def __init__(self, class_count, n_features=3, num_points=1024, sort_pool_k=32): super(PointNet2MRGSortPoolClass, self).__init__() nFeaturesL2 = 3 + 128 shared_mpls = [ SAModuleFullPoint(0.4, 16, MLP([n_features, 64, 64, 128])), SAModuleFullPoint(0.9, 32, MLP([nFeaturesL2, 128, 128, 256])) ] # The mpls are shared to lower the model memory footprint self.high_resolution_module = SAModuleMRG(num_points, 512, shared_mpls) self.mid_resolution_module = SAModuleMRG(num_points, 256, shared_mpls) self.low_resolution_module = SAModuleMRG(num_points, 128, shared_mpls) self.readout = GlobalSortPool(MLP([789, 1024, 1024, 1024]), k=sort_pool_k) # Classification Layers sort_pool_out = 1024 * sort_pool_k self.lin1 = Lin(sort_pool_out, 512) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.lin2 = Lin(512, 256) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.lin3 = Lin(256, class_count)
def test_dense_sage_conv(): in_channels, out_channels = (16, 32) nn = Seq(Lin(in_channels, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, out_channels)) sparse_conv = GINConv(nn) dense_conv = DenseGINConv(nn) dense_conv = DenseGINConv(nn, train_eps=True) assert dense_conv.__repr__() == ( 'DenseGINConv(nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=16, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' ' (1): ReLU()\n' ' (2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' '))') x = torch.randn((5, in_channels)) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 3]]) sparse_out = sparse_conv(x, edge_index) x =[x, x.new_zeros(1, in_channels)], dim=0).view(2, 3, in_channels) adj = torch.Tensor([ [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], ]) mask = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=torch.uint8) dense_out = dense_conv(x, adj, mask) assert dense_out.size() == (2, 3, out_channels) dense_out = dense_out.view(6, out_channels)[:-1] assert torch.allclose(sparse_out, dense_out, atol=1e-04)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, dim_model, k=16): super().__init__() self.k = k # dummy feature is created if there is none given in_channels = max(in_channels, 1) # first block self.mlp_input = MLP([in_channels, dim_model[0]]) self.transformer_input = TransformerBlock(in_channels=dim_model[0], out_channels=dim_model[0]) # backbone layers self.transformers_down = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.transition_down = torch.nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(dim_model) - 1): # Add Transition Down block followed by a Transformer block self.transition_down.append( TransitionDown(in_channels=dim_model[i], out_channels=dim_model[i + 1], k=self.k)) self.transformers_down.append( TransformerBlock(in_channels=dim_model[i + 1], out_channels=dim_model[i + 1])) # class score computation self.mlp_output = Seq(Lin(dim_model[-1], 64), ReLU(), Lin(64, 64), ReLU(), Lin(64, out_channels))
