Пример #1
    def __init__(self, n_entity, n_relation, dim, kg, entity_kg_emb,
                 entity_text_emb, num_bases):
        super(KBRD, self).__init__()

        self.n_entity = n_entity
        self.n_relation = n_relation
        self.dim = dim

        self.entity_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_entity, self.dim)
        self.relation_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_relation, self.dim)

        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.kge_criterion = nn.Softplus()

        self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer(self.dim, self.dim)
        self.output = nn.Linear(self.dim, self.n_entity)

        self.kg = kg

        edge_list, self.n_relation = _edge_list(self.kg, self.n_entity)
        self.rgcn = RGCNConv(self.n_entity,
        edge_list = list(set(edge_list))
        edge_list_tensor = torch.LongTensor(edge_list).cuda()
        self.edge_idx = edge_list_tensor[:, :2].t()
        self.edge_type = edge_list_tensor[:, 2]
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, word_embeddings, args):
        self.args = args
        super(MSN, self).__init__()

        self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len(word_embeddings), embedding_dim=200, padding_idx=0,

        self.alpha = 0.5
        self.gamma = 0.3
        self.selector_transformer = TransformerBlock(input_size=200)
        self.W_word = nn.Parameter(data=torch.Tensor(200, 200, 10))
        self.v = nn.Parameter(data=torch.Tensor(10, 1))
        self.linear_word = nn.Linear(2*50, 1)
        self.linear_score = nn.Linear(in_features=4, out_features=1)

        self.transformer_utt = TransformerBlock(input_size=200)
        self.transformer_res = TransformerBlock(input_size=200)
        self.transformer_ur = TransformerBlock(input_size=200)
        self.transformer_ru = TransformerBlock(input_size=200)

        self.A1 = nn.Parameter(data=torch.Tensor(200, 200))
        self.A2 = nn.Parameter(data=torch.Tensor(200, 200))
        self.A3 = nn.Parameter(data=torch.Tensor(200, 200))

        self.cnn_2d_1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=6, out_channels=16, kernel_size=(3,3))
        self.maxpooling1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

        self.cnn_2d_2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=(3,3))
        self.maxpooling2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

        self.cnn_2d_3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=(3,3))
        self.maxpooling3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(3, 3))

        self.affine2 = nn.Linear(in_features=3*3*64, out_features=300)

        self.gru_acc = nn.GRU(input_size=300, hidden_size=args.gru_hidden, batch_first=True)
        # self.attention = Attention(input_size=300, hidden_size=300)
        self.affine_out = nn.Linear(in_features=args.gru_hidden, out_features=1)

        self.tanh = nn.Tanh()
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)

        self.output = nn.Linear(self.kbdim, 1)
        self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer(self.kbdim, self.kbdim)
        edge_list, self.n_relation = _edge_list(self.subkg, self.n_entity, hop=2)
        self.rgcn = RGCNConv(self.n_entity, self.kbdim, self.n_relation, num_bases=8)
        edge_list = list(set(edge_list))
        edge_list_tensor = torch.LongTensor(edge_list).cuda()
        self.edge_idx = edge_list_tensor[:, :2].t()  # ???
        self.edge_type = edge_list_tensor[:, 2]
        self.bilinear=nn.Bilinear(in1_features=self.kbdim, in2_features=self.kbdim, out_features=1, bias=True)
        self.p = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(0.5))
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, n_entity, n_relation, dim, n_hop, kge_weight, l2_weight,
                 n_memory, item_update_mode, using_all_hops, kg, entity_kg_emb,
                 entity_text_emb, num_bases):
        super(KBRD, self).__init__()

        self.n_entity = n_entity
        self.n_relation = n_relation
        self.dim = dim
        self.n_hop = n_hop
        self.kge_weight = kge_weight
        self.l2_weight = l2_weight
        self.n_memory = n_memory
        self.item_update_mode = item_update_mode
        self.using_all_hops = using_all_hops

        self.entity_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_entity, self.dim)
        # self.entity_kg_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_entity, self.dim)
        self.relation_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_relation, self.dim)
        # nn.init.uniform_(self.entity_emb.weight.data)
        # nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.entity_kg_emb.weight.data)
        # nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.relation_emb.weight.data)

