Пример #1
    def barycentric_model_batch_loss(self, u_batch, v_batch, Xs_batch, Xt_batch, fXs_batch):

        C_batch = self.computeSquareEuclideanCostMatrix(Xs_batch, Xt_batch)

        if self.reg_type == 'entropy':
            H = torch.exp((torch.reshape(u_batch, (-1, 1)) + torch.reshape(v_batch, (1, -1)) - C_batch) / self.reg_val)
        elif self.reg_type == 'l2':
            H = (1./(2.*self.reg_val))*torch.max(torch.zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device), (torch.reshape(u_batch, (-1, 1)) + torch.reshape(v_batch, (1, -1)) - C_batch))

        d_batch = self.computeSquareEuclideanCostMatrix(fXs_batch, Xt_batch)

        return torch.sum(torch.mul(d_batch, H))
Пример #2
    def dual_OT_batch_loss(self, batch_size, u_batch, v_batch, Xs_batch, Xt_batch):

        C_batch = self.computeSquareEuclideanCostMatrix(Xs_batch=Xs_batch, Xt_batch=Xt_batch)

        if self.reg_type == 'entropy':
            loss_batch = torch.sum(u_batch)*batch_size + torch.sum(v_batch)*batch_size \
                         - self.reg_val*torch.sum(torch.exp((torch.reshape(u_batch, (-1, 1)) + torch.reshape(v_batch, (1, -1)) - C_batch) / self.reg_val))
        elif self.reg_type == 'l2':
            tmp = torch.max(torch.zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device), (torch.reshape(u_batch, (-1, 1)) + torch.reshape(v_batch, (1, -1)) - C_batch))
            loss_batch = torch.sum(u_batch)*batch_size + torch.sum(v_batch)*batch_size \
                         - (1./(4.*self.reg_val))*torch.sum(torch.mul(tmp, tmp))

        return -loss_batch
Пример #3
    def forward(self, X, X_mask):
        #X_mask not used

        #X: [m, V, Tx] m = batch size, V = vocabulary size, Tx = char count (max 1014)
        #print(X.size(), type(X))
        m = X.size()[0]
        V = X.size()[1]
        Tx = X.size()[2]
        #conv layer        
        for module in self.convlayers:
            #print(X.size(), type(X.data))
            if 'Conv1d' in str(type(module)): X = X.unsqueeze(1)
            X = module(X)
            if 'Conv1d' in str(type(module)): X = X.squeeze()

        #X: [m, num_filters, 14]
        #print(X.size(), type(X.data))
        assert X.size() == torch.Size([m, self.num_filters, 14])

        X = torch.reshape(X, (m, 14*self.num_filters))
        assert X.size() == torch.Size([m, self.num_filters*14])
        X = self.linear(X)
        #X: [m, 1]
        #print(X.size(), type(X))
        if self.num_classes == 2:
            assert X.size() == torch.Size([m, 1])
            assert X.size() == torch.Size([m, self.num_classes])
        if self.num_classes == 2:
            X = torch.squeeze(X)
            X = self.sigmoid(X)
            #X: [m]
            #print(X.size(), type(X))
            assert X.size() == torch.Size([m])
            return X
            return F.softmax(X)
Пример #4
def preprocessing_fn_torch(batch,
    inputs - batch of videos each with shape (frames, height, width, channel)
    outputs - batch of videos each with shape (n_stack, channel, stack_frames, new_height, new_width)
        frames = n_stack * stack_frames (after padding)
        new_height = new_width = 112
    consecutive_frames - number of consecutive frames (stack_frames)

    After resizing, a center crop is performed to make the image square

    This is a differentiable alternative to MARS' PIL-based preprocessing.
        There are some
    if not isinstance(batch, torch.Tensor):
        logger.warning(f"batch {type(batch)} is not a torch.Tensor. Casting")
        batch = torch.from_numpy(batch).to(DEVICE)
        # raise ValueError(f"batch {type(batch)} is not a torch.Tensor")
    if batch.dtype != torch.float32:
        raise ValueError(f"batch {batch.dtype} should be torch.float32")
    if batch.shape[0] != 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Batch size {batch.shape[0]} != 1")
    video = batch[0]

    if video.ndim != 4:
        raise ValueError(
            f"video dims {video.ndim} != 4 (frames, height, width, channel)")
    if video.shape[0] < 1:
        raise ValueError("video must have at least one frame")
    if tuple(video.shape[1:]) != (240, 320, 3):
        raise ValueError(
            f"frame shape {tuple(video.shape[1:])} != (240, 320, 3)")
    if video.max() > 1.0 or video.min() < 0.0:
        raise ValueError("input should be float32 in [0, 1] range")
    if not isinstance(consecutive_frames, int):
        raise ValueError(
            f"consecutive_frames {consecutive_frames} must be an int")
    if consecutive_frames < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"consecutive_frames {consecutive_frames} must be positive")

    # Select a integer multiple of consecutive frames
    while len(video) < consecutive_frames:
        # cyclic pad if insufficient for a single stack
        video = torch.cat([video, video[:consecutive_frames - len(video)]])
    if len(video) % consecutive_frames != 0:
        # cut trailing frames
        video = video[:len(video) - (len(video) % consecutive_frames)]

    if scale_first:
        # Attempts to directly follow MARS approach
        # (frames, height, width, channel) to (frames, channel, height, width)
        video = video.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        sample_width, sample_height = 149, 112
        video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
            size=(sample_height, sample_width),

        crop_left = 18  # round((149 - 112)/2.0)
        video = video[:, :, :, crop_left:crop_left + sample_height]

        # More efficient, but not MARS approach
        # Center crop
        sample_size = 112
        upsample, downsample = 7, 15
        assert video.shape[1] * upsample / downsample == sample_size

        crop_width = 40
        assert crop_width == (video.shape[2] - video.shape[1]) / 2
        assert video.shape[1] + 2 * crop_width == video.shape[2]

        video = video[:, :, crop_width:video.shape[2] - crop_width, :]
        assert video.shape[1] == video.shape[2] == 240

        # Downsample to (112, 112) frame size
        # (frames, height, width, channel) to (frames, channel, height, width)
        video = video.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        video = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
            size=(sample_size, sample_size),

    if video.max() > 1.0:
        raise ValueError("Video exceeded max after interpolation")
    if video.min() < 0.0:
        raise ValueError("Video under min after interpolation")

    # reshape into stacks of frames
    video = torch.reshape(video, (-1, consecutive_frames) + video.shape[1:])

    # transpose to (stacks, channel, stack_frames, height, width)
    video = video.permute(0, 2, 1, 3, 4)
    # video = torch.transpose(video, axes=(0, 4, 1, 2, 3))

    # normalize before changing channel position?
    video = torch.transpose(video, 1, 4)
    video = (
        (video * 255) -
        torch.from_numpy(MEAN).to(DEVICE)) / torch.from_numpy(STD).to(DEVICE)
    video = torch.transpose(video, 4, 1)

    return video
def pytorch_compute_single(im, target_interface, GPU_mode=1):
    input_pytorch_value = None
    output_pytorch_value = None
    input_pytorch_cpu_value = None
    output_pytorch_cpu_value = None
    pytorch_shape = [1]
    for shape_element in im.shape:
    input_pytorch = torch.reshape(torch.from_numpy(im), pytorch_shape)
    if GPU_mode != 0:
        input_pytorch_cpu_value = input_pytorch.numpy()

        if target_interface == 'conv1':
            weights_torch = torch.from_numpy(np.full((11, 11, 3, 1), 1, np.float64).transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)))
            output_pytorch_cpu = torch.from_numpy(
                F.conv2d(torch.from_numpy(input_pytorch.numpy().transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))), weights_torch, padding=0,
                         stride=4).numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)))
        elif target_interface == 'conv2':
            x_torch = torch.from_numpy(input_pytorch.numpy().transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)).astype(np.float64))
            weights_torch = torch.from_numpy(np.full((11, 11, 3, 1), 1, np.float64).transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)))
            stride = 4
            if x_torch.numpy().shape[2] % stride == 0:
                pad = max(weights_torch.numpy().shape[2] - stride, 0)
                pad = max(weights_torch.numpy().shape[2] - (x_torch.numpy().shape[2] % stride), 0)

