def forward(self, inputs): assert len(inputs) == len(self.in_channels) # build laterals laterals = [ lateral_conv(inputs[i + self.start_level]) for i, lateral_conv in enumerate(self.lateral_convs) ] # build top-down path used_backbone_levels = len(laterals) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for i in range(used_backbone_levels - 1, 0, -1): laterals[i - 1] += F.upsample_nearest(laterals[i], scale_factor=2) # laterals[i - 1] += interpolate( # laterals[i], scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') # build outputs # part 1: from original levels outs = [ self.fpn_convs[i](laterals[i]) for i in range(used_backbone_levels) ] # part 2: add extra levels if self.num_outs > len(outs): # use max pool to get more levels on top of outputs # (e.g., Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN) if not self.add_extra_convs: for i in range(self.num_outs - used_backbone_levels): outs.append(F.max_pool2d(outs[-1], 1, stride=2)) # add conv layers on top of original feature maps (RetinaNet) else: orig = inputs[self.backbone_end_level - 1] outs.append(self.fpn_convs[used_backbone_levels](orig)) for i in range(used_backbone_levels + 1, self.num_outs): # BUG: we should add relu before each extra conv outs.append(self.fpn_convs[i](outs[-1])) return tuple(outs)
def _forward(self, level, inp): # Upper branch up1 = inp up1 = self._modules['b1_' + str(level)](up1) # Lower branch low1 = F.avg_pool2d(inp, 2, stride=2) low1 = self._modules['b2_' + str(level)](low1) if level > 1: low2, klow2 = self._forward(level - 1, low1) low3 = low2 low2 = klow2 else: low2 = low1 low2 = self._modules['b2_plus_' + str(level)](low2) low3 = low2 low3 = self._modules['b3_' + str(level)](low3) #up2 = F.interpolate(low3, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest') up2 = F.upsample_nearest(low3, scale_factor=2) return up1 + up2, low2
def forward(self, x): y = self.conv3(x) x = self.conv1([x, y], 1)) return F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=2)
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True, DEBUG=False): """ This function can be called by finetunning (task specific parameters), however, in finetunning, we don't wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by task specific parameters. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via task spefici parameters. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: model :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 hidden = x for name, param in self.config: # Weights if name == 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder hidden = F.conv2d(hidden, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder hidden = F.conv_transpose2d(hidden, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'fc': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder hidden = F.linear(hidden, w, b) idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] hidden = F.batch_norm(hidden, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) # Activations elif name == 'flatten': if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "Before flatten shape: ", hidden.shape) hidden = hidden.view( hidden.size(0), -1) # synchronize the number of data point if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'reshape': hidden = hidden.view(hidden.size(0), *param) elif name == 'relu': hidden = F.relu(hidden, inplace=param[0]) elif name == 'reakyrelu': hidden = F.leaky_relu(hidden, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name == 'tanh': hidden = F.tanh(hidden) elif name == 'sigmoid': hidden = F.sigmoid(hidden) elif name == 'upsample': hidden = F.upsample_nearest(hidden, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name == 'max_pool2d': hidden = F.max_pool2d(hidden, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name == 'avg_pool2d': hidden = F.avg_pool2d(hidden, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return hidden
def rrn_preprocess(self, rgb_img, initial_masks): """ Pad, Crop, and Resize to prepare input to RRN. @param rgb_img: a [3 x H x W] torch.FloatTensor @param initial_masks: a [H x W] torch tensor @return: a dictionary: {'rgb' : rgb_crops, 'initial_masks' : mask_crops} a dictionary: {str(mask_id) : [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] for each mask_id} """ _, H, W = rgb_img.shape # Dictionary to save crop indices crop_indices = {} mask_ids = torch.unique(initial_masks) mask_ids = mask_ids[mask_ids >= OBJECTS_LABEL] rgb_crops = torch.zeros((mask_ids.shape[0], 3, 224, 224), device=self.device) mask_crops = torch.zeros((mask_ids.shape[0], 224, 224), device=self.device) for index, mask_id in enumerate(mask_ids): mask = (initial_masks == mask_id).float() # Shape: [H x W] # crop the masks/rgb to 224x224 with some padding, save it as "initial_masks" x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = util_.mask_to_tight_box(mask) x_padding = int( torch.round((x_max - x_min).float() * self.config['padding_percentage']).item()) y_padding = int( torch.round((y_max - y_min).float() * self.config['padding_percentage']).item()) # Pad and be careful of boundaries x_min = max(x_min - x_padding, 0) x_max = min(x_max + x_padding, W - 1) y_min = max(y_min - y_padding, 0) y_max = min(y_max + y_padding, H - 1) crop_indices[mask_id.item()] = [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] # save crop indices # Crop rgb_crop = rgb_img[:, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [3 x crop_H x crop_W] mask_crop = mask[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [crop_H x crop_W] # Resize new_size = (224, 224) rgb_crop = F.upsample_bilinear( rgb_crop.unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0] # Shape: [3 x new_H x new_W] rgb_crops[index] = rgb_crop mask_crop = F.upsample_nearest( mask_crop.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0, 0] # Shape: [new_H, new_W] mask_crops[index] = mask_crop batch = {'rgb': rgb_crops, 'initial_masks': mask_crops} return batch, crop_indices
def concat_skip(inputs, skip, scale): upscaled = F.upsample_nearest(skip, scale_factor=scale) upscaled = centre_crop(upscaled, inputs.size()) return[inputs, upscaled], 1)