def __init__(self, cfg): super(BasicAttentionModel, self).__init__() if 'modules' in cfg: self.model_config = cfg['modules']['attention_gnn'] else: self.model_config = cfg self.nheads = self.model_config['nheads'] # first layer increases number of features from 4 to 16 # self.attn1 = GATConv(4, 16, heads=self.nheads, concat=False) # first layer increases number of features from 15 to 16 self.attn1 = GATConv(16, 16, heads=self.nheads, concat=False) # second layer increases number of features from 16 to 32 self.attn2 = GATConv(16, 32, heads=self.nheads, concat=False) # third layer increases number of features from 32 to 64 self.attn3 = GATConv(32, 64, heads=self.nheads, concat=False) # final prediction layer self.edge_pred_mlp = Seq(Lin(138, 64), Dropout(p=0.2), LeakyReLU(0.12), Dropout(p=0.2), Lin(64, 16), LeakyReLU(0.12), Lin(16, 1), Sigmoid()) def edge_pred_model(source, target, edge_attr, u, batch): out =[source, target, edge_attr], dim=1) out = self.edge_pred_mlp(out) return out self.edge_predictor = MetaLayer(edge_pred_model, None, None)
def __init__(self, class_count, nfeatures, batch_size, bn_momentum=0.1, nPoints=1024): super(PointNetInputEnhanced, self).__init__() self.nPoints = nPoints self.nFeatures = nfeatures + 4 # 4 is number of radii used to count the points self.batch_size = batch_size self.de_layer = AddNeightboursCount( max_points=[1024, 1024, 1024, 1024], radii=[0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8]) = Sequential(Conv1d(self.nFeatures, 64, 1, stride=1), ReLU(), Conv1d(64, 64, 1, stride=1), ReLU(), Conv1d(64, 128, 1, stride=1), ReLU(), Conv1d(128, 1024, 1, stride=1), ReLU()) self.sa3_module = GlobalSAModule() # Maxpool # Classification Layers self.lin1 = Lin(1024, 512) self.bn1 = BatchNorm1d(512, momentum=bn_momentum) self.lin2 = Lin(512, 256) self.bn2 = BatchNorm1d(256, momentum=bn_momentum) self.lin3 = Lin(256, class_count)
def __init__(self, class_count, nfeatures=3): super(PointNet2MSGClass, self).__init__() self.sa1_module = SAModuleMSG(512, [0.1, 0.2, 0.4], [16, 32, 128], [ MLP([nfeatures, 32, 32, 64]), MLP([nfeatures, 64, 64, 128]), MLP([nfeatures, 64, 96, 128]) ]) #Because we concat the out of each layer as a feature of each point nFeaturesL2 = 3 + 64 + 128 + 128 self.sa2_module = SAModuleMSG(128, [0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [32, 64, 128], [ MLP([nFeaturesL2, 64, 64, 128]), MLP([nFeaturesL2, 128, 128, 256]), MLP([nFeaturesL2, 128, 128, 256]) ]) nFeaturesL3 = 3 + 128 + 256 + 256 self.sa3_module = GlobalSAModule(MLP([nFeaturesL3, 256, 512, 1024])) #Classification Layers self.lin1 = Lin(1024, 512) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.lin2 = Lin(512, 256) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.lin3 = Lin(256, class_count)
def __init__(self, in_channels, hidden_channels, out_channels, num_layers, heads, dropout=0.5): super(GAT, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers self.dropout = dropout self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.convs.append(GATConv(dataset.num_features, hidden_channels, heads)) for _ in range(num_layers - 2): self.convs.append( GATConv(heads * hidden_channels, hidden_channels, heads)) self.convs.append( GATConv(heads * hidden_channels, out_channels, heads, concat=False)) self.skips = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.skips.append(Lin(dataset.num_features, hidden_channels * heads)) for _ in range(num_layers - 2): self.skips.append( Lin(hidden_channels * heads, hidden_channels * heads)) self.skips.append(Lin(hidden_channels * heads, out_channels))
def __init__(self, hidden_channels): super(GINConv, self).__init__(aggr='mean') self.mlp = Seq( Lin(hidden_channels, 2 * hidden_channels), ReLU(), Lin(2 * hidden_channels, hidden_channels)) self.eps = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([0.]))