        # self.entity_text_emb = entity_text_emb.cuda()

        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.kge_criterion = nn.Softplus()

        # self.gcn = GCN(self.dim, self.dim)
        # self.gcn = GCN(self.entity_text_emb.shape[1], self.dim)
        # self.transform = nn.Sequential(
        #     nn.Linear(self.entity_text_emb.shape[1], 128),
        #     # nn.ReLU(),
        #     # nn.Linear(32, 32),
        #     nn.ReLU(),
        #     nn.Linear(128, self.dim),
        # )
        # self.gat = SpGAT(self.dim, self.dim, self.dim, dropout=0., alpha=0.2, nheads=4)
        # self.gcn = GCNConv(self.dim, self.dim)
        # self.gat = GATConv(self.dim, self.dim, dropout=0.1)

        self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer(self.dim, self.dim)
        # self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer2(self.dim, self.dim)
        # self.bi_attn = BiAttention(self.dim, dropout=0)
        self.output = nn.Linear(self.dim, self.n_entity)
        # kaiming_reset_parameters(self.output)
        # stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.output.weight.size(1))
        # nn.init.xavier_normal_(self.output.weight.data, gain=1.414)
        # if self.output.bias is not None:
        #     self.output.bias.data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv)

        self.kg = kg
        # triples = self._get_triples(kg)
        # np.random.shuffle(triples)
        # self.train_triples = triples[:int(len(triples) * 0.95)]
        # self.valid_triples = triples[int(len(triples) * 0.95):]
        # self.train_idx = 0
        # self.valid_idx = 0
        # KG emb as initialization
        # self.entity_emb.weight.data[entity_kg_emb != 0] = entity_kg_emb[entity_kg_emb != 0]
        # self.entity_emb.weight.requires_grad_(False)
        # self.entity_kg_emb.weight.data[entity_kg_emb != 0] = entity_kg_emb[entity_kg_emb != 0]
        # self.entity_kg_emb.weight.requires_grad_(False)
        # self.transform = nn.Sequential(
        #     nn.Linear(self.dim, self.dim),
        #     nn.ReLU(),
        #     nn.Linear(self.dim, self.dim),
        # )

        edge_list, self.n_relation = _edge_list(self.kg, self.n_entity, hop=2)
        self.rgcn = RGCNConv(self.n_entity,
        edge_list = list(set(edge_list))
        print(len(edge_list), self.n_relation)
        edge_list_tensor = torch.LongTensor(edge_list).cuda()
        # self.adj = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(edge_list_tensor[:, :2].t(), torch.ones(len(edge_list))).cuda()
        # self.edge_idx = self.adj._indices()
        self.edge_idx = edge_list_tensor[:, :2].t()
        self.edge_type = edge_list_tensor[:, 2]
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, opt, dictionary, is_finetune=False, padding_idx=0, start_idx=1, end_idx=2, longest_label=1):
        # self.pad_idx = dictionary[dictionary.null_token]
        # self.start_idx = dictionary[dictionary.start_token]
        # self.end_idx = dictionary[dictionary.end_token]
        super().__init__()  # self.pad_idx, self.start_idx, self.end_idx)
        self.batch_size = opt['batch_size']
        self.max_r_length = opt['max_r_length']

        self.NULL_IDX = padding_idx
        self.END_IDX = end_idx
        self.register_buffer('START', torch.LongTensor([start_idx]))
        self.longest_label = longest_label

        self.pad_idx = padding_idx
        self.embeddings = _create_embeddings(
            dictionary, opt['embedding_size'], self.pad_idx

            opt['n_concept']+1, opt['dim'], 0)

        self.kg = pkl.load(
            open("data/subkg.pkl", "rb")

        if opt.get('n_positions'):
            # if the number of positions is explicitly provided, use that
            n_positions = opt['n_positions']
            # else, use the worst case from truncate
            n_positions = max(
                opt.get('truncate') or 0,
                opt.get('text_truncate') or 0,
                opt.get('label_truncate') or 0
            if n_positions == 0:
                # default to 1024
                n_positions = 1024

        if n_positions < 0:
            raise ValueError('n_positions must be positive')

        self.encoder = _build_encoder(
            opt, dictionary, self.embeddings, self.pad_idx, reduction=False,
        self.decoder = _build_decoder4kg(
            opt, dictionary, self.embeddings, self.pad_idx,
        self.db_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['embedding_size'])
        self.kg_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['embedding_size'])


