Пример #1
    def _prepare_request(self, messages):

        # Determine the URL for the messages
        url = self.url
        if self._append_message_type and len(messages) == 1 and messages[0].channel.is_meta():
            message_type = '/'.join(messages[0].channel.parts()[1:])
            if not url.endswith('/'):
                url += '/'
            url += message_type

        # Get the headers for the request
        headers = HTTPHeaders()
        for header, values in self.get_headers().iteritems():
            for value in values:
                headers.add(header, value)
        for header, value in headers.get_all():
            self.log.debug('Request header %s: %s' % (header, value))

        # Get the body for the request
        body = Message.to_json(messages, encoding='utf8')
        self.log.debug('Request body (length: %d): %s' % (len(body), body))

        # Get the timeout (in seconds)
        timeout = self.get_timeout(messages) / 1000.0
        self.log.debug('Request timeout: %ss' % timeout)

        # Build and return the request
        return HTTPRequest(
Пример #2
    def compose_response(self):

        headers = HTTPHeaders()

        headers = self.process_headers(headers)

        lines = []

        lines.append("HTTP/1.1 %d %s" % (

        for k, v in headers.get_all():
            lines.append(k + ": " + v)

        head = "\r\n".join(lines) + "\r\n\r\n"
        head = head.encode("ascii")

        body = self.process_body(self.response.body)

        if body is not None:
            return head + self.response.body
            return head
Пример #3
    def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):
        exc_info = kwargs.pop('exc_info')
        kwargs['exception'] = exc_info[1]

        if debug:
            message = "<h4>Error Code: " + str(status_code) + "</h4>"
            message += "<h4>Error Type: " + str(exc_info[0]) + "</h4>"
            message += "<h4>Error Detail: " + str(exc_info[1]) + "</h4>"

            message += "<h4>Header:</h4>"
            message += "<br />".join(
                '%s: "%s"' % (elem[0], elem[1]) for elem in HTTPHeaders.get_all(self.request.headers))
            message += "<h4>Content:</h4>"
            message += "<br />".join(
                ['%s: "%s"' % (key, ', '.join(value)) for key, value in self.request.arguments.items()])

            if "exc_info" in kwargs:
                message += "<h4>Traceback:</h4>"
                message += "<br />".join(traceback.format_exception(*kwargs["exc_info"]))

            message = message.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")

            if status_code == 404:
                sendEmail(u"404 页面找不到", message.decode('utf-8'))
            elif status_code == 500:
                sendEmail(u"500 页面找不到", message.decode('utf-8'))
                # self.render('500.html')
                sendEmail(u"*** 未知异常", message.decode('utf-8'))
                tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs)
            tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs)
Пример #4
    def _prepare_request(self, messages):

        # Determine the URL for the messages
        url = self.url
        if self._append_message_type and len(messages) == 1 and messages[0].channel.is_meta():
            message_type = '/'.join(messages[0].channel.parts()[1:])
            if not url.endswith('/'):
                url += '/'
            url += message_type

        # Get the headers for the request
        headers = HTTPHeaders()
        for header, values in self.get_headers().items():
            for value in values:
                headers.add(header, value)
        for header, value in headers.get_all():
            self.log.debug('Request header %s: %s' % (header, value))

        # Get the body for the request
        body = Message.to_json(messages, encoding='utf8')
        self.log.debug('Request body (length: %d): %s' % (len(body), body))

        # Get the timeout (in seconds)
        timeout = self.get_timeout(messages) / 1000.0
        self.log.debug('Request timeout: %ss' % timeout)