def __init__(self): super(SaNet, self).__init__() self.sa1_module = SAModule(0.25, 0.2, MLP([3 + 3, 64, 64, 128])) self.sa2_module = SAModule(0.5, 0.4, MLP([128 + 3, 128, 128, 256])) self.sa3_module = GlobalSAModule(MLP([256 + 3, 256, 512, 512])) self.skip_attn1 = SkipAttention(MLP([512 + 2, 128]), MLP([256, 128]), MLP([256, 512 + 2]), MLP([512 + 2, 512])) self.skip_attn2 = SkipAttention(MLP([256, 64]), MLP([128, 64]), MLP([128, 256]), MLP([256, 256])) self.folding1 = FoldingBlock(64, 256, [ MLP([512 + 512, 256]), MLP([512 + 512, 256]), MLP([512 + 512, 512 + 512]), MLP([512 + 512, 512, 256]) ], [512 + 2, 512], [1024, 512]) self.folding2 = FoldingBlock(256, 512, [ MLP([256 + 256, 64]), MLP([256 + 256, 64]), MLP([256 + 256, 256 + 256]), MLP([256 + 256, 256, 128]) ], [256 + 2, 256], [256, 256]) self.folding3 = FoldingBlock(512, 2048, [ MLP([128 + 128, 64]), MLP([128 + 128, 64]), MLP([128 + 128, 128 + 128]), MLP([128 + 128, 128]) ], [128 + 2, 128], [512, 256, 128]) self.lin = Seq(Lin(128, 64), ReLU(), Lin(64, 3))
def test_point_conv(): in_channels, out_channels = (16, 32) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]]) num_nodes = edge_index.max().item() + 1 x = torch.randn((num_nodes, in_channels)) pos = torch.rand((num_nodes, 3)) norm = torch.nn.functional.normalize(torch.rand((num_nodes, 3)), dim=1) local_nn = Seq(Lin(in_channels + 4, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, out_channels)) global_nn = Seq(Lin(out_channels, out_channels)) conv = PPFConv(local_nn, global_nn) assert conv.__repr__() == ( 'PPFConv(local_nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=20, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' ' (1): ReLU()\n' ' (2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' '), global_nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' '))') out = conv(x, pos, norm, edge_index) assert out.size() == (num_nodes, out_channels) jit_conv = conv.jittable(x=x, pos=pos, norm=norm, edge_index=edge_index) jit_conv = torch.jit.script(jit_conv) assert jit_conv(x, pos, norm, edge_index).tolist() == out.tolist()
def __init__(self, node_size, input_feature, num_classes): super(NetGAT, self).__init__() self.node_per_graph = node_size hidden_size = 256 gat_head = 8 head_size = hidden_size // gat_head self.input_feature = input_feature # self.linprev = MLP([input_feature, 64, 64, 64]) self.linprev = EdgeConv(MLP([input_feature * 2, 64, 64, 64]), aggr='max') self.conv1 = GATConv(64, head_size, gat_head) self.bn1 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_size) self.lin1 = torch.nn.Linear(64, hidden_size) self.conv2 = GATConv(hidden_size, head_size, gat_head) self.bn2 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_size) self.lin2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.conv3 = GATConv(hidden_size, head_size, gat_head) self.bn3 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_size) self.lin3 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.conv4 = GATConv(hidden_size, head_size, gat_head) self.bn4 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(hidden_size) self.lin4 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.mlp = Seq(Lin(2048, 512), Dropout(0.4), Lin(512, 256), Dropout(0.4), Lin(256, num_classes))
def __init__(self): super(EdgeModel_ONE, self).__init__() hidden = HIDDEN_EDGE_ONE in_channels = ENCODING_EDGE_1 + 2 * ENCODING_NODE_1 self.edge_mlp = Seq(Lin(in_channels, hidden), LeakyReLU(), LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, ENCODING_EDGE_1)).apply(init_weights)