def loss_ml(self, cls_scores, mask_preds, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, category_targets, point_ins, img_metas, cfg, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): assert len(cls_scores) == len(mask_preds) loss_mask = 0 _, _, b_h, b_w = mask_preds[0].shape bound = [self.grid_num[i]**2 for i in range(5)] bound = [0] + bound for i in range(1, 6): bound[i] += bound[i - 1] num_imgs = len(category_targets) for i in range(num_imgs): _, i_h, i_w = gt_masks[i].shape gt_masks[i] = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, b_w * self.strides[0] - i_w, 0, b_h * self.strides[0] - i_h), 0)(torch.tensor(gt_masks[i])) flatten_cls_scores = [ cls_score.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(num_imgs, -1, self.cls_out_channels) for cls_score in cls_scores ] # need to check images first or dimensions first: image first and then row first flatten_cls_scores = [cls_score for cls_score in flatten_cls_scores], dim=1).reshape(-1, self.cls_out_channels) # calculate loss iter_all = 0 for i in range(num_imgs): for j in range(len(self.grid_num)): ind = torch.nonzero( category_targets[i][bound[j]:bound[j + 1]]).squeeze(-1) ins_ind = point_ins[i][bound[j]:bound[j + 1]][ind] _, b_h_i, b_w_i = mask_preds[j][i].shape gt_masks_ = F.upsample_nearest( gt_masks[i].float().unsqueeze(0), (b_h_i, b_w_i))[0] ins_mask = gt_masks_[ins_ind].to(mask_preds[0].device) pdb.set_trace() if len(ins_mask) > 0: pred_mask = mask_preds[j][i][ind] pred_mask = F.sigmoid(pred_mask) loss_mask += self.dice_loss(pred_mask, ins_mask) iter_all += 1 loss_mask = self.dict_weight * (loss_mask / (num_imgs * iter_all)) category_targets = num_pos = (category_targets > 0).sum() loss_cls = self.loss_cls(flatten_cls_scores, category_targets, avg_factor=num_pos + num_imgs) return dict(loss_cls=loss_cls, loss_mask=loss_mask)
def forward(self, x): from torch.nn import functional as F return F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=2)
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=False, feature=False): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ cat_var = False cat_list = [] if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 try: for (name, param, extra_name) in self.config: # assert(name == "conv2d") if name == 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name == 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name == 'linear': # ipdb.set_trace() if extra_name == 'cosine': w = F.normalize(vars[idx]) x = F.normalize(x) x = F.linear(x, w) idx += 1 else: w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 if cat_var: cat_list.append(x) elif name == 'rep': # print('rep') # print(x.shape) if feature: return x elif name == "cat_start": cat_var = True cat_list = [] elif name == "cat": cat_var = False x =, dim=1) elif name == 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[ bn_idx], self.vars_bn[bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name == 'flatten': # print('flatten') # print(x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name == 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name == 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name == 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name == 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name == 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name == 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name == 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name == 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: print(name) raise NotImplementedError except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) # ipdb.set_trace() # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True, feature=False): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ cat_var = False cat_list = [] if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 if self.Neuromodulation: # =========== NEUROMODULATORY NETWORK =========== #'conv1_nm' #'bn1_nm' #'conv2_nm' #'bn2_nm' #'conv3_nm' #'bn3_nm' # Query the neuromodulatory network: for i in range(x.size(0)): data = x[i].view(1, 3, 28, 28) nm_data = x[i].view(1, 3, 28, 28) #input_mask = self.call_input_nm(data_, vars) #fc_mask = self.call_fc_nm(data_, vars) w, b = vars[0], vars[1] nm_data = conv2d(nm_data, w, b) w, b = vars[2], vars[3] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[0], self.vars_bn[1] nm_data = F.batch_norm(nm_data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) nm_data = F.relu(nm_data) nm_data = maxpool(nm_data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) w, b = vars[4], vars[5] nm_data = conv2d(nm_data, w, b) w, b = vars[6], vars[7] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[2], self.vars_bn[3] nm_data = F.batch_norm(nm_data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) nm_data = F.relu(nm_data) nm_data = maxpool(nm_data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) w, b = vars[8], vars[9] nm_data = conv2d(nm_data, w, b) w, b = vars[10], vars[11] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[4], self.vars_bn[5] nm_data = F.batch_norm(nm_data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) nm_data = F.relu(nm_data) #nm_data = maxpool(nm_data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) nm_data = nm_data.view(nm_data.size(0), 1008) # NM Output w, b = vars[12], vars[13] fc_mask = F.sigmoid(F.linear(nm_data, w, b)).view(nm_data.size(0), 2304) # =========== PREDICTION NETWORK =========== #'conv1' #'bn1' #'conv2' #'bn2' #'conv3' #'bn3' #'fc' w, b = vars[14], vars[15] data = conv2d(data, w, b) w, b = vars[16], vars[17] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[6], self.vars_bn[7] data = F.batch_norm(data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) data = F.relu(data) data = maxpool(data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) w, b = vars[18], vars[19] data = conv2d(data, w, b, stride=1) w, b = vars[20], vars[21] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[8], self.vars_bn[9] data = F.batch_norm(data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) data = F.relu(data) data = maxpool(data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) w, b = vars[22], vars[23] data = conv2d(data, w, b, stride=1) w, b, = vars[24], vars[25] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[10], self.vars_bn[11] data = F.batch_norm(data, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=True) data = F.relu(data) #data = maxpool(data, kernel_size=2, stride=2) data = data.view(data.size(0), 