        # Build and return the request
        return HTTPRequest(
Пример #5
 def assert_headers_contains(self, headers: HTTPHeaders, contained: dict):
         all(item in headers.get_all() for item in contained.items()),
         "Headers does not contain expected headers"
         "\n  Expected headers:"
         f"\n    {pformat(contained, indent=6)}"
         "\n  All headers:"
         f"\n    {pformat(dict(headers.get_all()), indent=6)}")
Пример #6
 def test_pickle_roundtrip(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'a=b')
     headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'c=d')
     headers.add('Content-Type', 'text/html')
     pickled = pickle.dumps(headers)
     unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), sorted(unpickled.get_all()))
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.items()), sorted(unpickled.items()))
Пример #7
 def assert_headers_contains(self, headers: HTTPHeaders, contained: dict):
         all(item in headers.get_all() for item in contained.items()),
         "Headers does not contain expected headers"
         "\n  Expected headers:"
         f"\n    {pformat(contained, indent=6)}"
         "\n  All headers:"
         f"\n    {pformat(dict(headers.get_all()), indent=6)}"
Пример #8
 def test_pickle_roundtrip(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'a=b')
     headers.add('Set-Cookie', 'c=d')
     headers.add('Content-Type', 'text/html')
     pickled = pickle.dumps(headers)
     unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), sorted(unpickled.get_all()))
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.items()), sorted(unpickled.items()))
Пример #9
 def test_pickle_roundtrip(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers.add("Set-Cookie", "a=b")
     headers.add("Set-Cookie", "c=d")
     headers.add("Content-Type", "text/html")
     pickled = pickle.dumps(headers)
     unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), sorted(unpickled.get_all()))
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.items()), sorted(unpickled.items()))
Пример #10
 def test_setdefault(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers["foo"] = "bar"
     # If a value is present, setdefault returns it without changes.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("foo", "baz"), "bar")
     self.assertEqual(headers["foo"], "bar")
     # If a value is not present, setdefault sets it for future use.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("quux", "xyzzy"), "xyzzy")
     self.assertEqual(headers["quux"], "xyzzy")
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), [("Foo", "bar"), ("Quux", "xyzzy")])
Пример #11
 def test_pickle_roundtrip(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers.add("Set-Cookie", "a=b")
     headers.add("Set-Cookie", "c=d")
     headers.add("Content-Type", "text/html")
     pickled = pickle.dumps(headers)
     unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.items()), sorted(unpickled.items()))
Пример #12
 def test_setdefault(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers['foo'] = 'bar'
     # If a value is present, setdefault returns it without changes.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault('foo', 'baz'), 'bar')
     self.assertEqual(headers['foo'], 'bar')
     # If a value is not present, setdefault sets it for future use.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault('quux', 'xyzzy'), 'xyzzy')
     self.assertEqual(headers['quux'], 'xyzzy')
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), [('Foo', 'bar'), ('Quux', 'xyzzy')])
Пример #13
 def test_setdefault(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers['foo'] = 'bar'
     # If a value is present, setdefault returns it without changes.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault('foo', 'baz'), 'bar')
     self.assertEqual(headers['foo'], 'bar')
     # If a value is not present, setdefault sets it for future use.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault('quux', 'xyzzy'), 'xyzzy')
     self.assertEqual(headers['quux'], 'xyzzy')
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), [('Foo', 'bar'), ('Quux', 'xyzzy')])
Пример #14
 def test_setdefault(self):
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers["foo"] = "bar"
     # If a value is present, setdefault returns it without changes.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("foo", "baz"), "bar")
     self.assertEqual(headers["foo"], "bar")
     # If a value is not present, setdefault sets it for future use.
     self.assertEqual(headers.setdefault("quux", "xyzzy"), "xyzzy")
     self.assertEqual(headers["quux"], "xyzzy")
     self.assertEqual(sorted(headers.get_all()), [("Foo", "bar"),
                                                  ("Quux", "xyzzy")])
Пример #15
 def test_serialize_response(self):
     req = HTTPRequest("http://foo.com")
     dct = {'foo': 'bar'}
     headers = HTTPHeaders()
     headers.add("Foo", "bar")
     headers.add("Foo", "bar2")
     headers.add("Foo2", "bar3")
     buf = BytesIO(b"foo")
     response = HTTPResponse(req, 200, headers=headers, buffer=buf)
     msg = serialize_http_response(response, dict_to_inject=dct)
     (status_code, body, body_link, headers, extra_dict) = \
     self.assertEquals(status_code, 200)
     self.assertEquals(body_link, None)
     self.assertEquals(len(extra_dict), 1)
     self.assertEquals(extra_dict['foo'], 'bar')
     self.assertEquals(body, b"foo")
     self.assertEquals(len(list(headers.get_all())), 3)
     self.assertEquals(headers['Foo2'], "bar3")
     self.assertEquals(headers['Foo'], "bar,bar2")
Пример #16
    def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):
        exc_info = kwargs.pop('exc_info')
        kwargs['exception'] = exc_info[1]

        if debug:
            message = "<h4>Error Code: " + str(status_code) + "</h4>"
            message += "<h4>Error Type: " + str(exc_info[0]) + "</h4>"
            message += "<h4>Error Detail: " + str(exc_info[1]) + "</h4>"