            if pad % 2 == 0:
                pad_val = pad // 2
                padding = (pad_val, pad_val, pad_val, pad_val)
                pad_val_start = pad // 2
                pad_val_end = pad - pad_val_start
                padding = (pad_val_start, pad_val_end, pad_val_start, pad_val_end)
            x_torch = F.pad(x_torch, padding, "constant", 0)
            output_pytorch_cpu = torch.from_numpy(
                F.conv2d(x_torch, weights_torch, padding=0, stride=stride).numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1)))
        elif target_interface == 'pool1':
            output_pytorch_cpu = torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(
                F.max_pool2d(torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(input_pytorch_cpu_value, 3, 1)), kernel_size=(2, 2),
                             stride=(2, 2)).numpy(), 1, 4))
        elif target_interface == 'pool2':
            output_pytorch_cpu = torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(
                F.avg_pool2d(torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(input_pytorch_cpu_value, 3, 1)), kernel_size=(2, 2),
                             stride=(2, 2)).numpy(), 1, 4))
        elif target_interface == 'relu1':
            output_pytorch_cpu = F.relu(input_pytorch)
        elif target_interface == 'dense1':
            output_pytorch_cpu = None
        elif target_interface == 'sigmoid1':
            output_pytorch_cpu = F.sigmoid(input_pytorch)
        elif target_interface == 'tanh1':
            output_pytorch_cpu = F.tanh(input_pytorch)
            output_pytorch_cpu = None
        output_pytorch_cpu_value = output_pytorch_cpu.numpy()
    if GPU_mode != 2:
        input_pytorch_value = input_pytorch.to("cuda").to("cpu").numpy()
        if target_interface == 'conv1':
            weights_torch = torch.from_numpy(np.full((11, 11, 3, 1), 1, np.float64).transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)))
            output_pytorch = torch.from_numpy(
                F.conv2d(torch.from_numpy(input_pytorch.numpy().transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))).to("cuda"),
                         weights_torch.to("cuda"), padding=0, stride=4).to("cpu").numpy().transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))).to(
        elif target_interface == 'conv2':
            x_torch = torch.from_numpy(input_pytorch.numpy().transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)).astype(np.float64))
            weights_torch = torch.from_numpy(np.full((11, 11, 3, 1), 1, np.float64).transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)))
            stride = 4
            if x_torch.numpy().shape[2] % stride == 0:
                pad = max(weights_torch.numpy().shape[2] - stride, 0)
                pad = max(weights_torch.numpy().shape[2] - (x_torch.numpy().shape[2] % stride), 0)

            if pad % 2 == 0:
                pad_val = pad // 2
                padding = (pad_val, pad_val, pad_val, pad_val)
                pad_val_start = pad // 2
                pad_val_end = pad - pad_val_start
                padding = (pad_val_start, pad_val_end, pad_val_start, pad_val_end)
            x_torch = F.pad(x_torch, padding, "constant", 0)
            output_pytorch = torch.from_numpy(
                F.conv2d(x_torch.to("cuda"), weights_torch.to("cuda"), padding=0, stride=4).to("cpu").numpy().transpose(
                    (0, 2, 3, 1))).to("cuda")
        elif target_interface == 'pool1':
            output_pytorch = torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(
                F.max_pool2d(torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(input_pytorch_value, 3, 1)).to("cuda"), kernel_size=(2, 2),
                             stride=(2, 2)).to("cpu").numpy(), 1, 4)).to("cuda")
        elif target_interface == 'pool2':
            output_pytorch = torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(
                F.avg_pool2d(torch.from_numpy(np.rollaxis(input_pytorch_value, 3, 1)).to("cuda"), kernel_size=(2, 2),
                             stride=(2, 2)).to("cpu").numpy(), 1, 4)).to("cuda")
        elif target_interface == 'relu1':
            output_pytorch = F.relu(input_pytorch.to("cuda"))
        elif target_interface == 'dense1':
            output_pytorch = None
        elif target_interface == 'sigmoid1':
            output_pytorch = F.sigmoid(input_pytorch.to("cuda"))
        elif target_interface == 'tanh1':
            output_pytorch = F.tanh(input_pytorch.to("cuda"))
            output_pytorch = None
        output_pytorch_value = output_pytorch.to("cpu").numpy()
    return output_pytorch_value, input_pytorch_value, output_pytorch_cpu_value, input_pytorch_cpu_value
Пример #6
def batch_global_rigid_transformation(Rs,
    Computes absolute joint locations given pose.

    rotate_base: if True, rotates the global rotation by 90 deg in x axis.
    if False, this is the original SMPL coordinate.

      Rs: N x 24 x 3 x 3 rotation vector of K joints
      Js: N x 24 x 3, joint locations before posing
      parent: 24 holding the parent id for each index

      new_J : `Tensor`: N x 24 x 3 location of absolute joints
      A     : `Tensor`: N x 24 4 x 4 relative joint transformations for LBS.
    if rotate_base:
        print('Flipping the SMPL coordinate frame!!!!')
        rot_x = torch.Tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        rot_x = torch.reshape(torch.repeat(rot_x, [N, 1]),
                              [N, 3, 3])  # In tf it was tile
        root_rotation = torch.matmul(Rs[:, 0, :, :], rot_x)
        root_rotation = Rs[:, 0, :, :]

    # Now Js is N x 24 x 3 x 1
    Js = Js.unsqueeze(-1)
    N = Rs.shape[0]

    Js_orig = Js.clone()

    scaling_factors = torch.ones(N, parent.shape[0], 3).to(Rs.device)
    if betas_logscale is not None:
        leg_joints = list(range(7, 11)) + list(range(11, 15)) + list(
            range(17, 21)) + list(range(21, 25))
        tail_joints = list(range(25, 32))
        ear_joints = [33, 34]

        beta_scale_mask = torch.zeros(35, 3, 6).to(betas_logscale.device)
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [2], [0]] = 1.0  # Leg lengthening
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [0], [1]] = 1.0  # Leg fatness
        beta_scale_mask[leg_joints, [1], [1]] = 1.0  # Leg fatness

        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [0], [2]] = 1.0  # Tail lengthening
        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [1], [3]] = 1.0  # Tail fatness
        beta_scale_mask[tail_joints, [2], [3]] = 1.0  # Tail fatness

        beta_scale_mask[ear_joints, [1], [4]] = 1.0  # Ear y
        beta_scale_mask[ear_joints, [2], [5]] = 1.0  # Ear z

        beta_scale_mask = torch.transpose(beta_scale_mask.reshape(35 * 3, 6),
                                          0, 1)

        betas_scale = torch.exp(betas_logscale @ beta_scale_mask)
        scaling_factors = betas_scale.reshape(-1, 35, 3)

    scale_factors_3x3 = torch.diag_embed(scaling_factors, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)

    def make_A(R, t):
        # Rs is N x 3 x 3, ts is N x 3 x 1
        R_homo = torch.nn.functional.pad(R, (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
        t_homo = torch.cat([t, torch.ones([N, 1, 1]).to(Rs.device)], 1)
        return torch.cat([R_homo, t_homo], 2)

    A0 = make_A(root_rotation, Js[:, 0])
    results = [A0]
    for i in range(1, parent.shape[0]):
        j_here = Js[:, i] - Js[:, parent[i]]

        s_par_inv = torch.inverse(scale_factors_3x3[:, parent[i]])
        rot = Rs[:, i]
        s = scale_factors_3x3[:, i]

        rot_new = s_par_inv @ rot @ s

        A_here = make_A(rot_new, j_here)
        res_here = torch.matmul(results[parent[i]], A_here)


    # 10 x 24 x 4 x 4
    results = torch.stack(results, dim=1)

    # scale updates
    new_J = results[:, :, :3, 3]

    # --- Compute relative A: Skinning is based on
    # how much the bone moved (not the final location of the bone)
    # but (final_bone - init_bone)
    # ---
    Js_w0 = torch.cat([Js_orig, torch.zeros([N, 35, 1, 1]).to(Rs.device)], 2)
    init_bone = torch.matmul(results, Js_w0)
    # Append empty 4 x 3:
    init_bone = torch.nn.functional.pad(init_bone, (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    A = results - init_bone

    return new_J, A
Пример #7
    def forward(self, graph, feat, weight=None):
        r"""Compute graph convolution.

        * Input shape: :math:`(N, *, \text{in_feats})` where * means any number of additional
          dimensions, :math:`N` is the number of nodes.
        * Output shape: :math:`(N, *, \text{out_feats})` where all but the last dimension are
          the same shape as the input.
        * Weight shape: :math:`(\text{in_feats}, \text{out_feats})`.

        graph : DGLGraph
            The graph.
        feat : torch.Tensor
            The input feature
        weight : torch.Tensor, optional
            Optional external weight tensor.