2304) #nothing-max-max data = data * fc_mask w, b = vars[26], vars[27] data = F.linear(data, w, b) try: prediction =[prediction, data], dim=0) except: prediction = data else: for name, param in self.config: # assert(name == "conv2d") if name == 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name == 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name == 'linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) if cat_var: cat_list.append(x) idx += 2 elif name == 'rep': # print(x.shape) if feature: return x elif name == "cat_start": cat_var = True cat_list = [] elif name == "cat": cat_var = False x =, dim=1) elif name == 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[ bn_idx], self.vars_bn[bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name == 'flatten': # print(x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name == 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name == 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name == 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name == 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name == 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name == 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name == 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name == 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError if self.Neuromodulation: return (prediction) else: return (x)
def forward(self, x, y, vars=None, bn_training=True): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 512] :param vars: :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ batch_sz = x.size()[0] x_orig = x if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 # assert self.config[0][0] is 'random_proj' # need to start with the random projection for name, param in self.config: # print(name) if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[bn_idx+1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'encode': x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 elif name is 'decode': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) x = x.view(x.size(0), 64,28,28) idx += 2 elif name is 'random_proj': # copying generator architecture from here: # latent_dim, latent_ch_out, emb_dim, emb_ch_out, hw_out = param latent_dim, hw_out, rand_ch_out = param cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() # send random tensor to linear layer, reshape into noise channels FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if cuda else torch.FloatTensor rand = FloatTensor((x.size(0),latent_dim)) torch.randn(x.size(0),latent_dim, out=rand, requires_grad=True) w_lat, b_lat = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] rand = F.linear(rand, w_lat, b_lat) rand = F.leaky_relu(rand, 0.2) rand = rand.view(rand.size(0), rand_ch_out, hw_out, hw_out) x =, rand), 1) # w_lat, b_lat = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # rand = F.linear(rand, w_lat, b_lat) # rand = F.leaky_relu(rand, 0.2) # rand = rand.view(rand.size(0), latent_ch_out, hw_out, hw_out) # send class embbeddings through a linear layer, reshape embeddings channels # w_emb, b_emb = vars[idx+2], vars[idx + 3] # x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) # idx += 2 # x = F.linear(x, w_emb, b_emb) # x = F.leaky_relu(x, 0.2) # x = x.view(x.size(0), emb_ch_out, hw_out, hw_out) # concatenate embeddings and projections idx += 2 elif name is 'update_identity': x_orig = x elif name is 'identity': # print(x.shape) x += x_orig elif name is 'flatten': # print(x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) # right now still returning y so that we can easilly extend to generating diff nums of examples by adjusting y in here return x, y
def get_masks_for_training( mask_shapes: List[Tuple] = [(64, 128, 128), (128, 64, 64), (256, 32, 32), (512, 16, 16), (512, 8, 8), (4096,), (365,)], device: str = 'cpu', add_batch_size: bool = False, p_random_mask: float = 0.3) -> List[torch.Tensor]: ''' Method returns random masks similar to 3.2. of the paper :param mask_shapes: (List[Tuple]) Shapes of the features generated by the vgg16 model :param device: (str) Device to store tensor masks :param add_batch_size: (bool) If true a batch size is added to each mask :param p_random_mask: (float) Probability that a random mask is generated else no mask is utilized :return: (List[torch.Tensor]) Generated masks for each feature tensor ''' # Select layer where no masking is used. Every output from the deeper layers get mapped out. Every higher layer gets # masked by a random shape selected_layer = np.random.choice(range(7)) # Make masks masks = [] random_mask = None random_mask_used = False for index, mask_shape in enumerate(reversed(mask_shapes)): # Full mask on case if index < selected_layer: if len(mask_shape) > 1: # Save mask to list masks.append(torch.zeros((1, mask_shape[1], mask_shape[2]), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)) else: # Save mask to list masks.append(torch.zeros(mask_shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)) # No mask case elif index == selected_layer: if len(mask_shape) > 1: # Save mask to list masks.append(torch.ones((1, mask_shape[1], mask_shape[2]), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)) else: # Save mask to list masks.append(torch.ones(mask_shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)) # Random mask cases elif index > selected_layer and random_mask is None: if len(mask_shape) > 2: # Get random mask if np.random.rand() < p_random_mask: random_mask_used = True random_mask = random_shapes(mask_shape[1:], min_shapes=1, max_shapes=4, min_size=min(8, mask_shape[1] // 2), allow_overlap=True)[0][:, :, 0] # Random mask to torch tensor random_mask = torch.tensor(random_mask, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None, :, :] # Change range of mask to [0, 1] random_mask = (random_mask == 255.0).float() else: # Make no mask random_mask = torch.ones(mask_shape[1:], dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None, :, :] # Save mask to list masks.append(random_mask) else: # Save mask to list masks.append(torch.randint(low=0, high=2, size=mask_shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)) else: # Save mask to list if random_mask_used: masks.append(F.upsample_nearest(random_mask[None, :, :, :], size=mask_shape[1:]).float().to(device)[0]) else: masks.append(torch.ones(mask_shape[1:], dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[None, :, :]) # Add batch size dimension if add_batch_size: for index in range(len(masks)): masks[index] = masks[index].unsqueeze(dim=0) # Reverse order of masks to match the features of the vgg16 model masks.reverse() return masks