        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=False)

        self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer_batch(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])

        self.self_attn_db = SelfAttentionLayer(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])

        self.user_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim']*2, opt['dim'])
        self.gate_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], 1)
        self.copy_norm = nn.Linear(opt['embedding_size']*2+opt['embedding_size'], opt['embedding_size'])
        self.representation_bias = nn.Linear(opt['embedding_size'], len(dictionary) + 4)

        self.info_con_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])
        self.info_db_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])
        self.info_output_db = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_entity'])
        self.info_output_con = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_concept']+1)
        self.info_con_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False,reduce=False)
        self.info_db_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False,reduce=False)

        self.user_representation_to_bias_1 = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], 512)
        self.user_representation_to_bias_2 = nn.Linear(512, len(dictionary) + 4)

        self.output_en = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_entity'])


        edge_list, self.n_relation = _edge_list(self.kg, opt['n_entity'], hop=2)
        edge_list = list(set(edge_list))
        print(len(edge_list), self.n_relation)
        self.db_edge_idx = self.dbpedia_edge_sets[:, :2].t()
        self.db_edge_type = self.dbpedia_edge_sets[:, 2]

        self.dbpedia_RGCN=RGCNConv(opt['n_entity'], self.dim, self.n_relation, num_bases=opt['num_bases'])
        #self.concept_RGCN=RGCNConv(opt['n_concept']+1, self.dim, self.n_con_relation, num_bases=opt['num_bases'])
        self.concept_GCN=GCNConv(self.dim, self.dim)

        #self.concept_GCN4gen=GCNConv(self.dim, opt['embedding_size'])

        self.i2w={w2i[word]:word for word in w2i}

        if is_finetune:
            params = [self.dbpedia_RGCN.parameters(), self.concept_GCN.parameters(),
                      self.self_attn.parameters(), self.self_attn_db.parameters(), self.user_norm.parameters(),
                      self.gate_norm.parameters(), self.output_en.parameters()]
            for param in params:
                for pa in param:
                    pa.requires_grad = False
Пример #5
class CrossModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, opt, dictionary, is_finetune=False, padding_idx=0, start_idx=1, end_idx=2, longest_label=1):
        # self.pad_idx = dictionary[dictionary.null_token]
        # self.start_idx = dictionary[dictionary.start_token]
        # self.end_idx = dictionary[dictionary.end_token]
        super().__init__()  # self.pad_idx, self.start_idx, self.end_idx)
        self.batch_size = opt['batch_size']
        self.max_r_length = opt['max_r_length']

        self.NULL_IDX = padding_idx
        self.END_IDX = end_idx
        self.register_buffer('START', torch.LongTensor([start_idx]))
        self.longest_label = longest_label

        self.pad_idx = padding_idx
        self.embeddings = _create_embeddings(
            dictionary, opt['embedding_size'], self.pad_idx

            opt['n_concept']+1, opt['dim'], 0)

        self.kg = pkl.load(
            open("data/subkg.pkl", "rb")

        if opt.get('n_positions'):
            # if the number of positions is explicitly provided, use that
            n_positions = opt['n_positions']
            # else, use the worst case from truncate
            n_positions = max(
                opt.get('truncate') or 0,
                opt.get('text_truncate') or 0,
                opt.get('label_truncate') or 0
            if n_positions == 0:
                # default to 1024
                n_positions = 1024

        if n_positions < 0:
            raise ValueError('n_positions must be positive')

        self.encoder = _build_encoder(
            opt, dictionary, self.embeddings, self.pad_idx, reduction=False,
        self.decoder = _build_decoder4kg(
            opt, dictionary, self.embeddings, self.pad_idx,
        self.db_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['embedding_size'])
        self.kg_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['embedding_size'])