            The output feature
        with graph.local_scope():
            if self._norm == 'both':
                degs = graph.out_degrees().to(feat.device).float().clamp(min=1)
                norm = th.pow(degs, -0.5)
                shp = norm.shape + (1, ) * (feat.dim() - 1)
                norm = th.reshape(norm, shp)
                feat = feat * norm

            weight = self.weight

            if self._in_feats > self._out_feats and False:
                # mult W first to reduce the feature size for aggregation.
                if weight is not None:
                    assert feat.shape[-1] == weight.shape[
                        -2], "feat shape is {}, weight shape is {}".format(
                            feat.shape, weight.shape)
                    feat = th.matmul(feat, weight)
                feat = self.apply_allgather(feat)
                graph.srcdata['h'] = feat
                graph.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='h', out='m'),
                                 fn.sum(msg='m', out='h'))
                rst = graph.dstdata['h']
                rst = rst[:self._local_n_nodes, :]
                # aggregate first then mult W
                feat = self.apply_allgather(feat)
                graph.srcdata['h'] = feat
                graph.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='h', out='m'),
                                 fn.sum(msg='m', out='h'))
                rst = graph.dstdata['h']
                rst = rst[:self._local_n_nodes, :]
                if weight is not None:
                    rst = th.matmul(rst, weight)

            if self._norm != 'none':
                degs = graph.in_degrees().to(feat.device).float().clamp(min=1)
                if self._norm == 'both':
                    norm = th.pow(degs, -0.5)
                    norm = 1.0 / degs
                shp = norm.shape + (1, ) * (feat.dim() - 1)
                norm = th.reshape(norm, shp)
                rst = rst * norm

            if self.bias is not None:
                rst = rst + self.bias

            if self._comm_net:
                rst += th.matmul(feat[:self._local_n_nodes], self.comm_net_w)

            if self._activation is not None:
                rst = self._activation(rst)

            return rst
Пример #8
    def forward(self, batch_data):
        images_in, boxes_in, bboxes_num_in = batch_data

        # read config parameters
        B = images_in.shape[0]
        T = images_in.shape[1]
        H, W = self.cfg.image_size
        OH, OW = self.cfg.out_size
        MAX_N = self.cfg.num_boxes
        NFB = self.cfg.num_features_boxes
        NFR, NFG = self.cfg.num_features_relation, self.cfg.num_features_gcn

        D = self.cfg.emb_features
        K = self.cfg.crop_size[0]

        if not self.training:
            B = B * 3
            T = T // 3
            images_in.reshape((B, T) + images_in.shape[2:])
            boxes_in.reshape((B, T) + boxes_in.shape[2:])
            bboxes_num_in.reshape((B, T))

        # Reshape the input data
        images_in_flat = torch.reshape(images_in,
                                       (B * T, 3, H, W))  #B*T, 3, H, W
        boxes_in = boxes_in.reshape(B * T, MAX_N, 4)

        # Use backbone to extract features of images_in
        # Pre-precess first
        images_in_flat = prep_images(images_in_flat)
        outputs = self.backbone(images_in_flat)

        # Build multiscale features
        features_multiscale = []
        for features in outputs:
            if features.shape[2:4] != torch.Size([OH, OW]):
                features = F.interpolate(features,
                                         size=(OH, OW),

        features_multiscale = torch.cat(features_multiscale,
                                        dim=1)  #B*T, D, OH, OW

        boxes_in_flat = torch.reshape(boxes_in,
                                      (B * T * MAX_N, 4))  #B*T*MAX_N, 4

        boxes_idx = [
            i * torch.ones(MAX_N, dtype=torch.int) for i in range(B * T)
        boxes_idx = torch.stack(boxes_idx).to(
            device=boxes_in.device)  # B*T, MAX_N
        boxes_idx_flat = torch.reshape(boxes_idx,
                                       (B * T * MAX_N, ))  #B*T*MAX_N,

        # RoI Align
        boxes_in_flat.requires_grad = False
        boxes_idx_flat.requires_grad = False
        boxes_features_all = self.roi_align(
            features_multiscale, boxes_in_flat,
            boxes_idx_flat)  #B*T*MAX_N, D, K, K,

        boxes_features_all = boxes_features_all.reshape(B * T, MAX_N,
                                                        -1)  #B*T,MAX_N, D*K*K

        # Embedding
        boxes_features_all = self.fc_emb_1(
            boxes_features_all)  # B*T,MAX_N, NFB
        boxes_features_all = self.nl_emb_1(boxes_features_all)
        boxes_features_all = F.relu(boxes_features_all)

        boxes_features_all = boxes_features_all.reshape(B, T, MAX_N, NFB)
        boxes_in = boxes_in.reshape(B, T, MAX_N, 4)

        actions_scores = []
        activities_scores = []
        bboxes_num_in = bboxes_num_in.reshape(B, T)  #B,T,

        for b in range(B):

            N = bboxes_num_in[b][0]

            boxes_features = boxes_features_all[b, :, :N, :].reshape(
                1, T * N, NFB)  #1,T,N,NFB

            boxes_positions = boxes_in[b, :, :N, :].reshape(T * N, 4)  #T*N, 4

            # GCN graph modeling
            for i in range(len(self.gcn_list)):
                graph_boxes_features, relation_graph = self.gcn_list[i](
                    boxes_features, boxes_positions)

            # cat graph_boxes_features with boxes_features
            boxes_features = boxes_features.reshape(1, T * N, NFB)
            boxes_states = graph_boxes_features + boxes_features  #1, T*N, NFG
            boxes_states = self.dropout_global(boxes_states)

            NFS = NFG

            boxes_states = boxes_states.reshape(T, N, NFS)

            # Predict actions
            actn_score = self.fc_actions(boxes_states)  #T,N, actn_num

            # Predict activities
            boxes_states_pooled, _ = torch.max(boxes_states, dim=1)  #T, NFS
            acty_score = self.fc_activities(boxes_states_pooled)  #T, acty_num

            # GSN fusion
            actn_score = torch.mean(actn_score,
                                    dim=0).reshape(N, -1)  #N, actn_num
            acty_score = torch.mean(acty_score,
                                    dim=0).reshape(1, -1)  #1, acty_num


        actions_scores = torch.cat(actions_scores, dim=0)  #ALL_N,actn_num
        activities_scores = torch.cat(activities_scores, dim=0)  #B,acty_num

        if not self.training:
            B = B // 3
            actions_scores = torch.mean(actions_scores.reshape(
                -1, 3, actions_scores.shape[1]),
            activities_scores = torch.mean(activities_scores.reshape(B, 3, -1),
                                           dim=1).reshape(B, -1)

#         print(actions_scores.shape)
#         print(activities_scores.shape)

        return actions_scores, activities_scores
Пример #9
 def compute_loss(self, inferences, labels, regs):
     labels = torch.reshape(labels, [-1, 1])
     loss = F.mse_loss(inferences, labels)
     return loss + regs
Пример #10
    def attack_single_run_targeted(self, x, y=None, use_rand_start=False):
        :param x:    clean images
        :param y:    clean labels, if None we use the predicted labels

        if self.device is None:
            self.device = x.device
        self.orig_dim = list(x.shape[1:])
        self.ndims = len(self.orig_dim)

        x = x.detach().clone().float().to(self.device)
        # assert next(self.predict.parameters()).device == x.device

        y_pred = self._get_predicted_label(x)
        if y is None:
            y = y_pred.detach().clone().long().to(self.device)
            y = y.detach().clone().long().to(self.device)
        pred = y_pred == y
        corr_classified = pred.float().sum()
        if self.verbose:
            print('Clean accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(pred.float().mean()))
        if pred.sum() == 0:
            return x
        pred = self.check_shape(pred.nonzero().squeeze())

        output = self.predict(x)
        la_target = output.sort(dim=-1)[1][:, -self.target_class]

        startt = time.time()
        # runs the attack only on correctly classified points
        im2 = x[pred].detach().clone()
        la2 = y[pred].detach().clone()
        la_target2 = la_target[pred].detach().clone()
        if len(im2.shape) == self.ndims:
            im2 = im2.unsqueeze(0)
        bs = im2.shape[0]
        u1 = torch.arange(bs)
        adv = im2.clone()
        adv_c = x.clone()
        res2 = 1e10 * torch.ones([bs]).to(self.device)
        res_c = torch.zeros([x.shape[0]]).to(self.device)
        x1 = im2.clone()
        x0 = im2.clone().reshape([bs, -1])
        counter_restarts = 0

        while counter_restarts < 1:
            if use_rand_start:
                if self.norm == 'Linf':
                    t = 2 * torch.rand(x1.shape).to(self.device) - 1
                    x1 = im2 + (torch.min(
                        self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device)
                    ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims])) * t / (t.reshape([
                        t.shape[0], -1
                    ]).abs().max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0].reshape(
                        [-1, *[1] * self.ndims])) * .5
                elif self.norm == 'L2':
                    t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device)
                    x1 = im2 + (torch.min(
                        self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device)
                    ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims])) * t / (
                        (t**2).view(t.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1).sqrt().view(
                            t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims)) * .5
                elif self.norm == 'L1':
                    t = torch.randn(x1.shape).to(self.device)
                    x1 = im2 + (torch.min(
                        self.eps * torch.ones(res2.shape).to(self.device)
                    ).reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims])) * t / (t.abs().view(
                        t.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1).view(
                            t.shape[0], *[1] * self.ndims)) / 2

                x1 = x1.clamp(0.0, 1.0)

            counter_iter = 0
            while counter_iter < self.n_iter:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    df, dg = self.get_diff_logits_grads_batch_targeted(
                        x1, la2, la_target2)
                    if self.norm == 'Linf':
                        dist1 = df.abs() / (1e-12 + dg.abs().view(
                            dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1).sum(dim=-1))
                    elif self.norm == 'L2':
                        dist1 = df.abs() / (1e-12 + (dg**2).view(
                            dg.shape[0], dg.shape[1], -1).sum(dim=-1).sqrt())
                    elif self.norm == 'L1':
                        dist1 = df.abs() / (1e-12 + dg.abs().reshape(
                            [df.shape[0], df.shape[1], -1]).max(dim=2)[0])
                        raise ValueError('norm not supported')
                    ind = dist1.min(dim=1)[1]
                    # print(ind)
                    dg2 = dg[u1, ind]
                    b = (-df[u1, ind] +
                         (dg2 * x1).view(x1.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1))
                    w = dg2.reshape([bs, -1])