def forward(self, x): x = F.upsample_nearest(x, size=(12, 12)) x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=2) return x
def forward_decoder(self, h, vars=None): """ forward after hidden layer :param h: :param vars: :return: """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars # get decoder network config decoder_config = self.config[self.hidden_config_idx + 1:] idx = self.hidden_var_idx bn_idx = self.hidden_var_bn_idx x = h for name, param in decoder_config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # TODO: can not be written as running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx:(bn_idx+1)] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=False) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'usigma_layer': w1, b1 = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] w2, b2 = vars[idx + 2:(idx + 4)] # [b, h_dim] x1 = F.linear(x, w1, b1) # [b, h_dim] x2 = F.linear(x, w2, b2) # [b, 2*h_dim] x =[x1, x2], dim=1) idx += 4 elif name is 'flatten': x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'hidden': raise NotImplementedError elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'hidden': raise NotImplementedError elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'use_logits': continue else: raise NotImplementedError # print(self.hidden_var_idx, idx, len(self.vars)) assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) if self.use_logits: x = torch.sigmoid(x) return x
def forward_encoder(self, x, vars=None): """ forward till hidden layer :param x: :param vars: :return: """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 for name, param in self.config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # TODO: can not be written as running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx:(bn_idx+1)] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=False) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'usigma_layer': w1, b1 = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] w2, b2 = vars[idx + 2:(idx + 4)] # [b, h_dim] x1 = F.linear(x, w1, b1) # [b, h_dim] x2 = F.linear(x, w2, b2) # [b, 2*h_dim] x =[x1, x2], dim=1) idx += 4 elif name is 'flatten': x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'hidden': if self.is_vae: # convert from h to q_h # [b, 2*q_h_d] assert len(x.shape) == 2 # splitting current x into mu and sigma q_mu, q_sigma = x.chunk(2, dim=1) # reparametrize trick q_h = q_mu + q_sigma * torch.randn_like(q_sigma) x = q_h break elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'use_logits': raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError assert idx == self.hidden_var_idx assert bn_idx == self.hidden_var_bn_idx return x
def forward(self, x, vars=None, update_bn_statistics=True): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: :param update_bn_statistics: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 input = x for name, param in self.config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx:(bn_idx + 2)] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=update_bn_statistics) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'usigma_layer': w1, b1 = vars[idx:(idx + 2)] w2, b2 = vars[idx + 2:(idx + 4)] # [b, h_dim] x1 = F.linear(x, w1, b1) # [b, h_dim] x2 = F.linear(x, w2, b2) # [b, 2*h_dim] x =[x1, x2], dim=1) idx += 4 elif name is 'flatten': x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'hidden': if self.is_vae: # convert from h to q_h # [b, 2*q_h_d] assert len(x.shape) == 2 # splitting current x into mu and sigma q_mu, q_sigma = x.chunk(2, dim=1) # reparametrize trick q_h = q_mu + q_sigma * torch.randn_like(q_sigma) x = q_h else: continue elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'use_logits': continue else: raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) if self.is_vae: # assert not torch.isnan(x).any() # likelihood is the negative loss. likelihood = -self.criteon(x, input) # see Appendix B from VAE paper: # Kingma and Welling. Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes. ICLR, 2014 # # 0.5 * sum(1 + log(sigma^2) - mu^2 - sigma^2) kld = 0.5 * torch.sum( torch.pow(q_mu, 2) + torch.pow(q_sigma, 2) - torch.log(1e-8 + torch.pow(q_sigma, 2)) - 1) / input.shape) kld = self.beta * kld elbo = likelihood - kld loss = -elbo if self.use_logits: x = torch.sigmoid(x) return x, loss, likelihood, kld else: loss = self.criteon(x, input) # print(loss, input.shape) if self.use_logits: x = torch.sigmoid(x) return x, loss, None, None
def forward(self, x, w): x = F.upsample_nearest(x, size=(12, 12)) x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=2) w = F.upsample_nearest(w, scale_factor=(2.976744, 2.976744)) return x, w
def get_embedded_vector(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True, DEBUG=False): ''' get_embedded_vector(self) return : embedded vectors (n_way * k_shot, 800) ''' if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 hidden = x for name, param in self.config: # Weights if name == 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder hidden = F.conv2d(hidden, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder hidden = F.conv_transpose2d(hidden, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'fc': break elif name == 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] hidden = F.batch_norm(hidden, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) # Activations elif name == 'flatten': if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "Before flatten shape: ", hidden.shape) hidden = hidden.view( hidden.size(0), -1) # synchronize the number of data point if DEBUG == True: print(name, param, "shape: ", hidden.shape) elif name == 'reshape': hidden = hidden.view(hidden.size(0), *param) elif name == 'relu': hidden = F.relu(hidden, inplace=param[0]) elif name == 'reakyrelu': hidden = F.leaky_relu(hidden, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name == 'tanh': hidden = F.tanh(hidden) elif name == 'sigmoid': hidden = F.sigmoid(hidden) elif name == 'upsample': hidden = F.upsample_nearest(hidden, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name == 'max_pool2d': hidden = F.max_pool2d(hidden, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name == 'avg_pool2d': hidden = F.avg_pool2d(hidden, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError return hidden
def forward(self, x): out = self.conv1(self.relu(self.bn1(x))) if self.droprate > 0: out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, inplace=False, return F.upsample_nearest(out, scale_factor=2)
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True): if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 self.kl_reg = 0.0 self.conv_idx, self.lin_idx = 0, 0 self.sp_layer_names = [] self.sp_vals = [] self.dropout_vals = {} for ii, (name, param) in enumerate(self.config): if name is 'Conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! # print(ii,x.shape) x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'Conv2d_SVDO' or name is 'Linear_SVDO': mu, b, log_sigma = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1], vars[idx + 2] # print('MU NORM', log_alpha = log_sigma * 2.0 - 2.0 * torch.log(1e-8 + torch.abs(mu)) log_alpha = torch.clamp(log_alpha, -10, 10) if torch.isnan(mu).any(): print('mu', name) if torch.isnan(log_sigma).any(): print('log_sigma', name) if torch.isnan(log_alpha).any(): print('Log Alpha', name) if torch.isnan(x).any(): print('Name', name) print(x) break self.kl_reg += self.kl_reg_term(log_alpha) sp_val = (log_alpha.cpu().data.numpy() > self.threshold).mean() self.sp_vals.append(sp_val) if if name is 'Conv2d_SVDO': layer_name = 'Conv-' + str(self.conv_idx + 1) self.sp_layer_names.append(layer_name) self.dropout_vals[layer_name] = log_alpha.cpu( ).data.numpy() self.conv_idx += 1 lrt_mean = F.conv2d(x, mu, bias=None, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) + b lrt_std = torch.sqrt( F.conv2d(x * x, torch.exp(log_sigma * 2.0) + 1e-8, bias=None, stride=param[4], padding=param[5])) else: layer_name = 'Linear-' + str(self.lin_idx + 1) self.sp_layer_names.append(layer_name) self.dropout_vals[layer_name] = log_alpha.cpu( ).data.numpy() self.lin_idx += 1 lrt_mean = F.linear( x, mu) + b # compute mean activation using LRT lrt_std = torch.sqrt( F.linear(x * x, torch.exp(log_sigma * 2.0) + 1e-18)) eps = x = lrt_mean + lrt_std * eps else: if name is 'Conv2d_SVDO': x = F.conv2d(x, mu * (log_alpha < self.threshold).float(), bias=None, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) + b else: x = F.linear(x, mu * (log_alpha < self.threshold).float()) + b idx += 3 elif name is 'Linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # print(w.shape,b.shape,x.shape) x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'flatten': # print('Flatten',x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'MaxPool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: print(name) raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def run_on_batch(self, batch): """ Run algorithm on batch of images in eval mode @param batch: a dictionary with the following keys: - rgb: a [N x 3 x H x W] torch.FloatTensor - xyz: a [N x 3 x H x W] torch.FloatTensor @param final_close_morphology: If True, then run open/close morphology after refining mask. This typically helps a synthetically-trained RRN """ N, _, H, W = batch['rgb'].shape # Run the Depth Seeding Network. Note: this will send "batch" to device (e.g. GPU) fg_masks, direction_predictions, object_centers, initial_masks = self.dsn.run_on_batch( batch) # fg_masks: a [N x H x W] torch.LongTensor with values in {0, 1, 2} # direction_predictions: a [N x 2 x H x W] torch.FloatTensor # object_centers: a list of [2 x num_objects] torch.IntTensor. This list has length N # initial_masks: a [N x H x W] torch.IntTensor. Note: Initial masks has values in [0, 2, 3, ...]. No table initial_masks = self.process_initial_masks(batch, initial_masks, object_centers) # Data structure to hold everything at end refined_masks = torch.zeros_like(initial_masks) for i in range(N): # Dictionary to save crop indices crop_indices = {} mask_ids = torch.unique(initial_masks[i]) if mask_ids[0] == 0: mask_ids = mask_ids[1:] rgb_crops = torch.zeros((mask_ids.shape[0], 3, 224, 224), device=self.device) mask_crops = torch.zeros((mask_ids.shape[0], 224, 224), device=self.device) for index, mask_id in enumerate(mask_ids): mask = (initial_masks[i] == mask_id).float() # Shape: [H x W] # crop the masks/rgb to 224x224 with some padding, save it as "initial_masks" x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = util_.mask_to_tight_box(mask) x_padding = int( torch.round((x_max - x_min).float() * self.params['padding_percentage']).item()) y_padding = int( torch.round((y_max - y_min).float() * self.params['padding_percentage']).item()) # Pad and be careful of boundaries x_min = max(x_min - x_padding, 0) x_max = min(x_max + x_padding, W - 1) y_min = max(y_min - y_padding, 0) y_max = min(y_max + y_padding, H - 1) crop_indices[mask_id.item()] = [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] # save crop indices # Crop rgb_crop = batch['rgb'][i, :, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [3 x crop_H x crop_W] mask_crop = mask[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [crop_H x crop_W] # Resize new_size = (224, 224) rgb_crop = F.upsample_bilinear( rgb_crop.unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0] # Shape: [3 x new_H x new_W] rgb_crops[index] = rgb_crop mask_crop = F.upsample_nearest( mask_crop.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0, 0] # Shape: [new_H, new_W] mask_crops[index] = mask_crop # Run the RGB Refinement Network if mask_ids.shape[ 0] > 0: # only run if you actually have masks to refine... new_batch = {'rgb': rgb_crops, 'initial_masks': mask_crops} refined_crops = self.rrn.run_on_batch( new_batch) # Shape: [num_masks x new_H x new_W] # resize the results to the original size. Order this by average depth (highest to lowest) sorted_mask_ids = [] for index, mask_id in enumerate(mask_ids): # Resize back to original size x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = crop_indices[mask_id.item()] orig_H = y_max - y_min + 1 orig_W = x_max - x_min + 1 mask = refined_crops[index].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float() resized_mask = F.upsample_nearest(mask, (orig_H, orig_W))[0, 0] # Calculate average depth h_idx, w_idx = torch.nonzero(resized_mask).t() avg_depth = torch.mean(batch['xyz'][i, 2, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1][h_idx, w_idx]) sorted_mask_ids.append((index, mask_id, avg_depth)) sorted_mask_ids = sorted(sorted_mask_ids, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) sorted_mask_ids = [x[:2] for x in sorted_mask_ids ] # list of tuples: (index, mask_id) for index, mask_id in sorted_mask_ids: # Resize back to original size x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = crop_indices[mask_id.item()] orig_H = y_max - y_min + 1 orig_W = x_max - x_min + 1 mask = refined_crops[index].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float() resized_mask = F.upsample_nearest(mask, (orig_H, orig_W))[0, 0] # Set refined mask h_idx, w_idx = torch.nonzero(resized_mask).t() refined_masks[i, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1][h_idx, w_idx] = mask_id # Open/close morphology stuff, for synthetically-trained RRN if self.params['final_close_morphology']: refined_masks = refined_masks.cpu().numpy() # to CPU for i in range(N): # Get object ids. Remove background (0) obj_ids = np.unique(refined_masks[i]) if obj_ids[0] == 0: obj_ids = obj_ids[1:] # For each object id, open/close the masks for obj_id in obj_ids: mask = (refined_masks[i] == obj_id) # Shape: [H x W] ksize = self.params['open_close_morphology_ksize'] # 9 opened_mask = cv2.morphologyEx( mask.astype(np.uint8), cv2.MORPH_OPEN, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (ksize, ksize))) opened_closed_mask = cv2.morphologyEx( opened_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (ksize, ksize))) h_idx, w_idx = np.nonzero(mask) refined_masks[i, h_idx, w_idx] = 0 h_idx, w_idx = np.nonzero(opened_closed_mask) refined_masks[i, h_idx, w_idx] = obj_id refined_masks = torch.from_numpy(refined_masks).to( self.device) # back to GPU return fg_masks, direction_predictions, initial_masks, refined_masks
def forward(self, x): x0 = self.branch0(x) x0 = F.upsample_nearest(x0, scale_factor=2) x1 = self.branch1(x) x0 = x0 + x1 return x0
def forwardaux(self, x): x = x / 255 x = torch.stack( [ x[:, 0, :, :] - self.transform[0][0], x[:, 1, :, :] - self.transform[0][1], x[:, 2, :, :] - self.transform[0][2], ], dim=1, ) x = torch.stack( [ x[:, 0, :, :] / self.transform[1][0], x[:, 1, :, :] / self.transform[1][1], x[:, 2, :, :] / self.transform[1][2], ], dim=1, ) x1 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv11(x)) x1 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv12(x1)) x1p = F.max_pool2d(x1, kernel_size=2, stride=2) x2 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv21(x1p)) x2 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv22(x2)) x2p = F.max_pool2d(x2, kernel_size=2, stride=2) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv31(x2p)) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv32(x3)) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv33(x3)) x3p = F.max_pool2d(x3, kernel_size=2, stride=2) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv41(x3p)) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv42(x4)) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv43(x4)) x4p = F.max_pool2d(x4, kernel_size=2, stride=2) x5 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv51(x4p)) x5 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv52(x5)) x5 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv53(x5)) x_grad_16 = self.gradientdoor16(x5) x5u = F.upsample_nearest(x5, scale_factor=2) x4 =, x4), 1) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv43d(x4)) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv42d(x4)) x4 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv41d(x4)) x_grad_8 = self.gradientdoor8(x4) x4u = F.upsample_nearest(x4, scale_factor=2) x3 =, x3), 1) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv33d(x3)) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv32d(x3)) x3 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv31d(x3)) x_grad_4 = self.gradientdoor4(x3) x3u = F.upsample_nearest(x3, scale_factor=2) x2 =, x2), 1) x2 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv22d(x2)) x2 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv21d(x2)) x_grad_2 = self.gradientdoor2(x2) x2u = F.upsample_nearest(x2, scale_factor=2) x1 =, x1), 1) x1 = F.leaky_relu(self.conv12d(x1)) x = self.conv11d(x1) return x, (x_grad_2, x_grad_4, x_grad_8, x_grad_16)
def match_label_crop(initial_masks, labels_crop, out_label_crop, rois, depth_crop): num = labels_crop.shape[0] for i in range(num): mask_ids = torch.unique(labels_crop[i]) for index, mask_id in enumerate(mask_ids): mask = (labels_crop[i] == mask_id).float() overlap = mask * out_label_crop[i] percentage = torch.sum(overlap) / torch.sum(mask) if percentage < 0.5: labels_crop[i][labels_crop[i] == mask_id] = -1 # sort the local labels sorted_ids = [] for i in range(num): if depth_crop is not None: if torch.sum(labels_crop[i] > -1) > 0: roi_depth = depth_crop[i, 2][labels_crop[i] > -1] else: roi_depth = depth_crop[i, 2] avg_depth = torch.mean(roi_depth[roi_depth > 0]) sorted_ids.append((i, avg_depth)) else: x_min = rois[i, 0] y_min = rois[i, 1] x_max = rois[i, 2] y_max = rois[i, 3] orig_H = y_max - y_min + 1 orig_W = x_max - x_min + 1 roi_size = orig_H * orig_W sorted_ids.append((i, roi_size)) sorted_ids = sorted(sorted_ids, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) sorted_ids = [x[0] for x in sorted_ids] # combine the local labels refined_masks = torch.zeros_like(initial_masks).float() count = 0 for index in sorted_ids: mask_ids = torch.unique(labels_crop[index]) if mask_ids[0] == -1: mask_ids = mask_ids[1:] # mapping label_crop = torch.zeros_like(labels_crop[index]) for mask_id in mask_ids: count += 1 label_crop[labels_crop[index] == mask_id] = count # resize back to original size x_min = int(rois[index, 0].item()) y_min = int(rois[index, 1].item()) x_max = int(rois[index, 2].item()) y_max = int(rois[index, 3].item()) orig_H = int(y_max - y_min + 1) orig_W = int(x_max - x_min + 1) mask = label_crop.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).float() resized_mask = F.upsample_nearest(mask, (orig_H, orig_W))[0, 0] # Set refined mask h_idx, w_idx = torch.nonzero(resized_mask).t() refined_masks[0, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1][h_idx, w_idx] = resized_mask[h_idx, w_idx].cpu() return refined_masks, labels_crop