            message += "<h4>Header:</h4>"
            message += "<br />".join(
                '%s: "%s"' % (elem[0], elem[1])
                for elem in HTTPHeaders.get_all(self.request.headers))
            message += "<h4>Content:</h4>"
            message += "<br />".join([
                '%s: "%s"' % (key, ', '.join(value))
                for key, value in self.request.arguments.items()

            if "exc_info" in kwargs:
                message += "<h4>Traceback:</h4>"
                message += "<br />".join(

            message = message.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")

            if status_code == 404:
                sendEmail(u"404 页面找不到", message.decode('utf-8'))
            elif status_code == 500:
                sendEmail(u"500 页面找不到", message.decode('utf-8'))
                # self.render('500.html')
                sendEmail(u"*** 未知异常", message.decode('utf-8'))
                tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error(self, status_code,
            tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs)
Пример #17
 def test_header_reuse(self):
     # Apps may reuse a headers object if they are only passing in constant
     # headers like user-agent.  The header object should not be modified.
     headers = HTTPHeaders({'User-Agent': 'Foo'})
     self.fetch("/hello", headers=headers)
     self.assertEqual(list(headers.get_all()), [('User-Agent', 'Foo')])
Пример #18
 def write_headers(
     start_line: Union[httputil.RequestStartLine,
     headers: httputil.HTTPHeaders,
     chunk: bytes = None,
 ) -> "Future[None]":
     """Implements `.HTTPConnection.write_headers`."""
     lines = []
     if self.is_client:
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.RequestStartLine)
         self._request_start_line = start_line
             utf8("%s %s HTTP/1.1" % (start_line[0], start_line[1])))
         # Client requests with a non-empty body must have either a
         # Content-Length or a Transfer-Encoding.
         self._chunking_output = (
             start_line.method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH")
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             and ("Transfer-Encoding" not in headers
                  or headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked"))
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.ResponseStartLine)
         assert self._request_start_line is not None
         assert self._request_headers is not None
         self._response_start_line = start_line
             utf8("HTTP/1.1 %d %s" % (start_line[1], start_line[2])))
         self._chunking_output = (
             # TODO: should this use
             # self._request_start_line.version or
             # start_line.version?
             self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
             # 1xx, 204 and 304 responses have no body (not even a zero-length
             # body), and so should not have either Content-Length or
             # Transfer-Encoding headers.
             and start_line.code not in (204, 304) and
             (start_line.code < 100 or start_line.code >= 200)
             # No need to chunk the output if a Content-Length is specified.
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             # Applications are discouraged from touching Transfer-Encoding,
             # but if they do, leave it alone.
             and "Transfer-Encoding" not in headers)
         # If connection to a 1.1 client will be closed, inform client
         if (self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
                 and self._disconnect_on_finish):
             headers["Connection"] = "close"
         # If a 1.0 client asked for keep-alive, add the header.
         if (self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.0"
                 and self._request_headers.get("Connection",
                                               "").lower() == "keep-alive"):
             headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
     if self._chunking_output:
         headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
     if not self.is_client and (self._request_start_line.method == "HEAD"
                                or cast(httputil.ResponseStartLine,
                                        start_line).code == 304):
         self._expected_content_remaining = 0
     elif "Content-Length" in headers:
         self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers["Content-Length"])
         self._expected_content_remaining = None
     # TODO: headers are supposed to be of type str, but we still have some
     # cases that let bytes slip through. Remove these native_str calls when those
     # are fixed.
     header_lines = (native_str(n) + ": " + native_str(v)
                     for n, v in headers.get_all())
     lines.extend(l.encode("latin1") for l in header_lines)
     for line in lines:
         if b"\n" in line:
             raise ValueError("Newline in header: " + repr(line))
     future = None
     if self.stream.closed():
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         data = b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"
         if chunk:
             data += self._format_chunk(chunk)
         self._pending_write = self.stream.write(data)
     return future
Пример #19
 def write_headers(
     start_line: Union[httputil.RequestStartLine, httputil.ResponseStartLine],
     headers: httputil.HTTPHeaders,
     chunk: bytes = None,
 ) -> "Future[None]":
     """Implements `.HTTPConnection.write_headers`."""
     lines = []
     if self.is_client:
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.RequestStartLine)