                    if self.norm == 'Linf':
                        d3 = self.projection_linf(
                            torch.cat((x1.reshape([bs, -1]), x0), 0),
                            torch.cat((w, w), 0), torch.cat((b, b), 0))
                    elif self.norm == 'L2':
                        d3 = self.projection_l2(
                            torch.cat((x1.reshape([bs, -1]), x0), 0),
                            torch.cat((w, w), 0), torch.cat((b, b), 0))
                    elif self.norm == 'L1':
                        d3 = self.projection_l1(
                            torch.cat((x1.reshape([bs, -1]), x0), 0),
                            torch.cat((w, w), 0), torch.cat((b, b), 0))
                    d1 = torch.reshape(d3[:bs], x1.shape)
                    d2 = torch.reshape(d3[-bs:], x1.shape)
                    if self.norm == 'Linf':
                        a0 = d3.abs().max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] \
                            .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims)
                    elif self.norm == 'L2':
                        a0 = (d3 ** 2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).sqrt() \
                            .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims)
                    elif self.norm == 'L1':
                        a0 = d3.abs().sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) \
                            .view(-1, *[1] * self.ndims)
                    a0 = torch.max(a0,
                                   1e-8 * torch.ones(a0.shape).to(self.device))
                    a1 = a0[:bs]
                    a2 = a0[-bs:]
                    alpha = torch.min(
                        torch.max(a1 / (a1 + a2),
                        self.alpha_max * torch.ones(a1.shape).to(self.device))
                    x1 = ((x1 + self.eta * d1) * (1 - alpha) +
                          (im2 + d2 * self.eta) * alpha).clamp(0.0, 1.0)

                    is_adv = self._get_predicted_label(x1) != la2

                    if is_adv.sum() > 0:
                        ind_adv = is_adv.nonzero().squeeze()
                        ind_adv = self.check_shape(ind_adv)
                        if self.norm == 'Linf':
                            t = (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]).reshape(
                                [ind_adv.shape[0], -1]).abs().max(dim=1)[0]
                        elif self.norm == 'L2':
                            t = ((x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) ** 2) \
                                .view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1).sqrt()
                        elif self.norm == 'L1':
                            t = (x1[ind_adv] - im2[ind_adv]) \
                                .abs().view(ind_adv.shape[0], -1).sum(dim=-1)
                        adv[ind_adv] = x1[ind_adv] * (t < res2[ind_adv]). \
                            float().reshape([-1, *[1] * self.ndims]) + adv[ind_adv] \
                                       * (t >= res2[ind_adv]).float().reshape(
                            [-1, *[1] * self.ndims])
                        res2[ind_adv] = t * (t < res2[ind_adv]).float() \
                                        + res2[ind_adv] * (t >= res2[ind_adv]).float()
                        x1[ind_adv] = im2[ind_adv] + (x1[ind_adv] -
                                                      im2[ind_adv]) * self.beta

                    counter_iter += 1

            counter_restarts += 1

        ind_succ = res2 < 1e10
        if self.verbose:
            print('success rate: {:.0f}/{:.0f}'.format(ind_succ.float().sum(),
                                                       corr_classified) +
                  ' (on correctly classified points) in {:.1f} s'.format(
                      time.time() - startt))

        res_c[pred] = res2 * ind_succ.float() + 1e10 * (1 - ind_succ.float())
        ind_succ = self.check_shape(ind_succ.nonzero().squeeze())
        adv_c[pred[ind_succ]] = adv[ind_succ].clone()

        return adv_c
    optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([model.W, model.b], learning_rate)
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        model.loss(x_train, y_train).backward()  # Compute loss gradients
        optimizer.step()  # Perform optimization by adjusting W and b

        optimizer.zero_grad()  # Clear gradients for next step

    # Print model variables and loss
    print("W = %s, b = %s, loss = %s" %
          (model.W, model.b, model.loss(x_train, y_train)))

    # Visualize result
    fig = plt.figure("NOT operator")

    plot1 = fig.add_subplot()
             label='$(\\hat x^{(i)},\\hat y^{(i)})$')
    out = torch.reshape(torch.tensor(np.linspace(0, 1, 100).tolist()), (-1, 1))
    plot1.set_xticks([0, 1])  # x range from 0 to 1
    plot1.set_yticks([0, 1])  # y range from 0 to 1
    x, indices = torch.sort(out, 0)
    # Plot sigmoid regression curve.
    plt.plot(x, model.f(x).detach())

optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

#print('Number of model parameters: {}'.format(
#        len([p.data.nelement() for p in model.parameters()])))
###################################################Training the data########################################

for ep in range(num_epochs):
    epoch_file = open(filename, 'a')
    epoch_file.write('Epoch {}/{}   ---   \n'.format(ep + 1, num_epochs))
    for i, (text, label) in enumerate(train_loader):
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            text = torch.reshape(text, (batch_size, 1, 1024))
            text = text.long()
            text = Variable(text.cuda())
            label = Variable(label.cuda())
        predict = model.forward(text)
        temp = 0
        loss = loss_function(predict, label)

    k = 0.0
    for i, (text, label) in enumerate(test_loader):
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            text = torch.reshape(text, (batch_size, 1, 1024))
            text = text.long()
Пример #13
    def _train(self, BATCH):

        obs = get_first_vector(BATCH.obs)  # [T, B, S]
        obs_ = get_first_vector(BATCH.obs_)  # [T, B, S]
        _timestep = obs.shape[0]
        _batchsize = obs.shape[1]
        predicted_obs_ = self._forward_dynamic_model(obs,
                                                     BATCH.action)  # [T, B, S]
        predicted_reward = self._reward_model(obs, BATCH.action)  # [T, B, 1]
        predicted_done_dist = self._done_model(obs, BATCH.action)  # [T, B, 1]
        _obs_loss = F.mse_loss(obs_, predicted_obs_)  # todo
        _reward_loss = F.mse_loss(BATCH.reward, predicted_reward)
        _done_loss = -predicted_done_dist.log_prob(BATCH.done).mean()
        wm_loss = _obs_loss + _reward_loss + _done_loss

        obs = th.reshape(obs, (_timestep * _batchsize, -1))  # [T*B, S]
        obs_ = th.reshape(obs_, (_timestep * _batchsize, -1))  # [T*B, S]
        actions = th.reshape(BATCH.action,
                             (_timestep * _batchsize, -1))  # [T*B, A]
        rewards = th.reshape(BATCH.reward,
                             (_timestep * _batchsize, -1))  # [T*B, 1]
        dones = th.reshape(BATCH.done,
                           (_timestep * _batchsize, -1))  # [T*B, 1]

        rollout_rewards = [rewards]
        rollout_dones = [dones]

        r_obs_ = obs_
        _r_obs = deepcopy(BATCH.obs_)
        r_done = (1. - dones)

        for _ in range(self._roll_out_horizon):
            r_obs = r_obs_
            _r_obs.vector.vector_0 = r_obs
            if self.is_continuous:
                action_target = self.actor.t(_r_obs)  # [T*B, A]
                if self.use_target_action_noise:
                    r_action = self.target_noised_action(
                        action_target)  # [T*B, A]
                target_logits = self.actor.t(_r_obs)  # [T*B, A]
                target_cate_dist = td.Categorical(logits=target_logits)
                target_pi = target_cate_dist.sample()  # [T*B,]
                r_action = F.one_hot(target_pi, self.a_dim).float()  # [T*B, A]
            r_obs_ = self._forward_dynamic_model(r_obs, r_action)  # [T*B, S]
            r_reward = self._reward_model(r_obs, r_action)  # [T*B, 1]
            r_done = r_done * (1. - self._done_model(r_obs, r_action).sample()
                               )  # [T*B, 1]

            rollout_rewards.append(r_reward)  # [H+1, T*B, 1]
            rollout_dones.append(r_done)  # [H+1, T*B, 1]