def forward(self, boxes, labels, masks): n = len(boxes) _, img_h, img_w = masks[0].shape # n, _, img_h, img_w = img.size() category_targets_batch, point_ins_batch = [], [] for bn in range(n): boxes_current = boxes[bn] label_current = labels[bn] mask_current = masks[bn] category_targets, point_ins = [], [] for i in range(5): category_targets.append( torch.zeros((self.fpn_size[i], self.fpn_size[i])).type(torch.int64)) point_ins.append( torch.ones((self.fpn_size[i], self.fpn_size[i])) * -1) category_targets_current = category_targets point_ins_current = point_ins obj_num = boxes_current.shape[0] x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes_current[:, 0], boxes_current[:, 1], boxes_current[:, 2], boxes_current[:, 3] hl = (y2 - y1) + 1 wl = (x2 - x1) + 1 gt_areas = torch.sqrt(hl * wl) masks_center = torch.zeros( (mask_current.shape[0], 2)).to(boxes[0].device) for i in range(mask_current.shape[0]): cent_ = torch.nonzero(mask_current[i], as_tuple=True) cent_ = torch.mean(torch.stack(cent_).float(), dim=1) if len(cent_) > 0: masks_center[i, :] = cent_ else: masks_center[i, :] = [ 0.5 * (y1[i] + y2[i]), 0.5 * (x1[i] + x2[i]) ] x_mean = masks_center[:, 1] y_mean = masks_center[:, 0] left_raw_l = (x_mean - self.sigma * wl).clamp(0, img_w - 1) right_raw_l = (x_mean + self.sigma * wl).clamp(0, img_w - 1) top_raw_l = (y_mean - self.sigma * hl).clamp(0, img_h - 1) bottom_raw_l = (y_mean + self.sigma * hl).clamp(0, img_h - 1) self.sigma /= 2.0 left_raw = (x_mean - self.sigma * wl).clamp(0, img_w - 1) right_raw = (x_mean + self.sigma * wl).clamp(0, img_w - 1) top_raw = (y_mean - self.sigma * hl).clamp(0, img_h - 1) bottom_raw = (y_mean + self.sigma * hl).clamp(0, img_h - 1) ins_list = torch.range(0, obj_num - 1) for i in range(len(self.scale_ranges)): # indice of instances, scale for each instance hit_indices = ( (gt_areas >= self.scale_ranges[i][0]) & (gt_areas <= self.scale_ranges[i][1])).nonzero() if len(hit_indices) > 0: hit_indices = hit_indices[:, 0] hit_indices_order = torch.sort(-gt_areas[hit_indices])[-1] hit_indices = hit_indices[hit_indices_order] h, w = img_h / self.fpn_size[i], img_w / self.fpn_size[i] pos_category = label_current[hit_indices] pos_mask = mask_current[hit_indices].float() # pdb.set_trace() for j in range(len(hit_indices)): pos_mask[j][:top_raw_l[j].long()] = 0 pos_mask[j][bottom_raw_l[j].long():] = 0 pos_mask[j][:, :left_raw_l[j].long()] = 0 pos_mask[j][:, right_raw_l[j].long():] = 0 pos_mask2cat = F.upsample_nearest( pos_mask.unsqueeze(0), (self.fpn_size[i], self.fpn_size[i]))[0].long() pos_instance = ins_list[hit_indices].tolist() pos_left = (torch.floor(left_raw[hit_indices] / w)).clamp( 0, self.fpn_size[i] - 1).type( pos_right = (torch.floor( right_raw[hit_indices] / w)).clamp( 0, self.fpn_size[i] - 1).type( pos_top = (torch.floor(top_raw[hit_indices] / h)).clamp( 0, self.fpn_size[i] - 1).type( pos_bottom = (torch.floor( bottom_raw[hit_indices] / h)).clamp( 0, self.fpn_size[i] - 1).type( for j in range(len(hit_indices)): mask_vindex = torch.nonzero(pos_mask2cat[j], as_tuple=True) pos_left_ = pos_left[j] pos_right_ = pos_right[j] pos_top_ = pos_top[j] pos_bottom_ = pos_bottom[j] row_ = np.array(range(pos_top_, pos_bottom_ + 1)).reshape(-1, 1) row_num = row_.shape[0] col_ = np.array(range(pos_left_, pos_right_ + 1)).reshape(1, -1) col_num = col_.shape[1] row_grid = np.tile(row_, (1, col_num)).reshape( row_num * col_num).tolist() col_grid = np.tile(col_, (row_num, 1)).reshape( row_num * col_num).tolist() try: category_targets_current[i][ mask_vindex] = pos_category[j] # in case small object vanishes category_targets_current[i][ row_grid, col_grid] = pos_category[j] except: print(masks_center) point_ins_current[i][mask_vindex] = pos_instance[j] point_ins_current[i][row_grid, col_grid] = pos_instance[j] category_targets_current = (category_targets_current[0].flatten(), category_targets_current[1].flatten(), category_targets_current[2].flatten(), category_targets_current[3].flatten(), category_targets_current[4].flatten()), dim=0).type(torch.int64).to(boxes[0].device) # points for one instance larger than 3: need to be fixed point_ins_current = (point_ins_current[0].flatten(), point_ins_current[1].flatten(), point_ins_current[2].flatten(), point_ins_current[3].flatten(), point_ins_current[4].flatten()), dim=0).type(torch.int64).to(boxes[0].device) category_targets_batch.append(category_targets_current) point_ins_batch.append(point_ins_current) return category_targets_batch, point_ins_batch
def crop_rois(rgb, initial_masks, depth): N, H, W = initial_masks.shape crop_size = cfg.TRAIN.SYN_CROP_SIZE padding_percentage = 0.25 mask_ids = torch.unique(initial_masks[0]) if mask_ids[0] == 0: mask_ids = mask_ids[1:] num = mask_ids.shape[0] rgb_crops = torch.zeros((num, 3, crop_size, crop_size), device=cfg.device) rois = torch.zeros((num, 4), device=cfg.device) mask_crops = torch.zeros((num, crop_size, crop_size), device=cfg.device) if depth is not None: depth_crops = torch.zeros((num, 3, crop_size, crop_size), device=cfg.device) else: depth_crops = None for index, mask_id in enumerate(mask_ids): mask = (initial_masks[0] == mask_id).float() # Shape: [H x W] x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = util_.mask_to_tight_box(mask) x_padding = int( torch.round((x_max - x_min).float() * padding_percentage).item()) y_padding = int( torch.round((y_max - y_min).float() * padding_percentage).item()) # pad and be careful of boundaries x_min = max(x_min - x_padding, 0) x_max = min(x_max + x_padding, W - 1) y_min = max(y_min - y_padding, 0) y_max = min(y_max + y_padding, H - 1) rois[index, 0] = x_min rois[index, 1] = y_min rois[index, 2] = x_max rois[index, 3] = y_max # crop rgb_crop = rgb[0, :, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [3 x crop_H x crop_W] mask_crop = mask[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [crop_H x crop_W] if depth is not None: depth_crop = depth[0, :, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] # [3 x crop_H x crop_W] # resize new_size = (crop_size, crop_size) rgb_crop = F.upsample_bilinear( rgb_crop.unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0] # Shape: [3 x new_H x new_W] rgb_crops[index] = rgb_crop mask_crop = F.upsample_nearest( mask_crop.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0, 0] # Shape: [new_H, new_W] mask_crops[index] = mask_crop if depth is not None: depth_crop = F.upsample_bilinear( depth_crop.unsqueeze(0), new_size)[0] # Shape: [3 x new_H x new_W] depth_crops[index] = depth_crop return rgb_crops, mask_crops, rois, depth_crops