def __init__(self, NUM_CLASS): super(RotationEstimateNN, self).__init__() self.NUM_CLASS = NUM_CLASS self.cls_model = Classifier(NUM_CLASS) self.cls_model.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'models', 'classifier_1024', '117_0.98_1024'), map_location='cpu')) # self.cls_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'models', 'classifier_1024', '117_0.98_1024'))) self.cls_model.eval() self.pcnn1 = XConv(0, 48, dim=3, kernel_size=8, hidden_channels=32) # in_c , out_c , nei_c , spread, n_rep self.pcnn2 = XConv(48, 96, dim=3, kernel_size=12, hidden_channels=64, dilation=2) self.pcnn3 = XConv(96, 192, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=128, dilation=2) # self.pcnn4 = XConv( # 192, 384, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=256, dilation=2) # self.pcnn5 = XConv( # 384, 768, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=512, dilation=2) self.lin1 = Lin(200, 256) self.lin2 = Lin(256, 128) self.lin3 = Lin(128, 3)
def test_nn_conv(): x1 = torch.randn(4, 8) x2 = torch.randn(2, 16) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) row, col = edge_index value = torch.rand(row.size(0), 3) adj = SparseTensor(row=row, col=col, value=value, sparse_sizes=(4, 4)) nn = Seq(Lin(3, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 8 * 32)) conv = NNConv(8, 32, nn=nn) assert conv.__repr__() == ( 'NNConv(8, 32, aggr=add, nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' ' (1): ReLU()\n' ' (2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=256, bias=True)\n' '))') out = conv(x1, edge_index, value) assert out.size() == (4, 32) assert conv(x1, edge_index, value, size=(4, 4)).tolist() == out.tolist() assert conv(x1, adj.t()).tolist() == out.tolist() if is_full_test(): t = '(Tensor, Tensor, OptTensor, Size) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit(x1, edge_index, value).tolist() == out.tolist() assert jit(x1, edge_index, value, size=(4, 4)).tolist() == out.tolist() t = '(Tensor, SparseTensor, OptTensor, Size) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit(x1, adj.t()).tolist() == out.tolist() adj = adj.sparse_resize((4, 2)) conv = NNConv((8, 16), 32, nn=nn) assert conv.__repr__() == ( 'NNConv((8, 16), 32, aggr=add, nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' ' (1): ReLU()\n' ' (2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=256, bias=True)\n' '))') out1 = conv((x1, x2), edge_index, value) out2 = conv((x1, None), edge_index, value, (4, 2)) assert out1.size() == (2, 32) assert out2.size() == (2, 32) assert conv((x1, x2), edge_index, value, (4, 2)).tolist() == out1.tolist() assert conv((x1, x2), adj.t()).tolist() == out1.tolist() assert conv((x1, None), adj.t()).tolist() == out2.tolist() if is_full_test(): t = '(OptPairTensor, Tensor, OptTensor, Size) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit((x1, x2), edge_index, value).tolist() == out1.tolist() assert jit((x1, x2), edge_index, value, size=(4, 2)).tolist() == out1.tolist() assert jit((x1, None), edge_index, value, size=(4, 2)).tolist() == out2.tolist() t = '(OptPairTensor, SparseTensor, OptTensor, Size) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit((x1, x2), adj.t()).tolist() == out1.tolist() assert jit((x1, None), adj.t()).tolist() == out2.tolist()
def __init__(self): super(EdgeModel_TWO, self).__init__() hidden = HIDDEN_EDGE_TWO in_channels = NO_EDGE_FEATURES_TWO+2*NO_NODE_FEATURES_TWO self.edge_mlp = Seq(Lin(in_channels, hidden), LeakyReLU(), LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, hidden), LeakyReLU(), LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, NO_EDGE_FEATURES_TWO)).apply(init_weights)