        _r_obs.vector.vector_0 = obs
        q = self.critic(_r_obs, actions)  # [T*B, 1]
        _r_obs.vector.vector_0 = r_obs_
        q_target = self.critic.t(_r_obs, r_action)  # [T*B, 1]
        dc_r = rewards
        for t in range(1, self._roll_out_horizon):
            dc_r += (self.gamma**t) * (rollout_rewards[t] * rollout_dones[t])
        dc_r += (self.gamma**self._roll_out_horizon) * rollout_dones[
            self._roll_out_horizon] * q_target  # [T*B, 1]

        td_error = dc_r - q  # [T*B, 1]
        q_loss = td_error.square().mean()  # 1

        # train actor
        if self.is_continuous:
            mu = self.actor(BATCH.obs,
                            begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
            logits = self.actor(BATCH.obs,
                                begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, A]
            logp_all = logits.log_softmax(-1)  # [T, B, A]
            gumbel_noise = td.Gumbel(0, 1).sample(logp_all.shape)  # [T, B, A]
            _pi = ((logp_all + gumbel_noise) / self.discrete_tau).softmax(
                -1)  # [T, B, A]
            _pi_true_one_hot = F.one_hot(_pi.argmax(-1),
                                         self.a_dim).float()  # [T, B, A]
            _pi_diff = (_pi_true_one_hot - _pi).detach()  # [T, B, A]
            mu = _pi_diff + _pi  # [T, B, A]
        q_actor = self.critic(BATCH.obs, mu,
                              begin_mask=BATCH.begin_mask)  # [T, B, 1]
        actor_loss = -q_actor.mean()  # 1

        return th.ones_like(BATCH.reward), {
            'LEARNING_RATE/wm_lr': self._wm_oplr.lr,
            'LEARNING_RATE/actor_lr': self.actor_oplr.lr,
            'LEARNING_RATE/critic_lr': self.critic_oplr.lr,
            'LOSS/wm_loss': wm_loss,
            'LOSS/actor_loss': actor_loss,
            'LOSS/critic_loss': q_loss,
            'Statistics/q_min': q.min(),
            'Statistics/q_mean': q.mean(),
            'Statistics/q_max': q.max()
Пример #14
    def forward(self, x):
        """Applies network layers and ops on input image(s) x.
            x: input image or batch of images. Shape: [batch,3,300,300].
            Depending on phase:
                Variable(tensor) of output class label predictions,
                confidence score, and corresponding location predictions for
                each object detected. Shape: [batch,topk,7]
                list of concat outputs from:
                    1: confidence layers, Shape: [batch*num_priors,num_classes]
                    2: localization layers, Shape: [batch,num_priors*4]
                    3: priorbox layers, Shape: [2,num_priors*4]
        size = x.size()[2:]
        batch_size = x.shape[0]
        sources = list()
        loc = list()
        conf = list()

        x = self.conv_top(x)

        s = self.L2Norm3_3(x)

        patches = self.unfold(x)
        patches = torch.cat(torch.unbind(patches, dim=2), dim=0)
        patches = torch.reshape(patches, (-1, 4, 8, 8))

        output_x = int((x.shape[2] - 8) / 4 + 1)
        output_y = int((x.shape[3] - 8) / 4 + 1)

        rnnX = self.rnn_model(patches, int(batch_size) * output_x * output_y)

        x = torch.stack(torch.split(rnnX,

        x = F.fold(x, kernel_size=(1, 1), output_size=(output_x, output_y))

        x = F.pad(x, (0, 1, 0, 1), mode='replicate')

        for k in range(4):
            x = self.mob[k](x)

        s = self.L2Norm4_3(x)

        for k in range(4, 8):
            x = self.mob[k](x)

        s = self.L2Norm5_3(x)

        for k in range(8, 10):
            x = self.mob[k](x)

        for k in range(10, 11):
            x = self.mob[k](x)

        for k in range(11, 12):
            x = self.mob[k](x)

        # apply multibox head to source layers

        loc_x = self.loc[0](sources[0])
        conf_x = self.conf[0](sources[0])

        loc_x = self.loc[1](loc_x)
        conf_x = self.conf[1](conf_x)

        max_conf, _ = torch.max(conf_x[:, 0:3, :, :], dim=1, keepdim=True)
        conf_x = torch.cat((max_conf, conf_x[:, 3:, :, :]), dim=1)

        loc.append(loc_x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous())
        conf.append(conf_x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous())

        for i in range(1, len(sources)):
            x = sources[i]
            conf.append(self.conf[i + 1](x).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous())
            loc.append(self.loc[i + 1](x).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous())

        features_maps = []
        for i in range(len(loc)):
            feat = []
            feat += [loc[i].size(1), loc[i].size(2)]
            features_maps += [feat]

        self.priorbox = PriorBox(size, features_maps, cfg)
        self.priors = self.priorbox.forward()

        loc = torch.cat([o.view(o.size(0), -1) for o in loc], 1)
        conf = torch.cat([o.view(o.size(0), -1) for o in conf], 1)

        if self.phase == 'test':
            output = detect_function(
                loc.view(loc.size(0), -1, 4),  # loc preds
                self.softmax(conf.view(conf.size(0), -1,
                                       self.num_classes)),  # conf preds
                self.priors.type(type(x.data))  # default boxes

            output = (loc.view(loc.size(0), -1,
                               4), conf.view(conf.size(0), -1,
                                             self.num_classes), self.priors)
        return output, loc, conf
Пример #15
 def forward(self, input):
     input = torch.reshape(
         input, (input.size(0), 1, input.size(2) * input.size(3)))
     self.X = input
     return super().forward(input)
Пример #16
        # Get the most probable last output index
        next_word_encoded = net_out[:, -1, :]
        closest_value = np.linalg.norm(
            (X - next_word_encoded.to('cpu').numpy()[0]), axis=1)
        closest_word = emb.index[np.argmin(closest_value)]
        state += ' ' + closest_word
        # Print the seed letters
        #print(state, end=' ', flush=True)
    #%% Generate sonnet
    new_line_count = 0
    tot_char_count = 0
    while True:
        with torch.no_grad():  # No need to track the gradients
            # The new network input is the one hot encoding of the last chosen letter
            net_input = ds.encode_text(encoder, state.lower(), emb)
            net_input = torch.reshape(
                torch.tensor(net_input).float(), (1, -1, 50))
            #net_input = net_input.unsqueeze(0)
            # Forward pass
            #net_input = net_input.to(device)
            net_out, net_state = net(net_input, net_state)

            # Get the most probable letter index
            closest_value = np.linalg.norm(
                (X - net_out[:, -1, :].to('cpu').numpy()[0]), axis=1)
            closest_word = emb.index[np.argmin(closest_value)]
            state += ' ' + closest_word
            #print(closest_word, end=' ', flush=True)
            # Count total letters
            tot_char_count += 1
            # Count new lines
Пример #17
def drop_block_2d(
    drop_prob: float = 0.1,
    block_size: int = 7,
    gamma_scale: float = 1.0,
    with_noise: bool = False,
    inplace: bool = False,
    batchwise: bool = False,
    """DropBlock. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.12890.pdf

    DropBlock with an experimental gaussian noise option. This layer has been tested on a few training
    runs with success, but needs further validation and possibly optimization for lower runtime impact.
    B, C, H, W = x.shape
    total_size = W * H
    clipped_block_size = min(block_size, min(W, H))
    # seed_drop_rate, the gamma parameter
    gamma = (gamma_scale * drop_prob * total_size / clipped_block_size**2 /
             ((W - block_size + 1) * (H - block_size + 1)))

    # Forces the block to be inside the feature map.
    w_i, h_i = torch.meshgrid(
    valid_block = ((w_i >= clipped_block_size // 2) &
                   (w_i < W - (clipped_block_size - 1) // 2)) & (
                       (h_i >= clipped_block_size // 2) &
                       (h_i < H - (clipped_block_size - 1) // 2))
    valid_block = torch.reshape(valid_block, (1, 1, H, W)).to(dtype=x.dtype)

    if batchwise:
        # one mask for whole batch, quite a bit faster
        uniform_noise = torch.rand((1, C, H, W),
        uniform_noise = torch.rand_like(x)
    block_mask = ((2 - gamma - valid_block + uniform_noise) >= 1).to(
    block_mask = -F.max_pool2d(
        kernel_size=clipped_block_size,  # block_size,
        padding=clipped_block_size // 2,

    if with_noise:
        normal_noise = (torch.randn(
            (1, C, H, W), dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
                        if batchwise else torch.randn_like(x))
        if inplace:
            x.mul_(block_mask).add_(normal_noise * (1 - block_mask))
            x = x * block_mask + normal_noise * (1 - block_mask)
        normalize_scale = (
            block_mask.numel() /
        if inplace:
            x.mul_(block_mask * normalize_scale)
            x = x * block_mask * normalize_scale
    return x
    def train(self):
        Implement your training algorithm here
        for episode in range(self.episodes):
            state = self.env.reset()
            state = torch.reshape(tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32), [1, 84, 84, 4]).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(
            done = False
            episode_reward = []
            episode_loss = []

            # save network
            if episode % self.model_save_interval == 0:
                save_path = self.model_save_path + '/' + self.run_name + '_' + str(episode) + '.pt'
                torch.save(self.q_network.state_dict(), save_path)
                print('Successfully saved: ' + save_path)

            while not done:

                # update target network
                if self.step % self.network_update_interval == 0:
                    print('Updating target network')

                if self.step > len(self.replay_memory):
                    self.epsilon = max(self.final_epsilon, self.initial_epsilon - self.epsilon_step * self.step)
                    if self.epsilon > self.final_epsilon:
                        self.mode = 'Explore'
                        self.mode = 'Exploit'

                action, q = self.make_action(state, 0, test=False)
                next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action)

                next_state = torch.reshape(tensor(next_state, dtype=torch.float32), [1, 84, 84, 4]).permute(0, 3, 1,
                self.push((state, torch.tensor([int(action)]), torch.tensor([reward], device=self.device), next_state,
                           torch.tensor([done], dtype=torch.float32)))
                self.step += 1
                state = next_state