        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=False)

        self.self_attn = SelfAttentionLayer_batch(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])

        self.self_attn_db = SelfAttentionLayer(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])

        self.user_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim']*2, opt['dim'])
        self.gate_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], 1)
        self.copy_norm = nn.Linear(opt['embedding_size']*2+opt['embedding_size'], opt['embedding_size'])
        self.representation_bias = nn.Linear(opt['embedding_size'], len(dictionary) + 4)

        self.info_con_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])
        self.info_db_norm = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['dim'])
        self.info_output_db = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_entity'])
        self.info_output_con = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_concept']+1)
        self.info_con_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False,reduce=False)
        self.info_db_loss = nn.MSELoss(size_average=False,reduce=False)

        self.user_representation_to_bias_1 = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], 512)
        self.user_representation_to_bias_2 = nn.Linear(512, len(dictionary) + 4)

        self.output_en = nn.Linear(opt['dim'], opt['n_entity'])


        edge_list, self.n_relation = _edge_list(self.kg, opt['n_entity'], hop=2)
        edge_list = list(set(edge_list))
        print(len(edge_list), self.n_relation)
        self.db_edge_idx = self.dbpedia_edge_sets[:, :2].t()
        self.db_edge_type = self.dbpedia_edge_sets[:, 2]

        self.dbpedia_RGCN=RGCNConv(opt['n_entity'], self.dim, self.n_relation, num_bases=opt['num_bases'])
        #self.concept_RGCN=RGCNConv(opt['n_concept']+1, self.dim, self.n_con_relation, num_bases=opt['num_bases'])
        self.concept_GCN=GCNConv(self.dim, self.dim)

        #self.concept_GCN4gen=GCNConv(self.dim, opt['embedding_size'])

        self.i2w={w2i[word]:word for word in w2i}

        if is_finetune:
            params = [self.dbpedia_RGCN.parameters(), self.concept_GCN.parameters(),
                      self.self_attn.parameters(), self.self_attn_db.parameters(), self.user_norm.parameters(),
                      self.gate_norm.parameters(), self.output_en.parameters()]
            for param in params:
                for pa in param:
                    pa.requires_grad = False

    def _starts(self, bsz):
        """Return bsz start tokens."""
        return self.START.detach().expand(bsz, 1)

    def decode_greedy(self, encoder_states, encoder_states_kg, encoder_states_db, attention_kg, attention_db, bsz, maxlen):
        Greedy search

        :param int bsz:
            Batch size. Because encoder_states is model-specific, it cannot
            infer this automatically.

        :param encoder_states:
            Output of the encoder model.

        :type encoder_states:
            Model specific

        :param int maxlen:
            Maximum decoding length

            pair (logits, choices) of the greedy decode

            (FloatTensor[bsz, maxlen, vocab], LongTensor[bsz, maxlen])
        xs = self._starts(bsz)
        incr_state = None
        logits = []
        for i in range(maxlen):
            # todo, break early if all beams saw EOS
            scores, incr_state = self.decoder(xs, encoder_states, encoder_states_kg, encoder_states_db, incr_state)
            scores = scores[:, -1:, :]
            #scores = self.output(scores)
            kg_attn_norm = self.kg_attn_norm(attention_kg)
            db_attn_norm = self.db_attn_norm(attention_db)

            copy_latent = self.copy_norm(torch.cat([kg_attn_norm.unsqueeze(1), db_attn_norm.unsqueeze(1), scores], -1))

            # logits = self.output(latent)
            con_logits = self.representation_bias(copy_latent)*self.mask4.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)#F.linear(copy_latent, self.embeddings.weight)
            voc_logits = F.linear(scores, self.embeddings.weight)
            # print(logits.size())
            # print(mem_logits.size())
            #gate = F.sigmoid(self.gen_gate_norm(scores))

            sum_logits = voc_logits + con_logits #* (1 - gate)
            _, preds = sum_logits.max(dim=-1)
            #scores = F.linear(scores, self.embeddings.weight)


            #sum_logits = scores
            # print(sum_logits.size())

            #_, preds = sum_logits.max(dim=-1)
            xs = torch.cat([xs, preds], dim=1)
            # check if everyone has generated an end token
            all_finished = ((xs == self.END_IDX).sum(dim=1) > 0).sum().item() == bsz
            if all_finished:
        logits = torch.cat(logits, 1)
        return logits, xs

    def decode_forced(self, encoder_states, encoder_states_kg, encoder_states_db, attention_kg, attention_db, ys):
        Decode with a fixed, true sequence, computing loss. Useful for
        training, or ranking fixed candidates.