def test_dynamic_edge_conv_conv(): x1 = torch.randn(8, 16) x2 = torch.randn(4, 16) batch1 = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) batch2 = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1]) nn = Seq(Lin(32, 16), ReLU(), Lin(16, 32)) conv = DynamicEdgeConv(nn, k=2) assert conv.__repr__() == ( 'DynamicEdgeConv(nn=Sequential(\n' ' (0): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=16, bias=True)\n' ' (1): ReLU()\n' ' (2): Linear(in_features=16, out_features=32, bias=True)\n' '), k=2)') out11 = conv(x1) assert out11.size() == (8, 32) out12 = conv(x1, batch1) assert out12.size() == (8, 32) out21 = conv((x1, x2)) assert out21.size() == (4, 32) out22 = conv((x1, x2), (batch1, batch2)) assert out22.size() == (4, 32) t = '(Tensor, OptTensor) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit(x1).tolist() == out11.tolist() assert jit(x1, batch1).tolist() == out12.tolist() t = '(PairTensor, Optional[PairTensor]) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit((x1, x2)).tolist() == out21.tolist() assert jit((x1, x2), (batch1, batch2)).tolist() == out22.tolist()
def get_mlp( in_size, out_size, n_hidden, hidden_size, activation=nn.LeakyReLU, activate_last=True, layer_norm=True, ): arch = [] l_in = in_size for l_idx in range(n_hidden): arch.append(Lin(l_in, hidden_size)) arch.append(activation()) l_in = hidden_size arch.append(Lin(l_in, out_size)) if activate_last: arch.append(activation()) if layer_norm: arch.append(LayerNorm(out_size)) return Seq(*arch)
def __init__(self, NUM_CLASS): super(Classifier, self).__init__() self.pcnn1 = XConv(0, 48, dim=3, kernel_size=8, hidden_channels=32) # in_c , out_c , nei_c , spread, n_rep self.pcnn2 = XConv(48, 96, dim=3, kernel_size=12, hidden_channels=64, dilation=2) self.pcnn3 = XConv(96, 192, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=128, dilation=2) # self.pcnn4 = XConv( # 192, 384, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=256, dilation=2) # self.pcnn5 = XConv( # 384, 768, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=512, dilation=2) self.lin1 = Lin(192, 256) self.lin2 = Lin(256, 128) self.lin3 = Lin(128, NUM_CLASS)
def __init__(self, class_count, n_feature=3, sort_pool_k=32): super(PointNet2MSGSortPoolClass, self).__init__() self.sa1_module = SAModuleMSG(512, [0.1, 0.2, 0.4], [16, 32, 128], [ MLP([n_feature, 32, 32, 64]), MLP([n_feature, 64, 64, 128]), MLP([n_feature, 64, 96, 128]) ]) #Because we concat the outout of each layer as a feature of each point n_features_l2 = 3 + 64 + 128 + 128 self.sa2_module = SAModuleMSG(128, [0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [32, 64, 128], [ MLP([n_features_l2, 64, 64, 128]), MLP([n_features_l2, 128, 128, 256]), MLP([n_features_l2, 128, 128, 256]) ]) n_features_l3 = 3 + 128 + 256 + 256 self.sa3_module = GlobalSortPool(MLP([n_features_l3, 256, 512, 1024]), sort_pool_k) #Classification Layers classification_point_feature = 1024 * sort_pool_k self.lin1 = Lin(classification_point_feature, 512) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.lin2 = Lin(512, 256) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.lin3 = Lin(256, class_count)
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, beta = 0.3): super().__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.beta = beta text_feature_size = 220 self.conv1_img = GATConv(train_dataset.num_features, 512, heads= 3, dropout=0.2) self.conv1_text = GATConv(text_feature_size, text_feature_size // 2 , heads= 3, dropout=0.2) self.conv2_img = GATConv(512 * 3, 512, heads= 1, dropout=0.2) self.conv2_text = GATConv(text_feature_size // 2 * 3, text_feature_size // 2, heads= 1, dropout=0.2) self.conv3_img = GATConv(512, 20, heads = 1, dropout = 0.2) self.conv3_text = GATConv(text_feature_size // 2, 20, heads = 1, dropout= 0.2) self.conv4 = GATConv(40, 20, heads= 2, dropout=0.2) self.pool1= EdgePooling(40) #global_mean_pool self.lin1 = Lin(40, 20) self.lin2 = Lin(20, 2)