         self._request_start_line = start_line
         lines.append(utf8("%s %s HTTP/1.1" % (start_line[0], start_line[1])))
         # Client requests with a non-empty body must have either a
         # Content-Length or a Transfer-Encoding.
         self._chunking_output = (
             start_line.method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH")
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             and "Transfer-Encoding" not in headers
         assert isinstance(start_line, httputil.ResponseStartLine)
         assert self._request_start_line is not None
         assert self._request_headers is not None
         self._response_start_line = start_line
         lines.append(utf8("HTTP/1.1 %d %s" % (start_line[1], start_line[2])))
         self._chunking_output = (
             # TODO: should this use
             # self._request_start_line.version or
             # start_line.version?
             self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
             # 1xx, 204 and 304 responses have no body (not even a zero-length
             # body), and so should not have either Content-Length or
             # Transfer-Encoding headers.
             and start_line.code not in (204, 304)
             and (start_line.code < 100 or start_line.code >= 200)
             # No need to chunk the output if a Content-Length is specified.
             and "Content-Length" not in headers
             # Applications are discouraged from touching Transfer-Encoding,
             # but if they do, leave it alone.
             and "Transfer-Encoding" not in headers
         # If connection to a 1.1 client will be closed, inform client
         if (
             self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.1"
             and self._disconnect_on_finish
             headers["Connection"] = "close"
         # If a 1.0 client asked for keep-alive, add the header.
         if (
             self._request_start_line.version == "HTTP/1.0"
             and self._request_headers.get("Connection", "").lower() == "keep-alive"
             headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
     if self._chunking_output:
         headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
     if not self.is_client and (
         self._request_start_line.method == "HEAD"
         or cast(httputil.ResponseStartLine, start_line).code == 304
         self._expected_content_remaining = 0
     elif "Content-Length" in headers:
         self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers["Content-Length"])
         self._expected_content_remaining = None
     # TODO: headers are supposed to be of type str, but we still have some
     # cases that let bytes slip through. Remove these native_str calls when those
     # are fixed.
     header_lines = (
         native_str(n) + ": " + native_str(v) for n, v in headers.get_all()
     lines.extend(l.encode("latin1") for l in header_lines)
     for line in lines:
         if b"\n" in line:
             raise ValueError("Newline in header: " + repr(line))
     future = None
     if self.stream.closed():
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         future = self._write_future = Future()
         data = b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"
         if chunk:
             data += self._format_chunk(chunk)
         self._pending_write = self.stream.write(data)
         future_add_done_callback(self._pending_write, self._on_write_complete)
     return future
Пример #20
def dump_headers(headers: HTTPHeaders) -> str:
    return json.dumps(list(headers.get_all()))
Пример #21
 def test_header_reuse(self):
     # Apps may reuse a headers object if they are only passing in constant
     # headers like user-agent.  The header object should not be modified.
     headers = HTTPHeaders({'User-Agent': 'Foo'})
     self.fetch("/hello", headers=headers)
     self.assertEqual(list(headers.get_all()), [('User-Agent', 'Foo')])
Пример #22
 def test_header_reuse(self: typing.Any):
     # Apps may reuse a headers object if they are only passing in constant
     # headers like user-agent.  The header object should not be modified.
     headers = HTTPHeaders({"User-Agent": "Foo"})
     self.fetch("/hello", headers=headers)
     self.assertEqual(list(headers.get_all()), [("User-Agent", "Foo")])
Пример #23
class ResponseHandler(object):
    timeout = 10
    chunked = False
    length = None
    finished_headers = False
    length_sent = False
    code = message = path = None
    def __init__(self, conn, stream, start_line):
        self.conn = conn
        self.stream = stream
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.method, self.path, self.version = start_line
        self.version = self.version.rstrip()
        if not self.conn.old_client and self.version == 'HTTP/1.0':
            self.conn.old_client = True
            self.conn.old_client = True
            assert self.version == 'HTTP/1.1'
        self.headers = HTTPHeaders()
        self.headers.add("Server", "MYOB/1.0")
        self.pending = [] # delay body writes until headers sent
    def date_time_string(self,timestamp=None):
        """Return the current date and time formatted for a message header."""
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = time.time()
        if isinstance(timestamp,(int,float)):
            year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(timestamp)
            year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = timestamp
        s = "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
                day, self.monthname[month], year,
                hh, mm, ss)
        return s
    weekdayname = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']