        :param ys:
            the prediction targets. Contains both the start and end tokens.

        :type ys:
            LongTensor[bsz, time]

        :param encoder_states:
            Output of the encoder. Model specific types.

        :type encoder_states:
            model specific

            pair (logits, choices) containing the logits and MLE predictions

            (FloatTensor[bsz, ys, vocab], LongTensor[bsz, ys])
        bsz = ys.size(0)
        seqlen = ys.size(1)
        inputs = ys.narrow(1, 0, seqlen - 1)
        inputs = torch.cat([self._starts(bsz), inputs], 1)
        latent, _ = self.decoder(inputs, encoder_states, encoder_states_kg, encoder_states_db) #batch*r_l*hidden





        copy_latent=self.copy_norm(torch.cat([kg_attention_latent.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,seqlen,1), db_attention_latent.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,seqlen,1), latent],-1))

        #logits = self.output(latent)
        con_logits = self.representation_bias(copy_latent)*self.mask4.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)#F.linear(copy_latent, self.embeddings.weight)
        logits = F.linear(latent, self.embeddings.weight)
        # print(logits.size())
        # print(mem_logits.size())

        sum_logits = logits+con_logits#*(1-gate)
        _, preds = sum_logits.max(dim=2)
        return logits, preds

    def infomax_loss(self, con_nodes_features, db_nodes_features, con_user_emb, db_user_emb, con_label, db_label, mask):
        con_scores = F.linear(db_emb, con_nodes_features, self.info_output_con.bias)
        db_scores = F.linear(con_emb, db_nodes_features, self.info_output_db.bias)


        return torch.mean(info_db_loss), torch.mean(info_con_loss)

    def forward(self, xs, ys, mask_ys, concept_mask, db_mask, seed_sets, labels, con_label, db_label, entity_vector, rec, test=True, cand_params=None, prev_enc=None, maxlen=None,
        Get output predictions from the model.

        :param xs:
            input to the encoder
        :type xs:
            LongTensor[bsz, seqlen]
        :param ys:
            Expected output from the decoder. Used
            for teacher forcing to calculate loss.
        :type ys:
            LongTensor[bsz, outlen]
        :param prev_enc:
            if you know you'll pass in the same xs multiple times, you can pass
            in the encoder output from the last forward pass to skip
            recalcuating the same encoder output.
        :param maxlen:
            max number of tokens to decode. if not set, will use the length of
            the longest label this model has seen. ignored when ys is not None.
        :param bsz:
            if ys is not provided, then you must specify the bsz for greedy

            (scores, candidate_scores, encoder_states) tuple

            - scores contains the model's predicted token scores.
              (FloatTensor[bsz, seqlen, num_features])
            - candidate_scores are the score the model assigned to each candidate.
              (FloatTensor[bsz, num_cands])
            - encoder_states are the output of model.encoder. Model specific types.
              Feed this back in to skip encoding on the next call.
        if test == False:
            # TODO: get rid of longest_label
            # keep track of longest label we've ever seen
            # we'll never produce longer ones than that during prediction
            self.longest_label = max(self.longest_label, ys.size(1))

        # use cached encoding if available
        #xxs = self.embeddings(xs)
        #mask=xs == self.pad_idx
        encoder_states = prev_enc if prev_enc is not None else self.encoder(xs)

        # graph network
        db_nodes_features = self.dbpedia_RGCN(None, self.db_edge_idx, self.db_edge_type)

        user_representation_list = []
        for i, seed_set in enumerate(seed_sets):
            if seed_set == []:
            user_representation = db_nodes_features[seed_set]  # torch can reflect
            user_representation = self.self_attn_db(user_representation)



        uc_gate = F.sigmoid(self.gate_norm(user_emb))
        user_emb = uc_gate * db_user_emb + (1 - uc_gate) * con_user_emb
        entity_scores = F.linear(user_emb, db_nodes_features, self.output_en.bias)
        #entity_scores = scores_db * gate + scores_con * (1 - gate)

