def nms(dets, thresh): return nms_torch(dets[:, :4], dets[:, 4], thresh)
def nms(det, threshold): return nms_torch(det[:, :4], det[:, 4], threshold)
def nms(dets, thresh): #print("a", dets[:, :4].size()) #print("b", dets[:, 4].size()) return nms_torch(dets[:, :4], dets[:, 4], thresh)
def forward(self, inputs, targets=None, meta=None): bone_feats = self.backbone(inputs) trans_feats = [] for feat, conv in zip(bone_feats, self.trans_conv): trans_feats.append(conv(feat)) features = self.bifpn(trans_feats) regression = [self.regressor(feature) for feature in features], dim=1) classification = [self.classifier(feature) for feature in features], dim=1) anchors = self.anchors(inputs) if cls_loss, reg_loss = self.focalLoss(classification, regression, anchors, targets) return { 'classification_loss': cls_loss, 'regression_loss': reg_loss } else: # 增加batch预测功能 transformed_anchors = self.regressBoxes(anchors, regression) # anchor预测结果 (B, N, 4) transformed_anchors = self.clipBoxes(transformed_anchors, inputs) # 每个anchor对应的类别的最大得分 scores = torch.max(classification, dim=2, keepdim=True)[0] # 通过得分阈值筛选有效anchor位置 scores_over_thresh = (scores > self.score_thr)[:, :, 0] # 对每一张图像分别进行后处理 batch_size = scores.shape[0] if meta is not None: scales = meta['scale'] outputs = [] for i in range(batch_size): result = [] # 第i个样本的有效anchor位置 scores_over_thresh_i = scores_over_thresh[i, :] # 有矩形框进行后处理 if scores_over_thresh_i.sum() > 0: # 第i个样本的每个类别得分 classification_i = classification[i, scores_over_thresh_i, :] # 第i个样本的举行框 transformed_anchors_i = transformed_anchors[ i, scores_over_thresh_i, :] # 第i个样本的所有有效anchor分数 scores_i = scores[i, scores_over_thresh_i, 0] # 通过分数进行nms(所有类别,此处不是multi-label nms) anchors_nms_idx = nms_torch(transformed_anchors_i, scores_i, self.iou_thr) # 获取通过nms后保留下来的anchor分数以及类别 nms_scores_i, nms_class_i = classification_i[ anchors_nms_idx, :].max(dim=1) # nms后保留下来的矩形框 nms_bboxes_i = transformed_anchors_i[anchors_nms_idx, :] # xyxy -> xywh nms_bboxes_i[:, 2] -= nms_bboxes_i[:, 0] nms_bboxes_i[:, 3] -= nms_bboxes_i[:, 1] # scale to the original size nms_bboxes_i /= scales[i] for j in range(nms_bboxes_i.shape[0]): _score = float(nms_scores_i[j]) _label = int(nms_class_i[j]) _box = nms_bboxes_i[j, :] item = { 'class': _label, 'score': _score, 'bbox': _box.tolist(), } result.append(item) outputs.append(result) return outputs