Пример #1
def ConvertPhoneImageToSLMImage(image_phone, SLM_to_phone_zoom_ratio):
    Resize the phone display image to be displayed on SLM, such that the phone
    display imaged onto SLM matches exactly the size and position of the one on
    the SLM. Returns a PIL image to be saved.

    image_phone: 2D numpy array with dtype uint8

    SLM_to_phone_zoom_ratio: the number of pixels on the SLM divided the number
    of pixels on the phone such that the pattern of their image are of the same
    r = SLM_to_phone_zoom_ratio  # equals the number of pixels of a line on SLM divided the that of the same line on the phone.
    (h, w) = (1152, 1920)  # SLM size

    #im = image_phone.transpose() # transpose the image from 1920x1080 to 1080x1920
    #im = im[::-1, :] # flip left and right

    # Pad the phone image to 1920x1600 to give enough margin for cropping later
    if isinstance(image_phone, (np.ndarray, )):
        #im = np.zeros((1920, 1600), dtype="uint8")
        #im[:, 260:(260+1080)] = image_phone
        im = np.zeros((h, w), dtype="uint8")
        im[36:(36 + 1080), :] = image_phone.transpose()
        imPIL = PIL.Image.fromarray(im)  # Convert from numpy to PIL image
    elif isinstance(image_phone, (torch.Tensor, )):
        #im = torch.zeros(1920, 1600, dtype=torch.uint8)
        #im[:, 260:(260+1080)] = image_phone
        im = torch.zeros(h, w, dtype=torch.uint8)
        im[36:(36 + 1080), :] = image_phone.t()
        imPIL = ToPILImage()(im)  # Convert from numpy to PIL image

    # Adjust pixel values according to SLM LUT
    # im[im == 0] = 155 # pixel value for the max transmission intensity on SLM
    # im[im == 255] = 77 # pixel value for the min transmission intensity on SLM

    # Resize the SLM image
    new_width = round(
        float(im.shape[1]) * r / 2
    ) * 2  # Calculate the resized image size, round to even number of pixels.
    new_height = round(float(im.shape[0]) * r / 2) * 2
    imPIL = imPIL.resize((new_width, new_height))  # Resize the image

    # Transform the image on the SLM to have the same spatial orientation as that on the phone.
    imPIL = PIL.ImageOps.flip(imPIL)
    imPIL = PIL.ImageOps.mirror(imPIL)

    # Create a PIL image of the exactly same size as required by the SLM.
    rowOffset = int(
        (imPIL.size[1] - h) /
        2)  # Calculate the boundary coordinate for cropping the image
    colOffset = int((imPIL.size[0] - w) /
                    2)  # PIL.size sequence is reversed from numpy.shape!!!!!!!
    image_SLM = imPIL.crop(
        (colOffset, rowOffset, colOffset + w,
         rowOffset + h))  # Crop the image to fit SLM size (1152x1920)

    return image_SLM
Пример #2
def create_image(net, loader, name, upscaling=2, multiscale=False):
    patch_size = 30
    patches = np.array(
        [[85, 90, 85 + patch_size, 90 + patch_size],
         [160, 140, 160 + patch_size, 140 + patch_size],
         [350, 80, 350 + patch_size, 80 + patch_size]])

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 18), dpi=100)
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(4, 3, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.3, left=0.05,
                          top=0.95, bottom=0.02, right=0.95)

    highres, lowres = loader[0]
    lowres = lowres.to(torch.device("cuda:0"))
    lowres = lowres.view([1] + list(lowres.size()))
    with torch.no_grad():
        if (multiscale):
            superres = net(lowres, upscaling)
            superres = net(lowres)
    lowres = ToImage()(lowres.cpu().view(lowres.size()[1:]))
    superres = ToImage()(superres.cpu().view(superres.size()[1:]))
    highres = ToImage()(highres.cpu().view(highres.size()[1:]))

    lowres_draw = lowres.copy()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(lowres_draw)
    draw.rectangle(list(patches[0]), outline='white')
    draw.rectangle(list(patches[1]), outline='white')
    draw.rectangle(list(patches[2]), outline='white')

    lowres = lowres.resize((lowres.size[0] * upscaling,
                            lowres.size[1] * upscaling),

    psnr_low, psnr_super, ssim_low, ssim_super = compute_metrics(
        net, DataLoader(loader), upscaling, multiscale)
    lowres_title = "Low-resolution image" +\
    "\nAverage PSNR over the dataset: {:.2f}\n".format(psnr_low) +\
    "Average SSIM over the dataset: {:.4f}".format(ssim_low)
    superres_title = "Reconstructed image\n" +\
    "Average PSNR over the dataset: {:.2f}\n".format(psnr_super) +\
    "Average SSIM over the dataset: {:.4f}".format(ssim_super)
    fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0], xticks=[], yticks=[],
                    ylabel=f"Image", title=lowres_title)
    fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], xticks=[], yticks=[],
    fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2], xticks=[], yticks=[],
                    title="High-resolution image")

    ylabels = ["Patch 1", "Patch 2", "Patch 3"]
    for i in range(3):
        print(lowres.size, highres.size, superres.size)
        lowres_patch = lowres.crop(patches[i] * upscaling)
        highres_patch = highres.crop(patches[i] * upscaling)
        superres_patch = superres.crop(patches[i] * upscaling)

        fig.add_subplot(gs[1 + i, 0], xticks=[], yticks=[],
        fig.add_subplot(gs[1 + i, 1], xticks=[], yticks=[])
        fig.add_subplot(gs[1 + i, 2], xticks=[], yticks=[])