                # train network
                if self.step >= self.start_to_learn and self.step % self.network_train_interval == 0:
                    loss = self.optimize_network()

                if done:
                    print('Episode:', episode, ' | Steps:', self.step, ' | Eps: ', self.epsilon, ' | Reward: ',
                          ' | Avg Reward: ', np.mean(self.last_n_rewards), ' | Loss: ',
                          np.mean(episode_loss), ' | Intrinsic Reward: ', sum(self.intrinsic_episode_reward),
                          ' | Avg Intrinsic Reward: ', np.mean(self.last_n_intrinsic_rewards),
                          ' | Mode: ', self.mode)
                    print('Episode:', episode, ' | Steps:', self.step, ' | Eps: ', self.epsilon, ' | Reward: ',
                          ' | Avg Reward: ', np.mean(self.last_n_rewards), ' | Loss: ',
                          np.mean(episode_loss), ' | Intrinsic Reward: ', sum(self.intrinsic_episode_reward),
                          ' | Avg Intrinsic Reward: ', np.mean(self.last_n_intrinsic_rewards),
                          ' | Mode: ', self.mode, file=self.log_file)
                    self.log_summary(episode, episode_loss, episode_reward)
Пример #19
    def forward(self, batch_data):
        images_in, boxes_in = batch_data

        # read config parameters
        B = images_in.shape[0]
        T = images_in.shape[1]
        H, W = self.cfg.image_size
        OH, OW = self.cfg.out_size
        N = self.cfg.num_boxes
        NFB = self.cfg.num_features_boxes
        NFR, NFG = self.cfg.num_features_relation, self.cfg.num_features_gcn
        NG = self.cfg.num_graph

        D = self.cfg.emb_features
        K = self.cfg.crop_size[0]

        if not self.training:
            B = B * 3
            T = T // 3
            images_in.reshape((B, T) + images_in.shape[2:])
            boxes_in.reshape((B, T) + boxes_in.shape[2:])

        # Reshape the input data
        images_in_flat = torch.reshape(images_in,
                                       (B * T, 3, H, W))  # B*T, 3, H, W
        boxes_in_flat = torch.reshape(boxes_in, (B * T * N, 4))  # B*T*N, 4

        boxes_idx = [i * torch.ones(N, dtype=torch.int) for i in range(B * T)]
        boxes_idx = torch.stack(boxes_idx).to(device=boxes_in.device)  # B*T, N
        boxes_idx_flat = torch.reshape(boxes_idx, (B * T * N, ))  # B*T*N,

        # Use backbone to extract features of images_in
        # Pre-precess first
        images_in_flat = prep_images(images_in_flat)
        outputs = self.backbone(images_in_flat)

        # Build  features
        assert outputs[0].shape[2:4] == torch.Size([OH, OW])
        features_multiscale = []
        for features in outputs:
            if features.shape[2:4] != torch.Size([OH, OW]):
                features = F.interpolate(features,
                                         size=(OH, OW),

        features_multiscale = torch.cat(features_multiscale,
                                        dim=1)  # B*T, D, OH, OW

        # RoI Align
        boxes_in_flat.requires_grad = False
        boxes_idx_flat.requires_grad = False
        boxes_features = self.roi_align(features_multiscale, boxes_in_flat,
                                        boxes_idx_flat)  # B*T*N, D, K, K,

        boxes_features = boxes_features.reshape(B, T, N, -1)  # B,T,N, D*K*K

        # Embedding
        boxes_features = self.fc_emb_1(boxes_features)  # B,T,N, NFB
        boxes_features = self.nl_emb_1(boxes_features)
        boxes_features = F.relu(boxes_features)

        # GCN
        graph_boxes_features = boxes_features.reshape(B, T * N, NFG)

        #         visual_info=[]
        for i in range(len(self.gcn_list)):
            graph_boxes_features, relation_graph = self.gcn_list[i](
                graph_boxes_features, boxes_in_flat)
        # visual_info.append(relation_graph.reshape(B,T,N,N))

        # fuse graph_boxes_features with boxes_features
        graph_boxes_features = graph_boxes_features.reshape(B, T, N, NFG)
        boxes_features = boxes_features.reshape(B, T, N, NFB)

        #         boxes_states= torch.cat( [graph_boxes_features,boxes_features],dim=3)  #B, T, N, NFG+NFB
        boxes_states = graph_boxes_features + boxes_features

        boxes_states = self.dropout_global(boxes_states)

        NFS = NFG

        # Predict actions
        boxes_states_flat = boxes_states.reshape(-1, NFS)  # B*T*N, NFS
        actions_scores = self.fc_actions(boxes_states_flat)  # B*T*N, actn_num

        # Predict activities
        boxes_states_pooled, _ = torch.max(boxes_states, dim=2)
        boxes_states_pooled_flat = boxes_states_pooled.reshape(-1, NFS)

        activities_scores = self.fc_activities(
            boxes_states_pooled_flat)  # B*T, acty_num

        # Temporal fusion
        actions_scores = actions_scores.reshape(B, T, N, -1)
        actions_scores = torch.mean(actions_scores, dim=1).reshape(B * N, -1)
        activities_scores = activities_scores.reshape(B, T, -1)
        activities_scores = torch.mean(activities_scores, dim=1).reshape(B, -1)

        if not self.training:
            B = B // 3
            actions_scores = torch.mean(actions_scores.reshape(B, 3, N, -1),
                                        dim=1).reshape(B * N, -1)
            activities_scores = torch.mean(activities_scores.reshape(B, 3, -1),
                                           dim=1).reshape(B, -1)

        return actions_scores, activities_scores
seed = 1234

### Shuffling the list to randomize the data
N_batches = 10

for epoch in range(N_epochs):
    loss_sum = 0
    err_sum = 0
    acc_sum = 0
    for i in range(N_batches):
        input_data, labels = create_batches_rnd(batch_size, training_files,
                                                N_train_files, window_len, 0.2)
        inputs = torch.reshape(input_data,
                               (batch_size, 1, input_shape[0], input_shape[1]))
        inputs = inputs.to(device)
        labels = labels.to(device)
        output = model(inputs)
        loss = criterion(output, labels.long())
        prediction = torch.max(output, dim=1)[1]
        err = torch.mean((prediction != labels.long()).float())
        # Backward and optimize
        loss_sum = loss_sum + loss.detach()
        err_sum = err_sum + err.detach()
        acc_sum = acc_sum + torch.mean((prediction == labels.long()).float())
    loss_tot = loss_sum / N_batches
Пример #21
    def unit_test_regressR(self):
        print('Unit test regressR')
        # Only regress G0, the rest can be solved numerically.
        real_thetas = torch.from_numpy((np.random.rand(32, pose_size) - 0.5) * 1.5)\
            Fix global rotation, change local rotation
        # Test if change R[23] affects joint 23, and the shape of finger tips?
        # Check passed, change leaf rotation does not affect leaf joints, but do affect the body shapes
        # Consider adding another control point at head to determine head rotation.
        undefined = [
            30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
        index = torch.zeros(72, dtype=torch.int, device=self.device)
        index[undefined] = 1
        for j in range(1, 32):
            real_thetas[j] = torch.where(index == 0, real_thetas[0],

        #print('thetas:', real_thetas)

        betas = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros((32, beta_size))) \
        trans = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros(
            (32, 3))).type(torch.float64).to(self.device)

        meshes, joints = self.forward(betas, real_thetas, trans)
        #reg_G = self.regressG(joints)

        v_shaped = torch.tensordot(betas, self.shapedirs,
                                   dims=([1], [2])) + self.v_template
        J = torch.matmul(self.J_regressor, v_shaped)
        G, R_cube_big = self.theta2G(real_thetas,
                                     J)  # pre-calculate G terms for skinning
        # print(G[0,0])
        # R00 = G[0,0,:3,:3]
        # print('j0:',self.J0[0])
        # j0_ = torch.matmul(
        # torch.eye(3, dtype=torch.float64, device =self.device) - R00,
        # self.J0[0]
        # )
        # print('(I-R_0)J0:',j0_)

        # What if we directly apply G on J?
        J_1 = torch.cat((J, torch.ones(
            (32, J.shape[1], 1), dtype=torch.float64).to(self.device)),
                        dim=2).reshape(32, -1, 4, 1)
        fake_joints = torch.matmul(G, J_1)
        fake_joints = torch.reshape(fake_joints, (32, -1, 4))[:, :, :3]
        #print('real joint_0:',joints[0,0])

        # Test if directly regress joints from G works...
        # 20190308: Good approximation, visually undiscernable.
        for i in range(32):
                       delimiter=' ')
                       delimiter=' ')
Пример #22
def main():

    TRAIN_IMG_DIR = "data/images"
    VAL_IMG_DIR = "data/images"
    LABEL_DIR = "data/labels"
    BATCH_SIZE = 16
    PIN_MEMORY = True
    DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    LEARNING_RATE = 2e-4
    WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.0
    EPOCHS = 100
    TRAIN = False
    LOAD_MODEL_FILE = "epoch_trained.pth.tar"
    S = 7
    C = 20
    B = 2


    class Compose(object):
        def __init__(self, transforms):
            self.transforms = transforms

        def __call__(self, image, bboxes):
            for t in self.transforms:
                image = t(image)
            return image, bboxes