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True): if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 for name, param in self.config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'lstm': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.lstm() idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'flatten': # print(x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True): if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 for name, param in self.config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'flatten': x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def forward(self, x, vars=None, bn_training=True): """ This function can be called by finetunning, however, in finetunning, we dont wish to update running_mean/running_var. Thought weights/bias of bn is updated, it has been separated by fast_weights. Indeed, to not update running_mean/running_var, we need set update_bn_statistics=False but weight/bias will be updated and not dirty initial theta parameters via fast_weiths. :param x: [b, 1, 28, 28] :param vars: :param bn_training: set False to not update :return: x, loss, likelihood, kld """ if vars is None: vars = self.vars idx = 0 bn_idx = 0 for name, param in self.config: if name is 'conv2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'convt2d': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] # remember to keep synchrozied of forward_encoder and forward_decoder! x = F.conv_transpose2d(x, w, b, stride=param[4], padding=param[5]) idx += 2 # print(name, param, '\tout:', x.shape) elif name is 'linear': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] x = F.linear(x, w, b) idx += 2 # print('forward:', idx, x.norm().item()) elif name is 'bn': w, b = vars[idx], vars[idx + 1] running_mean, running_var = self.vars_bn[bn_idx], self.vars_bn[ bn_idx + 1] x = F.batch_norm(x, running_mean, running_var, weight=w, bias=b, training=bn_training) idx += 2 bn_idx += 2 elif name is 'flatten': # print(x.shape) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) elif name is 'reshape': # [b, 8] => [b, 2, 2, 2] x = x.view(x.size(0), *param) elif name is 'relu': x = F.relu(x, inplace=param[0]) elif name is 'leakyrelu': x = F.leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=param[0], inplace=param[1]) elif name is 'tanh': x = F.tanh(x) elif name is 'sigmoid': x = torch.sigmoid(x) elif name is 'upsample': x = F.upsample_nearest(x, scale_factor=param[0]) elif name is 'max_pool2d': x = F.max_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) elif name is 'avg_pool2d': x = F.avg_pool2d(x, param[0], param[1], param[2]) else: raise NotImplementedError # make sure variable is used properly assert idx == len(vars) assert bn_idx == len(self.vars_bn) return x
def forward(self, x): size = x.size() x1 = self.features1(x) x2 = self.features2(x1) x3 = self.features3(x2) x4 = self.features4(x3) x5 = self.features5(x4) # begining of decoding x = self.de_pred5(x5) x5_out = x x = F.upsample_bilinear(x, size=x4.size()[2:]) x =[x4, x], 1) x = self.de_pred4(x) x4_out = x x = F.upsample_bilinear(x, size=x3.size()[2:]) x =[x3, x], 1) x = self.de_pred3(x) x3_out = x x = F.upsample_bilinear(x, size=x2.size()[2:]) x =[x2, x], 1) x = self.de_pred2(x) x2_out = x x = F.upsample_bilinear(x, size=x1.size()[2:]) x =[x1, x], 1) x = self.de_pred1(x) x1_out = x # density prediction x5_density = self.density_head5(x5_out) x4_density = self.density_head4(x4_out) x3_density = self.density_head3(x3_out) x2_density = self.density_head2(x2_out) x1_density = self.density_head1(x1_out) # get patch features for confidence prediction x5_confi = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x5_out, output_size=(size[-2] // self.block_size, size[-1] // self.block_size)) x4_confi = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x4_out, output_size=(size[-2] // self.block_size, size[-1] // self.block_size)) x3_confi = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x3_out, output_size=(size[-2] // self.block_size, size[-1] // self.block_size)) x2_confi = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x2_out, output_size=(size[-2] // self.block_size, size[-1] // self.block_size)) x1_confi = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x1_out, output_size=(size[-2] // self.block_size, size[-1] // self.block_size)) # confidence prediction x5_confi = self.confidence_head5(x5_confi) x4_confi = self.confidence_head4(x4_confi) x3_confi = self.confidence_head3(x3_confi) x2_confi = self.confidence_head2(x2_confi) x1_confi = self.confidence_head1(x1_confi) # upsample the density prediction to be the same with the input size x5_density = F.upsample_nearest(x5_density, size=x1.size()[2:]) x4_density = F.upsample_nearest(x4_density, size=x1.size()[2:]) x3_density = F.upsample_nearest(x3_density, size=x1.size()[2:]) x2_density = F.upsample_nearest(x2_density, size=x1.size()[2:]) x1_density = F.upsample_nearest(x1_density, size=x1.size()[2:]) # upsample the confidence prediction to be the same with the input size x5_confi_upsample = F.upsample_nearest(x5_confi, size=x1.size()[2:]) x4_confi_upsample = F.upsample_nearest(x4_confi, size=x1.size()[2:]) x3_confi_upsample = F.upsample_nearest(x3_confi, size=x1.size()[2:]) x2_confi_upsample = F.upsample_nearest(x2_confi, size=x1.size()[2:]) x1_confi_upsample = F.upsample_nearest(x1_confi, size=x1.size()[2:]) # ============================================================================================================= # soft √ confidence_map =[x5_confi_upsample, x4_confi_upsample, x3_confi_upsample, x2_confi_upsample, x1_confi_upsample], 1) confidence_map = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(confidence_map) # use softmax to normalize confidence_map = torch.nn.functional.softmax(confidence_map, 1) density_map =[x5_density, x4_density, x3_density, x2_density, x1_density], 1) # soft selection density_map *= confidence_map density = torch.sum(density_map, 1, keepdim=True) return density