def __init__(self, input_size, embedding_size, n_classes, dropout=True, k=5, aggr='max', pool_op='max'): super(DECSeq, self).__init__() # self.bn0 = BN(input_size) # self.bn1 = BN(64) # self.bn2 = BN(128) self.conv1 = EdgeConv(MLP([2 * 3, 64, 64, 64], batch_norm=True), aggr) self.conv2 = DynamicEdgeConv(MLP([2 * 64, 128], batch_norm=True), k, aggr) self.lin1 = MLP([128 + 64, 1024]) if pool_op == 'max': self.pool = global_max_pool if dropout: self.mlp = Seq(MLP([1024, 512], batch_norm=True), Dropout(0.5), MLP([512, 256], batch_norm=True), Dropout(0.5), Lin(256, n_classes)) else: self.mlp = Seq(MLP([1024, 512]), MLP([512, 256]), Lin(256, n_classes))
def __init__(self, num_classes): super(Net, self).__init__() self.conv1 = XConv(0, 48, dim=3, kernel_size=8, hidden_channels=32) self.conv2 = XConv(48, 96, dim=3, kernel_size=12, hidden_channels=64, dilation=2) self.conv3 = XConv(96, 192, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=128, dilation=2) self.conv4 = XConv(192, 384, dim=3, kernel_size=16, hidden_channels=256, dilation=2) self.lin1 = Lin(384, 256) self.lin2 = Lin(256, 128) self.lin3 = Lin(128, num_classes)
def __init__(self): super(GlobalModel_ONE, self).__init__() hidden = HIDDEN_GRAPH_ONE in_channels=ENCODING_NODE_1+ENCODING_EDGE_1 self.global_mlp = Seq(Lin(in_channels, hidden), LeakyReLU(),LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, hidden), LeakyReLU(), LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, NO_GRAPH_FEATURES_ONE)).apply(init_weights)
def __init__(self, node_dims, edge_dims, u_dims, hidden_size=32): super().__init__() mlp_1_input_size = node_dims + edge_dims self.node_mlp_1 = Seq(Lin(mlp_1_input_size, hidden_size), ReLU(), Lin(hidden_size, hidden_size)) mlp_2_input_size = node_dims + hidden_size self.node_mlp_2 = Seq(Lin(mlp_2_input_size, hidden_size), ReLU(), Lin(hidden_size, node_dims))
def test_static_gin_conv(): x = torch.randn(3, 4, 16) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]]) nn = Seq(Lin(16, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 32)) conv = GINConv(nn, train_eps=True) out = conv(x, edge_index) assert out.size() == (3, 4, 32)
def __init__(self): super(NodeDecoder, self).__init__() self.node_mlp_1 = Seq(Lin(2+32, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 32)) self.node_mlp_2 = Seq(Lin(2+32+32, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 4))
def __init__(self): super(GlobalModel_TWO, self).__init__() hidden = HIDDEN_GRAPH_TWO in_channels=NO_EDGE_FEATURES_TWO+NO_NODE_FEATURES_TWO self.global_mlp = Seq(Lin(in_channels, hidden), LeakyReLU(),LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, hidden), LeakyReLU(), LayerNorm(hidden), Lin(hidden, NO_GRAPH_FEATURES_TWO)).apply(init_weights)
def __init__(self): super(NodeModel, self).__init__() self.node_mlp_1 = Seq( Lin(num_node_features + num_edge_features, num_node_features), ReLU(), Lin(num_node_features, num_node_features)) self.node_mlp_2 = Seq( Lin(2 * num_node_features, num_node_features), ReLU(), Lin(num_node_features, num_node_features))
def __init__(self): super(NodeEncoder, self).__init__() self.node_mlp_1 = Seq(Lin(4+32, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 32)) self.node_mlp_2 = Seq(Lin(4+32, 32), ReLU(), Lin(32, 2))
def __init__(self, ratio, r): super(Net, self).__init__() self.r = r self.fc1 = MLP([3, 64]) self.mu_conv = MuConv(MLP([64, 64]), MLP([64, 20])) self.sig_conv = SigmaConv(MLP([64, 64]), MLP([64, 20])) self.fc3 = Lin(20, 1024) self.fc4 = Lin(1024, 3072)