    # Types of preprocessing transforms we want to apply
    convert_transform = transforms.ToTensor()
    resize_transform = transforms.Resize((448, 448))
    # normalize_transform = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    transform = Compose([convert_transform, resize_transform])

    train_dataset = VOCDataset("data/train.csv",
    train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset,

    val_dataset = VOCDataset("data/train.csv",
    val_loader = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset,

    model = YoloV1(S=S, B=B, C=C).to(DEVICE)

    for child in model.resnet18.parameters():
        child.requires_grad = True
    model.resnet18.fc.requires_grad = True

    optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad,
    yolo_loss = YoloLoss(S=S, C=C, B=B)
    writer = SummaryWriter()

    if TRAIN:

        mean_loss_list = []

        for epoch in tqdm(range(EPOCHS)):

            mean_loss = []

            for batch_idx, (x, y) in enumerate(train_loader):

                x, y = x.to(DEVICE), y.to(DEVICE)
                y_p = model(x)
                # y = torch.flatten(y, start_dim=1, end_dim=3)
                y_p = torch.reshape(y_p, (BATCH_SIZE, S, S, C + 5 * B))
                loss = yolo_loss(y_p, y)

            # Calculate average loss
            mean_loss = sum(mean_loss) / len(mean_loss)
            writer.add_scalar("Average Loss: ", mean_loss, epoch)

            print("Epoch:", epoch)
            print(f"Mean loss was {mean_loss}")

            # Save the model
            if True:
                checkpoint = {
                    "state_dict": model.state_dict(),
                    "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(),
                print("=> Saving checkpoint")
                torch.save(checkpoint, LOAD_MODEL_FILE)



        print("=> Loading checkpoint")

        model.train()  # Sets model to training mode
        model.eval()  # Sets model to evaluation mode
        with torch.no_grad():  # Use with evaluation mode

            for epoch in tqdm(range(1)):
                for i, (x, y) in enumerate(val_loader):
                    x, y = x.to(DEVICE), y.to(DEVICE)
                    y_p = model(x)
                    x = x.to('cpu')
                    y_p = y_p.to('cpu')
                    y_p = torch.reshape(y_p, (BATCH_SIZE, S, S, C + 5 * B))
                    print("Rendering original labels (y to x)")
                    render_batch(x, y)
                    print("Rendering predicted labels (y_p to x)")
                    render_batch(x, y_p)
Пример #23
 def __class_predictor(self, feature_maps):
     convoutput = F.conv2d(feature_maps, self.class_predictor_weights)
     new_shape = convoutput.shape[0:1] + torch.Size(
         [self.num_classes, self.nboxes_per_pixel]) + convoutput.shape[2:4]
     # dont take softmax here, take logsoftmax in the loss
     return torch.reshape(convoutput, new_shape)
Пример #24
    def forward(self, betas, thetas, trans, gR=None):
          Construct a compute graph that takes in parameters and outputs a tensor as
          model vertices. Face indices are also returned as a numpy ndarray.
          20190128: Add batch support.
          20190322: Extending forward compatiability with SMPLModelv3
          meshes, joints = forward(betas, thetas, trans): normal SMPL 
          meshes, joints = forward(betas, thetas, trans, gR=gR): 
                calling from SMPLModelv3, using gR to cache G terms, ignoring thetas

          thetas: an [N, 24 * 3] tensor indicating child joint rotation
          relative to parent joint. For root joint it's global orientation.
          Represented in a axis-angle format.

          betas: Parameter for model shape. A tensor of shape [N, 10] as coefficients of
          PCA components. Only 10 components were released by SMPL author.

          trans: Global translation tensor of shape [N, 3].
          G, R_cube_big: (Added on 0322) Fix compatible issue when calling from v3 objects
            when calling this mode, theta must be set as None
          A 3-D tensor of [N * 6890 * 3] for vertices,
          and the corresponding [N * 24 * 3] joint positions.

        batch_num = betas.shape[0]

        v_shaped = torch.tensordot(betas, self.shapedirs,
                                   dims=([1], [2])) + self.v_template
        J = torch.matmul(self.J_regressor, v_shaped)
        if gR is not None:
            G, R_cube_big = self.gR2G(gR, J)
        elif thetas is not None:
            G, R_cube_big = self.theta2G(
                thetas, J)  # pre-calculate G terms for skinning
            raise (RuntimeError(
                'Either thetas or gR should be specified, but detected two Nonetypes'

        # (1) Pose shape blending (SMPL formula(9))
        if self.simplify:
            v_posed = v_shaped
            R_cube = R_cube_big[:, 1:, :, :]
            I_cube = (torch.eye(3, dtype=self.data_type).unsqueeze(dim=0) + \
              torch.zeros((batch_num, R_cube.shape[1], 3, 3), dtype=self.data_type)).to(self.device)
            lrotmin = (R_cube - I_cube).reshape(batch_num, -1)
            v_posed = v_shaped + torch.tensordot(
                lrotmin, self.posedirs, dims=([1], [2]))

        # (2) Skinning (W)
        T = torch.tensordot(G, self.weights,
                            dims=([1], [1])).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        rest_shape_h = torch.cat((v_posed,
                                      (batch_num, v_posed.shape[1], 1),
        v = torch.matmul(T, torch.reshape(rest_shape_h, (batch_num, -1, 4, 1)))
        v = torch.reshape(v, (batch_num, -1, 4))[:, :, :3]
        result = v + torch.reshape(trans, (batch_num, 1, 3))

        # estimate 3D joint locations
        #joints = torch.tensordot(result, self.joint_regressor, dims=([1], [0])).transpose(1, 2)
        joints = torch.tensordot(result,
                                 self.J_regressor.transpose(0, 1),
                                 dims=([1], [0])).transpose(1, 2)
        return result, joints
    def prepare(feat):
        B, n_ch, n_voxels = feat.size()
        n_ch_1 = n_ch + 1
        conv_tensor = np.tril(np.ones((n_ch + 1, n_ch + 1)), -1).T
        conv_tensor += np.diag([-i for i in range(n_ch + 1)])
        conv_tensor = conv_tensor[:, 1:]
        conv_tensor = np.matmul(
            np.sqrt(np.diag([1 / (d * (d + 1)) for d in range(1, n_ch + 1)])))
        inv_std_dev = np.sqrt(2 / 3.) * (n_ch + 1)
        conv_tensor *= inv_std_dev
        conv_tensor = conv_tensor[:, :, np.newaxis]
        feat = F.conv1d(feat, torch.FloatTensor(conv_tensor).cuda())

        feat_v = torch.round(feat / (n_ch + 1))
        rem0 = feat_v * (n_ch + 1)
        index = torch.argsort(feat - rem0, dim=1, descending=True)
        rank = torch.argsort(index, dim=1, descending=False)
        rank = rank + torch.sum(feat_v, 1).unsqueeze(1).type(
        add_minus = (rank < 0).type(
            torch.cuda.LongTensor) - (rank > n_ch).type(torch.cuda.LongTensor)
        add_minus *= (n_ch + 1)
        rank = rank + add_minus
        rem0 = rem0 + add_minus.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)

        y = (feat - rem0) / (n_ch + 1)
        v_sorted = torch.sort(y, dim=1, descending=False)[0]
        barycentric = v_sorted - torch.cat(
            [v_sorted[:, -1:] - 1., v_sorted[:, :-1]], 1)
        canonical = torch.cuda.FloatTensor([[i] * ((n_ch + 1) - i) +
                                            [i - (n_ch + 1)] * i
                                            for i in range(n_ch + 1)])

        def _simple_hash(key):
            key = key.type(torch.cuda.DoubleTensor)
            hash_vector = np.floor(
                np.power(np.iinfo(np.int64).max, 1. / (n_ch + 2)))
            hash_vector = torch.pow(hash_vector, torch.arange(1, n_ch + 1))
            hash_vector = hash_vector.type(torch.DoubleTensor).unsqueeze(0)
            hash_vector = hash_vector.cuda()
            if len(key.size()) == 3:
                hash_vector = hash_vector.unsqueeze(2)
                return torch.sum(
                    key * hash_vector.repeat(key.size(0), 1, key.size(-1)), 1)
            if len(key.size()) == 2:
                return torch.sum(key * hash_vector.repeat(key.size(0), 1), 1)

        dic_hash_lattice = HashTable(n_ch, torch.cuda.DoubleTensor, 2**30)
        loc = [None] * (n_ch + 1)
        loc_hash = [None] * (n_ch + 1)
        for scit in range(n_ch + 1):
            loc[scit] = torch.gather(
                canonical[scit:scit + 1].unsqueeze(2).repeat(
                    rank.size(0), 1, rank.size(2)), 1, rank[:, :-1])
            loc[scit] += rem0[:, :-1]
            loc[scit] = loc[scit]
            loc_hash[scit] = _simple_hash(loc[scit])
            loc[scit] = torch.reshape(loc[scit].permute(0, 2, 1), (-1, n_ch))
            dic_hash_lattice.add_values(loc_hash[scit].view(-1), loc[scit])

        fused_loc = dic_hash_lattice.export_values()

        indices = [None] * n_ch_1
        blur_neighbours1 = [None] * n_ch_1
        blur_neighbours2 = [None] * n_ch_1
        default = torch.tensor(0).type(torch.LongTensor).cuda()
        for dit in range(n_ch_1):
            offset = [n_ch if i == dit else -1 for i in range(n_ch)]
            offset = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(offset)
            blur_neighbours1[dit] = dic_hash_lattice.get_rank(
                _simple_hash(fused_loc + offset).view(-1))[:, 0]
            blur_neighbours2[dit] = dic_hash_lattice.get_rank(
                _simple_hash(fused_loc - offset).view(-1))[:, 0]
            indices[dit] = dic_hash_lattice.get_rank(
                loc_hash[dit].view(-1)).view(B, n_voxels)
        return rank, barycentric, blur_neighbours1, blur_neighbours2, indices
Пример #26
    def forward(self,
        batch_size, input_frames, height = inputs.size()
        output_frames = input_frames
        inputs = torch.reshape(inputs,
                               (batch_size, input_frames, channels, height))
        Computation of Convolutional LSTM network.
        inputs: a 5-th order tensor of size [batch_size, input_frames, input_channels, height, width] 
            Input tensor (video) to the deep Conv-LSTM network. 
        input_frames: int
            The number of input frames to the model.
        future_frames: int
            The number of future frames predicted by the model.
        output_frames: int
            The number of output frames returned by the model.

