Пример #1
    def prepare_model(
        model: torch.nn.Module,
        move_to_device: bool = True,
        wrap_ddp: bool = True,
        ddp_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> torch.nn.Module:
        """Prepares the model for distributed execution.

        This allows you to use the same exact code regardless of number of
        workers or the device type being used (CPU, GPU).

            model (torch.nn.Module): A torch model to prepare.
            move_to_device (bool): Whether to move the model to the correct
                device. If set to False, the model needs to manually be moved
                to the correct device.
            wrap_ddp (bool): Whether to wrap models in
            ddp_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Args to pass into
                ``DistributedDataParallel`` initialization if ``wrap_ddp`` is
                set to True.
        ddp_kwargs = ddp_kwargs or {}

        rank = train.local_rank()

        device = self.get_device()

        if torch.cuda.is_available():

        if move_to_device:
            logger.info(f"Moving model to device: {device}")
            model = model.to(device)

        def wrap_forward(forward):
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                with autocast():
                    outputs = forward(*args, **kwargs)
                assert isinstance(outputs, torch.Tensor)
                return outputs.float()

            return wrapper

        def model_get_state(self):
            # `__getstate__` is an special method that informs pickle which attributes
            # to serialize. This custom implementation ensures that the wrapped forward
            # method and custom `__getstate__` method aren't serialized.
            state = self.__dict__.copy()
            state["forward"] = state["_unwrapped_forward"]
            del state["_unwrapped_forward"]
            del state["__getstate__"]
            return state

        if self.amp_is_enabled:
            # Pickle cannot serialize the wrapped forward method. As a workaround,
            # define a custom `__getstate__` method that unwraps the forward method.
            model._unwrapped_forward = model.forward
            model.forward = wrap_forward(model.forward)
            # `__getstate__` must be a bound method rather than an callable attribute.
            # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/972/adding-a-method-to-an-existing-object-instance.  # noqa: E501
            assert not hasattr(model, "__getstate__")
            model.__getstate__ = types.MethodType(model_get_state, model)

        if wrap_ddp and train.world_size() > 1:
            logger.info("Wrapping provided model in DDP.")
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                model = DistributedDataParallel(model,
                model = DistributedDataParallel(model, **ddp_kwargs)

        return model
Пример #2
    def prepare_model(
        model: torch.nn.Module,
        move_to_device: bool = True,
        wrap_ddp: bool = True,
        ddp_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> torch.nn.Module:
        """Prepares the model for distributed execution.

        This allows you to use the same exact code regardless of number of
        workers or the device type being used (CPU, GPU).

            model (torch.nn.Module): A torch model to prepare.
            move_to_device: Whether to move the model to the correct
                device. If set to False, the model needs to manually be moved
                to the correct device.
            wrap_ddp: Whether to wrap models in
            ddp_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Args to pass into
                ``DistributedDataParallel`` initialization if ``wrap_ddp`` is
                set to True.
        ddp_kwargs = ddp_kwargs or {}

        rank = train.local_rank()

        device = self.get_device()

        if torch.cuda.is_available():

        if move_to_device:
            logger.info(f"Moving model to device: {device}")
            model = model.to(device)

        def model_get_state(self):
            # `__getstate__` is an special method that informs pickle which attributes
            # to serialize. This custom implementation ensures that the wrapped forward
            # method and custom `__getstate__` method aren't serialized.
            if hasattr(self, "_original_get_state"):
                state = self._original_get_state()
                state["__getstate__"] = state["_original_get_state"]
                del state["_original_get_state"]
                # If model does not have a `__getstate__` already defined, use default
                # implementation.
                state = self.__dict__.copy()
                del state["__getstate__"]
            state["forward"] = state["_unwrapped_forward"]
            del state["_unwrapped_forward"]

            return state

        if self.amp_is_enabled:
            # Pickle cannot serialize the wrapped forward method. As a workaround,
            # define a custom `__getstate__` method that unwraps the forward method.
            model._unwrapped_forward = model.forward
            model.forward = autocast()(model.forward)

            # TODO(amogkam): Replace below logic with a generic "unpack model" method.
            # Replacing the `model.forward` method makes the model no longer
            # serializable. When serializing the model, we have to override the
            # `__getstate__` method to set back the original forward method.
            if hasattr(model, "__getstate__"):
                model._original_get_state = model.__getstate__
            # `__getstate__` must be a bound method rather than an callable attribute.
            # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/972/adding-a-method-to-an-existing-object-instance.  # noqa: E501
            model.__getstate__ = types.MethodType(model_get_state, model)

        if wrap_ddp and train.world_size() > 1:
            logger.info("Wrapping provided model in DDP.")
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                model = DistributedDataParallel(model,
                model = DistributedDataParallel(model, **ddp_kwargs)

        return model