0]
            # if self.rnn_type == 'LSTM':
                # final_state = hidden_state[0]
                # final_state = final_state.view(self.num_layers, final_state.size(1), -1)
                # final_state = torch.sum(final_state, dim=0)
            final_state = hidden_state[-1]
            outputs, attns = self.attention_net(outputs, final_state)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_cnn':
            # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)
            outputs = self.cnn(outputs)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_avg':
            # [batch_size, hidden_size, max_len]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 2, 0)
            outputs = F.avg_pool1d(
                outputs, kernel_size=outputs.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_avg_hidden':
            # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)
            outputs = F.avg_pool1d(outputs, kernel_size=outputs.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_max':
            # [batch_size, hidden_size, max_len]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 2, 0)
            outputs = F.max_pool1d(outputs, kernel_size=outputs.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_max_hidden':
            # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)
            outputs = F.max_pool1d(outputs, kernel_size=outputs.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        elif self.model_type == 'rnn_bert':
            # [batch_size, max_len, hidden_size]
            outputs = outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)
            #  outputs = self.bert(outputs)
            outputs, attns = self.bert(outputs, None)
            # outputs = outputs[:, 0]
            outputs = outputs.mean(dim=1)
            # outputs = outputs[-1]
            hidden_state = self.reduce_state(hidden_state)
            if self.rnn_type == 'LSTM':
                hidden_state = hidden_state[0]
            # if hidden_state.size(0) > 1:
            outputs = hidden_state[-1]

        if not self.from_other:
            if self.problem == 'classification':
                # last step output [batch_size, hidden_state]
                outputs = self.linear_final(outputs)
                # outputs = self.linear_regression_dense(outputs)
                outputs = self.linear_regression_final(outputs)

        return outputs, attns
 def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
     x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)# (batch, word_kernel_dim_size, 畳み込んだ後の次元数)
     x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2) # (batch, word_kernel_dim_size)
     return x
Пример #60
    def conv_and_pool(self, x, conv):
        x = F.relu(conv(x)).squeeze(3)  # (sample number,hidden_dim, length)
        #x = F.avg_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)
        x = F.max_pool1d(x, x.size(2)).squeeze(2)

        return x