        teacher_forcing: bool
            Whether the model is trained in teacher_forcing mode.
            Note 1: In test mode, teacher_forcing should be set as False.
            Note 2: If teacher_forcing mode is on,  # of frames in inputs = total_steps
                    If teacher_forcing mode is off, # of frames in inputs = input_frames
        scheduled_sampling_ratio: float between [0, 1]
            The ratio of ground-truth frames used in teacher_forcing mode.
            default: 0 (i.e. no teacher forcing effectively)

        outputs: a 5-th order tensor of size [batch_size, output_frames, hidden_channels, height, width]
            Output frames of the convolutional-LSTM module.

        # compute the teacher forcing mask
        if teacher_forcing and scheduled_sampling_ratio > 1e-6:
            # generate the teacher_forcing mask (4-th order)
            teacher_forcing_mask = torch.bernoulli(
                scheduled_sampling_ratio * torch.ones(inputs.size(0),
                                                      future_frames - 1,
        else:  # if not teacher_forcing or scheduled_sampling_ratio < 1e-6:
            teacher_forcing = False

        # the number of time steps in the computational graph
        total_steps = input_frames + future_frames - 1
        outputs = [None] * total_steps

        for t in range(total_steps):
            # input_: 4-th order tensor of size [batch_size, input_channels, height, width]
            if t < input_frames:
                input_ = inputs[:, t]
            elif not teacher_forcing:
                input_ = outputs[t - 1]
            else:  # if t >= input_frames and teacher_forcing:
                mask = teacher_forcing_mask[:, t - input_frames]
                input_ = inputs[:, t] * mask + outputs[t - 1] * (1 - mask)

            first_step = (t == 0)
            queue = []  # previous outputs for skip connection
            for b in range(self.num_blocks):
                for l in range(self.layers_per_block[b]):
                    lid = "b{}l{}".format(b, l)  # layer ID
                    input_ = self.layers[lid](input_, first_step=first_step)

                if b >= self.skip_stride:
                    input_ = torch.cat([input_, queue.pop(0)],
                                       dim=1)  # concat over the channels

            # map the hidden states to predictive frames (with optional sigmoid function)

            outputs[t] = self.layers["output"](input_)
            if self.output_sigmoid:
                outputs[t] = torch.sigmoid(outputs[t])
        # return the last output_frames of the outputs
        outputs = outputs[-output_frames:]

        # 5-th order tensor of size [batch_size, output_frames, channels, height, width]
        outputs = torch.stack([outputs[t] for t in range(output_frames)],
        outputs = self.final_layer(outputs)

        return outputs[:, :, :, 0]
Пример #27
def eval_conditional_density(
    density: Any,
    condition: Tensor,
    limits: Tensor,
    dim1: int,
    dim2: int,
    resolution: int = 50,
    eps_margins1: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-32,
    eps_margins2: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-32,
) -> Tensor:
    Return the unnormalized conditional along `dim1, dim2` given parameters `condition`.

    We compute the unnormalized conditional by evaluating the joint distribution:
        $p(x1 | x2) = p(x1, x2) / p(x2) \propto p(x1, x2)$

        density: Probability density function with `.log_prob()` method.
        condition: Parameter set that all dimensions other than dim1 and dim2 will be
            fixed to. Should be of shape (1, dim_theta), i.e. it could e.g. be
            a sample from the posterior distribution. The entries at `dim1` and `dim2`
            will be ignored.
        limits: Bounds within which to evaluate the density. Shape (dim_theta, 2).
        dim1: First dimension along which to evaluate the conditional.
        dim2: Second dimension along which to evaluate the conditional.
        resolution: Resolution of the grid along which the conditional density is
        eps_margins1: We will evaluate the posterior along `dim1` at
            `limits[0]+eps_margins` until `limits[1]-eps_margins`. This avoids
            evaluations potentially exactly at the prior bounds.
        eps_margins2: We will evaluate the posterior along `dim2` at
            `limits[0]+eps_margins` until `limits[1]-eps_margins`. This avoids
            evaluations potentially exactly at the prior bounds.

    Returns: Conditional probabilities. If `dim1 == dim2`, this will have shape
        (resolution). If `dim1 != dim2`, it will have shape (resolution, resolution).

    condition = ensure_theta_batched(condition)

    theta_grid_dim1 = torch.linspace(
        float(limits[dim1, 0] + eps_margins1),
        float(limits[dim1, 1] - eps_margins1),
    theta_grid_dim2 = torch.linspace(
        float(limits[dim2, 0] + eps_margins2),
        float(limits[dim2, 1] - eps_margins2),

    if dim1 == dim2:
        repeated_condition = condition.repeat(resolution, 1)
        repeated_condition[:, dim1] = theta_grid_dim1

        log_probs_on_grid = density.log_prob(repeated_condition)
        repeated_condition = condition.repeat(resolution**2, 1)
        repeated_condition[:, dim1] = theta_grid_dim1.repeat(resolution)
        repeated_condition[:, dim2] = torch.repeat_interleave(
            theta_grid_dim2, resolution)

        log_probs_on_grid = density.log_prob(repeated_condition)
        log_probs_on_grid = torch.reshape(log_probs_on_grid,
                                          (resolution, resolution))

    # Subtract maximum for numerical stability.
    return torch.exp(log_probs_on_grid - torch.max(log_probs_on_grid))
Пример #28
            transition = agent.step()

            #Only start training after 100 transitions in the buffer
            mini_batch = buffer.sample_minbatch()
            loss = dqn.train_q_network(mini_batch)

        losses.append(loss)  #append final loss for that episode
        training_iteration += 1
        print("Iteration:", training_iteration)


    q_values = torch.reshape((dqn.q_network.output_layer.weight.data).t(),
                             (10, 10, 4)).numpy()
    # Draw final Q pattern
    visualiser = QValueVisualiser(
        magnification=500)  #not sure if this is working correctly or not???
    # Draw the image
    )  #expecting  q_values  =  np.random.uniform(0, 1, [10, 10, 4])

    #Draw the ideal path (the greedy policy) found from training.
    #Find the greedy policy: Given a starting state, what is the max Q action, then move to that state and take next max Q to move there until end of episode.
    dqn.q_network.eval()  #put into eval mode so it doesn't keep training.
    transitions = []
Пример #29
 def forward(self, x):
     x = x.to(device)
     weights = self.hyper_net(x)
     weights = torch.reshape(weights, [self.output_size, -1])
     return weights
Пример #30
from options.train_options import TrainOptions
from utils.timer import Timer
import os
from data import CreateSrcDataLoader
from data import CreateTrgDataLoader
from model import CreateModel
#import tensorboardX
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from utils import FDA_source_to_target
import scipy.io as sio

IMG_MEAN = np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434),
IMG_MEAN = torch.reshape(torch.from_numpy(IMG_MEAN), (1, 3, 1, 1))
CS_weights = np.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                       1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
CS_weights = torch.from_numpy(CS_weights)

def main():
    opt = TrainOptions()
    args = opt.initialize()
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.GPU
    _t = {'iter time': Timer()}

    model_name = args.source + '_to_' + args.target
    if not os.path.exists(args.snapshot_dir):
Пример #31
 def computeSquareEuclideanCostMatrix(self, Xs_batch, Xt_batch):
     return torch.reshape(torch.sum(torch.mul(Xs_batch, Xs_batch), dim=1), (-1, 1)) + torch.reshape(torch.sum(torch.mul(Xt_batch, Xt_batch), dim=1), (1, -1)) \
            - 2. * torch.matmul(Xs_batch, torch.transpose(Xt_batch, 0,1))
 def forward(self, z):
     z = self.linear(z)
     z = torch.reshape(z, (-1, 1, int(self.outsize/8), int(self.outsize/8)))
     loc_img = self.net(z)
     return loc_img
Пример #33
def reshape(input, shape):
    return th.reshape(input, shape)
Пример #34
def create_dense_flows(flattened_flows, batch_size, image_height, image_width):
    # possibly .view
    return torch.reshape(flattened_flows,
                         [batch_size, image_height, image_width, 2])