        #mask loss
        mask_loss=0#self.mask_predict_loss(m_emb, attention, xs, mask_mask.cuda(),rec.float())

        info_db_loss, info_con_loss=self.infomax_loss(con_nodes_features,db_nodes_features,con_user_emb,db_user_emb,con_label,db_label,db_con_mask)

        #entity_scores = F.softmax(entity_scores.cuda(), dim=-1).cuda()

        rec_loss=self.criterion(entity_scores.squeeze(1).squeeze(1).float(), labels.cuda())
        #rec_loss=self.klloss(entity_scores.squeeze(1).squeeze(1).float(), labels.float().cuda())
        rec_loss = torch.sum(rec_loss*rec.float().cuda())


        con_emb4gen = con_nodes_features4gen[concept_mask]
        con_mask4gen = concept_mask != self.concept_padding

        db_emb4gen=db_nodes_features[entity_vector] #batch*50*dim

        if test == False:
            # use teacher forcing
            scores, preds = self.decode_forced(encoder_states, kg_encoding, db_encoding, con_user_emb, db_user_emb, mask_ys)
            gen_loss = torch.mean(self.compute_loss(scores, mask_ys))

            scores, preds = self.decode_greedy(
                encoder_states, kg_encoding, db_encoding, con_user_emb, db_user_emb,
                maxlen or self.longest_label
            gen_loss = None

        return scores, preds, entity_scores, rec_loss, gen_loss, mask_loss, info_db_loss, info_con_loss

    def reorder_encoder_states(self, encoder_states, indices):
        Reorder encoder states according to a new set of indices.

        This is an abstract method, and *must* be implemented by the user.

        Its purpose is to provide beam search with a model-agnostic interface for
        beam search. For example, this method is used to sort hypotheses,
        expand beams, etc.

        For example, assume that encoder_states is an bsz x 1 tensor of values

        .. code-block:: python

            indices = [0, 2, 2]
            encoder_states = [[0.1]

        then the output will be

        .. code-block:: python

            output = [[0.1]

        :param encoder_states:
            output from encoder. type is model specific.

        :type encoder_states:
            model specific

        :param indices:
            the indices to select over. The user must support non-tensor

        :type indices: list[int]

            The re-ordered encoder states. It should be of the same type as
            encoder states, and it must be a valid input to the decoder.

            model specific
        enc, mask = encoder_states
        if not torch.is_tensor(indices):
            indices = torch.LongTensor(indices).to(enc.device)
        enc = torch.index_select(enc, 0, indices)
        mask = torch.index_select(mask, 0, indices)
        return enc, mask

    def reorder_decoder_incremental_state(self, incremental_state, inds):
        Reorder incremental state for the decoder.

        Used to expand selected beams in beam_search. Unlike reorder_encoder_states,
        implementing this method is optional. However, without incremental decoding,
        decoding a single beam becomes O(n^2) instead of O(n), which can make
        beam search impractically slow.

        In order to fall back to non-incremental decoding, just return None from this

        :param incremental_state:
            second output of model.decoder
        :type incremental_state:
            model specific
        :param inds:
            indices to select and reorder over.
        :type inds:

            The re-ordered decoder incremental states. It should be the same
            type as incremental_state, and usable as an input to the decoder.
            This method should return None if the model does not support
            incremental decoding.

            model specific
        # no support for incremental decoding at this time
        return None

    def compute_loss(self, output, scores):
        score_view = scores.view(-1)
        output_view = output.view(-1, output.size(-1))
        loss = self.criterion(output_view.cuda(), score_view.cuda())
        return loss

    def save_model(self):
        torch.save(self.state_dict(), 'saved_model/net_parameter1.pkl')

    def load_model(self):

    def output(self, tensor):
        # project back to vocabulary
        output = F.linear(tensor, self.embeddings.weight)
        up_bias = self.user_representation_to_bias_2(F.relu(self.user_representation_to_bias_1(self.user_rep)))
        # up_bias = self.user_representation_to_bias_3(F.relu(self.user_representation_to_bias_2(F.relu(self.user_representation_to_bias_1(self.user_representation)))))
        # Expand to the whole sequence
        up_bias = up_bias.unsqueeze(dim=1)
        output += up_bias
        return output