    monthname = [None,
                 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
                 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
    def set_chunked(self):
        assert False, "uuu"
        assert self.length is None, "You can't both be chunked and have a length!"
        self.headers["Transport-Encoding"] = "chunked"
        self.chunked = True
        return self.actually_send_header("Transport-Encoding")
    def set_length(self,length):
        if self.conn.old_client: return # connection terminates at end of data anyway
        assert self.chunked is not True, "You can't specify a length when chunking"
        assert self.code not in {301,302,303,304,204},"No length for these codes"
        self.headers['Content-Length'] = denumber(length)
        self.length = length
        note('set the length te',length)
        return self.actually_send_header('Content-Length')
    def check_header(self,name,value):
        if not self.chunked and name == 'Transport-Encoding' and 'chunked' in self.headers[name]:
            assert False, 'wonk'
            self.chunked = True
        elif name == 'Content-Length':
            if self.conn.old_client: return True # connection terminates at end of data anyway
            if not self.length:
                assert self.code not in {204},"No length for these codes"
                self.length = value
    status_sent = False
    def send_status(self,code,message):
        self.code = code
        self.message = message
        self.status_sent = True
        return self.stream.write(b'HTTP/1.1 '+
                b' '+utf8(message)+b'\r\n')
    def send_header(self,name,value=None):
        if value is not None:
        if self.check_header(name,value): 
            del self.headers[name]
            return self.actually_send_header(name)
    needDate = True
    def actually_send_header(self,name):
        if self.status_sent is not True:
            if self.code:
                yield self.send_status(self.code,self.message)
                print("need to send status first!")
                raise RuntimeError('please send status')
        yield send_header(self.stream, name, self.headers[name])
        if name == 'Date':
            self.needDate = False
        del self.headers[name]
    def end_headers(self):
        if self.finished_headers:
            raise RuntimeError('finished headers already!')
        if not self.conn.old_client:
        if self.needDate:
            yield self.send_header('Date',datetime.now())
        for name,normalized_value in self.headers.get_all():
            yield send_header(self.stream, name, normalized_value)
        if not self.chunked and self.length is None:
            if self.code in {304,204}: #...?
                assert not self.pending,"No data for these codes allowed (or length header)"
                if not self.conn.old_client:
                    length = 0
                    for chunk in self.pending:
                        # no reason to chunk, since we got all the body already
                        length += len(chunk)
                    yield self.actually_send_header("Content-Length")
                    self.length = length
        yield self.stream.write(b'\r\n')
        self.finished_headers = True
        yield self.flush_pending()
    def flush_pending(self):
        pending = self.pending
        self.pending = None
        for chunk in pending:
            yield self.write(chunk)
    written = 0
    def write(self,chunk):
        if self.pending is not None:
            return success
        if self.chunked:
            chunk = self.conn._format_chunk(chunk)
        elif self.length:
            if isinstance(chunk,str):
                chunk = utf8(chunk)
            self.length -= len(chunk)
        elif self.conn.old_client:
            if isinstance(chunk,str):
                chunk = utf8(chunk)
        elif self.length == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Either tried to send 2 chunks while setting a length, or body was supposed to be empty.")
            raise RuntimeError("Can't add to the body and automatically calculate content length. Either set chunked, or set the length, or write the whole body before ending headers.")
        self.written += len(chunk)
        return self.stream.write(chunk)
    def respond(self):
            response = yield self.do()
            note('got response',derpid(self))
            if not self.finished_headers:
                yield self.end_headers()
        except Redirect as e:
            yield self.send_status(e.code,e.message)
            yield self.send_header('Location',e.location)
            yield self.end_headers()
    def redirect(self,location,code=302,message='boink'):
        raise Redirect(self,location,code,message)
    ip = None
    def recordAccess(self):
        print(json.dumps((self.ip or self.conn.address[0],self.method,self.code,self.path,self.written,time.time())))
    def received_headers(self): pass
    def received_header(self,name,value):
        "received a header just now, can setup, or raise an error if this is not a good header"
        if name == 'Content-Length':
            note('setting length')
            self.length = int(value)
        elif name == 'Transport-Encoding':
            if 'chunked' in value:
                assert False, 'uhhh'
                self.chunked = True
    def OK(self):
        "Check headers/IP if this request's body is OK to push."
        return True
    def do(self):
        "return a Future for when writing the response is finished."
        "override this to wrap all requests in context"
        return getattr(self, self.method.lower())()
    def abort(self,stage):
        "called when a request was in the process of being received, or waiting to start writing back and the connection dies."