Пример #1
def init(args: Optional[argparse.Namespace] = None):
    """Initialize a simulation and read configuration.

    args : None or argparse.Namespace
        By default, None means getting arguments from command-line. If not None, it should be the
        return from ArgumentParser.parse().

    config : a torchswe.utils.config.Config
        A Config instance holding a case's simulation configurations. All paths are converted to
        absolute paths. The temporal scheme is replaced with the corresponding function.
    grid : torch.utils.data.Gridlines
        Contains gridline coordinates.
    topo : torch.utils.data.Topography
        Contains topography elevation data.
    state_ic : torchswe.utils.data.WHUHVModel
        Initial confitions.

    # get cmd arguments
    if args is None:
        args = get_cmd_arguments()
    args.case_folder = args.case_folder.expanduser().resolve()
    args.yaml = args.case_folder.joinpath("config.yaml")

    # read yaml config file
    with open(args.yaml, "r") as fobj:
        config = yaml.load(fobj, yaml.Loader)

    assert isinstance(config, Config), \
        "Failed to parse {} as an Config object. ".format(args.yaml) + \
        "Check if `--- !Config` appears in the header of the YAML"

    # add args to config
    config.case = args.case_folder
    config.dtype = "float32" if args.sp else "float64"

    if args.log_steps is not None:
        config.params.log_steps = args.log_steps

    if args.tm is not None:  # overwrite the setting in config.yaml
        config.temporal.scheme = args.tm

    # if topo filepath is relative, change to abs path
    config.topo.file = config.topo.file.expanduser()
    if not config.topo.file.is_absolute():
        config.topo.file = config.case.joinpath(config.topo.file).resolve()

    # if ic filepath is relative, change to abs path
    if config.ic.file is not None:
        config.ic.file = config.ic.file.expanduser()
        if not config.ic.file.is_absolute():
            config.ic.file = config.case.joinpath(config.ic.file).resolve()

    # if filepath of the prehook script is relative, change to abs path
    if config.prehook is not None:
        config.prehook = config.prehook.expanduser()
        if not config.prehook.is_absolute():
            config.prehook = config.case.joinpath(config.prehook).resolve()

    # spatial discretization + output time values
    grid = get_gridlines(
        *config.spatial.discretization, *config.spatial.domain,
                           config.temporal.output[1:], config.temporal.dt),

    # topography
    topo = get_topography(config.topo.file, config.topo.key, grid.x.vert,
                          grid.y.vert, config.dtype)

    # initial conditions
    state_ic = create_ic(config.ic, grid, topo, config.dtype)

    return config, grid, topo, state_ic
Пример #2
import numpy
from torchswe.utils.data import get_gridlines
from torchswe.utils.io import create_topography_file

def main():
    """Main function"""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    case = pathlib.Path(__file__).expanduser().resolve().parent

    with open(case.joinpath("config.yaml"), 'r') as f:
        config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)

    # gridlines; ignore temporal axis
    grid = get_gridlines(*config.spatial.discretization,
                         *config.spatial.domain, [], config.dtype)

    # topography, defined on cell vertices
    B = numpy.tile(5. * numpy.exp(-0.4 * ((grid.x.vert - 5.)**2)),
                   (grid.y.n + 1, 1))
                           [grid.x.vert, grid.y.vert], B)

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys